>I'm not alone, either. People have always sought different ways to play a game, and we hypocritically conflate the terms "easy," "effective," and "fun" with whatever makes us situationally look better. Players used to hold their PSPs in weird ways, a method called the "claw," in order to control Monster Hunter's camera correctly. Capcom probably didn't plan for that! Cheat Engine, essentially a modern day Game Genie, is a piece of software entirely devoted to letting you, well, cheat. Every person has a story where they glitched through a wall, or watched a boss glitch to their death, and celebrated that advancement as canon. Hell, FromSoftware games used to celebrate their glitches, allowing players to progress, even if a boss accidentally fell off a cliff. (Sekiro no longer does this.)
I'm not alone, either. People have always sought different ways to play a game...
Other urls found in this thread:
But Sekiro is on Easy Mode by default.
You only unlock the Normal Mode after you beat it once.
Also hard mode with the demon bell
From what I can tell from this paragraph, easy mode isn't necessary because there are other ways to make the game easier for yourself.
The bell demon alone doesn't really do much. It's only with the lack of 100% damage reduction on botched deflects the increase in enemy strength is noticeable.
If you want to cheat so bad then fucking do it, i don't see why a game developer has to cater to your specific way to play games
New Game+ and beyond aye the harder modes.
Easy is default.
Actually his point is that FromSoftware should find a "From way" to make an easy mode.
He actually wanted infinite ressurections
You already have like 5 resurrections, is this not enough?
Prosthetics are the easy mode, why can't these faggots realize this?
Every single enemy has a huge weakness to a prosthetic that makes the fights so much easier, even the last 2 bosses of the game have this...
Reminder to ignore clickbait "easy mode" articles. The only reason they exist is because they get both sides of the arguement in a froth and fighting. No one cared either way until click bait journos decided to pit its against each other to reap the ad revenue.
>He actually wanted infinite ressurections
How the fuck is that a "From way"?
I'm beginning to think that after the "white protagonist" and "sexist female representation" bullshit, now they're looking to casualize all gaming genres. It seems like this is the next step (ignoring how call of duty and walking simulators have infested a big part of the industry)
Expect your game to be boycotted and you being reported for hate speech because you don't pander to the 1% of retards that don't have the reactions to play your game properly.
They just want to eradicate all passion from gaming, and just turn it into your typical hollywood movie/ evening tv show.
You fucking retard. PASTEBIN IT.
Because you still "die" in the end, and apparently to die and respawn is still "frustrating"
Don't read the article, its shit anyway
>get up on the spot with no consequence
Who gives a shit? WHO GIVES A SHIT??? Who gives a shit on their worthless and insignificant opinion?
when will people start asking for things to be easy, instead of self improving?
How would the modern world look like, if everyting was easy from the start?
>normalfags are excluded from a single game
>screech and stomp to make it appeal to them instead
I don't even enjoy soulslike games but they're based just for getting dumb casuals butthurt because they can't memorize 15 second patterns
Why do people just refuse to learn a game's mechanics and just want to mash?
and this
>How would the modern world look like
Like it does right now. Because
>when will people start asking for things to be easy, instead of self improving?
Happened a while ago.
These are the people who want casual shit with absolutely no death at all like some games have, I remember that one Prince of Persia 08 rewinded time when you died shit's stupid.
I'm starting to think that game journalists are just failed normies/dude bros that can't play anything aside from cod, walking sims or fifa. No wonder they want everything casualized.
Excuse me, but this book too long to read and too hard to understand.
As a book reviewer i think it isn't acceptable. Every book should contain short version of whole story with all its meaning after it.
They want to feel good defeating a boss but don't want to work for it.
Any tips for OWL?
Meanwhile in Eastern Asia
oh nooo i can't play this one game everyone is playing, guess i'll just have to play the dozens of triple A casual releases that are set to come out this year instead
Back in school I never really read the classics they made us to, I read the short summaries and pretended I had read the real thing when we had to write an essay about the book. But now I kinda want to read some of them of my own volition, because they seem more interesting than they were to a schoolkid.
Git gud.
That's called a synopsis
Man is that boss AI memory leak still in the game since bloodborne?
