It finally died.
It finally died.
Good, press S to spit on its grave
No it didn't, people are still playing
Didn't it die like a week after release?
>there are a couple of autistic fanboys left
It's artery was severed a week after release.
Took about a month to bleed out.
>Tens of thousands of people
>Autistic fanboys
Just no
Why? What happened this time?
what game is this lol?
Nothing outside of the article. OP is just declaring it dead. Dying fast sure, but not dead yet.
Video Game: The Game
This is Anthem, right?
Anthem, apparently
Is this a bad thing? Would you have preferred if the game was a sony interactive movie?
The division 2 is better.
Hell the division 1 is better.
Game was supposed to sell 6 million as of march 31st, at the end of EA's financial year. So far they haven't said anything about that figure, which obviously means it missed that mark.
Destiny 1 in its unpatched initial release is better than Anthem
Was it ever alive to begin with?
At least then i can remember the title.
>tens of thousands of people
>for the latest ultra-mainstream heavily-advertised AAA game by EA released like a month and a half ago
Fucking impressive, user.
I'm saying it's so completely soulless and devoid of personality, it's what happens when suits design a game, or like one of those fake games people play in movies and TV shows.
No, but any trace of personality and not-bland-as-hell designs would have been nice, tho.
Fuck nu-bioware I'll celebrate the day EA shutters those diverse talentless hacks
How did they fuck up this bad?
Its not the suits.
This the result of having graphics artist that copies designs from each other and whats popular without innovating anything.
We now have consisted good art for games but they all look the same, compared to the chicken scratchings of older titles that at least had some uniqueness in them.
oh what a shame
all that wasted money
just imagine it.
Having gameplay and mechanics as an after-thought to world-building, story and characters.
>6 million sales target
>KH3 and MHW do it in like a week
>but Anthem doesn't
It's still amazing how much popular japanese games are returning to be
This just proves that Bioware is dead. I knew they were dying for years now, but this is now the doctor recorded official time of death. Just need to inform the next of kin, let the coroner do the autopsy and plan the funeral.
Only Bioware games I played were ME1 and ME2. I can live without 'em.
Considering amount of negative and Andromeda legacy its impressive
Were back to the old days.
Japs makes games that people play and remember while the west makes just piles in shovelware.
>The year is 2012
>you're BIOWARE
>EA pays you 472389047932$ to make a game
>spend 5 years making concept art an talking/thinking
>people come and leave every few month caus they're tired of no progress
>year 6 comes
>EA: So...E3 is coming's that game coming along?
>BIOWARE: uhhh....yeah no, it's..we only have concept art
>E3: ...
>BIOWARE: don't worry we can make a small demo for E3 and finish the game in 16 months!
>BIOWARE: it worked with INQUISITION there's no way we're gonna fail!
Bioware only ever put out mediocre WRPG titles at best, KOTR was alright but that was long long ago. They deserve everything they got after DA2 and ME3 though.
dam that article on how Bioware ended making this game the way it is and Mass Effect Andromeda ....
EA is closing down the other Bioware studios in no time.
they pretty much winged it on every game.
final production started 5 to 4 months before the game was scheduled to release.
with MAJOR game changes being barely added.
What happen?
>considering these shit standards, these slightly less shitty results are not bad
its only left with a skeleton crew for all future updates now
the current in game """"""""events"""""""""" are just increased spawning of certain enemies, its horrendously bad
loot and loot drops are still broken and crafting is still 100% worthless
the article was yet another major PR disaster for Anthem
division 2 and the upcoming BL3 has sealed its fate
Bioware believes in equality so hard that nobody was allowed to be a leader on the project.
You forgot
>half your development team leaves because of stress and or depression from pushing an unachievable deadline
>the game wasn't meant to be a loot shooter from the start
>Bioware didn't know what the game was supposed to be about mid development
>they just had little ideas
>people that came up with those ideas left the team
this game needs a documentary movie.
just reading how it was developed sounds more fun to watch than to play.
retards go back to crying to your dead eceleb
>world-building, story and characters
None of which are memorable. So they failed in all regards.
why didnt she save Bioware bros?????
she went over for a tour
?? who?
>division 2 and the upcoming BL3 has sealed its fate
Not only that, but the renewed Destiny 2, Warframe and that MHW expansion.
Anthem will have a nice year.
But the most important thing is, did it have gay black transgender cripples?
They came up with those 6 months before release.
Yeah, but at least they were enjoyable. Not really earth shattering but still fun.
no it's BEYOND
oh wait no.
they had to change the name 1 week before EA announcement. they had shirts and swag with Beyond printed on them.
they didn't even know why it was called anthem !!!!
they had to come up with a reason months after.
>working environment falls apart as trannies and SJWs with mental and depression issues are unable to cope with stress
when every other studio can do it
>unachievable deadline
they had 6 years, EA was forced to crack the whip
How do you kill that which has no life?
Huh what Warframes are those?
>something short you can enjoy on some level
>something grindy you can't enjoy on any level
Gee I wonder, of fucking course I'd take a cinematic sony game over this shit dude, you'd have to fucking pay me by the hour to waste my time on anthem.
Entertaining user, not fun.
they couldnt get the trademark for the word Beyond
literally cucked by chinks
Since most games are done in 5 years, what the hell did they do the previous 4.5 years then?
>What "journalists" are pretending went wrong with Bioware
Oh we have so many ideas!
Oh this engine is hard to use!
Oh we have to rewrite everything!
Oh the manager is making us change this!
Oh oh oh.... for 6-7 years!
>What actually went wrong with Bioware
I'm going to hire people that share my ideology rather than the best person for the job. Surely nothing could go wrong after 10 years of this practice!
>competent dev
yeah this
i really don't think EA had anything to do with the game.
they pretty much let Bioware do their on thing.
they spent too much money with almost no result.
they needed something to show if the game was in development for 6 years.
it wasn't EA's fault they had to redo most of the game every 5 to 6 months.
K*taku actually put out a decent expose about the production.
Mass Effect had a decent run, just let it fucking die already
they didn't know what they were doing.
they restarted the project many times.
a lot of the original team left.
the concepts they had for the game from the original team was tossed out.
They were literally just fucking around for 6 years, without any direction and then shit out the game in 11 months. It's all in Schreier's article.
So that means it not dead user, dead is if the game has less than 1000 players, and even then, some games survive with less, multiplayer no less
what did? (asking this unironically)
Those are huge franchises. Anthem was a literal what.
Japanese games are regaining popularity after the beating they took from games press last generation, but KH3 and MHW are outliers. There's no way those games wouldn't sell tons KH gets to play at people's nostalgia and MH is a monster of a franchise
play WarFrame
It was alive? I don't even know what the fuck that shit is or what it was about other than it being an Ironman ripoff.
Meh, I usually see them both as two sides of the same coin. That's just me though.
big studio backing it.
should had sold better.
it had a BIG marketing team. i saw ads everywhere.
look at Horizon Dawn.
it's a PS4 exclusive Original IP.
sold 9 million.
Play Skyrim
wrestling with Frostbite
DICE even had to send a rescue team to Bioware to help them with the engine
>Throughout those early years in development, the Anthem team realized that many of the ideas they’d originally conceived would be difficult if not impossible to create on Frostbite. The engine allowed them to build big, beautiful levels, but it just wasn’t equipped with the tools to support all of those ambitious prototypes that they’d created. Slowly and gradually, they started cutting back on the environmental and survival features that they’d devised for Anthem, in large part because they just weren’t working.
