Defend this shit
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off Vinny.
Console makers aren't obligated to put their games on other systems they were designed for those systems as an incentive to buy them. PC games shouldn't have exclusives between launchers however.
I find exclusives annoying as shit, but at the same time without exclusives what's the fucking point of having different consoles?
The only defence is on consoles, wherin it allows you to focus entirely on one specific piece of hardware which cuts costs and development significantly.
There is no valid argument for exclusivity on the PC.
>PC games shouldn't have exclusives between launchers however.
Why not?
Time to shove my gun into Vinny's butt
Someone put pineapple on his pizza
Did Vinny weigh in on the debate during last night's stream?
I'm curious but I don't want to watch Blaster Master.
What about when a platform holder fronts the bill for a game to be made?
Okay that’s not fair at all
Pineapple belongs on everything
He should be stopped what a fag
because every game will then be exclusive to its own launcher
Someone fuck him already and bear his children. His Italian genes are going to waste.
Imagine the smell of that room
Is that Imakuni next to him? She's a cutie
his eyes and face look normal if you cover the over half up
but as a whole you can almost hear the scream
Yes. Imakuni is top tier.
just go to jutub comments on said video, they'll be talking about it there if vinny has mentioned something on the astream
Gal Gun shall torment him or the rest of his life.
He's a patrician and a true pizza lover so he never fell for the "pineapple on pizza is bad" meme though
If ur talking about purple shirt
That’s ugly as fuck and ur blind
>Lets make all consoles that same so everyone can have fun
Dirty Socks and rotten tuna?
This is about Vappy getting fired right?
Thats a big convention hall user, it probably smells fine
The hotel rooms that hamplanet is staying in is a different story
Probably smells like sweat, sickeningly sweet hard cider, and mcdonalds ketchup
>beat Lady Butterfly on the third attempt after beating Juzou on the second
I still cant believe vinny actually got rid of that furfag
Oh god my Brian is trying to process that smell please make it stop
Good point. VODs aren't up yet but that would be a good way to figure out if discussion was during Blaster or Yoshi.
Not that I think Vinny has a unique take on it. It's probably the standard "I enjoyed playing Borderlands back in the day, sucks it got delayed for PC." That's really all you need to say on the subject.
Who's Brian?
Apparently there's a hallway that consistently smells like ass there but the main hall is fine due to ventilation.
Vinny's not nearly as bad at games as people seem to think he is. He just has atrocious memory.
oh I tought you were talking about vap. My point stands anyways, you can find the topic of any stream from the comments
The dog from Family Guy
My big sexy bull
And he looks sudoku
also reads the chat alot so he just isn't paying full attention
took him long enough
i never understood how vappy became the fullsauce guy when there were like 20 other people who could do everything he did but infinitely better
same applies to southbird. though at least southbird is pretty cool, his edits were simply not very good.
Imakuni is cute in her own way. She has a fantastic personality that is pretty much female Vinny and her streams are cozy as fuck.
it allows developers to create games that wouldnt normaly be founded by regular publishers because it would be too much of a risk
it also lets developers get access to support from consoles company, making the end product USSUALY better than it would be without exclusivity
exclusive are often also less monetized than games from EA/Ubisoft which is big plus today, saddly
>sucks it got delayed for PC
Do you honestly think Vinny is as autistic and petty as you are?
ProTip you fucking retard: Theres 9 full sauce VODs of him playing Fortnite.
Holy shit that chick on the far left looks creepy as fuck
I don’t know who either of those are
And I don’t watch streams faggot
The OP mentions exclusives and Borderlands 3 was mentioned as an Epic exclusive yesterday. Projecting much?
Anyways I thought the Vappy shit was just done? I missed too many streams covering it so I don't even know what really happened. If only some user on Yea Forums could blow it out of proportions...
Man, tried to find the DKC edit but I don't know where to search.
Then why the fack are you in this thread?
>exclusivity that forces the consumers to buy another $300 console? good
>exclusivity that forces people to download a free launcher? bad
Jesus christ
I saw a dude with a gun
I wana know why he has it
No where did the thread say vinny or imakuni how am I supposed to know who these people are u retard
Did Vappy actually get fired? If so, why?
The last time I saw him mentioned in a thread here, someone posited that he's been moving and thus hasn't be able to edit, and wasn't fired at all.