>an old Jap dude who sucks at action games can beat it
>literal cripple can beat it
>journos can't
Jesus Christ
>[...]Civilization VI, a hardcore strategy game[...]
Opinion discarded
>Placing your hands differently on the controller or accidentally cheesing a boss is the same as cheating with external programs
But Sekiro is a casual AAA game.
Nice pic. Saved.
It's not a memory leak, it's just how the boss works.
no it isn't
Which would be funnier to put into a game to fuck with vidya bloggers? Any other ideas?
>game has an easy mode but it only unlocks after you beat it on normal
>game has an eady mode but its still very hard (essentially just renaming normal to easy and hard to normal)
>the easy mode is called video game journalist mode
From soft games have the worst fucking AI.
>there is easy mode, but it's placebo
Before I click on the article, I bet this was written by either Patrick or Austin.
>it's TopKek
Fuck this guy
Rule of law in this industry, never listen to journalists.
Who cares? People who play single player games were never looking for a challenge. It's literally the baby mode of video games from the get-go.
she's the dodging tutorial, it's not supposed to be hard
>every person has a story where they glitched through a wall, or watched a boss glitch to their death
Fucking cock sucking dirty cunt, i'm not shit like you and when the boss is glitching i let him kill me.
>imagine unironically cheesing bossfight
Fucking cunt
She is the first casual filter, once I "got" her, i could beat her two phases in one life.
All the bosses have this sort of AI though if you go hyper aggressive and only have 2 move sets to get out of hyper aggressive play. Sekiro it becomes more apparent because you can defend against everything. Even when I did demon of hated, the AI would get pissed off because it couldn't do anything and just spam charge 4 times in a row.
>and celebrated that advancement as canon
He's probably talking about the Iron Golem's scripted fall or something.
It's scripted?
>She is the first casual filter
Nah. I just mashed her and Gyoubu to death. The real casual filter (although entirely optional) is the seven spear guy. He hits much harder than the first two regular bosses did, uses both unblockable attack types, has superarmor, and even counters your mikiri counters.
He taught me to play the game Sekiro way.
It sure as hell doesn't just slip on geometry and fall into the deathbox below the tower. It has special animation dedicated to it losing the balance on the edge of the arena and falling.
>there's an easy mode but it locks you out of any good endings and the final boss is a joke
Would reveal if any reviews are made after just beating easy.
>Mikiri Counter: The Boss
>Casual filter
You misspelled retard filter, user.
Yeah idk what that is about. Mega Ornstein got stuck in the wall when he was half dead for me and I definitely wasn't happy.
>Hell, FromSoftware games used to celebrate their glitches, allowing players to progress, even if a boss accidentally fell off a cliff.
I dont mind having variety but please dont resort to outright cheating through invincibility, then there is no point in playing at all.
Same difference.
>Players used to hold their PSPs in weird ways, a method called the "claw," in order to control Monster Hunter's camera correctly. Capcom probably didn't plan for that!
How retarded can this author be? Of course they intended for that, it's literally the only way to play properly.
Just gas these people. They will never produce anything of worth in their lives if they're unironically complaining about failing in video games on easy mode.
>Talk about video game difficulty
>Make it political
I really hope I snap some day and get thrown into a padded cell where's it's quiet and less insane.
same with Ceaseless Discharge
anyway, first 2 phases of Corrupted monk can be stealth killed, there could be more tricks like that. Lightning reversal feels like easy mode too.
>People who disagree with me are Alt-Right
Sasuga, Resetera
They're retarded and think an intentional design is a glitch
the article has to have a certain amount of words and sentences, everything besides the clickbait title at the top is filler
Aren't loss states really just a pointless waste of time, though?
>FromSoftware games used to celebrate their glitches, allowing players to progress, even if a boss accidentally fell off a cliff
I can't think of a single boss tbat could accidentally fall of a cliff.
I cant into fighting games, that doesnt mean i want devs to simplify controls for those games.
Then you haven't played Dark Souls 1.
>there could be more tricks like that
Shichimen and the lightning faggot in Fountainhead can be oneshot with the mid-air deathblow.
You can thrust the spear into the headless ape neck and pull the centipede out for massive damage.
neither can I, but that Swordmaster by Firelink Shrine in DS3 could still be falling for all that I care
I'm confused why is Dark souls hard good but Sekiro hard is bad when they're by the same studio?
