>civilization 6 has bad graphic-
not so fast.
>civilization 6 has bad graphic-
not so fast.
Other urls found in this thread:
That’s not the problem
Nice. That is one of my biggest gripes about Civ VI. I know there are other flaws, but I've just played out IV and V and I think some of the new mechanics in VI should be fun to explore.
Christ that actually looks great
A shame they butchered the Aztec in civ 6, still not interested as a result.
too bad that it's shit anyway
Fix the dogshit AI and weird ass game mechanics then we'll talk
aztecs are great in civ 6, what do you mean?
Aztecs will murder anything during early game.
I really wasn't a fan of the political cartoon caricature art-style.
i don't get the point of war in early game, my friend hosted a game and he instantly annexed arabia and their 3 cities.
What gives?
This was in civ V btw fuck the new shit
Looks like it's worth downloading just to improve the forests.
is civ 6 good yet?
Assuming it's not controlled by AI, Arabia is so strong once they get camel archers that it's often important to eliminate or at least cripple them before that point or they'll mow everyone over.
1 more expansion
The new expansion added some cool things but most of them were badly implemented. Like that other user said, it'll probably only reach its peak at the 6th pack. We need way more lategame content. Corporations, proper ideologies, etc.
shit game
What i really wanted was beyond earth but actually good. What a let down.
AI is not even updated to new mechanics of expansions. With first expansion AI built cities within my borders, so 10-20 turns later because of their low loyalty this cities became mine without any battle. And this was not once or twice - all the time. Difficulty - 6.
Arabia is shit tier because camel archers are so strong that everyone declares war on it before they get them
Did anyone ever said that? I've heard people complaining only about the overall cartoonish design, but not the graphics
>beyond earth but actually good
So get Civ V with all the dlc?
I want Alha Centauri II too
Two core gamedesign problems of Civ 6 for me:
1) Districts - they just add more microcontrol and gimmicks, turning you away from global plans.
2) System with great people are rigged - if two nations have a lot of needed points, all other nations are screwed.
Do you still have to choose projects and spies and shit in end game or is there finally a auto renew option?
civ 5 is the best in the series and civ 5 with mods is even better you cannot prove me wrong
districts allow cities to interact more with the map and also make it possible to pillage enemy cities without having to conquer the city center
wow civs with more great people points get more great people, thats totally unfair
civ 4, 3, and 2 exist so you're clearly mistaken, dumb frogposter.
TFW they still haven't fixed the bug where you can sell 1 coal for 7 gold a turn and buy back 7 coals for 1 coal when you are running low.
nope loool
stfu Ice Cube
Which civ is best for a comfy game where you don't have to worry about the meta?
civ 2.
Depending on your difficulty level it could be any really.
>wow civs with more great people points get more great people, thats totally unfair
More great people is fair, but not all of them.
I personally really like it. Big step up from 5 on all fronts if you ask me. The only thing I think 5 did better is having a say in the proposals for the world congress.
Dont, he has an autistic 2 post copypasta he shits out every thread
they don't get all of them. when a great person is recruited, the points needed for that person is lost. there is no "rigged system". ofcourse if you have 3 points per turn and some other guys have 15 points per turn, the other guys will get more great people before you have enough to snatch one.
You do know you can snipe with Faith/Gold, right?
Or maybe you should build your policies to give you an edge. You literally can't complain if you're not optimizing for great people
Are strategic resources rarer now? I swear i've never been near any iron or horses earlygame in any GS game ive started. Hard to trade with people trying to kill me
any on lower difficultys, anything bellow Noble should basically be a free win even if its your first time playing, my favorite is Civ 4 with mods
That's fine and dandy, but what if I don't have the game on steam? Is there a way to get this outside of the workshop?
>mfw I haven't looked back since endless legend
Doesn't Civ 4 suffer from the doomstack issue?
can't you still subscribe to the mod even if you don't have civ 6?
then it will put the mod in the steam/steamapps/workshop folder, and you can copy it over to the mygames/civ6/mod folder
compared to total warhammer's map yes
its only an issue if you don't know how to handle it, some mods make it much less of an hassle, realism invictus for example makes it so there's a limit on how many units can be in the stack before they start getting penaltys for being all stacked in a single title, in fall from heaven you can just cast magic and damage every unit in the stack so spamming shit units ain't a proper strategy, i still prefer doomstack over 1 UPT like in civ5/6 it makes the AI be always a concern and also makes it much less exploitable
I don't think that works. I don't see anything new being created in the workshop folder.