On consoles, its a minor inconvenience if you don't own the hardware.
On PC? You download a free launcher and use that. I'd hardly call it "exclusive" when it's not locked to anything but a storefront program
>b-but muh steam features
Steam reviews are shit and get bombed all the time. Steam forums are legitimately worse than Yea Forums for actual game discussions without memes or spam. Steam Workshop, oh wow I can download Spongebob and Miku skins without registering on another website, how amazing. Steam friends and steam chat can be used over the Epic game overlay anyway, so its not lost. About the only thing actually missing from Epic is a decent refund policy.
>b-but muh privacy
If you care that much about having your data stolen and are still using the internet at all, it's far too late for you.
>play fortnite
>make fun of kids who comes to his stream for the first time just because he is playing fortnite and calling everything cringe
No I just often forget what the threads are originally about
The OP is clearly a shop though
Sometimes exclusivity is the only way a game gets made.
That’s sad
I thought he was about to do a columbine
I'm assuming it has to do with that furry porn art he made with a picture of Vinny wearing that sauce boss crown thrown into the background
Thank you.
>streams the game for 11 hours
>he still honestly believes he was doing it for the "meme"
He said on multiple occasions he liked the game and he couldnt give two fucks what other people think about it or epic, why do you think its going to be any different?
He's about to prema ban all of the weebs in his chat irl.
>No I just often forget what the threads are originally about
...and then project what you think the thread is about onto your responses.
And hes gonna do it while wearing the Gal Gun shirt he got from Pax
Don't worry, when that happens we'll definitely have threads about it.
Exclusivity is a vector of the free market, you cannot support the concept of the free market and not support producers and store fronts making a voluntary transaction between themselves.
This is why free market ideologues are naive, the fact that capital can talk to capital and control you is a fundamental critique of the concept that dates back over a hundred years.
Exclusivity is okay if the owner of the platform actually financed the game development, because otherwise the game would not exist to begin with.
>that furry badge
>the ear headband
Oh lord
>that fucking galgun shirt
My sides.
>Vinny purchased that galgun shirt himself
>PC games shouldn't have exclusives between launchers however.
Your logic falls flat here. Apply the same logic here to the console ones though and I think it'd be fair.
If Epic was funding the development of games the same way Sony and Nintendo funded the developments of games like The Last of Us, Breath of the Wild, Bloodborne and Bayonetta 2, then I'd be perfectly fine with them having exclusive releases on their launcher. As it stands, they're very blatantly just moneyhatting major new releases and removing them from sale on platforms they were already being sold on - the games would still have existed in the same capacity without them.
He chose to, yeah. Saw the VOD. Dude seems nice. I'd be interested to know what that talk with Arin about mental health was like too.
jesus christ whats wrong with these two's jaws
>You will never be a depressed incel who screams at videogames at 2AM for children
Why even live bros? Vinny's already achieved the dream.
Bogdanoff spies, sent to make sure Vinny doesn't speak out of line.
Vinny is volcel as hell. You can't tell me a handsome introverted but charismatic musician doesn't have women after him.
>Game Theory meme badge
>It's a Vinny pretends he didn't browse the chan so he doesn't piss off his furry and leftist fanbase
I mean Joel literally admits he comes here in his spare time
Vinny is surprisingly good at sekiro
Oh absolutely, it's such a bizarre crossover you just want to know how the conversation went.
Reminds me that Activision flew a bunch of Souls people out to Japan for Sekiro promotion. Apparently one day The Completionist, Vaati, Lobos and a couple other people just hung out at a bar and talked for
Exclusivity doesn't bug me if the owner of the platform fronted the cash for the game to be made in the first place, i.e. Bayo 2 on Nintendo systems
But shit like what Epic has been pulling lately and buying exclusivity 2 weeks before a game is out is just retarded and anyone shocked that they're getting shit for it is an idiot.
>these are probably the same people who save a ton of different vinesauce irl images on their pc
So according to "Vappy is being charged for sexual misconduct. Vinny is trying his hardest to smoothly cut ties with Vappy."
Is this real or some shit Yea Forums made up? WHO KNOWS
>when someone posts the exact same message 10 times in a row
jesus christ you can actually hear him scream in that pic
It defends itself, there's nothing wrong with it. Mcdonalds doesn't have to let Burger King serve a Big Mac.