Not that user but where could the game even go, the game hasn't met sales expectations and the in game shop just sells emotes and stickers. The game has made its sales and unlike other 'live service' games they fucked up by claiming all story content will be free. There's no way for them to earn additional funds going forward. Hell RUNESCAPE of all things has more viewers on twitch than anthem.
>everyone trying to blame EA for it
>Article comes out and it turns out the only reason the game even fucking has flying is because Soderlund liked it, bioware had tried to take it out before.
>only reason the game looks nice is because EA shipped in a crack team of DICE devs to fix up the grafics
EA literally "saved" it.
Exactly that's just you. The game is anything but fun. All the people who played it were entertained yet was still waiting for the game to be fun.
didn't the last people play planned a protest?
not to play the game.
did anything come from it?
also the story was rewritten like 3 times
its like Destiny's development but 10x worse
EA are also the ones who forced them to use the Frostbite engine in the first place.
Reddit trying to rally behind bioware, literal sjw fodder, against EA the evil pub. I literally have not seen a more incompetent dev team in my life. Fuck biocuck
>make devs fight your shitty engine
>wow why is progress so slow wtf
>we literally saved you, ok sweetie?
>Bioware magic
I'm still laughing.
>not to play the game.
at this point its hard to tell if it succeded or not.
Bioware Austin devs should livid. Edmonton fucks stonewalled them and got told to fuck off, now EA put Austin in charge of post release and they are cleaning up a mess they knew was going to happen 1:1.
Just imagine being an Austin dev who got into a shouting match over heat exhaust with a party, Edmonton devs say A TEAM RULES and its never fixed. 55 Metacritic later and you're fixing something you were commanded to implement poorly by the """A team"""" Bioware Edmonton. This isn't EA fucking shit up or Bioware Austin fucking up, this is 10 or whatever dozen of Bioware Edmonton circlejerking and telling themselves this is a new genre (lootbox shooter) for years. EA's response to the Kotaku Anthem development article tells us those Bioware Edmonton fucks will never be held accountable, the grunt teams were overruled for years by senior Bioware Edmonton fucks. JFC just imagine having worked under them
/emote dab
Fuck off nigger. Take a stress month you retard
you should actually read the article sweeties.
>holding out for a port of Anthem of all fucking things
bingtendies are so starved
>Now don’t you worry Arthur, we’ve got that Bioware Magic on our side and it’s going to kick in any day now!
Powersuit Division: destiny edition - electric boogaloo
>Reddit trying to rally behind bioware,
actually they are in riot now
Monster Hunter wasn't huge outside of Japan until World
well the Engine wasn't the biggest problem. but it was one of them.
the team didn't know anything of the game.
also the game was being developed by 2 teams countries apart.
can you imagine telling the other team to drop everything they've been working on because they are going into a new direction..... several times....
>t. tranny ea bootlicker
...and HRT
Given that Austin made TOR you’d think the company would take advice from people with experience developing an online game.
anthem had as much hype as NMS
they even had ads in TIMES SQUARE
You know that thing where you dont work on your project for most of the time aloted, and then, when the deadline starts coming up, you panic, and do an all-nighter to finish it?
That is what happened with Bioware, on multiple games.
>Implying EA is going to let something they threw so much cash at die.
They're going to either 1) make the game f2p in a couple months in the hope they'll catch up with microtransations or 2) rush out dlcs then slice the price and try to market it as a cheap 'underrated gem'.
Either way I'm surprised Bioware didn't get officially canned for this but I guess it's so much of a husk now there's not much to gain from that.
>Unleash your power
What does that mean?
What game?
Protip: Corporations are retarded. Especially the big ones that aren't super big.
alright so you didn't actually read the article then.
I would love to watch a documentary about Anthem. Fuck playing the actual game.
Fuck off back there please.
And/or kill yourself while you are at it.
You motherfuckers would rally behind those incompetent twats as if they are actually good at what they do, yet would jump at them again at a moments notice.
they're just going to close down one of the Bioware studios.
they're not going to let Bioware name die.
it still carries a little bit of weight.
I liked it reeee
>they even had ads in TIMES SQUARE
Every AAA game gets ad placement in Times Square, you dingdong.
>it wasn't EA's fault they had to redo most of the game every 5 to 6 months.
It's amazing how often this happens, companies just scrapping everything entirely months and even years into development. Also this "design by committee" shit has to stop. I think that's one of the big reasons why this stuff keeps getting rebooted every few months. Too many cooks in the kitchen and people going, "Okay we have a feedback loop set for obtaining loot and using it in the content, let's move on", and that one person has to speak up and just throw a wrench in everything. And while I can't comment on any of the stuff regarding stress and depression in the workplace I feel like a fuckton of that could have been easily avoided if there was a rock solid vision and foundation that was being built on and not constantly being demolished and built from the ground up. Diversity hires and boogeymen be damned, I think those people would have been fine if their bosses weren't giving each other reach-arounds for 5 years
It's just fucking unreal how this often this has happened and continues to happen. You just have these leeches who did the bare minimum and luck into these leadership positions and then when the time comes for someone to step up and provide a stern sense of direction and purpose they just shit themselves or continue to fuck around like they're still some entry level employee with 0 responsibilities.
how much would that have cost?
who thought it was a good idea?
who approved it
>muh 2007 Yea Forums vs reddit wars
>not mining the infinite SALT over in ledditland
NO U you nigger
I like the concept but there is almost literally no content and there's more bugs than a bethesda game on launch day.
Pretty accurate.
Buy plat
Game of the year (BASEDkiro) didnt have it
The 10 year plan for anthem was that it would be done by then.
What fucking retard come up with that
It wasn't a bug, it didn't make a weapon stronger
It simply WAS stronger, the game just escalated the dmg and inflated the number on display to make you feel big dicked as if you are progressing more with their end game weapons
they fucking WISH it was a bug, it was a feature
the devs are just that retarded
Paying for adspace in times square of all places strikes me as the biggest waste of money your marketing department could make
Because Fromsoft is no where near the size of EA nigga.
Learn something about business underage.
Reading that article you could really see it was a mess from the start. If you actually broke down what their ideas were to gameplay concepts there was clearly nothing more there than you standard ass survival game but with sort of a mission structure. They were so clearly not capable of working outside of story driven games.
Are you literally retarded? I feel the only people responsible for this lack luster product are those retards at bioware. EA isn't the bad guy in this instance. Most adults who work for a living do it under less than optimal conditions. Those incompetent pieces of shit at bioware need to grow up and take responsibility for their actions
You fucks have the comprehension of children, the creative capacity of a paraplegic duck and the memory of an Alzheimer ridden elderly person with downs syndrome.
Its no longer a matter of "muh website wars" that's just an objective fact.
it was published by Activision.
>i really don't think EA had anything to do with the game.
that really surprised me while reading Schreier's article because I fully expected one of the dev to just say "some EA suits came over and said you do destiny or you're fired" but apparently it wasn't the case, if anything Patrick Soderlund shitting over the demo build seems to have awaken the studio to actualy focus and make a game instead of fucking around aimlessly
But EA still made thing difficult by pushing a nightmare such as frostbyte into the hands of a bunch of clueless idiots like bioware and then when some of them actualy manage to use the damn thing outright moving them to work on FIFA
The game tanked and bleed out money thru all of its development process
how is that good business whatsoever when redditors notice how broken the system is?
