What's the point of a remaster that's worse in every conceivable way?
What's the point of a remaster that's worse in every conceivable way?
Other urls found in this thread:
People buy it without hesitation because of the predecessors success and nostalgia factor
because most retarded shitters will buy it regardless
Nothing beats the original but I bought it for multiple reasons
I'm hopeful in an alive online environment
I've never had more fun in my life as I've had with custom maps.
I also hope that giving blizzard money for this will make them realise there's a market for a Warcraft 4 and drop the shitfest that's WoW
These look fine honestly
they have completely abandoned the art style. a remaster is supposed to be the same, but higher quality. not a re-imagining or reboot of the original. this piece of shit is nothing but an attempt to get more money from their wow base.
I mean, Blizzard is garbage, but I see nothing wrong at all with this remaster. Pretty much exactly how you'd expect it to look with updated graphics.
Is this like the Spyro threads where people screech about nonsense and soul?
I'm gonna be honest, I was never really a fan of early 3D RTS. I always thought they looked like garbage compared to other games of the same era because they needed to render so many separate objects on the screen at once.
I'd take the soulless one over the soul one but I don't actually really like WC3.
This makes sense as well though.
this is not ok
warhammer ripoff lol
>Warcraft 3 and WoW popularize the cartoony fantasy style
>millions of cheap eastern and mobile knockoffs pop up
>time comes to remake Warcraft 3
>devs decide they won't use the cartoony fantasy style because it was copied too much
>instead they use the style from Mists of Pandaria cinematic, an eastern inspired WoW expansion
>outsource the work to an eastern 3D model studio
>one who literally worked on Warcraft knockoffs in the past
It's all so tiresome
holy fucking shit is the remake a mobile game exclusive?
nice warhammer pauldrons
here's your demon hunter, bro
while I don't agree with everything in your pic, I have to say the Sunwell in the original game looked extremely underwhelming. This is supposed to be the magical fount that gives magic to an entire people? Just sitting in a lame ass square?
Right, Warcraft never had any of those, Not even in the original cinem-.......
They outsourced the models to a Taiwanese studio whose previous experience is mobile Warcraft ripoffs
>The Human Alliance is a conglomeration of humans, elves and dwarves.
>"a number of different things, parts or items that are grouped together; collection."
>(The Orcs are) a confederation of orcs, trolls and tauren
>"an organization which consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league."
This bothers me more than it should.
>doesn't want the game to look like a cheap chinese knockoff
>takes every step imaginable in order to make the game look like a cheap chinese knockoff as much as humanly possible
classic nuBlizz
I genuinely don't want these graphics. I'll take the new scenarios but this shit is garbage. Warcraft 3 deserved better, it was literally the best game of its decade.
>footman's pauldrons
What's the fucking point? Nigga can't see who is in their sides. Original footman in WC3 looked better.
Samuro looks cool but the whole thing is pretty souless
Weird they didn't just take HotS models
Between this and WoW classic I legitimately don't get why anyone still gives money to Blizzard.
> it was literally the best game of its decade.
not even close.
Did they turn off shadows in the top pic?
Genuinely is though
They are adding female death knights too.
I get that its subjective but warcraft 3 was so fucking good, and basically had so much custom content that I didn't play much else for nearly 4-5 years on and off. It was something special for a lot of people, including me
just now realizing that the faction split in BFA is exactly the same as the faction split in WC3
They should have just used this opportunity to retcon WoW and then go onto Warcraft 4.
The problem is that anyone who worked on Warcraft 3, or cared about it, or even played it at all, no longer works at Blizzard. The Reforged devs are all self-admitted Wowbabs.
>What's the point of a remaster that's worse in every conceivable way?
Graphics are better, the novelty of a recent release that repopulates a dead game, a dead game getting rebacked as if it were new, more or better functionality or gameplay features.
But i guess those were inconceivable to you.
>Graphics are better
>the novelty of a recent release that repopulates a dead game, a dead game getting rebacked as if it were new
The audience they're appealing to doesn't care about RTS
>more or better functionality or gameplay features.
squandering every penny they can from nostalgiafags and retard drones that eat this shit up, reforged looks like fucking shit and WC3 doesn't need it at all
>MoP cinematic had the best orc and human designs
honestly i have to agree. For once blizzard does something right.
>a remaster is supposed to be the same
Actually a remaster doesn't have to be the exact same as the original, it could diverge from the original in many ways as long as it recaptures most of what the original had.
they got rid of their aesthetic instead opting for the "whoa dude hyper realistic" shit
>dead game
you can still find games any hour of any day of the week
>more or better functionality or gameplay features
name one (1)
No you're talking about remakes, the point of a remaster is to make the original better
Hot. Now post thicc Maiev.
somehow this just makes me want to go back to warcraft 3 frozen throne and not play the remaster.
are the custom maps like tags, uther party, hero siege and such still played around or the playerbase is dead at this point?
You see, HotS was Didier's pet project. That's why it's full of thicc and sexy models.
This shit is made by some noname chinese guys.
the blademaster looks ok everything else looks like fucking shit is like they said to themselves "how can we modernize wc3 graphics" and their sole response was "LMAO JUST MAKE THEM LOOK LIKE IN WOW", i fucking hate how that goddamn ghoul looks so much
>>instead they use the style from Mists of Pandaria cinematic, an eastern inspired WoW expansion
There's nothing distincly eastern about the style used in the MoP cinematic you dumb fucking brainlet.
>outsource the work to an eastern 3D model studio
>one who literally worked on Warcraft knockoffs in the past
Because blizzard has no creative control over the work they outsource right? You're so fucking stupid i can't believe it.
HotS arthas looks way too lumpy ingame, people always complain about it. Wich is weird since most alpha heroes got a facelift, like li li and ETC
MoP was a china themed expansion you nitwit
whats with all these disgusting and unrealistic female-provider fantasies? I'm sick of men being portrayed as money-pigged.
>Graphics are better
no they are fucking not you retarded faggot
>the novelty of a recent release that repopulates a dead game
that would imply the game was dead in the first place, wich it wasn't, you could still get plenty of matches, and using ENT or Makemehost hostbots, wich blizzard killed btw, you could host ANY custom map, have it be hosted on all realms and you could play it without lag with the added bonus of being able to ban shitters and faggots who didn't play by the rules or wanted to ruin games on purpose, all the "new features" they gave us in recent patches hostbots did better years ago
>more or better functionality or gameplay features
yeah like the new recent balance patches that completely ruined the game flow and made Night elf top tier and Keeper of the grove rage inducing to go up against, nu-blizzard can't be trusted with not shitting up wc3 so they should just leave it as it is, but no they gotta milk all retards like you for all they worth, but then again i wouldn't except any sort of intelligence to come out of a fucking frogposter, fucking kys you waste of air
user, white people are bad. green people are good.
Actually they are better, source: my opinion.
>The audience they're appealing to doesn't care about RTS
They're appealing nostalgia fags who grew up on this game you fucking retard, why do you think this project was greenlit, why do you think any remasters are greenlit, they're appealing to a preexisting audience of nostalgia fags.
