Based Kubo
New Sakura Wars
Fuck off and leave my series alone
I only played So Long, My love and it's very mediocre super sentai dating sim
Is other SW games just like that?
No gemini sunrise no buy
I only played the other four games and they were very entertaining super sentai dating sim.
Oh, didn't notice that Anastasia had a pistol before.
I want to fuck the redhead
>gothic lolita ninja tsundere Rukia-Soifon creatura
>with full body net
Kubo does it again!
Nayamashi Mambo
will impregnate the redhead
Thar's the game that killed the series for like 10 years, so the others should be better
Holy fuck thats cute is that official art if yes from what game
I can't believe Sakura Wars still alive!
See, this is why I didn't notice that Kubo was the character designer when I skimmed through the original trailer. The in-game models didn't really translate his style all that well, they're more generic.
Game still looks fucking pretty so I don't mind.
I wish they don't shit on it like what they did to Shining series.
Isn't that one the only one translated? I don't read japanese so I'll probably never play the other ones until they are translated :)
It's some crossover thing between Puyo Puyo and Sakura Wars.
I wonder what Snowflake's fighting gimmick would be.
She is most likely the healer, but does she do magic/elemental attacks?
A nice look at their mecha pilot suits
They designs look much better in 3d, where the modellers had the opportunity to tweak them a bit.
>Bleach art style
>Masashi Kudou, who works on the anime version of Bleach, is responsible for the visual settings when making 3D models.
>Protag is literally Aizen
>Upgraded to that sterilized modern JRPG look for its 3D models.
>"Rebooting" the series with a side game instead of just making a new game with a new revue in a place the series hasn't been yet
Only good thing about this is that previous Revues are going to be in it so I can see Gemini, Ratchet and Cheiron again.
Huge case of same face. Kubo is only good at drawing clothing.
all good things here, desu
Got anymore? I need to collect refs to fanart when the game come out
>New Sakura Taisen
>New Samsho
>New R-Type
Did I get teleported back to the Saturn/PSX era?
how do I get into this series? are there really no fan translations of older games?
why kubo tho
It's Sega, don't expect too much
god i want an erica gf
I'm guessing tome-based spellcasting.
They already said it, magic through her book.
SMN is shit
Okay, but that's SCH. Clarissa's more likely to be team healer.
>pilot suit's tight pants are covered with skirts
>best dps is shit
i actually like his male design more than female
so, will he write spin off story for it, or is he waving his dick that he is design SW?
>so I can see Gemini, Ratchet and Cheiron again in Kubo's style
This honestly seems like a game that SEGA is putting all their effort into.
>SMN was shit
>tfw the op for this game is link related but with those characters instead
>SMN is shit
I don't know anything about this game but that frilly bitch with the throwing knives is best girl
i remember when orihime's tits looked good
That's not BLM.
>I can't hold a rotation: the job
Yeah BLM sure is awesome.
Brown > Red > power gap > Blonde > Main Girl
>there's background
Is it really Kubo? I'm doubting it.
>le epic redddit background meymey
>on a colored illustration
zoom zoom zooom
Oh no no no you found me out
Amamiya looks so much cooler on that illustration than in the game. Not Shinguji, but better than Virtual Youtuber Rukia Sakura. What the fuck happened in the transition?
man, I really hope he does art for other games too. its so good