Game journos didn't realize it was going to be a trend.
Dark Souls has an option to summon other players to kill bosses for you. So journous didn't whine that hard.
Loss states are a punishment for failure. They need to exist for a game to have any sort of incentive to actually play it.
The drive to get better at a game, the sense of satisfaction from completing a task and the ability to engage the consumer beyond what other media is capable of all come from the existence of a loss state.
Or you could just say that video games are a pointless waste of time in general.
Because Dark Souls has difficulty modes.
That's a slippery slope. Everything is a waste of time.
But seriously, fail states are 100% purely a waste of time.
Jurnos couldn't just summon other people to play the game for them so they got exposed for the shitters they really are.
Because they dont have crutches to fall back to in sekiro. You either master the skill needed to play the game or you're fucked, no ranged magic and summons this time around. You can take a guess how these people usually beat the former games
Games are a waste of time
And your time SHOULD BE wasted. It's the penalty for failure. If you don't like it - don't waste your time on video games. Simple as that.
I wonder how many bad players take advantage of EXPLORATION when they fail. Sekiro is a tough game, but as with all Souls games, exploration enables you to come back to a troublesome spot at a later time where you'll often be stronger as a result.
Let me give you a for instance. Say you're having a lot of trouble fighting the Chained Ogre and you Eavesdrop on the soldiers to hear that the Ogre is weak to FIRE. You can then explore and inevitably talk to the mother and soldier and get the charm that allows you to go to Hirata Estate. Then at Hirata Estate, you can find the tool that gives you Flame Vent. Once equipped, you can return to Chained Ogre and have an easier time fighting it by engulfing the Ogre in flames.
It's your own damn fault if you keep bashing your head against a seemingly impossible enemy.
Literally what is with peoples obsession with adding Easy modes to these fucking games?
Hell when DeS came out on PS3 and was actually fucking new formula at first I was fucking good at it, how do so many people have so much trouble with Froms games now?
Because you can't chese it with summons/magic/overleveling anymore
I mean sure, the punishment for failing is wasting your time, so I guess you're technically correct.
As much as I love Souls and Bloodborne, if you have a lot of trouble, you can summon people, sure it gives the boss more health, but adding 1 or 2 more people into the Fray makes them piss easy, these people have never fought bosses solo in their life and are being punished for it now
>I wonder how many bad players take advantage of EXPLORATION when they fail
All of them. Although they don't really get any advantage from that. Professional Souls streamers are particularly guilty.
>hit a wall on a boss
>"uhhh... I guess I'm not supposed to be here yet, I'm gonna explore"
>hit a wall on a boss in another area
>"uhhh... I guess that wasn't the right way either"
Every Souls game already has easy mode. Sekiro is the first one not to have easy mode.
When i played, iron golem swung his ax too close to the border and fell to his death. It was really disappointing, i was expecting such a great fight. Eventually I replayed the game and even fighting him the way you're supposed he is a shitty boss.
That's what it all boils down to, it can never be easy enough. Games are by their interactive nature, exclusionary. The easiest to implement and probably one of the best ways to do easy mode in Sekiro would be just doubling your hp/posture, but that's not at all enough for these people. There's no way to argue for easy modes in terms of who "deserves" to be able to play, you'd never stop. Artistic vision and pandering are the only legit reasons to do it. If it was true that Sekiro would sell 5x more copies with a slightly easier mode they would do it. The reality is they're too insignificant for it to be profitable pandering to them, and they don't respect the game as a work of art at all.
I beat Gyobou on my first try, firecrackers and spam attacked until he was dead.
>Remove the ability to lose
>Professional Souls streamers are particularly guilty
Everyone I watched got to Butterfly first and just beat her after enough attempts. Who delayed beating a boss?
I dunno, I liked the fight, its atmosphere.
DS1 often pits you against tough bosses in claustrophobically small arenas, inducing panic. Gargoyles, Capra, Iron Golem. Reminds me of Duriel from Diablo 2.