Again with things being inconceivable to your garbage ass peabrain, if they're actively working on the game, the probability of engineers and designers being made available for the project is highly realistic.
This is blizzard they supported HoTS a dead ass garbage moba, well past any hope of it become a success.
>There's nothing distincly eastern about the style used in the MoP cinematic you dumb fucking brainlet.
The human and the orc had to be stylized in order to fit in with the rest of the cinematic, the ships, the human's uniform, and the orc's general look all have obvious Chinese influence and are different than any previous depiction. Also I assume it'll be futile to explain it to someone who's not "initiated" but Chinese digital art has a fairly distinct detailed look rarely seen in Western art before that, which made even the Warcraft movie, which wasn't influenced by the Chinese MoP aesthetic, still look Chinese.
1 social credit has been deposited into your account
orcs are fine, ghoul and footman are horrible
fuck off chong
To play Kotick's attorney here, it doesnt say remaster it says reforged. its a remake pretty much
Stay mad faggots
>that shoulder armor
Daaam Maiev looks like that? Illidan a homo
>Pretty Maiev
To be honest I always thought she'd look grizzled and gnarly, at least for a nightelf. Just like her voice and her hateboner for Illidan.
Is custom games coming back or is Blizzard still butthurt about DOTA?
you can play them with the old one, guess people are too illiterate to do it
The models look fine, but they lack readability. The footman in particular uses darker colors and lost a sizable amount of its team color. That's going to cause problems in a game that already has a visibility problem when it involves more than 2 players
I haven't launched WC3 in a while, is everything still up?
OH shit this is my chance.
Can someone post the image with all the good warcraft 3 maps?
Here's an example of the Chinese artstyle I was talking about, it's super detailed, intricate, and gritty, and despite depicting a western character, the style is obviously Chinese, and is drawn by a famous Chinese concept artist. The MoP cinematic obviously takes cues from styles like these, and looks a lot different than what Warcraft used to look like.
I strongly disagree with you
Everyone who says that the remaster looks worse is a faggot and needs to die
aside from huge ass shoulder armor it looks okay. graphics are pretty.
that looks like anyone from anywhere could have drawn it honestly. could you have chosen a better example? also from what I've seen I think eastern artist often overdesign things, but I'm not sure about the artist you're talking about.
Why it looks like a SK mmo ?
Overdesigned is the word, and the MoP cinematic and Reforged look overdesigned. The drawing I posted was from Ruan Jia but Kim Jung Gi and Feng Zhu are also other famous eastern artists with a similar style.
don't you have another epic store thread to make chang?
they're optional FYI
It looks the exact same as it did in the original fucking cutscene, get your contrarian whiney nigger shit out of here.
technically it looks different in some of the details of the helmet but I wasn't the one complaining
>here let me show you how these models are not wowified in the least
>by showing you how they look exactly like they do in wow
holy shit just HOW fucking retarded blizzdrones are? this is pathetic
Why change the orc then if they're just being "faithful"
>people ask for something as basic as a remaster
>blizzard still manages to fuck it up
Honestly, considering the snail pace of the updates in all their games, I wonder if blizzard itself isn't just a skeleton crew at this point, I've known development teams of 20 people who are able to pump out more content than them.
wtf it should be a remaster not a completely redo of it
I get it, it's cool to hate on Blizzard because they are literally fucking up every brand they own these days, but this is pretty much the definition of "looking for something to complain about."
are you high? The orcs and especially the ghouls look completely different in WoW than they do in WC3R
Even the footman retrains his stance and the fact that he's lefthanded
If you look at those WoW models and think that they look exactly like the War3 reforged models, either your vision is severely damaged, or you're mentally handicapped.
I don't even know if this is real or edited
reforged team is literally like 3 people, i kid you not, and one of them is a mapmaker from hive that got into the team, plus the PR guy, apparently the game needs to do well pre order wise for them to fucking add more people to the team, its just so fucking sad i don't even wanna think abou it
>bring "parity" between the great w3 story and the unholly abomination that is wow story
God no
Please no
Oh God no
nope, it's not a remaster, it's a remake
>yfw the remastered cinematic cutscenes
>yfw youtube.com
To make you appreciate the original more.
They're not redoing the cutscenes, maybe they'll be higher res though because they're not constrained by CD size anymore
It looks fine, low poly was always ugly. SCBW looks better than WC3.
>no u
what are you even trying to imply? that I'm a chinaman? for pointing out how obvious the art styles' differences are? are you trying to claim I'm a chinaman because... chinamen defend WoW? is that it? because I'm not even saying WoW looks good, I'm just saying it looks very different from the War3 remaster
Illidan's had that pussy for 10,000 years, he probably wants some variety before coming home to pound that for another eternity
can't wait for remastered deer pussy
-1 social standing with the communist party of people's republic of china
Literally nothing wrong with any of the things seen in Reforge so far.
Now tell me the NE archers are going to have tit-physics and high-res fluffy panties.
>3 people
WHERE ARE THE DEVELOPERS? Seriously? D3 team is literally less than 5 people. OW barely puts out any content, even the skins are outsourced. Hearthstone is a fucking cards game, you need less than 20 people for that. WoW DEFINITELY doesn't warrant 300 developers with the amount of content they put out. So I ask again, WHERE ARE THE DEVELOPERS?
you genuinely need to be a disgusting Bugmen with no taste whatsoever to even be remotely excited for this vomit of a remake, defending nu-blizzard just confirms even more how much of a disgusting insect you are, fucking kys
imagine fucking a dryad
>wisps energize you to keep going nonstop
>she's already on all 4s for doggy style, permanently
>can hold her tiny tail and slap that huge ass
what the fuck are you saying? please point out when I ever said anything about war3 reforged being or looking good, or myself being excited for it, PLEASE, link the post and quote the words that lead to that conclusion
I NEVER said anything positive about War3 reforged
Holy fuck nostalgia must be a hell of a drug, why would I want to play WC3 for the hundreth time again if it looks the fucking same but the incredibly low polygon models have higher resolution?
It really looks fine to be honest, they aren't going with the WoW look either, this looks more like the CG look they had in the cutscenes and the vanilla WoW intro.
The tail is the best part. Cute little doe tail.
And seed that doe womb of hers
too lazy to find a gif
nu-blizzard is just a fucking mess of a company atm, renember all those news that pooped up after blizzcon saying how the morale is low and its just a miserable place to be at? that's probably just the top of the iceberg when it comes to just how much of a fucking shithole it has become, they are so fucking out of touch with their playerbase its just sad, they can't even be bother to add more developers to one of the games that contributed to them becoming as large as they are nowadays, no it has to "prove itself" before even thinking about doing so, nu-blizzard is genuinely one of the most disgusting companys nowadays and probably the one wich downfall hits me the most as it was my favorite before all this mess happend, shit is genuinely sad
He is trying to make it seem that everyone who doesn't like the remake is an Alt-Right troll. Thats why he also posted this. He is a dumb Blizzard fan.
