Wagie wagie wakes up in the morning real early

wagie wagie wakes up in the morning real early
loads up Yea Forums sees this thread and gets surly

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bumping so mods dont miss this troll thread to ban OP

>tfw wake up early to apply for government jobs
it's like i'm already not a neet

Good thingy I’m an autistic neet huh
Another 24 hours of Minecraft it is

No LARP is it really worth building up a passive income through wageslaving if the US is going full socialist in a few years? I can live off of wagie taxes.

Neet neet is so beat
Has no freinds isnt that neat
Has no money to buy a tendie treat
Wagie gets food,sauce and fries
Neet is alone when he fucking dies
Work is fun if your not brain dead
When will neet get that in his head?
Hes to lazy to work and get money
Cant afford games,isnt that funny!

the day's already half gone, get your fat ass out of bed

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i've got one of those


>implying the billionaire 1% that has the world in their pocket would drop glorious capitalism. And that's a good thing

I always wonder how neets support themselves. Tell me anons i want to go back to my neet life

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Wagie wagie home from work, too tired to game, to tired to jerk.

I got dog passes with autism by a doctor
Makes sense I guess I spent most my life playing maplestory

Am I a beer if I'm taking online classes?

It's 6 o'clock in Idaho bud.

>to lazy to

In my country you get paid if you go through psychological shit.

I'm pulling through tho and I'm doing a part time internship atm, feel's better man

I worked my ass off until I was 23, bought two properties, I now live in one, rent out the other.

wakie wagie step inside the cagie
NEET is based, wagie soon will be replaced
a 9 to 5 slave, suicide is what he craves
no time for vidya and entertainment
he is shackled until retirement
wakie wagie step inside the cagie
you dont want Mr. Shekelstein get ragie

I can only image pity money from family and welfare

Neety neety
Stuck at home
Faps to hentai
Forever alone

You don't want to be neet. Wasting away trying to delude yourself into thinking you're "free" while not being able to afford abutting but the essentials to survive and making threads on 4channel

NEETbucks you idiot, the goverment keeps them alive

The NEET lifestyle is a spoiled one.

I enjoy games more now that they don’t take up 75% of my time

How can you be happy knowing that you're leeching off of society

>live in first world
>apply for unemployment benefits
>make sure you never get hired
Its that easy, although im wagie myself phoneposting from work

>Neets a grammer nazi because his life is so unexiciting
Just make a carrer out of what you like,i like video games and am studying to be a video game dev,im in college rn.

>have a job i like
>get paid a lot
>currently on vacation posting on a laptop from a hotel on the 52nd floor
>neets can not afford to travel as their government pennies are used for diapers and gummy worms


>full socialism

Haha never. Even lefty billionaires like cook, gates, and zuck are very much pro capitalist.

Only good thing about neets is that their bloodline ends with them. I can't imagine someone who's want to reproduce with them

Literally every first world country is built and entirely propped up by leeching off the rest of the planet.

More like I'm paying you to shitpost, better keep it up faggot

>he lives in america
>he lives in fucking idaho

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No i usually dont mind but mixing your/you're, there/their/they're, to/too and lose/loose triggers me hard, not even a native speaker btw

In America, you have two options: leech off your parents, or have some sort of mental/physical disability that gets you free money

Some NEET had to wake up even earlier to make this thread.

Depends on the state. In TN you can be mentally or physically disabled and still not get NEETbucks.

NEETY NEETY listen sweetie
All day long you beat your meaty
Wagie's married
Wagie's rich
Wagies out fucking that bitch
NEET acts smug but NEET is sad
NEET be quiet don't wake up dad

>wagie rich

Hahaha oh wow.

t. Wagie

Neet is depressed as he has no money
Wagie gets weekends and work isnt long
So you can suck my big ol’ dong
Wagie uses money for freedom
Neet is stuck inside and has no choice
Run out of games and cant buy more
To tired to jerk it to some good whore
Wagie has a girl friend for good fun!
Work is easy but neet cant get it done!
Neet commits suicide hes so lonely
Wagie goes to work to make a freind
Wagie is free til the end!
This is true,most childhood freinds you meet at school and most adult freindships are made during work.
Ok if they can work but to lazy to they shouldnt get that much money to get games,its a stupid law to because they can work and are just lazy.
They dont,not fairly
True.I would get tired if i played all day.

based NEET btfoing the wagies

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How do 55yo men milking a bad back and 600lb landwhales survive there?

>tfw 65$ an hour

best poem


>be a net
>bang on about how free they and how much time they have to pursue cultural activities
>spend entire time in soiled underpants watching tranny porn and moderating Yea Forums for FREE