From Baldur's Gate to Anthem. What a tragic story.
My favourite term out of all this is Bioware Magic.
Like seriously imagine they were working on DA2/3 or ME3/A and some fuck comes in going wow these games are coming together that Bioware Magic is working!
stop being so rustled sweetie
im just there as a tourist for the concern trolling with my bantz skills after years of being on Yea Forums
its actually pretty fun, its so easy to bait ledditors into a losing argument and have them going around in circles until they finally quit and scream "IM IGNORING YOU!!" in exasperation
Bioware deserves no respect. Fuck those diverse, incompetent fucks
she killed bioware.
EA didn't crack the whip until ME:A failed
i checked the anthem reddit daily just to laugh at them.
anthem's broke the faith of the majority of biodrones few weeks after release when the lack of content and bad loot system gave them time to realize the game was shit.
but they were still on bioware side, coping, bargaining,trying to befriend developers, with some hope left for the future or even just sitting a regretful silence.
but now Kotaku article shattered all of that.They don't eat damage control anymore. they now know it's all bioware fault and not EA and the game development was truly a mess. they are rioting.Dragon age 4 better be real fucking good or they are not gonna buy it out of resentment.
This, the article was a super interesting read. Really shows how bad the state of the industry is when this shit wasn't shut down long before its announcement. Even at like 4-5 years they didn't even know the genre, just concept work. Was the entire team just idea guys?
Til frostbite is garbage and bioware aren't responsible for doing their job.
It's even more ironic that the higher-ups told them to never, ever compare Anthem to Destiny. They could have learned plenty from the encyclopedia of fuck ups that Bungie has achieved. I mean fuck, they're still fucking up just look at the annual pass. Anthem could have avoided so much shit.
Just stating the obvious "sweetie"
what, does your feefee hurt at hearing some truth?
Did anyone actually expect this to be good?
And now you're doing, like, the opposite of that in this thread.
ive been here since wt snacks was around you roodypoo
I find it fucking hilarious how shit this turned out. I told all my mates it's gonna be a shit game and convinced all but 2 of them which they both pre ordered the best edtion (Legion of Dawn) on the fucking base PS4. Feels so good to be so right.
You're still acting like a fag.
Don’t act like KH3 is comparable to any new IPs. That shit was guaranteed to make bank.
>expecting a shitty loot shooter to be any good
Honestly no. I hadn't touched a Bioware game since ME3 and it didn't look like they learned any lessons from that shit show. After reading about Inquisition and Andromeda it felt like a done deal that this game would bomb.
the year doesn't matter.
there will always be people that buy a 60$ game or even preorder it just to find out it's shit.they expect it to be good because it's 60$; with a good trailer and from a good studio.
the way the majority learns the truths of the industry is by getting fucked by it once or's never gonna change, kids will always blow their first paycheck like that.
not as much as your father when he blew me
Dragon Age 4 already got canned once for this shit to get finished
Monopolies are illegal if they are established or maintained through improper conduct, such as exclusionary or predatory acts.
What epic is doing is close to the case.
>They literally had no idea what kind of game they were making until the final year of six years in development.
You can't make shit like this up.
Jesus Christ is it really that shit?
Literally nothing about Anthem's original ideas sounded compelling. No compelling world building/lore, ironman hook wasn't THAT novel after Titanfall/CoD did jetpacks all gen long, and the survival elements were neat but not enough of an idea to stake your entire game around what is included as optional hard mode (New Vegas realism mode, Fallout 4 realism hardcore mode, tons of Skyrim realism survival emelents). At E3 2014 or whenever they showed the scripted demo nothing looked like it was a new gameplay paradigm shift in lootshooters like Borderlands .
It was never a unique idea or worth cementing a game around "uh...survival in the wilds...ironman suit...multiplayer...", 6 years of prototyping that then 16 months to get a game out the door. EA actually came in to help, not ruin their vision. Bioware Edmonton are elitist fucks who whip employees with DUDE BIOWARE LAST MINUTE RUSH MAGIC, WORK SLAVES WORK OR EA WILL FIRE US ALL. EA only deserves 10 to 20% of the blame, 80%+ of the shitfuck mess is on Bioware Edmonton.
This game will have a no mans sky turn around.
>thinking they have the luxury of that after EA already gave them 6 years
they will fix everything and release it as Anthem 2
if Bioware is still alive, that is.
Eh, Destiny bounced back. This will too.
>b-b but ive been here since "insert old set reference here"
Its a wonder then, how you still have the mentally of an excitable room temperature IQ 12 year old.
>you only speak for you
>I on the other hand speak for everyone else
I read the article last night and it was a really good read. Actually, from the first ideas I thought they were planning something like a reverse Monster Hunter: sci-fi hostile planet with Iron Man suits where you look for treasures and then try to escape hostile biomes filled with deadly creatures. It really sounded good on paper, I have no idea how they allowed this to become such a horrible mess, but it obviously shows how horrendously mismanaged both EA and Bioware are and how people despise Frostbite as a whole.
The stress leaves were something pretty sad to read, I can only imagine how brutal the work periods must have been just to have the game released on an impossible deadline.
Fucking Fallout 76 will pull a NMS before Anthem does. Don't keep your hopes up.
>t. 3rd worlder with his ESL english
I was actually making threads about it last year about 6 months before it came out predicting a flop because I had completely forgotten it existed, 0 people were talking about it, it had no hype. It was really kinda nuts at the time to have so little conversation about a huge budget project.
To me though the question was more who DIDN'T think it was going to flop?
I mean I thought the e3 trailer was gonna end out being total bullshit and the game would flop and I was right but you know we say that about every new game.
Twice. It had 2 project names, Morrigan and another. Article is long but I know Dragon Age 4 got canned twice because of Anthem/Beyond.
Reminder that even if it wasn't EA's fault this time they still need to burn
Destiny is dying again tho. Nothing but paper thin annual pass content with 0 vendor refreshes for the next year and a half until D3
>majority of players calling saying that its not fun
There must be some truly cunning individuals who work in marketing that are convincing publishers they NEED to spend hundreds of millions on advertising for games the whole internet is already talking about
Even sadder that a ESL post still makes you react like a lip stuttering child backed in a corner.
Got anymore buzzwords to throw user? Or are you about to close the tab entirely?
boomer mentality
they could take the money and pay Pewds to play the game for a few hours and still have plenty left over
nms had an interesting concept people wanted to be good
anthem doesn't have that
anthem doesn't have anything
Speaking of budget, much of the dialogue couldn't be re-recorded because Bioware Edmonton used up the budget. A character quest about a broken exosuit was never fixed to accomedate the new script since mocap was only done once due to costs. Who the fuck knows what Bioware did with the budget of 6+ years from papa EA.
Flying Mechsuits Lmao!
i still remember the "diverse" voice chat when the showed some gameplay during some e3 or sth like that
shit was so fucking cringy that it hurt physically
fuck them
Bioware hasn't made a good game since neverwinter nights
it's also a shame that some talented people's time and effort went into making this thing
Lots of lots of drugs and hookers.