Top picture is not even on its highest settings.
What's the opposite of a bullshot?
kys chong
wc3 artstyle is timeless, it aged like fine wine and there's absolutely no reason to "upgrade it", its fine tho, i wouldn't expect a no taste zoomer like you to understand the meaning of good artstyle, go back to fortnite you fucking nigger
Nigga, they have 4700 WORKERS let that sink in. Imagine how inefficient and unproductive those fucks are. Imagine how much literal nothing they do every day. Imagine...
Have a (You) for trying so hard.
who the fuck is Emon Studio.Sound jamaican.
>claims I said the game was good
>can't show when or where
that's it, no more (You)s for you, you huge manbaby
Great. Now the units are blending into the grass. Let's just discard WC3's best feature because graphics.
>looks better than the old one
>slapping herb behind with the strength of a fel blood crazed orc, holding her tiny tail for leverage, feels like its size was made for it
>she's holding onto her spear trying to keep standing as her 4 legs shake like Cenarius' when he faced Grom
>she drools, her eyes lose focus, her arms start shaking too
>her front legs fall to her knees as the spear slides to the side, she puts both her arms to the ground and moans with an open mouth, fortunately your leverage on her tail helps her hind legs stay up
>she manages to mumble: "c-c-cum insi-i-iiiide"
>you oblige, knowing she's a different species, so you can have fun with no repercussion
>as you let go, she slides to her side and breathes slowly but deeply
>she turns her head slightly, eyes you and mutters: "I can get pregnant from humans, will you take responsibility?"
what do?
It's funny how Down Syndrome always comes with bad eyesight.
>he doesn’t use their imagination
Kek kiddo
Lemon Sky
buch of indian fucks to wich companys outsource some developement of their titles to
>"sorry hun I have an emerald dream to catch"
The orcs are literally blending in. You can't see shit when it's supposed to be an RTS where you want a clear view of all your units at all times.
The problem is that the proportions are too realistic, WC3 had goofy as fuck character proportions. From the bird-eye perspective it doesn't matter how good the characters look, they just need to be easily identified.
Here: It's really jarring looking at Arthas, I think it is because the proportions are too realistic. They massively downsized the Ghoul's head for example, I don't like it...
Will still play hoping that the custom map community will be revived for a bit.
Cut fets
I hear there are optometrist that do pretty good work, even online.
When's the big reveal?
Lol go replay warcraft 3. The shadows are like that when on high terrain and are just circles on flat ground
>we didn't know that in the future we wanted to pander to women so we're changing the story
>we changed how they look because we don't like it
>oh btw we're changing the audio too, no more iconic sounds and VAs
Really glad they're changing that blatant neo nazi propaganda game that was Warcraft 3.
Because you didn't play wc3. She looks cute in it.
Arthas was right!
How small has your brain to be to think that shit is blending in?
Not to mention outlines if selected, shadows and them not standing still even if idle?
Seriously, ask your mom for an appointment to get glasses mongoloid.
i hear there are some stray dogs down the street that need "a new home" if you know what i mean chong, i imagine you are pretty hungry after all the work you have been doing in Blizzard behalf
>To be honest I always thought she'd look grizzled and gnarly
I'm glad you were wrong. Nothing personal.
they forgot the most important thing in an over-the-top RTS-style camera: character profiles.
When those forces engage you will not be able to quickly identify the action in the lower engine.
In the top engine the hero glows with an aura, the shields make each footman easily identifiable, the spear throwers are completely distinct from the grunts, raiders can be identified by the long ass sword that no other unit has, etc. etc.
on the bottom the orcs still have some differentiation but the humans look like an undifferentiated blob. and somehow the hero unit is the smallest human unit there?
The whole point of the blademaster is that it's a fuck huge rune sword being used like a katana. Not an actual katana
lets say I get paid. I still do less shilling as you retard are in posting this shit thread daily, instead of just playing the original.
I remember making pixel art for the first time and when I went to a higher resolution I just added more shit onto it and when I posted it thinking it was better everyone told me it was shit and to go back to the originals.
Where are the people to correct the path of these artists? Where the fuck are they?
It doesn't look like a katana to me but it's not good either
honestly it's the neck that really bothers me, what the fuck is up with that, why is it so big
It's actually bigger than the old one blind faggot.
>let's go with the realistic look for our character models
>let's also just mindlessly ape the proportions of 3d models from 10 years ago
great fucking work blizzard
>those hips
Someone needs to breed her already.
The "press version" means they're for mating pressing, right?
Nigger the remastered orc is a green human
All the old guard left and the people who replaced them are as bad as the people they're supposed to direct
Absolutely peak autism, I refuse to believe this wasn't made as pure bait.
We're going home, Yea Forumsrothers!!! I can't wait to give activision money for warcraft 3 and vanilla wow.
bad things bad
good things good
shit tier response and cope
The fact that Christie Golden is the fucking person in charge of raping Warcraft 3's story is the worst part of this.
Christie "Arthas and Kel'Thuzad weren't friends" Golden
Christie "Jaina and Kalecgos are dating" Golden
Christie "I wrote fucking WAR CRIMES" Golden
Nothing else in this image is even worth considering because this cunt is going to cut out Arthas' snarky dialogue, is going to foreshadow Jaina being a cunt, and is going to make Thrall have a fucking vision about Grom's long lost son as he lays dying at Mannaroth's grave.
t. /k/ommando deer fucker
you do realize that dryads don't exist right
I don't like RP.
>"Arthas and Kel'Thuzad weren't friends"
Wait, what?
Did she play WC3, or even read its dialogue?
Arthas and Kel'Thuzad definitely became friends over the course of the Undead campaign.
Dunno about the other two things, I have no idea who the fuck Kalcgos is and I dunno what warcrimes you mean.
>implying the "remaster" won't give her new unsexy animations.
Have sex.
Welcome to WoW : Everything that made wc3 lore good was ruined.
Anubarak as well was retconned : He was never the bro of Arthas and in fact hated him and the LK (so he wasn't a traitor during the wa r of the spider).
>Writer Christie Golden, who has worked with Blizzard on multiple novels set in the Warcraft universe over the past two decades, is helping to bring “parity” to the stories of Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft, which will require retconning some of the strategy game’s story.
>Those changes will bring “renewed focus to a few central characters that we thought deserved a little bit more time in the limelight,” Stillwell said.
>“There’s been 16 years of evolution of this franchise outside of this game,” Stillwell explained.
>“Some of that, especially central characters like Jaina and Sylvanas, these people who mean so much more to the world now who didn’t get as much focus [in the original Warcraft 3] because we just didn’t know where they were going to be.”
WC3 lore dead confirmed. Nublizz strikes again!
It's long past time to stop buying their products. They can't even remaster their old games anymore without fucking them beyond belief.
