What words do people use to eliminate some of the dross on this board, so far I have
"Say Something nice"
pic unrelated.
What words do people use to eliminate some of the dross on this board, so far I have
"Say Something nice"
pic unrelated.
Other urls found in this thread:
god asian women make me want to hurl
t. Faggot
-myself at them! I dont of course because I respect the personal space of others.
I need more.
god I want to impregnate a hot asian girl
she's hot but that dance looks really dumb
#Iphone filenames
i want to fuck asian pussy.
filter are plastic alien gook posters
Filters are for pussies now. Mods are very trigger happy now and delete lots of threads.
>makes big tits bounce
I don't see anything wrong with this dance
Literal perfection.
How can white women even compete?
god i love thigh gaps
It's cute, sexy and esthetic at the same time. What more do you want?
But somehow they don't delete copy-pasted threads that have been posted 50+ times in 2 weeks.
How do I get a girlfriend like this, holy cow
it's kpop
I acknowledge that point. They must do it based on feelings.
wtf bros
i thought tits don't bounce at all and its only something japs put in for perverts
have western games lied to me
I just hide every thread I dislike, like every single boringlands threads.
They can't
her chest also looks like it's very well supported, imagine if she danced like this without bra
There are things I would love to see result in an autoban, but I don't filter anything.
Steam profile
Steam avatar
Fuck off no one cares about your myspace page stop begging for rates its just a fucking picture
>those disgusting skinny ass legs
bet if someone kicked her they would fucking break
god asian women are so much better than white women
americans know people like tits. Tits are fat. They become fat
That is one helpful bra.
Kpop is as soulless as it gets
Fuck off whale fucker. Girls can have sticc or thicc and still be hot. Not everyone needs to satisfy your fat fetish.
why are asians so ugly?
>Asian women aka plastic surgery golems
OP's pic related goes by the name of berry0314 on twitch
not even a whale fucker just look at her fucking legs compared to the rest of her body its disgusting
latinas >>>> north european girls >>>> asians > shit > americans
What k-pop group is it?
god having sex with her would probably satisfy your libido for centuries
oh thanks, almost forgot snoy, I have waifu and sjw as blanket filters for all boards.
You just know she went at least through 3 plastic surgeries to look like that.
You forgot to filter
western women don't look like that even after 15 surgeries
Chinks are such a facsimile of real humans.
Nothing they do has any actual feeling or meaning behind it.
>it's cherry picking because I disagree with it
that's all women
Looks natural to me. Believe it or not most Koreans dont have massive surgery done. The numbers come mostly from double eyelid surgery and she doesnt even have it.
>respecting other people's personal space
Not an argument.
Lol true. But somehow Asians are so much more noticeably... Hollow?
oh yes the western women's "feeling"
a society obsess with races and gender
>he cant see his own thread
lmao cringe
Plenty of naturally beautiful women in Eastern Europe, I'd argue.
That cheek puffiness to the front doesn't look all that natural, honestly.
>implying Western women don't go under the knife
The guy made his point. Cherry-picking is obviously what happened and you come with this weak ass shit that disagreeing with you means that it's not cherry-picking. kys, retard.
Why gamer like asian girl?
This is just embarrassing. Why do Asians and weebs find this cute?
>after looks like a tranny
Are those even the same people?
she became uglier with each plastic surgery lol
gamers are white supremacists and white supremacists love asian girls
No, it's cherry picking because it's plain as day that you are deliberately pitting "good example of X" vs. "Bad example of Y".
I can just as easily search for ugly Asian women and white supermodels to make the inverse argument to you. But what would that prove? Nothing.
Without statistically significant surveying of both populations, any conclusions drawn are going to be cherry picked arguments.
yeah, and you shitposting here in the midst of other stinky faggots is SO REAL, it's the.. FUCKING BUILDING BLOCKS of the existence itself.
You're right. You don't have one. Continue to beta orbit. Maybe that white single roastie with 2 mixed kids might give you the time of day
Surprisingly they're unlike western girls who thinks (you) are wrong for her unattractiveness.
holy shiTTTTTT
imagine ejaculating all over her bust
have sex
and a bunch of trip/name-subhumans
Dont most white guys like Asians? I find them cute
Unlike niggers. Ugliest girls
she looks like she's ripping a huge fart
Those are some weird contact lenses.