I dunno about last night, but in one of his recent streams he went on about how TIMED exclusivity is anti-consumer (and he's right). He went out of his way to say that he doesn't mind games like Bloodborne or Zelda being straight-up exclusives.
He has enough and decided to bring the schut game into real life
Can we elaborate on this? I want to know about Vinny's sex life more. Is he a virgin? He does not let anything of his personal life ever leak so I am deadly curious to what his orgasm sounds like.
Made up
When he goes "you know I'm just one random guy on the internet who just happens to stream and people watch" do you think he ever also goes "yeah right lmao I'm fucking Vinny Vinesauce" in his head?
I actually think he does not browse Yea Forums anymore as he legit did not know about some memes that where happening at the time (like that splatoon 2 stream where i was asking about the WE WUZ KANGS shit). He used to browse here back before twitch and he was advertising his stream. But I think he actively avoids this place thinking the "grew out" of it like the radical center left faggot he is.
>is vinny a virgin
>literally cheated on one girlfriend to fuck the girl in the picture
What are you fucking retarded?
Wait Joel said that? When? So he also knows about how much of a laughing stock his country is right now?
Without exclusivity consoles wouldn’t be able to exist and that’s a bad thing because I dunno lmao
He really is not handsome dude, just average and with very bad posture in public
Every time this is brought up there is zero evidence uncovered and seems to suggest somebody was just trolling Vinny.
The only bits of Vinny's outside life we have is the one forum post we suspect is from him where he confides that he's interested in getting with a friend of his's girlfriend because they had a fun time at a Pink Floyd light show. The post hits all the notes but he was obviously a different person when he wrote it at like 18 or whatever it was. Maybe another user can link it
Ima x vinny is best ship!
If that is true than I have lost a lot of respect for him if that was the case. I thought Vin would have more integrity than to stoop to cheating. But I guess when you look like him puss is just being thrown at you at a constant basis so it would be hard not to I guess.
>remember hearing how Joel used to like Ima
I feel sorry for the poor sperg sometimes. But man Joel can be a faggot. He seems to love dishing out shit but the moment someone criticizes him he folds so easily and can't take it himself.
Few months ago somebody on here said they went to a meetup and asked Vinny about it.
Apparently Vinny said that while yes he did come from here, he makes a point of not coming back here often because it just makes him bitter about games and takes a bit of the fun out of it for him. No animosity, he just doesn't think it's good for his mindset.
Yes that's true, but why shouldn't that be the case.
I honestly dont blame him. Yea Forums tends to do that to me as well and it gets hard to form your own opinion about a game cause of that. I wonder if he browses other boards though
Don't make judgement calls without any actual evidence to back it up dumbass. Believe me, if we have juicy evidence Yea Forums is the one place where we're going to talk about it.
Lack of evidence is how we perpetuate shit threads on here, which are honestly never going to stop but you can at least save yourself some time.
Oh my god, the cross over I never would have thought possible. Holy shit I am dying over here. They are both pretty autistic so I can see it
>when the fat bastard shows up to ruin the hentai
dude in the background on his way to stealing your pokewaifu
Oh no no no no no no no no no
As a fat 20 year old male virgin, Chris even gives off rape vibes to me.
Be honest Yea Forums, would you date Ima?
That might be why he hates talking about politics desu
I didn't know Kamiya was into cosplay.
I would, her slightly autistic sounding speech pattern is cute to me. Though isnt she like 5'0 nothing? Would not want to knock her up and make more manlets desu.
>would someone from Yea Forums date someone as autistic as them
Thank god I'm not the only one who thought of the bogs with this img
Honestly, yeah. She'd be fun to be with.
What country is that and are you implying the US isnt a laughing stock too
I'm honestly surprised Vinny disnt run into Chris during that TMG
I highly doubt someone who successfully escapes one board would chance it by browsing other boards on the site but I've never done it myself.
I've thought about leaving here but when a new game comes out and you can play it and chat with others who are clearly actually playing the game it's pretty comfy. 90% of threads are pointless but I stay because I know what to look for in the 10%. Don't take the word of Yea Forums as gospel, there a lot of people here with very different tastes and it's impossible to know which ones you're talking about. It's fun to talk but don't loose sight of your own gaming history and tastes even if like 5 people call you retarded for liking something.
Vinny probably has no idea who Chris is
>launch on start up
Are you kidding?