>Christie "Arthas and Kel'Thuzad weren't friends" Golden
We must've collectively imagined Frozen Throne then
Pretty sure I should just accept that Warcraft had an open end after TFT. Anything made or written after it is worthless.
Kalecgos was an unimportant character from the 2005 Manga that vaguely tied into the Sunwell raid in TBC.
War Crimes was the novel is the worst piece of insipid dog shit to ever be written in the fucking literary heights of of Extended Universe Fiction. It's the one where Garrosh Hellscream breaks out of Azkhaban and travels back in time.
>*legacy destroyed at the end of vanilla thanks to the power of 50 unbeatable nerds*
i want it for quality of life updates to play online.
the old one is too clunky for me now
>this line will be changed to say "You've been a loyal servant" and will be read by Seitz instead of Gross in Reforged
Truly what everyone was waiting for
Fuck all these novels and manga and comics.
>the sunwell is a little girl
>the sunwell is restored somehow so the Blood elves are back to normal like wc3 never happened except they now have shitty yellow eyes and are part of the Horde
She looked cutish enough in Frozen Throne back when her helmet was more open.
>those giant fucking ghoul hands
Why? This artist fucking sucks.
>What's the point of a remaster that's worse in every conceivable way?
I've been asking that question ever since this steaming pile of dogshit came out.
>based on the shitty PC port with tons of bugs like broken skyboxes and missing shader effects
>"updated" graphics look like hot garbage
>HUD has been unnecessarily and amateurishly modified
>"original" graphics are not actually original due to aforementioned visual bugs
>original gun sounds cannot be played with - only the terrible "updated" sounds can be heard, even on "original" graphics
Don't you think it's a fucking crime that MCC, which is supposed to be the "definitive" versions of the Halo games, doesn't even have the original game which started it all (and which is still the highest rated game of all of them with a 97 on Metacritic)? Instead we have some broken-ass buggy fucking PC port that doesn't even feature the original gun sounds?
I refuse to believe this is real.
are you fucking kidding me with this? why is every single new thing i keep hearing about fucking Warcraft nu-lore is somehow WORST than the last one?
The only good piece of Warcraft book lore was Alexstrasza being a kinky forced-reeding slave during the Second War, and they fucking retconned it out later.
>New to the in game stores, skins! For only $19.95 you’ll be able to give your favorite faction a new look!
Wasn't that from the WC2 manual?
Because I wouldn't count that as book lore.
That's from the manga m8, Sunwell loli has been around for at least 14 years
When were you able to play as the Naga in Frozen Throne again? Was it during the Night Elf campaign?
Was it?
Could have sworn it originated in one of the Pre-WoW Ronin books, or at least it was gone into in more detail in one.
Briefly in the NElf campaign and then more extensively during the BElf campaign
Human campaign where you played the Blood Elves, you could control Vashj's naga in a few levels
>also new female versions of previously male only Heroes because why not? also Fuck Men and bigots btw
Because every fucking Blizzard creation nowadays has to have that bland 11-yo appeal that pixar does. Can't have spooky stuff.
Both the Night Elf campaign and the Human campaign had missions where you could play as the Naga.
I swear the WC2 manual mentioned how the Dragon Maw orcs managed to capture Alextrasza and forced her to birth more dragons so the Horde could use them in combat. IIRC the dragon that you see when you make the dragon roost is supposed to be Alexstrasza, but that sorta goes weird when you build multiple roosts.
playing halo on pc is fucking retarded. the franchise always has been, and always will be, fps for console peasants. the game is special for adding constraints to fps, like only having 2 weapons, and having rechargeable health, etc. to make it accessible to the mass market ape audience.
you're a fucking retard. get off this board.
Halo 1 was originally developed for PC.
Then came Microsoft with a big bag of Microbucks and asked them if they wanted to make it for their shiny new XBox instead.
Why do you think blizzard and a lot of other companies are firing diversity hires left and right? They can't support all that deadweight, even though it gives massive brownie points.
For a single Night Elf mission, but mostly during the Human (Blood Elf) campaign.
Fun fact: following Legion's retarded lore retcons, Lady Vashj was not only not evil when you murdered her in SSC, she was also the leader of the only faction of Naga that weren't (and aren't) corrupted slaves to the Old Gods.
and then they made it kiddy mode so it could be played with a controller. what's your point?
What do they have against properly evil characters?
They retconned the broken draenei looks so they wouldnt offend the chinese.
>and they fucking retconned it out later
goddamnit, it was too fucking good to be true
Thanks. I misrembered it as a secret mini-campaign where the Naga was a pseudo-faction.
>Implying female Lich, Dreadlord, KotG and DH isn't a great idea
Might've been some sort of custom campaign?
>Implying this is some SJW shit and not just them baiting horny neckbeards
>Demons use Undead +LK to invade Azeroth
>Naga halp BELFs, follow Illidan under Kil'jaden to fight Lich King
>Lich King's keikaku is ruin all life on Azeroth to fight the Legion's Invasion
>Legion kekaiku is demons fight Void Lords' invasion of WoW universe
>Void Lord's minions (old gods) have foothold on Azeroth, their plan is...
Why is it all the "bad guys" have "good" ulterior motives but actively fight against their own best interests?
It's stupid to ask this because the Void Lords are probably doing their bad guy things to prep for a bigger fight
I still don't understand why it looks so jarringly bad. It seems good but I just don't like the end result.
I mean Vashj and her autismo buddies were still draining that swamp and killing uh swamp things
Wait, did players kill Vashj to protect "nature" on a rock floating in space? I mean Outland wasn't even a proper planet
DAMN, lady vash looks like THAT?!?
but it isn't a katana you blind cunt
Oh dear oh dear, looks like the PC weenie is throwing a little tantrum. No need to fret Mr. PC weenie, your mummy will be home to cook you some chicken tendies before long.
I've honestly forgot about the shroom people
desu, i'd have sided with the naga over them if I could have
The orc on the right has the face of a basedboy who just found out Trump won re-election
wow fucking based that guy is btfo for all eternity, how will he ever recover?
>wc3 artstyle is timeless, it aged like fine wine
wc2 aged like fine wine
wc3 looked like shit from day one and only got worse
Looking up the human campaign now, I guess the Naga having their own buildings and units made me think they were going to be a super special fifth race.
In your example user, the original reels had degenerated. Remastering an old Disney cartoon is quite different to remastering a game. Disney could only remaster their copies using certain techniques and with the technological limitations of the time.
Blizzard wanted to make warhammer games but didn't get the licence, just look at WC (WH fantasy) and Starcraft (WH40k)
WC3 reforged graphics look awful from an overhead viewpoint because the models are designed to look good from an over the shoulder viewpoint. They're pushing the new reforged world editor hard in china including monetization options for map/mod makers.
Anyone who gives a shit about WC3 in terms of the 'melee' game mode will play with the older graphic set because of this. Old models are far more legible than the new ones.
That some deer pussy I see?
Maeiv/Warden is probably the coolest design to come out of Warcraft. Samwise was feeling this shit.