>Hard to trade with people trying to kill me
That's why you kill them first with chariots, user. It's a cruel world out there
Just use this
Thanks. Didn't know that there was a tool like that.
>clicking random Yea Forums links
>internet people will rape you
go back to the retirement home gramps
Should I get Civ V and all expansions or Civ VI?
I bet you don't even trust youtube links posted here. I've never had a virus from clicking links on Yea Forums.
I like to hide in my woods and rain arrows. Costs less so I can rush towards Industrial Districts
Hector did NOTHING wrong.
What's wrong about that pic?
Why not just pirate both?
You should wait until a steam sale and then buy Civ V complete. See if you like recent civs that way, since you'll pick it up for peanuts during a sale.
Eh, money isn't the issue, but time is. If Im gonna get invested in one, I was just gonna get recommendations and pull the trigger.
Honestly not sure which I like more
>muh tumblr characters
I honestly don't give a shit about the character desing, but the leader animations of VI look gorgeous. I don't know why it's such a turn off for so many people here.
Then just get V. I personally liked VI better but it still needs A LOT more polishing.
Vanilla's fine imo
That just looks as washed out as civ 5 though
Based. Ty
Modded looked kinda ugly overall except the forest tile.
both are great, tho civ 4 has much, much better mods and imo the complete vanilla game still better than 5 complete still
I hate how hard its to tell if hex has hills or not.
tile yields on my boy
I mean from a historical accuracy/representation perspective, not in terms of utility.
In 5, their unique ability, building, etc did a really good job representing what makes the Aztec as a society interesting from a historical perspective (Sacrifical captives obviously represents sacrificing captured enemy soliders, and also promotes farming enemy armies, which was a real thing the Aztec's sort of did with Flower Wars; and the floating gardens represents their stupid advanced hydroengineering and botonanical science which nobody ever talks about + mirror's tenochtitlan's absurd population growth; it's not perfect, of course, but it does a good enough job). In 6 their unique abilities, bonuses, building., bias, etc is either a poor representation or is random bullshit
I go into this in more detail here
m8 the last time I posted about it was like 8 months ago; also god forbid somebody actually take the time to give detailed criticism and suggestions for a game rather then just shitposting
Is there a mod to change the unexplored territory to clouds like in Civ 5?
>I like to hide in my woods and rain arrows.
Based and Elfpilled
Yeah vanilla with the bigger forests would be great imo
I have huge trouble distinguishing between a lot of stuff in Civ VI. Never had that in IV or V
I know, I have played the game alot, I just wish such an important feature that affects movement and yields would be immediatly obvious from the presentation.
Comfy illustration. Reminds me of a Japanese suburb.
the mod pics look like brightness has been reduced
>yfw you realise native americans are just real life elves, if instead of being immortal they died when exposed to common illnesses
How the fuck do I get into Civ VI. I tried it a few times now and towards midgame I just end up to the civ equivalent of just mashing buttons and just build random stuff and end turns.
My boomer brain can not get into it after IV and V
VI vanilla is pure shit.
At least play it with R&F
i really like playing civ v and comfy rape everyone with mongols horse arcers. or just being the biggest jew with venice
why are you having so much trouble? the game is self explanatory, do a few settler runs until youget the hang of it, otherwise just watch somebody play it on YT and try to mimic them
I have all the DLC legally pirated of course. It just bores me to death
1. dont play vanilla
2. expand as much as you can when going for science/culture vicctories
Serously, go to war and keep making more cities. More cities=more districts and more districts=faster victory
>caricature == tumblr
Imagine being such a brainwashed zoomer retard.
Yeah, it is, I have more images from the artist, if you want more let me know; I have a huge collection of art and stuff.
it's a real shame history played out how it did. Mexico and Peru both could have turned out like how japan did and still had their traditional civilization's architecture, art, literature, and general culture survive and modernize; and without nearly all of their historical records being torched. We would have had a whole 3rd pillar of history alongside the West and East.