Bioware Magic!
Well in this case pretty much no one was talking about anthem at really any point.
But I too wonder about advertising things like rdr2, where at some point you know it has to be excessive and that everyone who'll buy it know about it. I don't get advertising for things like gum and candy, people will get that shit regardless of seeing it on the tv or the internet. Just seems like wasted cash.
lol it looks like the laziest garbage imaginable
you unlock different colored skins for those suits from lootboxes in this game don't you
There's enough juicy material in that article to write a plot the next dragon age
>using child as an insult
>still stuck on MUH Yea Forums VS REDDIT mindset
>not being brownpilled enough to recognise the best entertainment is playing both sides
>literally admitting that hes probably some huemonkey or poo-in-loo
must be sad to be you to be triggered by such things that dont matter, talk about maturity, kek
It definitely looked cool. Too bad it was subjected to shitty grindy pay2win gameplay.
Yeah, people think that they were making honest to god good games that were selling on their own. Little did they know how aggressive EA's marketing was.
>You know that thing where you dont work on your project for most of the time aloted, and then, when the deadline starts coming up, you panic, and do an all-nighter to finish it?
How do I stop doing this? I have pulled at least six all-nighters this semester alone, and I'm only halfway through.
That's like saying the lack of a character stats page is an oversight. The game is designed around deception.
>ADHD, the post
Neverwinter is shit.
If Dragon Age 4 is (hilariously improbably) good, will you forgive Hudson?
Also, which is less worse: a director who firmly steers the development down a consistent yet shitty path; or a fumbling leadership-by-committee flailing around doing many things but accomplishing nothing?
There was some numbers announced, the sell something like 3milions so half of the estimated number which means this game is now gona get no to minor support. Which sucks because they had a good idea...
>I won't support bioware any longer. not because of anthem, or how they've wronged their playerbase, but because of how they've been treating their employees.
>Every homework
>Every revision
>Every report
>Every project
Is leaving things until the last possible minute actually a sign of ADHD?
I can't believe people didn't drop Bioware after the shit they pulled on ME3.
Anybody who has bought any shit they've come up with since is retarded.
Western crash when
My friend loves this game.
I think they still have some expectations of whales contributing, I couldn’t believe there were people who spent over $10K on andromeda multiplayer.
If I were a Bioware employee I'd take the former every time. Even if the direction and vision are utter garbage I'd still take that over 4-5 people stuck in a years long deadlock and finally putting everyone into crunch mode because of their fuck up.
A director that constantly makes bad games. Although Bioware games might actually be good if they don't spend the whole development time just planning and actually make the game during that time.
I doubt it. I don't really meet any of the symptoms for ADHD, and excess procrastination could mean any number of things.
>be bioware
>spend 6 years talking about diversity in the game
>EA :so how is the game going ?
>Bioware : game is not iverse enouph we need 5 more years
>EA: .....
But they made that game to be monotonous and bland on purpose as a protest against the practices of strict deadlines and committee designs.
Too bad it was warmly accepted.
> Then, according to two people who were in the room, Patrick Söderlund was stunned.
>“He turns around and goes, ‘That was fucking awesome, show it to me again,’” said one person who was there. “He was like, ‘That was amazing. It’s exactly what I wanted.’”
What a fucking PHB. Of course that's what you fucking wanted, it's a rat maze made just for you, you stupid fuck.
Soderlund could have demanded pink flying monkeys and the dev team will still bend over backwards to put that shit in.
Bioware might have been massively incompetent but this idiot didn't help things either.
I wonder how he feels now that he realized he fell for it hook, line and sinker.
when jackie dies everyone will say how brave he was, how he was such a friendly and good person but he's just another soulless chinese shitbag and his own people hate him for being a huge curmudgeon and giant dick
like how bad you have to be to get the chinese to say you're a faggot
It went wrong because the top people in bioware had no idea what they were doing
How is it finnaly dead? I thought it died when it launched. Wasnt it DOA?
Also what exactly killed it now? THe last thing i remember from it is that the base initial rifle was doing the same if not more damage than the maxed level legendary weapons meaning that athem had no actual in game balance or scalling.
>DICE even had to send a rescue team to Bioware to help them with the engine
meanwhile they ignored bioware on their early struggles
>Within EA, it was common for studios to battle for resources like the Frostbite team’s time, and BioWare would usually lose those battles. After all, role-playing games brought in a fraction of the revenue of a FIFA or a Battlefront. “The amount of support you’d get at EA on Frostbite is based on how much money your studio’s game is going to make,”
Its not dead.
the only people who says that its dead are the exact same people that plays it.
Every patch bioware releases that breaks the game more kills it to them.
I'm still scratching my head around how did they think that putting no one in charge, no director, was a good idea. A game has to have a director, a vision, an idea behind it. You can't just let a bunch of people play around an engine and let them make a game, it will never come out. It would have been better if EA just said "You will be doing a Looter Shooter, this is what we want in the game", at least they would have some sort of direction.
How hard is it to have the Frosbite team teach other studios. Its not even going to take a week each.
>Is lacking the concentration and focus to do my daily routine a sign of a condition that makes focusing and concentrating difficult to do?
shit man i dont know you tell me
that or you are a sissy boy with no grisp on your responsibilities
but thats problematic and oppressive you CIS lord
everyone needs their voices heard
stronger together!
I don't know what a grisp is but maybe you're right.
I'm pretty sure I'm not a sissy though
What jackie did to get the changs buttblasted?
i know he fucks around and opted to get a more westernized appearence but other than that
even a literal destiny clone would be good because it would've forced bungie to pull their pants up
probably an extremely unintuitive/difficult to learn engine
It was nigh-unplayable at launch due to bugs and terrible loading times. When it actually got into a playable state, people realized just how little worked the way it was supposed to. The devs have been working to fix that stuff, but because of the rush job to release it, they ended up hacking around most issues instead of addressing them during development, so fixing one thing tends to break others - apparently drop rates for endgame gear spiked twice purely by accident (which of course only angered players more when they learned what the drop rates were supposed to be). A lot of people are pretty frustrated with the initial state of the game, and aren't willing to invest any further in it, much less be playing it years down the line like BioWare said.
At the end of the day this is what you get when your entire mission statement was "we are going to make a new genre" and a "the Bob Dylan of video games".
And then someone gives you unlimited money and 4 years to just do whatever you want.
The irony here is that EA being hands off is what fucked up Bioware. It's the opposite of what everyone assumed.
People forget that the whole reason Bioware sold out in the first place is that ME1 and DA:O almost destroyed the studio with how much of a mess the development of both games were.
Bioware was always a mess, but the impending doom of "we have to launch this and have it be good or the studio is bankrupt" is what made the games work.
EA removed that and this is the result.
It's the same thing that happened to Star Wars once it became successful enough to be an island unto itself. And the problem only got worse when Disney bought it.
That was Marvel Infinite for me
honestly why do we allow Americans to make videogames?
Apparently the thing has very little documentation and instructions and the language structure itself is almost illogical.
i guess that is an alright assumption but didnt it sell a shitload?
Im mostly with you.