Also, while I prefer the aesthetics of the original, this SOUL/SOULLESS comparisons are the most retarded non-arguments I've ever seen. Jesus Christ. Plenty redesigns look a lot better than the original ingame models.
Blizzard always knew how to make their shit fappable
oh god they are going for the overuse of iron/metal on orcs buildings like the nu orgrimmar of nu wow
Why don't you look at the original artwork instead of spazzing out like a retard.
>WC3 reforged graphics look awful from an overhead viewpoint because the models are designed to look good from an over the shoulder viewpoint.
Wtf are you talking about
That's pretty legible English. Google words you don't understand.
You really thought this post was funny huh
The only real objectionable aspect of the new graphics is that Hero Readability is completely fucking gone. Show that to anyone who never played Warcraft 3 and they won't know who the fuck is the hero character, why the fuck is the Paladin the smallest fucking unit there and why the fuck did even take the glowing aura which makes him stand out even less?
literally outsourced to chinks
Please does anyone have the picture?
to pajeets actually, dunno wich is worse desu
>"New graphics look bad in this scenario!"
>"Must mean it was made to look good from a different perspective!"
>"What do you mean you don't understand?!"
You can't just use vaguely descriptive word and use vague reasoning like that.
Give me something concrete. How would you know they were made to be viewed from an over the shoulder viewpoint?
>let a garbage kikess writer handle everything so she can self insert into le stronk independent wahmen, and completely ruin the established characters.
>"for me personally the Mists of Pandaria cinematic with the orc and human really nailed warcraft to me."
>we will put in VAs who can't give less shit about what they do with microsoft sam levels of enthusiasm since they'll get paid anyway
That was the turning point where the human and the orc guy bands together against the panda. The point where you lose every single bit of hope of this crap being redeemable. It was legit the worst fucking point where it became NuCraft, like taking a fuckhuge diarrhea and bloody dump inside someone's mouth who actually liked blizzard.
Also the models look suspiciously close to games made by chinks.
Malaysian actually, which is a mix of both
>Also the models look suspiciously close to games made by chinks.
That was to be expected.
They clearly want the chink market and then there was also the Diablo Immortal fiasco, which was literally a reskinned chink mobage.
because it has no overriding art style. they're just layering high polygon models on top of something that was made with polygons and basic colors from years ago to be easier to read in an RTS setting.
there's no style at all in remaking these models to look more "realistic" while still keeping the cartoony proportions. it looks like shit.
Oh dear another PC weenie is getting upset. Not to worry PC weenie. I'm sure your mother will get the tendies out of the oven very soon.
Just look at it nigger. It is self-evident. No artist worth their salary would make models with such poor silhouettes when viewed from the standard camera angle for the game when the design of the game involves interacting with dozens if not hundreds of units at a time. You've either never played WC3 or are just trolling if you can't understand this.
There is a reason why every promo shot for the game is done with the camera close to the models.
>just use your imagination bro
>who needs visuals in a visual medium anyway haha
There was that one naga they had locked up in the Slave Pens in TBC calling them all traitors.
I just realized Warcraft 3 was the last Blizzard gave I've enjoyed.
>Retconning Warcraft 3 EVEN MORE
>But this time in the game itself so you can see one of the most solid story RPGs being fucked with because of WoW story festering garbage
I was in for this remaster but I'm out like a motherfucker. Thanks, Blizz.
how can you fuck up so bad
I dont understand looks like typical blizzard style trash why is anyone surprised or to the people wanted this game mad? This looks exactly like it should be
You get the original game if you buy it, though.
It's not so bad.
>That grunt's face
Did they just put armor on a peon?
>Christie "Arthas and Kel'Thuzad weren't friends" Golden
The Arthas novel was the biggest character rape for the sake of pure masturbatory HYPE I've ever seen.
Not really surprised to see companies trying to get into the chinese market. They're going to be losing money hand over fist due to piracy running rampant over there.
Don't give them ideas.
it looks fine? the single problem with it remains being arthas giraffe neck and huge shoulders
Looking at that minimap, I don't remember that scenario.
>WC3 on mobile
>it's utterly fucking unplayable
Multiplayer would be a blast, everyone would be able to spot the mobilefag instantly.
>and they fucking retconned it out later.
What? When was that changed? That's been the official story since forever and even WoW had no problem telling it.
It's the new Culling of Stratholme map. They're wow-ifying the entire campaign to make it more consistent.
That's the culling of Stratholme, clearly.
The even removed the Zoo of Stratholme because it wasn't in WoW.
And it's not raining anymore.
Which is what I was worried about
>And it's not raining anymore.
This bothers me more than it probably should.
Confirmed for shit. Nothing is truly sacred anymore. Thanks for saving me 60 bucks user.
>>You see, HotS was Didier's pet project. That's why it's full of thicc and sexy models.
That explains a lot actually. He should be in charge of all Blizz projects.
All of these changes, but you still can't select more than a dozen units at a time?
Were they gonna sell this at full price?
Honestly it should be free : It's just a patch with some new textures slapped on an old engine.
I can imagine effectively playing it on tablets easily. Even better than on PC. One hand on the minimap with unit orders and hotkey bar up close, another functions as the cursor.
People have been requesting remakes/remasters for a long time now but the record is really poor. Devs just can’t do them justice and even the most acclaimed ones have significant gripes. I’m at the point where in virtually all instances i would rather just get a new game.
Either you just give the hd patch (like they did with sc1), either you go full remake (aka new engine, gameplay), like RE2 of FF7.
game looks fine, you are just a bunch of faggots who have to complain about anything
Do you honestly think the FF7 remake will be anything but complete shit?
I remember when I was 13 and HeartGold/SoulSilver came out, I thought "daaamn remakes look like THAT?" and wanted remakes of every old game I enjoyed, thinking that level of quality was standard in the practice but nope, 99% of remakes released since were shit.
show 30 seconds of you playing WC3 against a human opponent
HGSS was a fluke on GF's part.
Fuck what they did with ORAS.
>GraPics baWd
>and even the most acclaimed ones have significant gripes.
The only remake that's a complete upgrade in every possible way is the Resident evil 1 remake.
Everything else, there's always a tradeoff. It's almost impossible for a dev team these days to translate a game perfectly because modernizing it, usually means going against the original design. Not that it's a bad thing per se but they almost always fuck it up.
I like the new graphics and the high production values. You clearly don't play Blizzard games if you think that the retcon update announcement doesn't completely invalidate this game as dogshit.
I don't give a shit about Warcraft, but most remasters are meant to gauge people's interest in a game to see if reviving it is worth it.
Take the Crash remaster/remake/whatever. Activision didn't have much hope in it until it suddenly became a giant hit, then suddenly they decided to make a CTR remake, and they're probably working on a new Crash game.
>it looks slightly different so it's bad
Kill yourself.
There was a time where i wanted wc4. But seeing WoW i don't want this anymore.