That being said we know and have a lot more stuff preserved and still around then most people realize even if it's a shadow of what could have been. There's some surviving Aztec poetry, and a few hundred pieces of Aztec language documents and manuscripts from the early colional period, that re-records a ton about native society, cultural views, the past few hundred years of pre-contact history and politcs, etc. The Maya in particular also left pretty detsailed political records in inscriptions we have a lot of ; there's 1 similar piece of documentation to the Aztec ones for the Purepecha empire to their west, there's about 8 surviving Mixtec books which document the political history of the Mixtec civlizsation southern mexico going back 800 years, etc. We just need better education about the stuff.
Happy to post resources for information in general as well
>The graphics is the problem with Civ VI
I'm talking about the the people who complain about them retard
There was a mod for the cloud fog, but I think it's now out of date and hasn't been updated
>Civ 6 Beyond Earth
>Confirmed aliens built the pyramids and the Jews worked with them
So you haven't played any other Civ except 5 it seems like.
It honestly just looks like colorblind mode is turned on
I personally prefer the colorful look rather than this grimey grey shit since it also hooks in with the game design. However I can see why someone would prefer the less colorful look.
I don't have any problem with how it looks on screenshots. I have problems with seeing shit while playing it, I can't spot units, distinguish them etc.
One more thing, where do I place the downloaded folder? There's no "mods" folder or anything resembling it in the game directory.
go to /Documents/My Games/Sid Meiers Civ 6/Mods
If the mod folder isn't there then just create a new one
Alright, thanks.
Fucking barbarians never stop spawning.
Also, I haven't played civ 6 in a long time, how do you make a city or conquer it in different continent without people rebelling? At some point I just gave up because rebelling cities started spawning troops stronger than anything enemy had.
Don't be in a dark age, use governors and the loyalty policies, and try to make a cultural alliance with the civ that's right next to your cities . Cultural alliances remove any loyalty pressure that your partner produces.
Also focus on growing the population. the bigger the city the harder it is to flip.
Yikes. Nobody calls it like that
my favorite civ is 4 and i played 5 to death aswell and i had no trouble getting into 6 at all, its just a worse 5 in every respect, i dropped it soon after but really if you played 5 the game is pretty much the same just shittier and with a bunch of unnecesary and menial and boring tasks
The problem with all Civ games is the AI. There's no point in making the effort to balance your economy and military when the AI just gets to cheat its way through the game.
Much better. I hated the new chibi mobage art direction. It seems like they tried to appel to the fortnite/phoneplayer demographic. The colorful and cartoonish art style was one of the main reasons I did not bought the game even after playing hundreds of hours in Civ 5.
Uhh... guys?
Is it as comfy as Civ IV now?
an alien took a shit on earth
Redpill me on Civ 6, a quick rundown would be appreciated. I loved 4 and 5. I want to buy it, but reviews are mixed. I saw there is a Global Warming DLC, which sounds silly to me even as an environmentalist.
global warming was a mechanic in past games, though
man IV is really ugly nowadays
I dont like the district system
dont even you me
Spotted the larper civ 4 “fanboy”
If you like insane tile yields and the idea of districts then it’s worth getting.
City builder lite simulator.
lots of AI bullshit, but they're slowly getting fixed.
reviews are mixed because of some 2K spyware they took out years ago not because of the game itself.
climate change just got updated 2 days ago so need time for a veredict.
wide>tall in all aspects.
Pretty OK game overall if you're autistic about yields.
doesn't fix the awful gameplay issues
The base game was actually decent, not close to being as good as civ v +dlc but I thought it would actually get better. The first dlc was pretty much hot garbage, the loyalty system is retarded, Especially when you declare war on someone take their city then 2 seconds later it is a "free" city and anyone can snipe it, then it does the same thing again and again.
the next dlc was just mindbogglingly retarded, I cant fucking wait to lose my land to fucking water. Even if you can turn it off you are basically paying 30 quid for some civs.
Civ vi and all expansions
zoom zoom zoom
>then 2 seconds later it is a "free" city and anyone can snipe it, then it does the same thing again and again.
just leave a unit in the city you mongoloid
Haha user. Wanna know his do I know you’re an Orangeman voter?
>taking smaller cities first instead of the bigger ones
It's ok to be bad at video games user
its boom boom boom for me
It's the fucking fog that makes it look like shit
Can it be disabled
who the fuck cares about graphics in strategy games?
nuclear power plants are now fucked
>require constant maintenance
>can explode
>if you revert them to coal or oil they can still explode due some shitty bug
>the AI will always have one in their capital or in their cities
>even if you raze the city a tile will still explode even if there's nothing there
Then get more great people points retard. It's not hard. And you can buy them if you need them anyway. If you can't get any great people, it's because you fucking suck.