But BG2 really was a classic. It goes in the same 'lightning strikes' category as the Star Wars OT and The Matrix, great shit that even the original creators couldn't replicate.
reminder that the working title for Anthem was DYLAN
there was an anthem general?
jesus christ how embarrassing
more like DILATE am i rite :D
No it's a sign of being a lazy shit that hasn't learned time management yet.
>What jackie did to get the changs buttblasted?
not him but you mean cheungs, hes not hated by the china chinese but by the hongkongese
jackie is a big supporter of the central china government (benevolent dictatorship) despite being a hongkong native..there were tensions back in the handover of HK in 1997
this thinking of "you need strong rule to have a strong united country" is also why he likes Singapore a lot, because that is the ideal product of a country essentially ruled long term by one party
Thats just me being stupid and mixing grip and grasp together
if this mess your routine down just go on psychiatrist/therapist and see their take on it
if you lack the money for a consultation you are fucked since you need medication to sort it out regardless
Their retail sales weren't bad, though they amounted to half of what they got for Andromeda, but they've been rather quiet about their digital sales. It's possible they underperformed.
are u guys some 14 yo retard spergs or something whats up with this shitty letter posting
>It's possible they underperformed.
cool, ill wait for the numbers then.
>though they amounted to half of what they got for Andromeda
andromeda sold 1/4 ME3...
those are Canadians bruh. Bioware is a canuck company.
>Even at like 4-5 years they didn't even know the genre, just concept work.
In a cosmic ironic kind of way this actually is good PR for EA, for once they're not the boogeyman of a trainwreck of a game. For 5 to 6 years Bioware Edmonton uses up God knows how much money prototyping Anthem and when it came time for next gen E3 showing EA visited and saw nothing but concept art/elevator pitches/BIOWARE MAGIC coping/awful demo that offended EA Sonderland so much he asked a group of Bioware employees to get on a plane the next day to Sweden and gave Dice devs unfuck the situation. It was surreal to read the Kotaku post mortem on Anthem, we need a documentary movie ASAP. This isn't Tortanic, this is 3 Star Wars prequels rolled into one, I want more behind the scenes information on the Anthem corpse.
Well I do have autism.
I'll have an ask next time I go.
Thanks man.
fuck nuBioware
Dragon Age 4 is not happening, mark my words
>Dragon Age:SJW is not happening
and thats a good thing
Apparently, EA already canceled a DA4 project during Anthem's development. Hard to say if they'll even give BioWare a chance, if the article is accurate. They're probably not going to let them spend 60-70% of development on pre-production though, not after Andromeda and Anthem.
Fuck this game and fuck EA
>Bioware was always a mess, but the impending doom of "we have to launch this and have it be good or the studio is bankrupt" is what made the games work.
The long term heads of Bioware Edmonton pulled the literal gun to the head for their employees in the final stretch of development. DO THIS NOW OR WE'LL ALL BE FIRED AND IT'LL ALL BE YOUR FAULT, its crunch time but its different. Like badge of honor reckless development at the expense of employees. Senior brass is incompetent at managing a studio, all the grunts bare crunch. That was the magic. The difference with Rockstar crunch is they have a blueprint and designers/leads with a mission, Bioware had (has) none of the two.
I can assume ME3 ending was fought by the grunts but A team Bioware Edmonton senior head honchos fought tooth and nail for 4 colors endings.
If I remember correctly it was basically Hudson and 1-2 other people locking themselves in a room and rewriting the ending with no external say or input.
There were LCD screens with Anthem ads on them in my local Finnish (small) shopping centre. EA went really fucking overboard on the marketing budget and I'm hoping Bioware would finally get taken out.
S but did anything happen in particular?
They shut down the servers?
i googled the pic to see if it's a tranny but holy molly this is worse
buying waifu decals for your car
Dude, it was still born. It was birthed as a Loading Screen Simulator. Fuck EA... And further more... FUCK Bioware.
Another game had to be seriously downgraded thanks to the console peasants. Luckily next gen will be the last.
This bitch hasn't done one positive thing for the Gaming Industry. Not one fucking thing.
>fuck around for SIX FUCKING YEARS acoomplishing literally nothing
>no game, no solid idea, no assets, no mechanics, no nothing
>"it's okay guys, let the BIOWARE MAGIC work!"
>crunch time at last sprint making people lose sanity
it's fucking baffling. how incompetent can you get, how? how did a whole fucking company just fuck around for years? did noone say anything, raise some concerns? how can this even remotely happen outside of a preschool daycare?
Wow, I have no idea how that group of people could produce such a horrible game.
how the fuck can capcom produce mhw and re2 but they still churn out SFV? I just want them to fire the entire team so they can have some other team in their company making this thing.
>don't buy anthem, it's the same old unfinished destiny
>but the flying feature is new
nothing. a game isn't dead until the devs stop updating it. that won't happen for years.
this is the anthem throw all your hands up
They built a Story Board. Too bad it was only for the theatrical trailer they used to sell the game to suckers.
> I don't believe for one second that the Story inside the game was ever put up on a White Board and discussed among a group of real adults.
>get paid for doing jack-shit for 6 years
>quit when they want you to work
Seems brilliant to me.
>do 6 years worth of work in several months and then quit
>like 3milions
seriously? considering the rep that's a lot. but again, remember DAI was called fastest selling bioware game and it only sold like 2m
EA likes to lie about these things before investors call.
Every marvel movie has been almost identical to the last and there hasn't been a worthwhile capeshit film since Dark Knight Rises.
>only six all-nighters
That's casual shit. I pull one every other day.
No Mans Sky actually coming out and making tons of money tricking people is what helped Hello games be able to put all that extra work into fixing NMS. Anthem doesn't have that luxery
Why are all these women so unfuckable?
Not the first time, lol. Dumb senior staff mismanaged their employees. It really is as simple as human hubris.
I'm sure we'll see some insane spin by someone who's an industry insider about how this a healthy and effective way to make games and that you're too dumb of a consumer to understand, man!
It's inevitable and the hip thing to do now is be an ultra contrarian for clicks, views and likes. And it fucking sucks. Either that or we'll witness a subgroup of retards who will ironically love and hail Anthem as a cult classic. But it's okay though since you know, they're merely pretending to be retarded. Fuck I hate how predictable this shit's become.
Speak for yourself, 2nd from the right looks a-ok
>bu- bu- bu -bu nintendo
pottery in motion. I'm a pcfag and don't own a switch you downie.
Someone explain "Bioware Magic" to me please.
From what was explained in the article, is pretty much "pulling an overnight to finish a project" except that on a bigger scale. It's Bioware Edmonton's belief that with enough hard work and determination they can pull it out and finish a game even if it barely has had any development and it's getting close to its release date.
Which in this case it caused a huge bunch of their staff to either take stress leaves for literal months or pretty much quit the studio.
Shit would get tense as a deadline would near and they'd pull a miracle out of their ass and ship the game out. Happened multiple times. It was really just a handful of semi-competent team members carrying the dead weight to the finish line. Those same team members are gone and so it the "magic". It's kind of telling that they thought it was the "Bioware Magic" and not being hard carried by a small handful of people.
I get the feeling that we'll be seeing a ton of this type of shit happening in the near future.
They believed that no matter how shit a product is, crunch time at the end of development will always fix it.
Put your teeth on the curb and except your punishment you console warring faggot. You can't go down to the trenches, fire a few shots, and then come back to claiming your above it all.