My dream right now would be a wc3 remastered with a completely new engine/gameplay and new missions.
shit was cartoony for a reason, vastly increases visual clarity and allows for instant recognition.
you can barely spot the paladin now, and the knights and raiders are just blobs of grey
you better just go play niggerwatch or WoW faggot. you clearly never played W3
A shame they wont use the original voice actor for Arthas.
>all people complains about having a hard time spoting between units
you faggot play RTS clicking units each time you move?!?!? you dont know what ctrl teams are?!?!
Rytlock is the best racial leader in any MMO, change my mind.
>Just look at it nigger.
stopped reading there. Just means your legible english is full on retarded.
Why are Blizzard devs such arrogant fucks
You won't get very far playing against human opponents in WC3 with just 1a2a3a newfriend.
Yeah many remakes are bad, but some are good. Personally I think WWHD is a really good remaster. Some people don't like it but I think those people are fucking stupid. It looks objectively far better than the original and that's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact.
By comparison, OoT 3D is a remake that I really despise. They completely changed the art style to something completely different, and it just looks bad, very amateurish, and it's probably because it's some tiny third-party developer who did it. Compared to WWHD, which was done first-party by Nintendo, and which entirely preserves the original art style.
>Point out that Reforge being literally fucked with WoW faggotry is a terrible thing
Did you have breathing contests in the bathtub with your inbred brother when you were younger, user? Cause you can tell.
he doesnt key+mouse
>he doesnt know every single key-world of every building and skill for fast reaction time
>he doesnt know what ctrl teams are
>he doesnt know what tab does during teams
you fucking pleb stay away from w3 thread
I remember being 14 and playing this game and raging over people who destroyed their base, sometimes even at the beginning.
Tower rush were fun as well
I genuinely, sincerely feel bad for zoomers who might just getting into the game who never knew what real WC3 or WoW was like before Nu Blizz ruined everything and turned it into fucking Disney mobile dogshit.
Like I just feel pity for them to see things as they've become and not as they were.
>ctrl click your concave of dryads to focus something at one end of the line
>the dryads close to that unit fire just fine, the other ones start blockblocking eachother trying to reach
>cutting your dps in half because you think subgroups are a replacement for proper micro
stay away from w3 thread newfriend :^)
I really hate the pseudo-Pixar artstyle Blizzard has been rolling with for awhile now.
Everything is devolving into Overwatch.
The culling of strat is getting revoiced if the whole thing is, which I'm sure will be compared numerous times.
That's the one speech they can't afford to fuck up or no one will let them hear the end of it
Well in the case of Superstar Saga DX I'd say so Nintendo can destroy childhoods and set lower bars for current children
You can't read.
The post you quote clearly says "you never played W3" - not "you never played WOW".
This is the problem with doubling down on insults, you might just backfire.
>destroyed childhoods over a few changed character designs in an otherwise superior remaster
Blood Elves are basically diet High Elves that just happen to be aligned with the Horde now.
All of their intrigue and edginess they had in WCIII and the early parts of TBC have been drained away.
What the hell are these posts for?
what do they get pointy sticks for?
It doesn't even have directions on it.
Horde need fung-shew or some shit?
It's supporting nothing, how much money goes into Misc. Poles?
>assumptions atop assumptions
a good player won't end up with a concave getting flanked
a good player isn't going to have a subgroup that's ALL his single type of unit
a good player knows that micro has nothing to do with visually looking at the units on the field and clicking them individually, as was disputed in the first post in this chain.
If you're whining that you can't see the units on the field as good as before, you're not subgrouping/microing properly. the only thing you should be paying attention to on the field is the opponents unit composition, almost everything else can be done via minimap and hotkeys
make sure you go back and read this chain of responses before bringing up some irrelevant or assumed nonsense in an effort to be the hardcore so smart pro here
>Shit music
>even more dumbed down battle system which was already simple
>potentially a new influx of NElf porn with focus on their feral side
they use it to impale the Alliance on after a successful victory
Fuck Nu-Blizz
How do they get them up there?
They've surrounded it with pointy sticks so nothing can get on it.
It will get people playing WC3 again so I don't care.
>literally just changed bros. attacks that are like a microsecond slower
>jumps and hammer attacks that are changed to be like the 3DS M&L games
Oh god oh no oh no it isn't exactly how I remember it, they RUINED my CHILDHOOD!
Also the music thing is subjective, I personally think they improved on a lot of tracks.
The retconning is the most worrying here
the pointy bits are to keep the kodos from eating the carcasses
the orcs use a wacky blizzard fantasy invention called a 'ladder'
>Keeps insisting on how his nonsensical, retarded answer was perfect and somehow misreads the greentext and thinks it's about not playing WoW while saying the other guy can't read
>Posts epic butthurr image implying I'm screaming and raving mad
Now I'm thinking that you just survived the multiple drowning attempts from your mom. You do you, champ. Keep on trucking.
Left looks better
>not hyped for the new wave of customs
left is from the HD remake
wouldn't impalings be set out farther from camps and shit?
it's right next to hovels and living areas, the smell would be awful.
>Orcs and Undeads
>caring about stinky smells
I doubt it
The retarded lore retcons happened in TBC, the stable of vashj, kael and illidan being evil in the first place was retarded
Hey, you're just reinforcing orc stereotypes
My wife's an orc and let me tell you, I'm the one doing the impaling
is your wife a female (male)?
You do realize that deer exist, don't you?
>Golden rewrites
>MoP Pixar cinematic as their artstyle basis
>Using the shit new Sylvannas/Jaina VA instead of the excellent old ones
Fucking DROPPED.
holy fuck remember when game manuals existed? Remember when they were great?
yes to both
>get a new game
>the manual is the size of a small novella and contains stuff like character bios, lore entries, and maps
I really do miss that feel
This looks great, it updates the visuals without sacrificing the look of the original, that was the point of this picture and yet you people are complaining about it like it's a sin against humanity. Holy shit, I have seen bad remakes/remasters and this is definitely not one. Will you fuckers ever be happy with anything?
As opposed to generic weeb trash?
I mean Illidan always wanted power at all cost. But yea that didn't mean that we HAD to kill him.
whens the PTR coming up blizzard
I'm so tired of KOTG on ladder
faggots cant into RTS, hes just looking for an excuse for "muh soul"
but who's doing the smelling
Is it just me or does that High Elf has green eyes?
If so - what the fuck?
Blood elves were part of the alliance during wc3 until Garrosh happened.
i'm aware i just want his faggot ass to stop pretending everyone plays exactly like he does
you mean Garithos?
the High Elves became Blood Elves in The Frozen Throne, and the unit you posted is a Blood Elf Spellbreaker
No. As opposed to being creative in the slightest.
Orc's are by definition void of any effort or imagination.
That's a spellbreaker, added in TFT. By that time most high elves became blood elves.
you are not even replying to the same guy, buddy
Oh nvm i just realized that indeed the green eyes thing happened in Outland between wc3 and tbc
And yea i meant garithos
Spellbreakers were a blood elf occupation.
