They support a company that
> torchers jews, trans, blacks, gays, and Muslims
>Controlled by a fascist government
> big business that censors anything against them
Name a bigger type of Hippocrates
Sjw are Hippocrates
But at least they don't sell icky games about anime tiddies
Auto correct
>torchers jews, trans, blacks, gays, and Muslims
Sounds pretty based to me.
Well, I prefer Plato's teachings personally
Dumb phoneposter. Kill yourself posthaste.
So...then how come we dont like EGS? The first two points soumd right up our alley
autocorrect does not change a common word to the much rare name of an ancient philosopher without you fundamentally spelling it wrong in the first place.
The funny thing is, even Resetera doesn't like Epic right now.
>They support a company that
>> torchers jews
sweet i love them now
>> torchers jews, trans, blacks, gays, and Muslims
>>Controlled by a fascist government
So they support the US government. What else is new?
Fucking chinks lost my order and never got me a refund.
Also it's fucking china. overpopulation to the extreme, almost died five times now, no human rights and organ harvesting.
Enemy of USA
how are you people better than sjws
>complain about a niche store when you can just go ahead and not use it
>same as when sjws complain about niche fighting games which have lewd women when they dont even play that game
stay there.
Not really.
epic game store affects how we buy games due to exclusively.
>guilt by association
dumb phoneposter
you can go pirate them then sweetie instead of complaining every day like sjws.
How much time did It take you to realise that?
>vote with your wallet etc. etd. and so on and so forth
Literally stop being a crybaby faggot and don't use it. Pirate the games if you want to.
this, also why is it so hard for some people to spend a few seconds to check what you have just written?
Fuck off, underageb&.
Since when do sjws support Epic?
mor like third worlder
this, why would they support Epic?
they're probably against piracy though
Well, Epic Games Store is much better for developers and it has exclusives so it's better by default
Voting with your wallet doesn't work unless it's an organized effort. We need to reach the normies, and we need to do so in a way that doesn't alienate them from the cause.
Fuck off, I don't care about your store autism wars. I'll buy there if they have something worthwhile that interests me. You do you, you fucking newfag nigger.
>b-but muh chinks
I don't give a shit, go cry about them on reddit or somewhere. I swear, you mutts are pure fucking cancer in human form.
thread should've ended here
ESLfags always make me laugh somehow
Nice try, Chang. You almost sound like a native.
Do Epic really torcher gays and Muslims?
Kill yourself, mutt boy.
They're also the biggest type of Hippocrates
Because some people don't know how to spell.
>Hehehe fuck Borderlands I'm gonna it pirate teheheh
Alright I'll just ban you
You could have shortened that down to Tencent are fucking chinks
Haha, store front niggers always lose, it is good day to be a pirate
>Discord tranny on a power trip
What are you trying to convey here?
don't acknowledge him, it's a copypaste
>comparing the most important man in the field of medicine to sjws
What the fuck. Fuck off you retard. I fucking hate this board.