I think all adult gamers can agree that women dressing like this in video games is ridiculous and breaks suspension of disbelief.
I think all adult gamers can agree that women dressing like this in video games is ridiculous and breaks suspension of...
It is but it also breaks my dick.
Good thing you aren't paid to think
As always OP is a fag.
yeah, especially when when swords look like pointy ornaments, and magic can summon colorful beasts. it's the bikini that breaks the submersion and believability of a series.
As an adult gamer i disagree.
I think all adult gamers can agree that FUCK DISCORD TRANNIES and FUCK NIGGERS
I know women who dress like that in real life. Some just like it. Hell, my ex wife would always make herself ad sexy as possible in games, wearing the least amount possible. She would complain sometimes about objectoficatuon of women in beauty advertising, but never about women in video games. She would argue with people that it's just a game, it isn't real so they should stop getting mad.
>but scarf
Weird but ok
>breaks suspension of disbelief.
Read The Davinci Code if you want suspension.
It enables the suspension of my boxers.
FFX made me want both a sporty blonde girlfriend and a big tiddy goth girlfriend.
Guess what I settled on.
she is a smart woman
Your left hand?
A fat girl?
Isn't she basically a pirate though? If I lived on a boat or on the water, I would be wearing swim wear too
Videogames represent fantasy scenarios. So a woman dressed like that (or any other way) it totally fine, as long as it suits that specific fantasy scenario.
I think all adult gamers can agree that OP not being a fag is ridiculous and breaks suspension of disbelief
yeah, but OP wouldnt know that since OP doesnt play games
this but it's good to profile this op
i think all adult gamers can agree... ah shit i gotta pay these bills, i cant play vidya now. maybe the weekend if im not still in debt
>breaks suspension of disbelief
Oh no my suspension of disbelief broke not because of the flying dragons, or giant swords, or super lasers or literal gods, NO it was the fact a woman had tits bigger than an A cup.
Either you're on some really bad drugs or your mind got raped by aliens. There's no way to be able to suspend disbelief over actual impossible things but then lose all possibility when a girls boobs were bigger than an A cup.
Unironically didnt bother with nier automata because of that
We in the civilized adult world call that extreme faggotry.
The answer was “neither”
oh so you did choose the blonde
Playing vidya is one of the most cost effective things to do while broke, assuming you already own the game/system. When I have some extra money, I go out and spend it. When I’ve just paid a bunch of bills, or spent more than I normally do, that’s when I sit around playing games all day.
OP a faggot
Tidus went for the wrong cousin.
I agree
Yuna is boring as fuck
I think we can agree that tumblrfaggots need to shut the fuck up and stop treating the female body like it's something to be ashamed of.
A man.
This is how my mom dresses though D:
It's called fantasy for a reason.
I think youre a fagoot.
What's wrong with it?
When I was a teenager I used to get embarrassed about playing games with girls that were dressed like Riku but as I got older (and had sex with 3dpd) I stopped caring. Besides that in FFX-2 the entire planet is undergoing a secular revolution after being under and oppressive religious government. Seems to make sense fro ma world building perspective that there would be tons of young women being cum dumpsters
Did she ded?
your ex seemed like a keeper, what happened?
>secular revolution after being under and oppressive religious government.
Girls dressed like sluts in FFX too
>young attractive woman in good shape showing off her body
>This is hateful ban it!
>fat positive, handi-capable, nonbinary, trans, POC, that is freebleeding right now
>OMG so wholesome
Roasties are just devastated that they can't compete with cartoon women.
Imagine being this much of a moralfag
>implying appreciating the human form is immoral
The girls in ffx2 are too skinny.
I wouldn't go that far. She was book smart, but let her emotions dictate her actions.
Dead to me
She had a mental breakdown and divorced me. Then nearly lost the house and car because she couldn't get a job because she had no aplicable skills.
As a gurl gamur
fuck you give me virtual tiddies
No it simply makes me think the devs are trying to pad out a shit game with sexy woman
If it's so harmful then why do so many female cosplayers love dressing like them?
It worked. Outsold the first game by miles just cause of the booty.
I think adult gamers should be able to handle a bit of female skin and breasts.
>oh no a female body
Fuck off incel.
What game?
No, women should all wear burkas because it's empowering.
You seem to forget what 'suspension of disbelief' is. As long as it does not go against the artistic themes of the game, suspension of disbelief is designed to prevent you from losing your immersion. Her design doesn't go against the rest of the game; in fact it fits rather well. Her Brother wears this. Scanty clothing isn't uncommon in FFX, especially considering the tropical and desert areas.
On the contrary, I would put forth that someone who sees a scantily dressed woman in a game and instantly balks and loses their immersion is immature, whether it's due to prudishness or being a horndog.