>no attractive white women posted in this thread despite desperate incels saying they exist
>based sexy Asians everywhere
betas btfo
that's one of the dumbest dances I've ever seen
Massive tits on a toned petite Asian goddess, lads I'm struggling over here.
Well they're all fake and plastic..
>implying she isn't just tripping on shrooms or LSD
>Smash leaks
there was a time when those threads were fun...
>Looks natural to me.
Her breasts are mostly her bra.
Because poor social skills combined with over-consumption of Asian (specifically japanese) media without any relevant real world experience of the region leads to an idealised image where every girl in the country is exactly like the idols and models they see on TV or acts entirely like their anime characters.
>filtering a game title
How much of a faggot can you be? How about we filter "Smash" then? Fucking retard.
Here are few phrases that need to be weed out of Yea Forums:
>now that the dust has settled
>objective fact/truth
>can we all agree that
Thanks and fuck you.
Who bitch dis is?
is this more to your liking?
I actually went to Tokyo and Fell in Love on every street. They have the best looming women on the planet. Try again
He's talking about his personal board filters idiot. OP clearly wants to avoid sekiro discussion so just uses filters to avoid the threads in the first place, he's not saying they should be banned from Yea Forums entirely
nobody's "btfo" on the internet you retarded faggot nerd
when you checkin' stacy for more than a second and chad right hooks you in your myopic faggot face and breaks your glasses and you you have to churn out 350 freedom monies to buy new ones, THAT'S when you're "BTFO"
I'm feeling like a PROJECTOR, today, bois, get ready for turbo faggotry on Yea Forums today :D
I do have smash filtered, and borderlands.
Looks like you're not able to. Meanwhile, I'm in yellowpill heaven. Deal with it, beta orbiter.
I got one, just be yourself (funny, good looking and tall)
>turbo faggot
Yeah, you pretty much are. Do yourself a favor and leave before you embarrass yourself further.
>still falling for Asian makeup magic and plastic surgery
these k-pop dances are getting too niggery
it's not even sexy anymore
>That cheek puffiness to the front doesn't look all that natural, honestly.
That's because you haven't been around enough asians to know it's quite common over there.
95% silicon.
what a terrible example. she's so obviously plastic as fuck
how can you accuse someone of being beta while liking most beta thing ever?! My yellow fewer ended in early 20s. White women is best, you just have terrible experience with retarded western women.
Imagine being this gay
Who said anything about women?
Chinks in general.
Speaking of,
Butthurt chankoro detected.
outdated and old but i'll spam some here
What did he mean by this?
Apologize to him Yea Forums.
Explain yourselves.
Who was in the wrong here?
Defend this.
What's his name again?
What the fuck was his problem?
Refute this.
Prove him wrong.
Perfect X doesn't exi- .
Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
Yea Forums BTFO.
Would you?
Is he "our" guy?
He did nothing wrong!
Will you buy his/her game?
Buy his game.
Convince me to NOT buy this game.
Find a flaw.
Bing bing wahoo!
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
I'm glad we can all agree on this.
How did we go from this...to THIS?
>Not just liking hot girls regardless of where they're from
Your loss
Yeah it's really not that hard.
>Still worshiping white Roasties
grow up kiddo
>people posting pictures by their actual *shitting station*
Am I the only one who sees this as poor taste? I mean, sure, everybody SHITS, but can't you find a mirror somewhere else? FUCK.
Some kind user posted a very fancy, code-like filter a while ago. It's amazing and catches like 30-50 things. There are things I'd like to add to it but don't know how, such as "Home.", Sekiro, anything related to fucking New Vegas or FF14 (use your generals you faggots), and... Fuck, I'm sure there's more. Anyways...
Here. Currenlty blocking 41 fucking threads. I hate this place.