>bu bu bu I'm a PCfag
You need to hang like everyone else
No dude, it started a month before lol
I wish it was legal to castrate people as stupid as you.
I wish it was legal to kill retards like you
>Which in this case it caused a huge bunch of their staff to either take stress leaves for literal months or pretty much quit the studio.
“I actually cannot count the amount of ‘stress casualties’ we had on Mass Effect: Andromeda or Anthem,” said a third former BioWare developer in an email. “A ‘stress casualty’ at BioWare means someone had such a mental breakdown from the stress they’re just gone for one to three months. Some come back, some don’t.”
The way its worded, maybe the authors intend, is that they're really fucked up in the head even if they don't come back. Granted its for a punch effect, but it reminds me of the ME2 math autist DLC guy being overworked by his brother.
Considering the interviews, they didn't want to deal with the horrendously rushed development and the broken as fuck engine anymore, along many of the veterans leaving to a new studio. Who knows how long were their work shifts just to try to finish the game on time, it wouldn't even surprise me if some even had familiy issues because of this whole mess.
Strangely enough it was able to sirvive longer than the Vaginafiled one.
She made Bioware even worse and should stay the hell away from the gaming industry before she scams even more money.
Piss off, RetardERA.
You should've seen the fucking cope posts when The Divison 2 was coming out
>Y-y-you'll just come back to this game anyways
go to bed casey
What died?
never mind monster hunter, what anthem really should have been is a western equivalent to phantasy star online where everyone plays as casts. instead, they made a barebones destiny/warframe clone.
Why doesn't Bioware remove the flying and see if that helps?
I hope it takes Bioware with it
>the one dev who said realistically the final game was made in 8 months
Somehiw EA didnt know about BEYOND: Two Souls from Sony
The game sold millions all ready. This article doesn’t matter. EA got its money from the suckers stupid enough to buy this title at full price
>Frostbite is bad
I can't believe people for still falling for this meme. An engine is just editor GUI + CPU/GPU instructions. It doesn't make a game good or bad. If an engine is missing features for your particular game, you are supposed to add features to it yourself. Hell, even indie devs using Unity make custom editor tools to speed up their process.
In the kotaku article, Bioware complains about missing features like save/load, inventory system, and third person camera in Frostbite... REALLY?? Some intern can make a save/load system and inventory system out of plain text or XML in a day. Third person camera is the same thing - take the first person camera, make it trail behind the player and focus on the player transform, boom, there's your third person camera. Obviously you have to add more to it to make it feel good, but it's not fucking rocket science. Plenty of devs of all sizes (indie to AAA) have made camera systems from scratch.
If Bioware had any engineers worth their salt, they would've forked Frostbite and modified it to fit their needs. All this engine blaming is the dumbest thing ever. Really makes me fucking angry listening to these lazy fucks at Bioware constantly whine about tools.
>Only Dice can use Frostbite
Fuck right off, EA now has a central Frostbite team with all kinds of games being made with Frostbite so that's a fucking lie. Look at all these non-Dice games using Frostbite - Fifa, Madden NFL, Need for Speed, Plants vs Zombies, Rory Mcllroy PGA tour, Army of Two.
If Bioware can't use Frostbite, it's because they are lazy and incompetent, not because the engine is bad. If the engine has poor documentation and spaghetti code, hire people to make documentation and refactor the code. No one wants to take the responsibility for anything at Bioware, that's the problem.
What happened is that all of the talented and motivated leads left Bioware, and they had a bunch of bozos who didn't want to put any real work into making a good game.
Can confirm this. I had the intention of at least finishing the story in Anthem before uninstalling it and forgetting its existence.
But I couldn't do it. It's so bad. Literally one of the most boring games I've ever played in my life. I tried my hardest to enjoy it for what it was, but I wasn't strong enough. I caved. Then The Division 2 comes out and it's actually enjoyable. I hop on it for a bit every night after work. It's a good game.
I swear to you all that I'm not shitposting when I say I'm honestly ashamed for buying Anthem at full price.
Why do you keep maknig this thread?
>the Frostbite engine became ubiquitous across Electronic Arts this past decade thanks to an initiative led by former executive Patrick Söderlund to get all of its studios on the same technology. BioWare first shifted to Frostbite for Dragon Age: Inquisition in 2011, which caused massive problems for that team. Many of the features those developers had taken for granted in previous engines, like a save-load system and a third-person camera, simply did not exist in Frostbite, which meant that the Inquisition team had to build them all from scratch.
>Electronic Arts executive Patrick Söderlund, to whom BioWare’s leadership reported, played the Anthem Christmas 2016 demo. According to three people familiar with what happened, he told BioWare that it was unacceptable. (Söderlund did not respond to a request for comment.) He was particularly disappointed by the graphics. “He said, ‘This is not what you had promised to me as a game,’” said one person who was there.
>Now it was time for a new build. “What began was six weeks of pretty significant crunch to do a demo specifically for Patrick Söderlund,” said one member of the team. They overhauled the art, knowing that the best way to impress Söderlund would be to make a demo that looked as pretty as possible.
>The leadership team’s most recent decision had been to remove flying entirely, but they needed to impress Söderlund, and flying was the only mechanic they’d built that made Anthem stand out from other games, so they eventually decided to put it back. This re-implementation of flying took place over a weekend, according to two people who worked on the game, and it wasn’t quite clear whether they were doing it permanently or just as a show for Söderlund. “We were like, ‘Well that’s not in the game, are we adding it for real?’” said one developer. “They were like, ‘We’ll see.’”
Based Söderlund for trying to kill Bioware.
You can’t even make a sports game on it without giving the basket/soccer/football HP!!!!
He wasn't trying to kill Bioware, he wanted something to see what they had been working for years. And they had shit all to show. So they stitched together a 'game' as to hope to not lose their easy job. They had time and money to make a game, any game, and they produced nothing. They were like a student rushing to finish a school project monday morning, when they had a whole month to do it.
>what happens when suits design a game
Didn't you read the exposé?
NOBODY designed it.
>BioWare Edmonton passes Anthem off to BioWare Austin
>if Austin succeeds at saving the game, Edmonton will claim full credit for the turnaround
What a bunch of cunts
lol no they want this era is all about claiming shit someone did decades ago after they die to tarnish their name so you can make it on a documentary for quick cash. dumbass.
t. Söderlund
>An engine is just editor GUI + CPU/GPU instructions. It doesn't make a game good or bad.
that's bullshit, but
> Bioware complains about missing features like save/load, inventory system, and third person camera in Frostbite
i refuse to believe this is true. there's no way they're THAT incompetent.
Ronald Reagan
division 2 is actually fun and good
Casey Hudson is a dick. Without doxxing myself I work for a company in Edmonton that used to have a great relationship with Bioware, but ever since he came back it's like pulling teeth trying to get a response for the simplest shit.
If it’s any consolation, his employees can’t tug his kobold ear either
The one thing I am happy about from this shitshow is that Casey Hudson was the face of Anthem, PS even had this 'meet the creators' thing with him so you saw his smug face every time you opened the store. As long as that cunt gets what he deserves I'm fine with Bioware burning to the ground. Hell, there's really nobody left there who can be considered Bioware anyways.
What the hell was he supposed to do, as a executive? Just let the studio leech money for more 6 years, with nothing to show? Dude, they have to work to get paid.