These are the people who's opinion people trust when they make their purchase decisions not Yea Forums
Games expect you to have a certain level of skill or understanding of its mechanics at pretty much every point of the game, so they test the player's skill by putting bosses/enemies in certain ways and letting the player come up with strategies or ways to defeat those challenges, be it actually gitting gud so that you are untouchable or in many cases letting the person crutch themselves with 99 cures and revivals, if even then you are not able to win, then its a realistic to think to put you right at the beggining and try again until you "get" it before sending you a bigger challenge. You dont try to teach a baby how toride a bycicle before it even knows how to walk.
Well, dunno about Butterfly, she's pretty easy, but FightinFaggot was avoiding every other mini-boss at the start of the game, saying he'll come back later, so I stopped watching. I'll just stick to narrative driven LPs from now on. It's just frustrating watching people refuse to learn.
What's with his health? Is he using an infinite health trainer or something?
where's the archive?
The only Sekiro stream worth watching is DSP.
>FromSoftware games used to celebrate their glitches, allowing players to progress, even if a boss accidentally fell off a cliff.
no they didnt
taurus demon falling off the ledge was intended
you could make cascoigne fall through the ground in bloodborne
that wasnt intended and it was patched
You mean the boss health or the players?
This boss cannot lose health, you're supposed to drop him from the bridge
>TopKEK plays the game the wrong way
>has a low skill level already
>somehow still surprised he gets his shit pushed in
All these articles do is 'justify' his existence in the industry, which all these leeches do that are complaining about Sekiro.
Nah, I'd watch a montage maybe, but I'm not gonna sit through all his retardation live.
I can feel his asshurt from here.
The player's obviously. Who do you take me for?
Who? "narrative driven LPs" doesn't make it sound like a pro souls streamer.
That clip is probably just him testing it with a cheat to be unkillable, but I've seen him do it in runs too.
Props to Activision for not forcing handholding elements into the game beyond the tutorial messages at the beginning. I was worried the kikes would do something far worse to the game. Based desu
>DSP will get farther in this game than any game journo ever did
The absolute state if game journalism
Fuck off DSP
yeah, probably using CE when practicing. Though fall damage will also put you at 1 hp.
DSP is trucking along. He just beat Hirata Owl.
In DS the difficulty lets you learn systems which culminate in PvP fun. Thanks to lack of e-peen rankings the PvP is laid back as fuck and people just master the game so they can enjoy themselves and make stupid shit work.
In Sekiro it's only really there for the pride of finishing it and most people aren't nearly obese enough to make finishing a game an object of pride.
>git gud
where's the demon bell, fag?
This faggot.
>narrative driven LPs
Obviously didn't mean his channel.
I like to watch LPs of games I recently finished. But with skill based games I just grow more and more frustrated with the person playing when they do something stupid, so I often have to drop them out of disgust.
right? I use claw grips Ind ark souls too, especially when I need to dodge, control the camera and attack at the same time.
claw grips are also extremely famous in the fighting game scene.
So like 2008 Prince of Persia? Maybe more people should have bought that game if that's what they really wanted.
You're a ninja nigga, if there was a job that should endorse cheesing if not outright demand it it's being a fucking ninja
They would be completely different games if they were easy. Like, they would completely fall apart, all the tone and atmosphere and even the risks involved in the core gameplay would be gone if it was easy. They want a different game, I dont understand it.
>you know, it would be so much easier if in Resident Evil you didnt have to manage an inventory system and could just carry everything on you at one time, it would be so much easier
This is the kind of shit they are talking about, it would make it a completely different game at its core, this takes away all resource management and puzzle solving in the game, in the likes of Sekiro if you die and there is no penalty you dont care if you die and are sent back to a checkpoint, there is nothing to lose so you dont care if you play like shit, who needs to master parrying and using skills when you can just dunk on an enemy anyway.
These people do not want a fight, they just want to win.
I don't really care about shitters complainig about a game being too hard. They paid for something, and then realised they can't play the thing, so they feel betrayed by the ads and the hype and so on.
But I do care about journos complaining, because it shows they suck at their job. They didn't pay for the game, they are getting paid to play it. So they don't complain because the game is impossible for them to beat, but because they need to git gud at it, and that takes time and effort, and since that's their job, they resent the game itself.