He used to go here, so I'm positive he knows who Chris is. Not to mention, when he came back from it and chat was asking if he had seen Chris, he just told them no he hadn't
>Vinny probably has no idea who Chris is
>tfw I can't see the phrase "I would" without thinking of this
>exclusives are bad unless its on a platform i like
You can save the image but you can't save her, user.
Vinny can't keep getting away with it!
Wow, Vinny met Chris Martin?
a business practice designed to make the consumer spend extra money. works as long as the consumer falls for it
Remember when Vinny told Devin Chat that his game was shit directly to his face?
Remember when Joel made a chat member cry and leave by being like "okay, you can shut up now, I've seen your fucking message"?
sounds based as hell
The absolute mad lads.
Get a better PC
Id do that all the time if i was a streamer
chat is filled with retarded kids and sojaboys
>Everyone is realizing that Aris's way is the way
Soon beard man's tactics will take over
Vinny is getting kinda of fat
He looks more depressed and yet he is also funnier
He had 2 health and posture upgrades and 1 damage upgrade when this boss is supposed to be beaten without any of them. Now I'm not saying vincent's bad but people shouldn't hold him in high regards.
>yet he is also funnier
The more he dies on the inside the more an effort he has to make to not shoot himself.
sadness has a direct correlation to comedy output
>tfw Vinny fucking dunked on indie games all looking the same last night.
Tbh I would of fucked her too
I exilied her from Vinesauce because of my depression
when will pokimane join the vinesauce team
Vinny is /ourguy/ but he has to hold it in as to not upset the raging faggots and furries that plague his chat
>Says "ok" in dk voice once
>chat becomes transrights spam
>compilation of his Resident Evil 2: Remake stream
>didn't show that one scene where Claire and Mr. X were staring at each other
>until Claire pulled the flashlight out and he punched her
That entire sequence of him trying to get past the same zombies, lickers and Mr. X several times was equally sad and funny.
Vinny needs to be in a boy band.
That shit was cringe as fuck I despised it
Why is that a thing anyways
>Just get a better PC bro!
Not an argument
Vinny looks so out of place and nervous, it's almost comical.
I fucking cried laughing at that part.
People think trannies lack rights or something when in reality most people don't really care about the literal .05%.
you literally cant have multiple consoles without having exclusives, its a console market phenomenon that will always be there as long as there is more than 1 console
Blame HBomberfag
Sure what does it has to do with donkey kong
Some faggot streamed dk64 for trans donations or some cringe shit
The only time since he came back from PAX that I know of that it fit was when he was showing of PAX footage a gay pride and trans pride flag was shown at a booth. Other than that, I have no idea. Probably his chat just being their usual autistic selves.
He's really bad when it comes to posturing for pictures.
Does Vinny hate Yea Forums now?
Who the fuck doesn't hate Yea Forums?
Seriously James must wear a wig now for AVGN videos right
this smol whiteboy gonna be fucked
Yea Forums is shit and it's right to hate this place
who doesn't
Is it me or does vinny scream way too much lately? it got kind of annoying really.
No but his retarded mods sure do.
Everywhere else is worse. I know thats not a positive in itself but still
Yes and you should too
Regular since 2014, let me explain why Vinny I really believe Vinny is a homosexual
>Make a trans joke
>Some moderator banned me from Vinny's chat
>Been 2 weeks, still no response to me asking to be unbanned
>Ask Vinny to be unbanned
>No response
Unsubbed, unfollowed, fuck this gay ass faggot and his sensitive buttboy moderators he keeps around. Thinking about how much money i've given to this faggot subbing every month now makes me cringe. Highly reccomend everyone else stop watching Vinny's streams until he gets rid of his butthurt jabroni mods.
Tl;dr go watch Joel
because it eats up resources for literally no benefits
I like you guys a lot.
>ever using twitch chat, not keeping it hidden all the time
ur doing it wrong
I miss Chatango.
Making a trans joke on a vinny stream. Fuck me your rarted mate. What did you think would happen
Do you hate that forum you went to 10 years ago? No, you just don't care anymore.
Yea Forums is just a fucking site he used to go to for a couple laughs back in the day.
Talking on the net won’t do shit. Pirate NOW.