>the future of the world is 56%
What's the point of building the most successful civilization if light has already been extinguished from the world?
>didn't play 4
>>if you revert them to coal or oil they can still explode due some shitty bug
>>even if you raze the city a tile will still explode even if there's nothing there
These got fixed in the last update though
First post, best post
They fixed the bug dummy
>didn't play 3
Always play on Deity and you will have some degree of challenge in the midgame.
did they fix the shitty barbarian spawn rate too?
even on the easiest difficulty the spawn rate is really high
>didn't play 2 and 1
Ultimately nuclear plants are still garbage, though. There's basically no reason to not use coal for everything as long as you can tech fast enough to flood barriers.
Oil and uranium are needed for late-game units if your game is going that far.
>did they fix the shitty barbarian spawn rate too?
>[XP1, XP2] Track barbarian camp placement throughout the game (much like we do storms & droughts) and shy away from camp locations that are close to previously used spots. Should distribute camps across the continents better.
I did, IV is better because its multiplayer is actually functional and the late game doesn't look like green mats covered in wet wires.
Yikes, The Fortnite general is 2 threads down
the spawn rate was awful
>remove a camp
>camp respawns if the unit moves away and darkens the map
its nice if you want to farm xp for your unit however in early game it very annoying since 2-3 outpost can spawn right next to your capital
But flood barriers take ages to make, so I think it balances out. But either way I think you're right, nuclear plants are really badly implemented
The camps only spawned in one area and not the rest of the map, dipshit. And to any good player this was actually a massive advantage as you can farm them for endless golden ages, exp and gold.
Honestly it reminds me of how bad V looks.
In the latest update letting climate change happen really fucking sucks though since it will ruin your tile yields.
The only badly implemented elements I can think of from gathering Storm are the diplomatic victory and world Congress. Everything else seems like an improvement (natural disasters) or a side grade that's undercooked at worst (climate change)
Literally the only argument any of you fags can bring out.
I think it's weird as fuck that they we only get 7 governors that look identical every game. It's one of the most stilted parts of the game, at least giv every civ various types and colors. ie/ Rome should be looking at lots of white males/ etc.
>botonanical science which nobody ever talks about
Because fuck the Aztecs. Any society with reliance on human sacrifice should themselves be sacrificed to the future.
not really. the weather changing shit is really minimal and doesn't make it feel any more complex. the only good moment I had with the new expansion was a river overran it's banks and fucked up an invading army to my capital and that was pretty cool.
At this stage I think it's personal preference.
Even with just R&F, Civ 6 took off in what is very clearly its own direction. GS takes it even further away from the rest of the games. It's still a civilization game, by all accounts, but it is not (and was not) trying to be any of the previous titles. A lot of that early complaining also came from people who suffer from what I am going to call "HALO syndrome," where your expectation is that anything with a sequential number on the end of it is the same game as the previous title, except with better graphics and more stuff to do on top of the stuff you could already do. Civ 6 was not "Civ 5, but better!" People got a bit up in arms about that. Not sure why they'd have expected it to be, either, considering Firaxis failed outright to achieve that with Beyond Earth/Rising Tide, which was basically Civ5 in space (now with more ocean farms, aliens, and better espionage).
Thehe mix of loyalty, governors, espionage changes, and now disasters and climate change mechanics creates a lot of surface-level variation and strategy to the game that wasn't there in vanilla or Civ5, so they are now distinctly different games. The initial "real" complaints were originally focused around the fact that Civ6 (vanilla) was "simply a less complex civ 5 with considerably fewer leaders and more of a focus on playing wide than tall," and a LOT of complaining about districts/wonders being pulled out of cities and put onto otherwise workable tiles. All completely valid if you were expecting an expansion to Civ5.
I'm not going to talk about the Civ6 AI because the AI was never good in any of their games, no matter what anyone claims. Civ6 is simply the latest civ with a crap AI in a long, sordid history of civ games with crap AIs. The only reason it started being a bigger problem after Civ5 is that deathstack military engagements favor a simple AI who throws units at a problem with no care about strategy or tactics.