Nothing of worth
Yeah no doubt, seems anyone who's been there for any amount of time thinks he's an absolute joke. We got fed up with waiting for one thing in particular and had to go above their heads and talk to EA for a response lol
> Hell, there's really nobody left there who can be considered Bioware anyways.
Lot of fresh faces but you'd be surprised desu. Hopefully the good ones can go over to Beamdog once this shitshow's over, they're a good team
fuck EA and fuck nuBioware
isn't beamdog the guys who ripped off a bunch of community mods for BG and NWN, called it a remake, added in some autistic tranny fanfiction, charged money for character portrait DLC, and had all stores remove the original versions of the games?
fuck SJW's
read the article, they specifically point out these basic things missing in Frostbite as reasons for difficulty with using the engine.
Also, an engine IS really just GUI and CPU/GPU instructions. So is every program you use on your computer. There is no special magic in a game engine. That's why all of the blame should fall on Bioware engineers if they couldn't get the engine to work for them.
Seriously, plenty of devs make custom engines from scratch, even indie devs, and make competent games with them. Frostbite has been used for many other games and is a great foundation, even if you have to add and change the engine to fit your needs.
Engine blaming = diffusion of responsibility
Well the article claims that a lot of Bioware's best programmers were ripped from Anthem and put on FIFA instead since that's where the money is.
Bioware started going on a slow downward spiral since Jade Empire don't kid yourself.
wait did people actually buy anthem?
because Bioware had fucking 7 years to make this shitty game. EA was just being smart about resource management. What's the alternative? Let Bioware fuck around for even longer, and waste time and money hiring temporary engineers just for FIFA?
FIFA games have short turn around time (obviously since it's an annual franchise). These Bioware programmers weren't working on FIFA for years and years. They were pulled out temporarily to help, but returned back to Bioware. To imply that EA using Bioware's programmers for a short while resulted in Bioware being unable to make the game is disingenuous. This is ANOTHER diffusion of responsibility.
Bioware is fucking incompetent. Everything else is excuses excuses.
Re read his post
>mfw the cope
>mfw reading shit like "well, it can only get better from here"
How many times has rebb cum in megs mouth?
Venom and deadpool were pretty nice imo.
Post link I want to laugh too.
I have to wonder, are these people just fanboys who think it will never happen to them, or do they fall for this shit every time it happens?
>Posted January 2018
Fuck, the article really puts things into perspective. At this point in time, the developers were 4-5 years deep into the project and had no idea what the fuck they were making.
It was basically stillborn.
Everything you listed, including the diversity hiring, has the same root cause: mismanagement. A more effective management team at Bioware Edmonton would have pulled through.
wrong. mismanagement is caused by leftists hiring their own kind. you have to hire a manager to begin with. the leftist cult mentality supercedes every other fact because the same pattern happens every single time.
Both EA and Bioware fucked up, but Bioware probably fucked up worse.
EA should have:
>Not forced a specific engine onto a team that had no use for it
>Not shuffled employees around so frequently
>Kept Bioware Edmonton's leadership on a tighter leash
>Not spent so much on marketing (although it was somewhat standard for AAA releases)
Bioware Edmonton should have:
>Made a cohesive game design from the start and stuck to it
>Made a cohesive production schedule and stuck to it
>Communicated their concepts and ideas better among the development team
>Allocated more time to production and QA
>Allocated less time to world-building and conceptualization
>Not outright refused to talk about Destiny, a genre leader from which they could've learned a lot
>Not outright refused to learn from Bioware Austin, a studio experienced with online games
>or do they fall for this shit every time it happens?
Probably this. The video game market is saturated with the stupidest consumers I've ever seen.
There are a lot of posts of people posting shit like "Wtf they made never winter nights, dragon age, mass effect, how could they do this" without even realizing that all of that bioware is gone.
You could literally slap the bioware name on a literal gook company that makes mobile phone knock off games and these fucking lemmings would still fall for it and say "wtf it's bioware tho BROS. ITS BIOWARE BROS"
I genuinely don't even know what game that is
Very telling of their incompetence that they would blame the engine. There's nothing wrong with Frostbite. It has its quirks and weaknesses for sure, but so does every other fucking engine.
WHAT ARTICLE? Why doesn’t anyone like to things they’re discussing?
>all this heretic game engine drama
Hiring is part of the management process, thus hiring based on ideology instead of skills is a management problem. The shitty hiring choices are a symptom of shitty management.
I don't disagree that their ideology hurt the project, but I think you're putting the cart before the horse. The bottom line is that if ivory-tower elitist retards weren't in charge of the company, Anthem might have turned out okay.
Frostbite is terrible for anything except Battlefield, kys.
>mass effect died for this
>mass effect died before this could happen to it
honestly I'm grateful for Andromeda now, mass effect might have gone out with a wet fart but at least it won't be remembered as the series that bricked people's consoles.
good post
Jason Schreier wrote a big expose about Anthem's development. I normally hate linking to Kotaku but the man did some good research.
Notable parts:
>The actual game took like 12-16 months to make
>The first 5-6 years of development were spent with no idea what they fuck they were making
>Many didn't even know it was a looter shooter until the E3 trailer
>They refused help from Bioware Austin because Bioware Edmonton has an elitist "A-Team" mentality
>Flying, the only good thing about the game, was added, removed, and added again
>The only reason flying is in the game is because EA's own CEO insisted that it stay because the game sucks without it
>High stress, depression, etc.
>They literally weren't allowed to talk about Destiny
It's worth a read though.
>a save-load system and a third-person camera, simply did not exist in Frostbite, which meant that the Inquisition team had to build them all from scratch.
The horror.
alrighty lets get this train going
post yfw you didnt buy into anthem
I warned 3 people about Athem
They bought it anyways
Why do you keep trying to force this narrative?
The actual reason why was because the original idea for the game (which wasn’t a looter shooter) was Casey Hudson’s idea. He was also the creative lead. But then he unexpectedly quit and the game either had no creative lead, meaning the team had no one to direct them or make hard decisions, or later creative leads kept getting swapped in and out so the teams working on it no longer knew what they were working on.
It had nothing to do with muh diversity it was standard shit management
>”stress leave”
Those new SJW hires are running this industry even further into the ground. Because they’re all fat
>standard shit management
this was a bit more than standard shit
This was bloody diarrhea tier management. Fucking 5 years of indecisiveness.
It really is impressive that kotaku of all places does a straight up journalistic piece about horrible mismanagement and half of Yea Forums is still trying to make it all about idpol nonsense.
>a straight up journalistic piece
The guy who wrote it is literally the only real journalist at Kotaku. He actually does a proper investigation of the matter.
>new card comes with an anthem code
>it's literally worthless
Fuck, why can't they bundle decent fucking games with these things?
I'm actually surprised how enjoyable of a read it was, it translates pretty well the kind of absolute nightmare Bethesda Austin suffered during that whole year and a half. I wouldn't wish that kind of torture to anyone.
A lot of the sales came from preorders and people not expecting it to be that bad.
There was no actual bad rep until the little early access released but many people paid to get into that, almost nobody waited.
And when the day one patch landed on "official" release and it added nothing, fixed almost nothing, people quit.
I, and many others, don't expect it to sell anything substantial after that initial wave of unaware buyers.