>go to Joel
No thanks, stopped watching him a while ago because its just annoying to watch him put basic thought into things.
vinny is alright, stopped watching his streams since i heard he pulls in 12k a month and still has that retarded furfag pedo as his mod. for someone making so much money im sure he could afford to pay atleast a competent mod? i mean, i'm sure there are people who will do it for free even
fuck you
This image still freaks me out. It's like he smashed his face into a pile of foundation makeup. There's something incredibly unnerving about the vacant look in his eyes.
Why does his face look photoshopped? It's like his face doesn't fit the rest of the head.
So he used Yea Forums as his footstool to get where he is today, then pretends Yea Forums doesn't exist
And yet threads like this that aren't even about video games but are circle jerk discussions of two twitch streamers from a niche website who used to advertise spam the fuck out of this board back in the day are allowed
>no benefits
I think this is the major factor that people are ignoring, the fact of the matter is that launcher exclusivity offers ZERO benefits to the consumer, we're being forced to take extra steps for the sake of corporate greed
If this doesn't make you at least a little upset then you're literally not woke enough
Is he unhappy?
Yeah I think he said that on his Monday stream. Poor guy.
>Makes 12k a month from homestuck, furries and tumblr kids
>I'm depressed ;_;
>tfw Jerma/Joel crossover episode soon
Why do you give a shit?
I bet shes a “chat behave” poster
Short answer, no
Long answer, yes
Aren't we all unhappy in some way?
All the years of Sunday streams broke the man.
>Chat likes to pretend to be Vinny's hugbox or mom
>Vinny plays RE2 on hardcore
>Vinny dies a few times
>He ends up enjoying it
>Plays DMC5
>Decides not to use glorbs
>Chat has a shit fit each time
Why does his chat feel the need to be a hugbox for him when he doesn't want one? Sometimes his community is cool and makes shit for him to play on sunday. And other times they act like retarded soccer moms
I'm surprised hes still somewhat mentally stable after that last Android trash stream
these ecelebs threads are fucking pathetic man
and tunnel vision up the ass.
>Make 12k a month
>Playing video games
>I'm depressed guys
>Let me talk for 30 minutes about my band no one cares about
who isn't
Because it's a huuuge community and the most vocal ones are the people bitching instead of watching
He just needs to increase his FOV
Why are the Yea Forums Vinesauce threads so fucking weird?
I like Vinny and Joel, but the threads here are full of conspiracy theorists and people with vendettas. What's the story? People have this oddly strong investment in the community surrounding them, but then seem really upset about aspects of it. Why the over-investment in the dude?
Is this common with streamer culture in general or is it specifically a Vinesauce thing? I'm not too versed in streamer culture shit, but I do remember the same thing being the case on Grumps threads, but that's true outside of Yea Forums too, and the drama was involving other people who are public facing. It's only Yea Forums that acts this way about Vinesauce, and often about literal fucking whos like his mods.
This thread isn't video games. Take your e-celeb mickey mouse bullshit discussion to the YouTube comment section.
money isn't everything
>making 12k a month
>off 250k subscribers and vids that struggle to get 75k views
Sorry you're missing out on another console war or wojak and pepe thread, I'm sure there'll be another one for you as soon as this thread archives
You can have money and still be depressed. Even Notch was still depressed after getting 10+ lifetimes of money.
Whos to say he isn't?
It's cause of the secret storyline in his albums about his deceased ex-girlfriend who was in a cult
Exclusivity on systems incentivizes developers to focus their efforts on tailoring their product to the system they're developing for. This means optimum performance and best use of the controller or other system/controller-specific features.
Exclusivity on PCs is obnoxious and hurts the consumer and will likely bite the publishers in the ass
user shush they would rather be mad someone who makes more than them is depressed rather than wonder why they're depressed when there's someone even less fortunate than them too
Meant for
>So he used Yea Forums as his footstool to get where he is today, then pretends Yea Forums doesn't exist
I didn't even mention in my post that he specifically got popular through Yea Forums. I also honestly don't remember if he did because he that shit was like what, 7 or 8 years ago? I was here at the time and I remember seeing the logo around but I didn't actually read those threads, so I have no idea how important Yea Forums was to his growth.
Either way, he's not property of Yea Forums. The fuck do you want him to do? Credit Yea Forums at the end of every stream? It's just a fucking forum he used to go to dude.
No clue either. He just makes me laugh and makes getting through the week a bit easier.
