KH 1 had 4 secret bosses in the base version and 5 in the final mix version.
Kingdom hearts 2 base version had only 1 secret boss and added 6 secret bosses in the final mix version and even stronger versions of those 5 extra bosses.
KH3 technically has only 1 secret boss but also additional gummy ship secret bosses i wont count just to avoid confusion.
Are you sure that KH3 final version or mix or we its called wont be better than even KH2 final mix.
KH 1 had 4 secret bosses in the base version and 5 in the final mix version
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We'll have to wait and see. I felt that the combat was more satisfying in 2, and I don't think that will change (maybe critical mode will change my mind, maybe), but I do DLC can remedy the lack of optional and post game content.
do believe DLC*
Who cares about secret bosses when you are just waiting for triangle commands to appear anyway
The KH1 bosses were much more interesting than 2's
>KH 1 had 4 secret bosses in the base version and 5 in the final mix version.
Wasn't the version we got the international release? the neverland and agrabah bosses weren't in original jap release
Kurt Zisa and Sephiroth were added for NA version.
Actually KH1 only had the secret bosses in the overseas version, half the reason Final Mix exists was so Japan could have the extra bosses.
And Phantom.
Base KH1 had 1 secret boss.
I wonder when the Critical Mode update will come out and if the Final Mix DLC will fix some story problems.
As much as I like the series, I doubt 3FM will fix things and I personally felt that KH3 should be the end of the series as a whole. Not just the Xehanort saga
Whats really egregious about the bonus boss in KH3 is that its a recolour of Ansems Shadowgaurd, thats SO lazy
>4 secret bosses in the bases version
So you're are just retarded then
>>The KH1 bosses were much more interesting than 2's
Fuck off dude KH1 combat is literal push X to win garbage, chuck in a few curagas and aeros and even Unknown can be beaten with little additional input.
KH1 is such a good game. Everything after it is pretty soulless.
In KH1 your timing actually matters because it doesn't have triangle commands. Look at the bosses most people struggled on in KH2 - all of them are strict in that you need to hit that triangle timing to beat them. All the other bosses are just button mashing to win. How is that better?
The base version of KH1 was the Japanese release, which had one secret boss. If you're going to start a thread like this make sure you know what you are talking about.
Base KH1 and base KH3 had the game number of secret bosses.
Lingering Will doesn't have triangle commands or button mashing. Also, strike raid's I frames break KH1's combat wide open. Be real, both came have fun, yet shoddy, combat.
>Ice titan can only be beaten with proper projectile blocking
>Phantom can only be beaten with proper magic usage
>push x to win
Look at this Nobody
That """"secret boss"""" does not to deserve to be called a secret boss in KH3. It was utter fucking garbage
Tell that to this faggot first
Base English version autismo
Anybody know what was toned down for the BBS Mysterious Figure in the 2.5 remix? I never played the PSP version, but the PS4 one was so underwhelming
When the base English version is the second version you don't call it the base version.
He means Normal vs Final mix, not Jap vs US release you pedantic Nigger.
Yeah but the normal version is the jap version. If you want the KH3 equivalent of the KH1 US version you should wait 6 months after release and see what's patched in or added in DLCs.
>D-DLC will fix it, you'll see
Cope harder
Holy shit you’re retarded.
lol,what goes through your mind when you type shit like this?
I mean, that's how it worked for KH1 and KH2? Ecept you didn't call it DLC back then, instead you bought a whole new version of the same game at full price
Nothing in 1 or 2 needed fixing, FM versions were just welcome additions to already 9/10 games.
Bah, 2 needed it's FM to add some actual challenge.
Yes, and his comparison would still be wrong. The US version of KH1 was the second release of the game. The US version of KH3 was the first release. In a series where content is added with every rerelease, that's a difference that matters.
His whip could lead to an instakill 99% of the time, he was also always up your ass, nonstop. Fucker gave you no time to fucking breathe. They toned that shit down in the final mix version.
he's right though, you are invincible in kh1 at the end of the game
Wow. It's almost like they expected, and even wanted the players to spam surges on this fag
KH1 had 1 secret boss in the original release. Get your facts straight.
Every vanilla KH game has had only 1 secret boss at most.
KH1: Phantom
KH2: Sephiroth
BBS: Vanitas Remnant
KH3: Dark Inferno
Of course KH3 will get a bunch more with Final Mix just like the other 3.