Yakuza 0 user, go play it and the rest of the series
>Women dress like whores in real life
>make a whore in videogame
I agree with OP
>HURR DUR I need 100% realism in muh games, I can't into fantasy
Fucking westerners. We get it, your life sucks, so you want to recreate that life vicariously through technology and make it as dull and boring as the real thing, all just to save you the hassle of going outside. Why bother playing anything other than CoD and the Sims?
I find it funny that later, when they have a fanservice hot springs scene, she actually puts more clothes on her body compared to her default outfit.
dam, that's rough user, hope you're doing well for yourself at least. had 2 uncles get dicked over by crazy girls, one divorsed and the other almost married a girl till he found out she had been using a fake name and everything for almost two years, they were living together in a nyc apartment and when he caught on she ghosted him and we haven't heard anything about her for years.
So only fucked in the head women think like that? While other normal women agreed that they are cringe and breaks suspension of disbelief?
I don't know man. One time I was in San Francisco and saw a large group of ravers and the majority of the girls had on nothing but bikinis and odd accessories.
Fantasy can affect reality, retards.
Are you fucking serious?
This. All they had to do was have her wear he default thong without the skirt and scarf
what a faggot
the absolute state of virtue signalling soiis lmfao, turn off the camera and he wouldn't have reacted at all
You guys do know that he's doing it ironically, right? It's a fucking joke.
I see this even now and I still think he's a giant faggot.
"in what step in education and parenting did he start to become a closeted homo?" is what I am pondering.
don't know who that is so i didn't know but good to know
but it doesn't have to in every aspect
Again, no. Just because my ex had a mental breakdown has nothing to do with the other women I know who still think the same. I've never met a woman who plays games who have ever complained about it. They've joked about how they look rediculous, but in the end they know it's a game and tend to dress their characters in a similar way. People like to look attractive/sexy. It's just how we are.
It sucks when you spend 10 years with them and then boom, fuck you. Certainly turned me off relationships for a while. This was also 3 years ago.
No you're just a faggot
Only if you're a literal brainlet who can't into separation of fantasy and reality and think real life is like your vidya games.
You think people are gonna suddenly start believing this is what Roman Emperor Nero looked like just because of their appearance in Fate? Get real.
I'd love to see research that shows a correlation between sexy video games girls and a diminishing of quality of life for women.
All you ever hear about is unquantifiable bullshit about rape culture.
Or better yet let's ask real women how they feel about it. Women who play games would say they like it, most women would say they don't care and only a tiny fraction of sjw roasties would have a shitfit. As usual the vocal minority being the fun police.
This is the same type of guy who would blog about how women are all dumb fucking whores and won't date a nice guy like him.
source: trust me bro
>and stop treating the female body like it's something to be ashamed of.
This but holy fuck is SJW logic backwards and self-defeating
>sexy, scantily clad fictional women in vidya bad
>forced to covered up head to toe in burqa women in fundamentalist muslim countries good and empowering
What the actual fuck
Feminists insist that women act like men. They are inherently anti-feminine.
>good game with fun gameplay
>(2two) sexy women and 1 (one) cute boy to play as
You missed out dumbass
gay lol
>I think all adult gamers can agree that men dressing like this in video games is ridiculous and breaks suspension of disbelief.
>entire world has tropical climate
>dress in bathing suit
>this is wrong
Don't speak again.
I think you're an insecure wymyn faggot.
I don't care about how skimpy outfits can get. Even if they're in a serious story it's fine. Bikini armor, whatever. What does actually break me out of it is stupidly huge tits. There's a point where it's goes from nice to look at to distracting. Anybody else get that feeling?
>I can separate fiction from reality
I choose to believe the Roman Emperor Nero looks like fate Nero
I also know someone like this. OP caught the gay
Have you ever been to a beach? I saw way more revealing last summer. Thongkinis are very in apparently.
On one hand I can understand that viewpoint user, and it's a fair and valid one down to individual taste. On the other hand Based Raita is a hero and a scholar
You think so too? It's better this way though. More Rikku for me.
There are people out there who like to flaunt what they have, some people are reserved, prudish and shy, others are flamboyant, flirty and enjoy exhibitionism.
I like my girls modest, sensible and reliable but I won’t stop others liking flirty, playful genkigirls and neither should you.
It's an improvement
You can just imagine in the setting that ridiculous looking tits are not something out of place or uncommon so it makes no sense to apply 3D real world views on a fantasy world
Flat RAITA>torpedo RAITA
God dammit I'm at work and I want to jack off to hot video game girls, FUCK
It's a shame that so many people think so unuronically
>On the contrary, I would put forth that someone who sees a scantily dressed woman in a game and instantly balks and loses their immersion is immature, whether it's due to prudishness or being a horndog.
Exactly my thoughts when I see some faggot on Yea Forums or elsewhere complain about 2B's outfit.