For me, the solution is simple: don't give review copies to game "journalists". Give review copies to decent players. Who gives a shit about inclusivity, 4th wave feminist theory and white privilege applied to video games? No one, except journos. Cut their funding, and they will go away. Take away their means of reviewing (poorly) upcoming games, and the bullshit will stop.
Hey now, loads of classic adventure games avoid any kind of lose state
I have a 9-5 job that often requires overtime and weekend duty and even I have found the time to play this game, git gud, AND have some semblance of a social life it's not that hard, Christ
>It’s frustrating to admit I’m about to spend a thousand words on this when adding such options is, at its core, a basic sign of respect for the tens of thousands of players with disabilities who are regularly prevented from playing and enjoying games that don’t consider them “real” players?
Of course this fucking rat tries to twist this into a moral issue. Oh I guess you HATE THE DISABLED you fucking bigot. Jesus Christ I hate these people so fucking much.
Did Cain write this?
NG+ Charmless+Bell is easier than NG Charmless+Bell
You don't have access to umbrella until several fights in. Can skip almost all of the mini bosses. . Have an infinite amount of confetti from the start. Have access to bloodmist which breaks the game off of it's ass. Have most of your skills. And the only thing you sacrifice is that you can start getting two shot by enemies who shouldn't be landing hits on you to begin with.
I always assumed people whom were locked out of any kind of game that asked for quick-reflexes just stuck to turn-based stuff
lol shitters still trotting out the cripples to shield themselves after the cripples proved they're better at games than the shitters
Journalists btfo.
>devs to simplify controls for those games
Cuz when they do you get shit like FighterZ
>Game is good
>Basedboys and journos complain
>They get the feedback and casualize Game 2
>Game 2 is shit and it doesn't sell
You don't need your tools or beads or bloodmist to not let the enemies to land a hit on you, you can do that from the start. The huge enemy health/posture/damage inflation on NG+es makes it significantly harder when half of that bloated damage goes in through mistimed deflects.
Someone should send them the picture of the dude who got all the secret reports from TWEWY with only one hand/one hand and a stump.
>have to beat sekiro as fast as possible before these cucks get their easy mode
This. With the same logic one could argue that blind people cant enjoy driving a car, therefore car manufacturers hate the disabled. This kind of rats need to get shot.
>Japanese devs caving to western "journalists"
Are you talking about Ceaseless Discharge? Because him falling off the cliff isn't accidental
Yeah but in this case it's a new game, with sekiro is like they want to give FighterZ controls to Street Fighter.
that actually is sound I guess, Mark brown has a series of videos about games with accessibility to players with auditory or visual disabilities, even some motor ones, but having an "easy" mode has nothing to do with disability, I've seen a guy who can't control an entire side of his body speed run a metroidvania with one hand, these journalists are pathetic faggots.
>saying "just play on easy" makes you alt-right
Fuck, we 1488 now
They definitely cannot play Fifa.
Taurus Demon and Iron Golem can both fall out of their respective boss arenas for a OHK.
Someone in a previous thread summed it up perfectly. The people who complain about a games difficulty want to be part of the zeitgeist but lack the skill or will to cross the barrier of entry. It's a bunch of normalfags mad that they can't enjoy the new popular thing you see it with every new Japanese release that has some semplance of dificulty (Sikero, MonHu:World, ReMake 2, DMC5). They're the worst kind of new comers, the ones who don't learn, understand and adapt but instead try to change everything to suit THEIR wants like a petulant child. That and anytime FROM makes a game the usual suspects are obligated to make the same clickbait slander they've been making since Dark Souls 1 it's a traditional shitpost at this point
Forgot about Taurus, but I'm pretty sure that's intended as well and it's easier to cheese him with firebombs anyway. Didn't know about Golem though
Miyahaki does it again!
iron golem's is intentional but i think you're right about taurus demon
You can literally get carried by summons, there is no area or boss that you have to face by yourself. Getting rid of summons, was the best thing From could've done to trigger the shit out of these people.
Dragonrider in 2 as well, though you have to not raise the floor.
I don't think Taurus is intentional but iron golem is because he has a special animation when he falls, similar to ceaseless having a special animation.
Taurus might be a bug though
NG+ is objectively easier than a normal run, all those prosthetics make it a joke.