There has not been a single good headline since before launch, there is no major or interesting content in the horizon that would spark sales, and patches are only making the game worse according to the few still hopeful.
The "make the game unmemeable" is amusing too.
It could be multiple things.
An actual bug with their multiplayer scaling system or just a weird thing to make people feel good about playing at the beginning, letting them feel good about getting weapons with bigger numbers, and then making them feel still weak at the end so they have to keep playing.
>the industry has reached the point where a publisher actually backed of creative control
>creative proved it to be incapable and not having ability to put out a decent product by itself with minimal oversight
What a time to believe. “Creative” is a joke.
I think you're right. But I think it's hard to overestimate the severity of it.
Consider this: Things apparently got bad enough that professionals approached higher management about it, but every time they did, the response was literally a variation of 'I ain't gotta explain shit, it's fucking *bioware magic*'.
That's fucking preposterous.
Damn dude youre fucking badass
Apparently this team took the phrase “redefine the project” as “scrap everything and start over a few times” which is the opposite of what you’re supposed to do.
That doesn't even make sense. Why wouldn't they want that?
People creating memes means they're talking about the game, basically free advertisment. Better than that fucking advertisement at times square and its even free.
I didn't see a single person excited for Anthem before it came out. At most it was mild interest. NMS had a lot of idiots genuinely think a PS4 game(lol) would somehow be thefjbigestgamtever/
Fuck you Bioware
Go work the hours they were working with the stipulation of arbitrary crunch because "BIOWARE MAGIC," see how well that goes
I want to say F, because the very first game concept was really cool, like Darkest Dungeon in space, but considering how it turned out i can only logically say S
So S
....Divison 2 is already out
S. S. S. S. S to Bioware as well
>"It was tough to zoom out and get a feel for what it’d be like to play 40, 60, or 80 hours of Anthem when entire missions weren’t even finished. How could you tell if the loot drop rates were balanced when you couldn’t even play through the whole game? How could you assess whether the game felt grindy or repetitive when the story wasn’t even finished yet?"
Remember it's Bioware's fault for this one, not EA, they had no idea for the game other than "the Bob Dylan of video games" and whoever was running things never said what they wanted, just what they didn't want. Gaider was on the project and they kept telling him it was "too Dragon Age" but never told him what they actually wanted, it drove him to leave Bioware.
Yeah... no one said otherwise.
Was it ever alive?
Do game devs actually work anymore?
They should used Godot game engine instead of frostbite.
Sounds like the issue here is that most of the time they WEREN'T working because of all of BioWare's "idea men".
And the issue lies on Bioware's management and leadership that they weren't given goals, directions, and milestones towards which they should work
According to the Schreier article after several years of pre-production, they didn't even know what the genre of the game was going to be. All their initial plans turned out to be impossible to execute with the pile of shit that is known as the Frostbite engine.
there was nothing enjoyable about dragon age II. it was an abomination and they should've been culled right then and there.
It actually was a bug.
How the system worked was it took the average level of you gear, and that determined your overall power. This means to be fully powered, you needed a max level legendary in every slot.
However, default loadout items didn't count toward the average for some reason. They were just ignored. So instead of having every slot with a max level legendary, you only needed 1. Then you just left the rest of the slots as default loadout and congrats. You're now at maximum power.
The whole system is retarded, but that wasn't intended. This is what they get for trying to reinvent the wheel instead of just sticking to things that work.
W, whatever it is and...
>uses some of the most popular jap franchises as an example compared to a brand new ip
Yes, truly. Destiny 1 got a raid in the first week after it's launch. Destiny 1's campaign was abysmal, but good lord Anthem breaks new barriers because it's story is fucking nothing and has retarded shit like the four tombs that have now been patch to be irrelevant. Anthem is a failure like none other, I hated launch D1 but it was fun and I have good memories, game improved and then got really good with Taken King and had Rise of Iron later too. Anthem doesn't have actual content coming out for it any time soon, we get the Cataclysms in May but those were cut from the fucking game in the first place to be released later. It's shit and dead they can't fix the game, it would take two years of serious content expansion and there's no way EA will bother.
Link to the article people keep mentioning?
They were assblasted about how people made fun at Andromeda's face animations, so they tired as hard as they could to avoid making something to snark at. It worked too, I haven't seen any real "memes" surrounding Anthem.
I recommend everyone to go to the /vg/ archives of /anthg/ generals during the whole fiasco. It killed the fucking general because everyone got fed up after spending literal 100s of hours and money into it
Even funnier is that it was just a bioware general. Almost nobody talked about Anthem
cant die what never lived
Thanks my guy
It's rather remarkable. I still find it hard to believe that it's an honest-to-God Kotaku piece.
>look it up
>it just converted into Bioware General
>"Talk about all Bio games but Anthem"
Not even the fucking shills defends it anymore. Hell, /fog/ still defend F76
When is BioWare adding romance? I'll buy this shit game if they add romance.
Eh. F76 is at least honest in being dogshit. Can't say the same about what Bioware pulled.
When will they stop worshiping women and minorities
post more tali thigh gap
>no romances
I warned Yea Forums the Freelancer is a beta male virgin protagonist. Npcs get to fuck npcs the main character is the town virgin. That's why Anthem failed.
The game has a director.
He did a bad job.
>ywn find a gunloli in the wild
The game was purposefully made to be as devoid of personality as possible because higher ups didn’t want it to be a meme like Andromeda.
It will bounce back and be a cultural sensation. Just like what happened with Fortnite!
apparently they didn't even listen to their in-house developers who built up online experience with TOR online via lessons learned.
Big indicator of true incompetence.
man look at that picture. there is only one coder in the entire picture.
its less about exposure and more about giving money to your friends/self
honestly I hate interactive movies like the last of us but I think I'd rather play one of those and hate it than play anthem and forget it exists within 12 hours of stopping
>implying it wasn't killed by """""""""""""""""""""""Mass Effect""""""""""""""""""""""" 2 already
Be honest, they should have told the public that the Demo/Trailer is a very shaky prototype and that they need way more time to produce a great final product. Rather than, you know, throwing everything at Anthem and hoping something sticks.
To me, I feel like the greatest problem that ruined Anthem, was the lying or at least, ignoring the truth of the situation around them.
>jackie is a big supporter of the central china government (benevolent dictatorship)
/pol/ hates libcucked proto-civnat RINOs like him tho
>"We don't wants tons of free marketing, even if it means making the game world sterile and lifeless and alienating all players."
>t. modern AAA publisher
Thanks mate.
Post yfw you know someone who was hyped for Anthem.
>that won't happen for years
lmao, absolute delusion. They'll stop all content updates this summer and will likely shut down servers by the end of next year. Trust me, Anthem is not a game EA will invest any serious post-launch money into.
No, i will
Fuck this game!
>try to find anthem on twitch
>figure it'll have at least a few k viewers and be in the first section of top games
>ctrl-f: 0
>scroll down some
>ctrl-f: 0
>scroll down some more
>ctrl-f: 0
>just search the game
>550 viewers
>only 4 guys on the team
Where's the autist who was shilling it 24/7 before it released?
Come and let me feed on your tears.
he ain't my boy but the brother is heavy
>60-70% of dev time in pre production
more like 85% of their time dilating their wounds and talking about their feelings.