/(ff|final fantasy) ?(14|xiv) *vita|pyra|weeb|sjw|sexy|sexualism|sexist|journalist|reviewers?|girl|women|woman|waifu|does (any|every)one else find this game|^>|how can any other.*even compete|hats|overrated|\/v\/|how did we go|what happened|for me, it's|for me, its|how can .* even compete|kino|.* is cute|comfy|her game|your controller|did nothing wrong|what are some|any games|what did.*mean by this|goty|this year|vidya|nintendo|sony|FNV|Fallout New Vegas|Fallout: New Vegas|New Vegas|microsoft|[0-9]+\/[0-9]+|friendly reminder|dust has settled/i
... Christ, I have FNV shit in there and you insufferable cunts STILL plague the board.
Do people really believe this one?
Enji is literal perfection. 99.999% of girls don't come even close.
ok, these ones is pretty cool.
i come to Yea Forums to shitpost not to feel like a loser
Literally only you are.
>white women is best
t. feminist """ally"""
It's because they live with their parents so the shitter is the only place where they have some privacy.
Pretty good. I want to punch everyone who used these phrases, even ironically, to start a thread.
Right side still looks better than any western "woman" with makeup. Keep seething.
still alright.
are you implying the one on the right isn't cute as fuck?
lying retard, it's in the OP
As someone who lived in Korea. Asian girls act really cute. Not like anime moeshit but actually cute. They're adorable. I like how white girls look better but asians absolutely win when it comes to personality.
she looks average.
t. roastie
it looks like home is too generic but if you want to block sekiro topics you could probably just slap |sekiro| in with all the other criteria
>i'm a feminist ally!
desu, that makes me fall in love.
I just want more hapas in the world
What about trannies from Asia and the west? Do they look different?
/absolute state/i
/absolute fucking state/i
/lack soul/i
/so rand/i
/Its dead/i
/ironic weeb/i
/crunch crunch/i
/japanese shadman/i
/Imagine the smell/i
/v is one person/i
/more soul/i
/home bros/i
/^We're going home, boys\.$/
just needs to take better care of her skin
Huh. Dunno how it didn't catch that. Maybe it's too long.
Regardless, throw it in your filter, see how much shit it catches.
Acting cute is not a personality. It's acting.
This one fucked me up. I always thought sophie dee was so hot.
sure thing
Cute is the shittiest personality once you're past like 22.
Yeah. I'm not sure how I'd get that. Maybe like, ". Home.", since it's usually ". Home."
Yeah no you dont
>obvious nosejob
N-no bros! I-I thought w-white women weren't f-fake!
you can't get away with this after making this post mate
The data doesn't lie user, you are a retard if you believe that Asians eat as much burgers as yourself
dude, stop. Have you even fucked an asian girls? Brown pussies is not aesthetically pleasing. They also rarely have good hourglass figure and more of a potato one. Lets just be realistic here.
Its not. Cuteness is a godsend when most other women age like babooshkas and develop the 25 cock stare by age 30. Thank the Lord for cute asian girls.
her bottom is becoming too fat now. She needs more muscle down there.
And you're saying western women don't act in front of you? Women are shallow things anyway. How they act towards you is what matters.
tbqh she looks better without it m8
It's really not, pretending to be a kid when you're an adult isn't cute. I want a woman not a kid.
This is the most important filter you can have
wtf bros I thought japan was based and redpilled!
makeup was a mistake.
>no qt big booty Black gamer gf to carry me in mobas and playfully chide me for my passive personality
It hurts, boys
these girls are ugly even with makeup on.
shes ok. She doesnt even need this much makeup.
body is nice, but face kind 6.5 in this pic.
Picrelated is 7.5 for me.
Agreed. Shy is the new cute after 22 and it doesn't autimatically mean you're an infantile, autistic cunt .
all women are children though
women always behave like children
you just choose between a cute child and a bitchy cunt of a child
>Have small breasts
>They are shaggy flatcakes
and people say God doesn't punish twice
At least you can recognize her as the same person before and after.
They're tighter and cuter user. And they don't age like milk.
>I'm walking through this place today
It was better not knowing.
They are, your image is proof of that.
jew took over the japanese porn industry years ago
Your standards are too high.
What the fuck are thee percentages for and why do the rest not have a percentage?
how can whites even compete?
Pic is wrong. Muscle mass of left expands because it's constantly worked out to carry that fat mass on top. The hip bones also don't change their size, no matter how fat you get.
This is the equivalent of beatiality for japs. Asian men are the ones buying this.