Are my dad and me the only 2 people to have played this?
Aida was a fuckin snack
Are my dad and me the only 2 people to have played this?
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wanna talk about this little gem
... there was an Unreal 2?
fucking music was amazing in this game
yeah man
if you're an unreal fan id recommend it
it hasn't aged well though (old UNREAL 2k4 engine)
Jesus people, you call yourself gamers?
doesn't look that dated really. Unreal i think was the first game i ever played LAN and played the shit out of UT99, but completely never even heard this shit existed.
I remember enjoying this game and the story, but I have no memories of anything except a flashback of a level with an alien hole like in SW rotj, and also being sad at the end when your ship explodes
2 of them. One called the Liandry Conflict or similar
I had the 3 of them on Xbox
its pretty good
yeah the ending was sad :( i remember the spider alien level that shit was awesome
and always (i think his name was) issac's line of "pick your poison" when you chose weapons before a mission
Oh i just rememberedthe tutorial level that gave some lore/fluff of UT
It was okay but hardly any resemblance to the former Unreals, not the weapons and not the armor
yeah! that was an awesome little nod
Don't you lose crewmates at the end ? I can't remember anything but the image of the ship exploding in the sky and being like '' wtf just happened no :'( '' like the main character
My dad and me played it too lad.
yeah pretty much
the little blue dude is evil IIRC and i think issac dies then aida was the last to go with the ship
Did anyone ever play XMP?
I played it as well but it was very underwhelming to me in many ways I can't fit into one single post and I must sleep soon. Overall I think it was an alright game by its own merits but sucked as a sequel to the original Unreal. However one of its biggest strengths was the level design, because fuck me if many of the alien planets were not imaginative and looked fantastic in game. I loved that they had unique fauna and flora but there wasn't much of an incentive to explore due the lack of secret areas and how slow your character could "run".
The grenade launcher was also the best weapon even if all of the stunning options were useless. Fire/Acid grenades all day everyday brehs.
I vaguely remember there being just one skaarj in this game.
fucking yes the launcher was a beast
like a flak cannon on steroids
played every other unreal game except unreal 2, idk why i just skipped it. i didn't get far in unreal 1 either desu. ut99 was the best
I remember not playing it
They had planned to add the Flak Cannon but they didn't had enough time to finish implementing it or some shit. I'll never forgive that they made the Combat Assault Rifle into a peashooter though. That shit was a blast (pun intended) in the expansion for the original game. I also really liked the Giger-esque dick gun that fired lasers which was easily one of the most memorable weapons with a kick ass reload animation to boot.
Did this game have a planet that was entirely covered by a massive fungus or something? I have a feeling I might've played it but can't remember much.
>Are my dad and me the only 2 people to have played this?
Unfortunately no.
I understand that Unreal's atmosphere was very unique. Music, Level, Enemy and Weapon Design along with simple story and great graphics all worked together to become this gem. I realize it would really be hard to make something similar.
Still, having Unreal 2 absolutely butcher the setting and the world, and turning Skaarj into generic space orks is baffling.
yeah! it did!
unreal 1 and return to na pali had a total cool thing going on, when i see gameplay of 2 and 3 it just looks like generic shit
Almost no Skaarj in an UNREAL title, annoying little blue jello man and linear as fuck game that has little to nothing to do with the first game. For fucks sake, it doesn't even takes place on Na Pali and I don't remember seeing any Nalis.
>I don't remember seeing any Nalis.
Because there are none. And if I recall correctly you only fight against the Skarj in two different occasions because they are the big bad once more, only this time they are after the collectable McGuffin pieces.
>... it was my duty
>I believe in duty too. And i know what mine is
I liked it
It wasn't fungus, the whole planet was alive and was covered with skin, or something along the lines.
Unbelievable disappointment and huge missed opportunity. You could have slapped a Techland logo on it and people wouldn't have known the difference, honestly felt and played like one of their many early FPS games.
I had this game but my computer struggled with it at the time. I remember having trouble figuring out where to go. Gave up somewhere around some spinny white towers.
All I remember is titties in the space ship and a defence mission on a planet.
I have. It's an alright game, just not as amazing as Unreal 1. Tried too hard to upstage Halo, instead of doing its own thing.
the multiplayer demo for this game was SUPER fun back when I played it, god I wish I could have that today.
I remember getting me this and realizing it was not Unreal Tournament so I returned it.
I had it but my PC was too shitty for it at the time.
I had like 15 fps.
i heard it wasn't that good
probably the most unsatisfying guns in a fps I have played, they balanced them like it was multiplayer for some reason and it shows.
You heard right. The game doesn't even qualify as okay, it's just plain crap. One of the most boring fucking FPS I've ever played and I've played a lot of crappy FPS.
off topic, anyone remember that giant Unreal 1 Single player campaign that dropped out of nowhere? I can't find it or remember the name of it, 32 maps, "adventure" style gameplay.
I like it. I like it very much. Just feels short.
Little blue dude is not evil.
They all died together. And you, the protag, watch them die.
And then there is revenge.
The space marines you fight in return to na pali we harder than anything else in that game cause of the CAR and rocket launcher. I love how great the marine weapons felt to use but they were pretty busted in terms of damage output, and it struck me as kind of dumb that the rifle fired faster than the minigun
I finally got the upak weapons to work at one point in ut99 matchs but the car and rocket launcher did to much damage imo and the rocket launcher didn't have a shockwave. The grenade launcher felt okay and the rocket's alt fire was fun as fuck to use.
Liandry Conflict was a UT spinoff
I remember I played this game but I didn't go far because it was shit compared to the first
I also played it with my dad! Had great fun, I must have been around 11 or 12. Now I know it isn't perceived as a true Unreal successor by FPS connoisseurs, but it will always be a special game to me.
>that one disgusting smoker voice
I really hate how they changed the slimmer designs from the first game to this.
These don't look like the kind of aliens that'd roll, jump, and lunge blade first at you.
I'm gettin kinda hungry