Why does he trigger SJWs and trannies so much?
Why does he trigger SJWs and trannies so much?
Because he is best boi and my boyfriend
Because he's a straight white male who belittles Kanji.
Game takes place in Japan dumbass
I wasn't even aware he triggered anyone. I just thought he was masturbation material to homosexual men. Maybe evaluate your social circles.
japs are honorary aryans, you stupid, grasping nigger.
What are rednecks
We just tolerate them because we need help against the chinks. When the time comes they're gonna get the rope too
The National Guard.
>implying Canada won't side with the chinks and the commies, and spike your water with gay juice and then send in waves of refugees into your country
How is it that the NPC meme got replaced by fucking trannies of all things? Is this some kind of reverse psychology conspiracy to get people to talk a lot more about trannies and make people sick of anti-trans rhetoric?
He's gay as fuck user.
What does that mean
He had the audacity to be a teenage boy who takes a little time to get comfortable around his possibly gay friend
It means that when the commies invade, you shoot them.
There’s been evidence of literal discord trannies fucking with boards so people started accusing suspicious posts of being discord trannies and now people just abuse the term because that’s how v works
The NPC meme died off because it was immediately taken by retards and became just another version of:
He does? But he's so cute.
oh okay
Do I get money for it?
people cant handle the banter. maybe thats why they dont have real Life friends?
NPC meme was almost instantly politicised and used by American drumpfags from reddít
Discord tranny is more unifying cause everyone hates trannies
Straight male with little tolerance for faggot shit so the fags hate him
Also he's an enemy to Saki so all the other bitches and whores hate him
He likes seeing girls in swimsuits so the soibois hate him
Basically the closest thing to a normal straight teenage boy in the game so naturally he would have his haters, his issue in the game is being secretly excited that something interesting is happening in the dead town instead of being possibly fag or wanting to be the opposite gender.
he is a dudebro homophobe
I'm more annoyed by them completely misunderstanding Kanji and Naoto
>Kanji's insecurity comes from the societal belief that liking girly things makes you gay or less of a man
>Naoto feels the need to bury her true self and present herself as a male because her dream profession is one dominated by males
>when she comes to terms and learns to accept her true self she stops hiding her gender and behaves more like a girl
>somehow retards take this as her being trans
This. Yousuke is /ourguy/.