A fresh save after doing NG+ then using Kujo's charm and the demon bell is normal mode.
wut? they're the most useless shit in game, I use them on easy bosses to add some spice but I never even remember they exist when focusing the tougher bosses
>cries about people wanting an OPTIONAL mode in flavor of the month trash
>proceeds to turn the focus on himself and his own "disabilities" to make himself seem like the good guy
If only these screenshots weren't of literally retarded people :(
If Iron golem falls on the floor, you can attack his hand to make him fall to the ground completely and hit his head once for a KO
>Drake Sword
>Music box for Gascoigne
>Magic in literally all the games
>Summoning help
>Killing the archers above the tower knight
Sekiro is an abject failure of accessibility design. In Soulsborne you could always leave the area you were stuck at and acquire some sort of different option somewhere else that would help you, like better armor or a spell like Iron Flesh or upgrade materials for your weapon.
Even more so in Sekiro, the game rarely forces you into a gameplay bottle neck. Any time I hit a wall with a boss I'd simply go explore another part of the castle, find a boss or two I could beat, power up a bit then come back. These people just want to be able to beat all "challenges" without loosing, they want the illusion of possibly loosing but no actual risk of it.
>Literally what is with peoples obsession with adding Easy modes to these fucking games?
They can't rise to the challenge so they try and force everyone down to their level instead of saying "not for me"
>Soulsborne you could always leave the area you were stuck at and acquire some sort of different option somewhere else
dude the game is pretty open, you can go collect beads and gourd seeds to help you out.
Did you...forget about Snoy?
>outlaw porn
Lol you can literally run from every enemiy and there's always a branch you can use to sneak away. The only time you're locked is when fighting bosses, like all other souls games.
That post was made by someone from here. I swear. Probably the only he made.
The cheat engine point is correct. I see fags using it on Yea Forums all the time and no one calls them out. PC players are pathetic t b h.
Tons of here has sleeper accounts so it's definitely possible.
After Sekiro I appreciate how chill dark souls games are.
>Hell, FromSoftware games used to celebrate their glitches, allowing players to progress, even if a boss accidentally fell off a cliff. (Sekiro no longer does this.)
I've had one of the monkeys and a miniboss fall to their deaths.
You underestimate how bad these people are at games. Back when Gone Home was out some even complained they got stuck. In a fucking walking simulator.
Just want to let you guys know that this type of shit never happens in DMC5. Just saying
>not using CE to get endgame items early to style on fags in High Wall and Undead Settlement
I just can't deal with Owl 2, this shit is breaking me
It's insecure not incel you retard.
I once got Gundyr to fall off from the cliff in Dark Souls 3 at release (seems to have been fixed now), he just died and I kept playing.
do you use prosthetics? if yes then stop.
when he combos you, if you see a shoulder/elbow back at any point then know he's going to fire crackers, dodge into him when you first see the black fore crackers mist, it's a very common and easy to abuse opening in his moveset, you can slash at him a few times.
>not using CE
If you just stopped this post here, it would be fine. What's the matter? Can't play through NG+ with those item's? Of course not, you want the nice and easy regular NG, right?
He's using a guide.
I'm honestly amazed, given the nature of clickbait articles, that direct linking to journo sites isn't straight up bannable for advertising at this point. This is such a fucking forced controversy.
I don't want to play the PvE content at all, I just want to demolish lowbies.
shoulder/elbow bash
Im sorry, should've pastebinned it.
I was just lazy.
Yours truly, Faggot OP
>memory leak
if you don’t understand what a phrase means, don’t use it
>I don't want to actually play the game, I just want the rewards!
Game Journo tier logic.
>I don't want to actually play the game,
Yes, that's what I said, good on you for catching that. Now where is your argument?
>Boner culture
That you are basically a game Journo and it's stupid that no one bullies CE user's along with them.
t. got rekt one time too often by twinks
Journalists have a reason to push an easy mode agenda. Most of them are terrible at games and also breezing through a game on easy saves them tons of time instead of actually playing through it at a difficulty most people would be like even normal. This is why you shouldn't take any game review seriously because odds are if it had an easy mode it was just ran through quickly on easy so they could throw out their shit opinion as quickly and effortlessly as possible. They couldn't do that with Sekiro so hence the whining.
it's how it should work
Probably one of those dumb fucks that thinks kiting Ceaseless Discharge for the easy kill is a "glitch" even though it has a fucking animation exclusively for that death.
congrats, I died to him a fuck tonne of times too.