>Used Yea Forums as a footstool
You fucking faggot he owes us nothing. This is barely the same fucking place as it was when he started streaming anyway
wait most of these are applicable to me what the hell
Twitch subs, user
I would like if people would talk more about the actual streams, videos, jokes, memes. And not gossip about someones personal life.
because people are crazy user. Same reason Vinny seems to tend to keep his life private
How much money is Vinny really pulling in on twitch
Considering unsubbing since he probably won't miss one sub anyway if he is really making 5 figures a month
He never smiles
People sure love to act like he's super depressed but he seems happier than how he was years ago
i love vinny haha subbed for another 12 months
How tall is Vinny? That guy on right can't be taller than 5'11"
Is Vinny a manlet?
Where'd you get this picture of my hand?
I think he said last night that he was 5'11"
you guys think vinny is gay?
Most favorite Joowz moments?
better thread than any consolewar pepjack epic vs steam current tripleA game threads. What other threads are there actully anyways
He showed a photo of him smiling in the stream a couple days ago just to show that he can in fact smile, I wish someone would post it
>has enough money, asks people not to sub
>still depressed
how do we save vinny bros
I don't have to
why is there a Joowz org and a dot com?
Vinny should become a voice actor or something
Considering how often he drops depression references out of the blue, I'd say yes.
When Martinet dies, Nintendo will go to him to be the new voices for the Mario bros
>when this boss is supposed to be beaten without any of them
according to fucking who? kill yourself you gatekeeping faggot
>inb4 git gud
I did hirata estate before chained ogre
He did a bit for A Fox in Space that one time
Exclusive games are currently the most unique stuff out there.
Nintendo and Sony 1st party are one of a kind.
No matter how much you hate cinematic single player games, if it wasn’t for Sony that genre would be dead.
How many cinenatic single player games with no tacked on multiplater, no season passes and no microtransactions are out there? All the big publishers are exclusively making live service games.
Sorry but communism hasn’t taken over the world yet, you can’t force Nintendo to port their games to your shitty irrelevant platform, cope harder PCmutt.
born to shüut
world is a sauce
i am vineman
>tfw helped Vinny with some big brain moments during the Baba streams
someone please tell me who the fuck is jamie and why won't he give vinny the cookie
thanks fren
mfw Vinny got extremely frustrated when doing that one puzzle for 45 minutes and you can clearly tell how tilted he was getting at chat
>One copy of Gal gun please
He was just impersonating as Arnold Schwarzenegger.
>you can’t force Nintendo to port their games to your shitty irrelevant platform
Dont have to force Nintendo, can just do it ourselves
why is it okay for a console maker to do it but not for microsoft? would it be okay for windows to only support software that is licensed by microsoft?
For me, its shitty bender
>southbird is pretty cool, his edits were simply not very good
this. It shows in his own content too.
God I love Vinny. Wish I could cure him of his depression. Actually wanted to pay him money to do a meet up one day.
>tfw Shitty Bender is just Tinky Winky now
5'11 vs 6'0
why does that dog have breasts....
Shit, thats me
Cant be a manlet if hes still taller than Jerma even when slouching
>both leaning over
>jerma standing tall still mogged to death
Fucking hell criken get a haircut megamind looking ass
>directly to his face
He showed up to watch a random asshole play his shitty game, and the random asshole is supposed to pretend it's not shit? For what purpose?
And are streamers just supposed to be happy with spammers? the fuck are you even on about? You were the crying chat member, weren't you?
dude on the right said he was 6'3 or 6'4.
No, I just thought it was funny.
bullying is never funny.
Yeah it is you fucking nerd
You think a guy that regularly spends 50 bucks on a cheeseburger has any self awareness?
Emerging after the antique age of gaming Exclusives were a method of enticing people to pick up a system and to make a game that would otherwise not be made, thus leading towards the Golden and Silver ages of gaming however this became harder with HD production and MS and SONY decided moneyhatting was easier than developing new games, this was proven very financially successful during the dark ages of gaming.
tldr: Exclusives that would not exist otherwise: Good.
Exclusives that were hardware agnostic before publisher interference: Bad.
>split second of pride flag at PAX recap
>chat vomits out this faggotry for 2 mins straight
It's all so tiresome.
I DON'T like frogposters.
I dont. Basically tripfags in a chatroom.