Though the green eyes shouldn't come before joining Illidan in Outland. It'd be nice if there's a pre and post Illidan skin, but I doubt it.
my starcraft manual is on my shelf along with all my games
wait no i just checked and it isn't there if that fucking bitch did something with it i'll beat her senseless
Warcraft is known for breaking the mold and turning Orcs into noble savages instead of generic unga bungas though.
That's wrong and their creatively vapid artists show that.
Designited shitting post
Yes I know - like I said, WWHD looks a lot better than the original WW.
Its true though.
Orcs were rarely depicted as anything other than chaotic evil monsters with little to no characterization prior to Warcraft. Whether or not that makes Warcraft Orcs "good" is debatable but as of WC3 they're certainly different than Tolkien or Warhammer Orcs.
quality post
They turned them into glorified american indians but couldn't do anything beyond that since nobody thought of Thrall changing his title from "Warchief" to anything that indicates he isn't coordinating a Raiding Band.
Every hero will have male, female, and canon versions. Paladin for example will come in male, female, Uther, Arthas with hammer and Arthas with Frostmourne.
Why are the orcs yellow, they look like pears
more FITT girls in vidya pls
Man that Orc looks like fucking garbage.
So where's the male Wardens?
Anyone complaining about this is just baiting. The original WC3 has not aged well and is ugly as shit
That would be retarded since warden are priestess of the moon
do feminine dicks count?
Just as retarded as female druids, then, but that won't stop them.
It doesn't look worse, just kinda pointless. WC3 didn't age that bad, and it still runs well on modern PC's.
>not playing with the original graphics and voices
Who asked for this? WC3 is comfy as fuck in large part because of its graphics and art style which hearkens back to a simpler time while still looking absolutely passable to non-zoomers. Why not just make a new Warcraft game? ...don't answer that
It seems to be a consistent thing with game devs, I think they have to pay more for recurring VA's or something as opposed to getting someone new.
>Who asked for this
a lot of fucking people.
this rework will bring a lot of new people to a dying game
I can’t wait to pay $4.99 for each of the custom maps.
based and illidari pilled
>Who asked for [a WC3 remake]
Lots of people
>Who asked for this
>if designs are lazy, just imagine new ones kiddo
yeah, this isn't a book or DnD, if I have to think up alternative designs in your visual medium, you're doing something wrong
technical limitations notwithstanding ofc
Honestly I think WWHD looks like ass compared to the original, so much bloom and there's these retarded framerate issues, I remember getting the third orb during that scene where you shoot through the wall behind the starting island dropped to the low teens at times.
On top of that the retarded sail made the great sea seem way tinier.
Meanwhile I had a good enough PC to run it at 4k/30fps on my computer. So.
>Those fucking bent legs on the non-demon form.
Same shit with the footman If you look at him in motion it almost looks like a sc2 zealot.
M8 thats literally from the last raid of TBC
One can complain about stuff like the overt change in models if they prefer the originals, like adding more spikes to the watchtowers, but apart from that, I really, really don't see the issue. It looks good, especially the buildings.
I see people are just using ''nu'' as a synonym for ''bad'' now, fucking great
the new ''clunky''
SOUL - "For the Burning Blade!"
SOULLESS - "For the Blade!"
What did they mean by this.
Does he actually say "For the Blade!"? Because that basically makes no sense at all.
Why did they get rid of that iconic ghoul 'ready to pounce' pose. Now they just look like generic zombies.
Isn't the Burning Blade a clan?
It is.
Pretty sure they're demon worshipers as well.
So this guy's just memeing for retard points right
He'd better be.
If we're talking soul, WC3 is the definition of soulless in comparison to WC2.
>same exact game but 16:9 and 4k with modern graphics
The blade is no longer burning friends.
still looks more kino than the shit that was TBC sunwell.
There is beuty in simplicity.
>modern graphics
>you can use the old graphics like in SC;R
What's the problem?
That's completely retarded.
Even if they did want to get away from their demon-worshiping image they could have at least made their new name somewhat decent.
The "Blade Clan" sounds really, really bad.
So the only burning blade in the whole clan named The Burning Blade belongs to some jobber who gets rekt in mission 2?
I'm extremely excited for this game and it looks fantastic and there's nothing that you NEETS can do about it
>not posting the animated version where his jaw gets extremely dislocated every time he talks
They are turning one of the arguably last good games of blizzard into wow trash.
if you disagree with this, then you are fucking blizzdrone because its very very clear that they are trying to turn this game into some shitty byproduct "spin off" if you will, of WoW
Why is the smallest unit in the Human army in the second screenshot their Hero?
what does it look like in WoW
>top is what we played
>bottom is what we remember
Like shit
I feel like the people praising this remake never played the original game, or at least only played it after WoW. While the new graphics are objectively more technically advanced than the old ones, any charm or personality the game used to have is fucking gone. Someone post the new streamer UI.
I like the cardboard cutout flames on the wall
I wonder who the last faction are its just too difficult to work out from their outlines or the repository of decades of previous Warcraft games featuring them.
I feel like you touch kids but the police won't take either of our claims seriously.
>Someone post the new streamer UI.
Shit, okay thanks user that blows me out of the water.
Then again someone had to make the shadowy outlines, why not just...have that guy fill in the detail? Are the night elves so eleusive they have to hire a gamekeeper artist to set beartraps and wait with an easel in some forest for while concept art of elves to walk by?
Where is the gif from? It looks very soulful.
I played warcraft 3 for ages when i was in high school. The remake looks fine
I can't tell what that unit between the two knights is, the one above the footman.
Imagine defending this trash
t. falseflagger
But you do. Cruel world
I really liked the feel of the UI enveloping 1/3 of the screen, felt really comfy e.g. like you were in a walled-off keep giving orders when playing humans etc. The Reforged human UI is also missing the warmly lit walls.
>Going to revive the game community, meaning new maps or people hosting older maps
>Has an option to use all the original visuals if you don't like the new ones
>Improved custom game options and editing
>30 bucks
What am I supposed to be mad about again?
>dreadlord with fingerless gloves
>whoa dude hyper realistic
Are you out of your fucking mind. how in the name of fuck does reforge look ANYTHING hyper realistic, you goddamn shitter
Compared to what the series has always been, it's pretty hyper realistic
No, I still don't think so
>Going to revive the game community
If they don't play the game now, they won't stick around much just because of """improved""" graphics
>Has an option to use all the original visuals
Then why bother?
>Improved custom game options and editing
I guess this is a plus for some? Most play the base game.
god damn this looks like shit.
>forgetting the fact they are splitting the already low playerbase into 2 games.
Have you learned anything from Dark souls remastered?
Dumb retard.
Isn't TFT compatible with WC3R?
Say hello to modern gaming's minimalist aesthetic
Should've looked like HotS
I know the proportions of buildings and units were fucked in the vanilla version too but it looks so weird with the new models.
It is, that other user is being dumb. TFT players and WC3:R players can play ladder games together.
