Hey gamerboys, SMOOOOOOCH
Hey gamerboys, SMOOOOOOCH
bumping so mods dont miss this off topic thread to ban OP
Tfw when no QT3.14 gamer gf
God I miss my cat.
Cats are the brainlets choice of pet
And if you ever let your cat go outside you should be exterminated
It's people that let their dogs outside that should be exterminated.
>but they love to go outside what's a few dead people if my doggy wants to go outside
those fucking mouths are killing me man I can't breathe here
Good thread
But how about those birds
Hey gamer girls *dashes*
I don't think so honey
what a shit pet to own
I would unironically skin these roofrabbits if they were seen on my property
>gamer girl gf
>does nothing but game
l-living the life..?
cringe and bluepilled
cringe and bluepilled indeed
>Be surrounded by nice boobies
>No hands to touch them or lips to suck on them
I'd be crying too
is this the offtopic thread?
I need to download a paid apk but dunno where to pick it,is aptoide still a good website?
Actually it's both unless you can keep your dog in your garden and not let It escape
Why do you have the same picture of my wife ?
anyone that lets any pet outside unsupervised, especially if that pet has a natural kill instinct, should be put down
dogs can be a menace and cats can literally destroy ecosystems
I love cats
You again? Saw you in the Numa Numa thread too. Maybe you should apply for a janitor's position, if you take Yea Forums so seriously. :^)
Skyrim mods gone too far
Adam Sessler, along with ultrafaggots such as American performer Tom Moore and Brazilian performer Alex Victor, took away the "everyman" aspect of shemale porn. No longer could the average viewer insert himself, so to speak, into the role of the "shocked but somewhat aroused man discovering that the woman of his dreams wasn't quite who he thought she was". No longer can a man watch professional, American shemale porn and discover the "mystique" that was once magnificently alluring in films from the past.
All the average viewer has to look forward to these days, is a bald, goofy-looking douchebag with a pathetic body from not doing proper lifting exercises, fucking shemales with the same, measured, uncharismatic strokes (and don't even get me started on his abhorrent "acting") while he resembles that albino freak from the show Banshee.
Have I mentioned how dismal he is when playing the submissive role? God forbid he let an aroused, endowed transsexual go to town and rip up his ass like they might a smaller, more normal-looking man being coerced or "forced" to take that role. Nooooo. It's the same, robotic, measured strokes once again as he lies there with that same, terminally-stupid look on his terminally-stupid face.
The only possible way Adam could even come close to redeeming himself for ruining American shemale porn for ever, is to douse himself in paraffin, set himself alight and dance the Watusi for five minutes screaming while the camera focuses solely on him. Yeah. That might go some way towards redemption
Woah. You're cool.
wait this isn't /k/
I don't mind being a virgin forever, but I honestly would like a wholesome relationship with a girl where we can hold hands and kiss.
you are a domesticated human from your "pet" cat's perspective
not really sure why people keep these animal
absolute(ly confused) unit
>numa numa thread deleted
>not this one
mods=furfaggots confirmed
well keep bumping friend :^)
Colpetely Based.
Furfags need to die.
>liking cats=furfaggots
I love when Yea Forums goes retarded to justify shit