KH2's story is literally made of plot holes without Final Mix, retard. It added more than two dozen cutscenes. Fucking inbred moron.
Adding the Roxas battle alone justifies the FM necessity.
No one struggled with the QTEs in KH2 retard, in fact "press triangle to win" was why everyone complained about KH2 when it came out. The actual hard fights are the ones where you can't do that.
>KH thread
>No list
Step it up
2FM > 2 > 1FM > 1 > CoM > RE:Coded > 2.8 >>> DDD HD > BBSFM > RE:CoM > DDD 3D > BBS > 358/2 Days > Coded > Union X >The jap phone game
Haven't gotten to play 3
KH3 has more problems then just a lack of End Game Content.
The combat needs complete rebalancing
been saying this since the game came out. only bandwagonfags think base kh2 is better. that game was even more braindead than kh3 was difficulty wise. after replaying all the games, KH1 on proud was harder than KH2 on proud because of all the bullshit tools you had between drive forms, summons, magic, etc. KH2 was only good when KH2FM came out.
at the most, people remember it being more difficult because they were younger
just look at magic between the two games and you'll see that they're both broken as fuck. the only differences are that
>1. KH3 has mobile magic, which KH2 had in drive forms anyways.
>2. KH3 has a meme item that gives you Berserk Charge but for magic spells. I'm still fucking mad that the mickey item is a magic whore item instead of something general like removing the time limit on formchanges but that's just me
Firega gives infinite combos, Thundaga's fucking disgusting damage, Magnega's existence, literally everything about the Reflect line
Firega has big damage, Thundaga has big damage, Aeroga acts as a soft magnet but makes up for it with damage (especially since it's a known way to cheese the final boss). Blizzard has utility with freeze/rails.
I beat him without spamming surges due to not realizing how useful they actually were. I had to pray to god I didn't get hit by his whip and hoped he didn't do his gay ass time stop ability. That fight was absolute hell for me. The square button is now permanently engraved into my thumb from that fight. I never want to fight that fucker ever again.
This. Even changing the damage output wont fix it cause its still based around just being handed all these super moves you're gonna use. If there was a bigger, clearer way to get them, and if they depleted a bar so you had to choose which one to use tactically, MAYBE we'd start to see an improvement
This. Taking longer to defeat enemies and having to be more evasive wont change having to watch cutscenes every 5 mins and spamming the attack button
After dealing with "You have lost! Kneel!" as Terra, I stopped giving a shit and just looked up boss strategies. Used tornado on that Vanitas faggot and never looked back
i was about to call you a retard for rating coded as worse than days but then I saw that you played both recoded and the original coded and got confused what you were referring to by "the jap phone game"
are you referring to base coded with that? Or the original KHX?
overall nice list, though I'd switch some of the lower end games around. BBS was really unenjoyable for me. I fucking hated aqua.
Recoded was so good at it's core but having all of those minigames really dragged it down. it's exactly what the command system should've been in BBS and DDD.
as for where 3 is, for me it's right between 2FM and 2 for me. it has a lot of the same problems that base KH2 had
At least the vanilla bonus boss in those games wasnt a fucking recolour of another model
I'm referring to this unholy abomination, Kingdom Hearts V Cast
BBS is fucking garbage and I swear is only loved at all because it has a waifu, a shit one at that. I only rate RE:coded that high as I'm ignoring the shit minigames, with them it's as low as DDD. Looking forward to 3FM
What plot holes? Just because you're a retard doesn't mean the rest of us are. 90% of what it added was pointless bulllshit just to setup BBS and the Organization monologuing about shit we already knew.
I swear many who like KH2's combat and think it's the best way do not have any solid reasoning or grounding as too why it is better than 3. It's just basic nostalgiafagging over something they played when they were younger and liked that was it.
>KH1 in proud was harder than KH2 because of the bullshit forms etc.
KH1 did not age well. Especially when leveling up is a pain at the end and there is not much places other than Hades Colisiuem to level up in.
Ah yes, the most excellent designed of boss fights
Not that user but there was things nobody knew about until FM in 2. Especially the Chamber of Repose.
Why do I get called a nostalgia-fag for liking KH1 more than the other entries? There are very valid reasons to hold that opinion.
Also, Kurt Zisa has my name, based boss.
>Especially the Chamber of Repose.
>pointless bullshit just to setup BBS
The chamber of repose was invented in the FM release, it wasn't mentioned in vanilla and just not explained.