When did you realize it's easier than souls?
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When i played the better version of it in MGR.
it reallt isnt.
But what i did learn was, if i keep a little distance to the bosses and just be patient. After like 2-3 mins they have gone through all of their patterns, and i can play accordingly.
When I learned to press L1 instead of circle
It's not. The only game that comes close is optional content in BB chalice.
Parrying with a stick felt so much better than with a shoulder button.
MGR has shit levels enemies stealth etc. Even the bosses are worse.
After finishing NG. I can see why someone would find it harder, but the mechanics are more intuitive for me which makes it easier.
>MGR enemies are shit
>this coming from Sekiro of all games
I bet you couldnt' get past the first metal gear, that's some good shit user. But I like enemies that attack me not wait around to be stealth killed.
Not yet
MGR is incredibly easy compared to Sekiro. Monsoon and Football were the only bosses that killed me. Even Jetstream is a joke.
Sorry I S'd Revengeance and Sekiro is laughably easy, it has better movement than MGR but that's about it. All the similarities to dark souls bring it down, not to mention the combat is too shallow in Sekiro.
So did I and I say the opposite. Sorry breh, guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Revengence is just as shallow frankly.
if you mistime a roll in Souls, you lose HP
if you mistime a parry in Sekiro, you just lose posture which regenerates
Sure ya did, I can't imagine how anyone could like sekiro more when the stealth is even more broken, it has less options in combat, and the bosses are either slogs or easily broken by prosthetics. It really is babby's first action game.
Sekiro has exploration, atmosphere, level design, non-linear progression, etc, shit that MGR doesn't have. Also, the gameplay is more reactive.
if i liked nioh’s combat, will i like this game?
I'd agree that fromsoft is good at exploration but more reactive? I fail to see it, swordmode cancels and dodge offset enable so much more than spam l1 and mikiri counters youtube.com
You'll wonder why people gush over sekiro when you lack all the options you had in nioh.
after the second boss
The majority of Sekiro's bosses are even more of a joke thanks to the more lenient parrying timing and being able to hold down block. 90% of the times I got hit were only due to me being retarded and mistaking a thrust for a sweep or vice versa. Even if you're somehow shit enough to actually fill your posture bar the recovery time is so fast that it barely matters and most of the time the posture reset actually benefits you.
You can just spam attack in MGR. You don't even have to parry except scripted sections.
The parrying is extremely lenient in both games, and bosses tickle you in MGR.
do you mean omyou/ninjutsu or just the melee mechanics like stances and ki?
So you haven't played the game at all least of which on the hardest mode cool thanks. Goodluck with that against metal gears.
The problem is Nioh has shit enemies, bosses, level design, atmosphere, etc. The reason Fromsoft can have worse combat is because the overall package of something like Sekiro is much better than Nioh.
stances, builds, ki pulse, there's just so much more going on in nioh that the player can use to approach combat. I'd say sekiro is worth playing but the comparison to MGR is fully warranted. They both suffer from the same things.
I beat it twice on release. The only thing I remeber is Monsoon killing me, Senator killing me, one-shotting Sam and invincible meme, bad stages, and hilariously bad enemy design—most notably the gorillas.
I use a Xbone controller on my PC and the shoulder buttons suck donkey dick. Its like clicking some stiff ass buttons and it feels like the thing could just spontaneously break one day. Don't know what the fuck they were thinking.
It's still harder for me. Souls games in general reward more caution, paying very close attention to the environmental clues and analysing what's the best of course of action. Sekiro is almost pure reflexes since exploration is a complete non-issue. Even when you finally understand the combat system, you still have to be at the top of your game to defeat bosses.
Deflecting in Sekiro is as easy to pull off as a regular parry in MGR. There isn't even an equivalent to perfect parrying in Sekiro since you only have one type of deflect plus a block which requires no timing.
yeah this is what fucks me up, my reactions are shitty. dark souls i could just hide behind my shield most of the time
Figures that you'd find the gorilla's poorly designed when you don't even think parrying's necessary.
>spam party
>zandatsu everyone
>hope you dont get clicked for .01% damage by some fucker with a gun
>congrats you have gotten an s kn every engagement in the game
>except the one where you have to fight the tank enemy that for some reason you cant walk to so you have to get onto eh turrets or spam the infinite launcher
Mgr is fun but is way more shallow than sekiro. MGR is the party, it is the only move that matters in the entire game with the exception of offensive defense SOMETIMES
I mean, I love it, don't get me wrong, I just wish we had sekiro combat with souls treacherous mob placement and traps. But I guess it's just harder to ambush a sanic shinobi with a grappling hook.
because it's not
kys faggot