No, Journies don't give a fuck about easy mode
They just want the clickbait and bullying developers into forcing their bullshit they shitpost on twitter.
I don't know how I went from hating this retard to unironically thinking he was kinda cool because his manchild crying and money-begging ways somehow became endearing to me. I think the detractors actually managed to turn me in his favor somehow. Don't get me wrong, I still think he's shit, but I hope his channel never ever goes down, even when he's 70.
>even when he's 70.
Oh come on dude, I need that money to pay my retirement house's rent
They're punishments for failure.
Want a solution? Don't fuck up.
>Everything is a waste of time.
Being on Yea Forums is a waste of time.
Playing video-games is a waste of time.
Staying alive is a waste of time too, huh?
The sjw games journalist circle continues their push for Easy Mode, this time by their (one) soldier on the field of youtube.
Seriously it's hilarious to me how almost none of them use youtube, they'd be exposed so quickly if more of them did.
I'm gonna drop the ultimate redpill.
Living where you want isn't a human right and being able to beat games isn't one either.
danny o dwyer is a fucking retard
Don't pretend you know what you are talking about idiot.
Based cap Windsor
Man, resetera really likes perpetuating the stereotype, don't they?
Do those faggots even play video games or do they just like complaing that much?
Fucking this. I have a new born baby that requires a lot of care and I still found time to play the game and git gud. I think a lot of people are just whiny or have zero tolerance for stress.
Capt should have expected to be banned for that shit.
>The bell demon alone doesn't really do much.
This. Isshin was kicking my ass hard so I decided to farm and rung the bell instead. The next day I beat him with demon bell mode still on.
>and celebrated that advancement as canon
Nope. Fuck off. Retarded.
>linking directly to clickbait
advertise your blog somewhere else
>linking to this shit
To be fair the remastered version fucking stopped him from falling for some reason, which makes no sense since him falling is intentional
Based and Windsorpilled.
Based japs!
Didn't some journos bitch at one point that they shouldn't have to use easy mode because it's degrading or some shit?
>Killing the archers above the tower knight
Are you supposed to not kill those guys? That's retarded!
>user finally figures out why Journos are bullshitters who only want to bully devs into forcing their bullshit through twitter shitposting
If Activision or From ever listens, then game over buddy. Prime fucking bullying material.
>easiest fromsoft game released
That one is actually a nice perspective on the whole easy mode thing from a casual's point of view
Get fucked reset tranny and admit you suck at Sekiro
Would you support infinite resurrections if it actually killed off NPCs, even story ones?
The bell doesn't affect bosses IIRC, just normal enemies
No because then you'd still be able to get at least severance ending and then shitters would still get to brag all about how they 'beat the game'
Infinite res is stupid. At that point they might as well just make you invincible.
Imagine getting this mad over an action game
>no arguments
lmao stay mad
I meant that it would give a bad end early. Like if ogre crams your shit in so much that the game gives you a bad end. No severance end, that'd still have to be earn by beating Isshin.
He is insecure that the Souls franchise will die off for good and replaced with action games such as Sekiro
>Calling out Resetera
>They have doxable information on you
Brave. They prob gonna email his work or something.
People who are celebrating soulsborne and hating Sekiro are the same people who were raging at soulsborne a few years ago.
Souls literally ruined vidya for 10 years.
>Players used to hold their PSPs in weird ways, a method called the "claw," in order to control Monster Hunter's camera correctly. Capcom probably didn't plan for that!
That's literally the intended way to do it...
Having to create your own difficulty is shit because games are at their most fun when you need to try your best to succeed.
>Respond to my meme with a well composed argument with properly cited sources.
Why are all of you like this?
Because he thinks no one bothering to indulge in his retardation means he won the argument
Incorrect, FROM has advanced AI for its time. PS1 Armored Core top Master of Arena arena rank fights have some of the most advanced AI in the 1990s Ive yet to see modern games even rival some of the ACs AI in that game.
The real reason is someone figured out they could generate a lot of internet drama(read clicks) by using the disability argument. And judging by this thread they were pretty successful.