Imagine so assuredly calling someone a "dumb retard", and then having it turn out that you don't know what you're talking about
>If they don't play the game now, they won't stick around much just because of """improved""" graphics
Not true, it word of the remaster could be the first people heard or saw of the game.
>Then why bother?
See the other two points.
>Most play the base game.
Factually incorrect.
>I guess this is a plus for some? Most play the base game.
Doubtful. I'm pretty sure most matches ever hosted were custom maps
He's difficult to use if you can't manage his fingerless glove meter. Really hurts his utility.
DIablo Immortal
Ramirez! Get that Burning Legion summoned!
SC1 remaster didn't revive the RTS scene, why would this be any different? Dota 2 currently holds the custom game scene anyways.
There's a difference between "RTS scene" and the "Warcraft 3 scene"
I could not care less about the RTS scene.
A skellington my dude
WC3 scene is the dota scene, which exists in Dota 2 now.
>WC3 scene is the dota scene
>Eras Zombie Invasion
>Footmen Frenzy
>SWAT Aftermath
>Fortress Survival
>RP maps
>Movie Maker
>Green TD
>Elemental TD
>Hero Arena
>X Hero Siege
and that's just the shit that's off the top of my head, there's probably thousands of good customs that I'm not thinking of because it's been like 8 years since hosting bots took over.
How impenetrable is the online scene in Warcraft 3 for someone who has never touched it before?
you know even by the current expansion the belfs haven't removed that picture of kil'jaeden, i think they draped silvermoon banners around the room though
Eh, its subjective I guess. Conglomerate doesn't mean lack of organization, the term is also used in economics without any such connotations
>A conglomerate is a combination of multiple business entities operating in entirely different industries under one corporate group, usually involving a parent company and many subsidiaries.
what exactly is worse heree?
>There is beuty in simplicity
Somebody with only 2 braincells would say that.
>Basic fountain model but with a golden ring around it
>more ""kino""
get your memeing head out of your contrarian ass
Had Blizzard done something analogous to this in 2019, you'd probably complain
Good thing they didn't do something like it in 2019
This is
People still care about Warcraft 3 this much?
What's the bet that you can still only select 12 units max?
user you have to be going blind to think its any harder to pick out units based on these screenshots
Just a render by this guy
I think you meant to say "hard" there since that is subjective. Its objectively harder. Harder is worse. Thank you for listening.
>Most play the base game.
Why dont we all come together and laugh at this retard pretending he knows shit?
SC:R didn't really catch on, but WC3's playerbase has been increasing lately. Tournaments are popping up again, players are getting sponsored, etc. The Reforged client isn't even playable yet although there have been balance patches.
Then you have westerners like Grubby who have been getting a relatively large viewership for WC3 and introducing the game to a new generation of players. WC3Gym has been running a newbie league and had to close signups because there was too much interest for them to handle.
>objectively harder.
yea if your blind. I was saying the difficulty of being able to pick out units hasnt changed much if at all. Thanks for listening
>That feel when getting hyped for races, classes, heroes, items etc reading thorugh the manual while the game installs over the course of 30 mins, having to exchange the CD very now and then.
You would be wrong then. Sorry for disagreeing.
Somebody explain to me what is exactly wrong with the remaster? i haven't been in touch with the game's news.
>even the sheep got JUST-ed
What? Am I not supposed to want to marry the monstergirl?
Of course I'll take responsibility
nothing much really bsides a couple of dumb models its mostly just a soul vs souless at this point
>Remastered dryads
My dick cant wait
Models look whatever to me, i don't know what the fuss is about.
I mean i still won't buy it, but it doesnt look bad.
I dunno man, looks like the human is going for realism, the orc is going for last-gen's CGI, and the environment looks like from a lego game
Making them look like in WoW would have been an improvement compared to what they look like now.
That's because you're a retard. Models aren't supposed to look good up-close, they're supposed to look good from the gameplay POV, which these don't.
Worst part is, blizz clearly already knows this, as demonstrated not just in all their older games but in newer games like HotS as well. But they either completely outsourced this to incompetent morons just as retarded as yourself, or they have such independent development teams at this point that there's no communication between them at all. Or I guess they're just ignoring feedback because, again, they're as retarded as you are. What a depressing thought.
Here's a fun realization for you: Mobile game aesthetics are rooted in MOBA aesthetics, which are rooted in Warcraft III.
>not using your fucking imagination.
That mission was Kino back in the day.
I'm fine with everything in this screenshot except the human units, Arthas in particular is fucking atrocious, he looks like just another unit now. Also the footmen have lost their easily identifiable shields, making it harder to distinguish them from the other units but that might not be as much of an issue in-game. Arthas is the big problem.
Maiev was the best part of Legion
Maiev is the best yandere
>Competitive online experience for an RTS second only to Starcraft, the sci fi version of the same universe
>Long ass campaing that lets you use multiple races, and even non-playable races
>campaing is filled with easter eggs showing most soul in a single mission than most games released today
>top notch VA not only in english, but in various languages they managed to capture the soul of the characters.
>Extremely powerful map editor that let you do everything that was in the campaing and more
>Thanks to it's map editor entire GENRES of games were spawned and/or improved
>Spawned fucking Dota which is THE most succesfull Esport game out there and doesn't even need it's publisher to pump money on prizes or anual releases to keep it alive
Warcraft 3 is one of THE games of all times. There is literally no other RTS that has surpassed it in anything but competitive scene(starcraft).
What did she do in Legion?
>Most play the base game
Not confess her love and shotgun wedding Illidan
Barely anything. But her character is great.
Great, yet another "remaster" that'll finish off anything good Blizzard made completely, I actually feel bad that I ever thought Warcraft 4 would be a good idea. Fuck WoW shiteaters, fuck MMOs and fuck Blizzard.
This wouldn't be bad if it's randomized in melee maps
>only important to change what happened with the female characters
How can one person be so biased and nobody calls them out on it? It's not like Jania isn't the leader of the country she fucking betrayed for orc dick or Sylvanas isn't the biggest OP mary sue the game has seen. Can't we just leave the fucking lore alone, they already retconned Doomhammer being honorable and beating Lothar 1v1 when he fucking jumped him with a ton of other orcs and still almost lost
Didn't Doomhammer also have catapults there?
Pretty sure I remember the sound of them firing.
It's honestly been so long that I can't really remember but point is they've already fucked with so much just leave the past alone. Why they gotta stomp on the grave of the games I love while strangling the life of whats left of it
Making a bad sequel is one thing.
Constantly retconning the previous games just because your story is so shit that you want to legitimate it at all cost is another.
Look how grabbable and groppable her ass is in her armor. She left it exposed for a reason.
Because she wants Naisha and the other watchers to grope her.
>You'll never get to give her ass a hearty spank followed by a firm grope as you feel the mixture of toned muscle and just the right amount of fat
Those are(were) barricades for stopping human cavalry.
I ship her with Illidan desu.
When you think about it, Illidan was the only male available during 10000 years and he completely under her control.
Would also explain her obsession beside "you hurted my brother some times ago".