>VI Vanilla is pure shit
I spent a lot of time at release defending VI with "IV and V were much, much shittier on release than this"
feeling vindicated these days
No, still not ready yet.
I tried playing it but it just looks like a downgraded game.
>is civ 6 good yet?
If you don't like it at this point you're never going to. It's miles above what the game was like at release
Literally the only argument necessary.
Play 5 without balance mods. They crank the difficulty.
Well you can't refute it. I don't even play Civ6 nor plan to, but you're just some faggot riding the "muh sjw boogeyman"-wave. If you'd critique actual gameplay I wouldn't give a single fuck.
If you don't have lategame mechwarriors I won't play your game!
if muh graphics is a major concer for a fucking strategy turn game you have serious mental problems
>its a start next to Tomyris and Cyrus episode
Fuck off you lairy cunts
>start next to Gilgamesh
>instantly moves all his chariots towards you
>here we go again
>war declaration
>wipe the floor with his chariots
>peaces out, allies you and stays as your steadfast ally for the rest of the game
How do you wipe out warcarts? Are you using pikeman or just not playing on immortal/diety?
The AIs are broken, they will always be your friend forever unless you deliberately tell them to fuck off.
I guess the devs overcompensated for the problem with backstabbing AIs from Civ V.
Not him but
>Build walls
>You are now invulnerable to AI attacks
Not playing inmortal or diety. Also this:
Pretty much ensures that initial AI invasions have a way harder time.
I didn't know Hugo was based off of Liang.
Early in civ 6 people were complaining about civs having schizzo personalities and DoWing you for trivial or nonsensical reasons or because "they are afraid of you". I mean they weren't wrong but yeah the devs might have overcorrected a bit.
all of Yea Forums plays on easy
>only play in strategic view
>give no fucks about graphics
>civ 6 ai is literally retarded tier
just pass until the third expansion and/or when they release a final complete version, by then they should have fixed the game
On harder difficulties you're probably not going to bang out walls while also having a standing army before Gilgamesh slams his horde of warcarts up your ass.
The ai will always be literally retarded there is no expansion that will fix it. At best you can look forward to a different flavor of retard
Anyone got the files for a pirated version
Play Civ V
6 has Death Robots that are even upgradable but if I'm being honest late game combat is kinda crap compared to 5 especially air combat and that probably isn't going to change anytime soon.
The meta in 5 is a lot more tilted in favor of turtling and using diplomacy to keep more aggressive civs at bay while tech rushing for late game warfare, in 6 it's the opposite where the best strategy tends to be massive expansion and early warfare before turtling in the late game and steaming towards a science or culture win asap
Damn look at this user. He is lying on the internet
>The game performs faster with the mod. Guess the cartoon graphic drag the performance down.
Lmao is that actually true?
You don't need an army. If you start next to Gilgamesh you just go for walls first and shoot his puny warcarts down one by one since the AI is too stupid to attack en masse.
In the off chance that several war carts arrive at your city at the same time, just put a warrior or worker or something on the other side of the city as bait and shoot the carts while they're going around the city.
The AI is dumb as fucking bricks. In my current game I forward settled an AI on a different continent. My most advanced unit was archers and he declared war on me after putting pikemen next to my city. My city had 10 combat strength against the 40-something strength of the pikemen and I had no military units or walls. The AI still somehow failed to take the city. All I did was purchase one archer in it per turn and bait his units around. He could have just walked into the city and taken it at any time but he didn't.
Ai has always been fucking retarded.
In all games.
It does now, and they look like anime mechs too.
There are far better games out there than civ to play if you don't care about graphics and want complex AI. I don't know why you'd even bother playing civ if not for the pretty package it comes in.
Yes, but in prior civs the AI was still dangerous at times because of it cheated and spammed doomstacks at you.
Like another user mentioned it got worse ever since 5 since the ai is too retarded to handle 1UPT instead of relying on doomstacks
The only thing in 6 thats so fucking annoying is the Ai constantly denouncing you for not doing their objectives
>you have more wonders than me! I'm denouncing you
>You dont have enough naval ships? I'm denouncing you
>You dont have enough troops? I'm denouncing you
>You havent expanded your cities? I'm denouncing you.
Are you playing vanilla? The ai doesn't care about that crap nearly as much anymore especially since the GS patch
Yeah I dont own any of the expansions yet.
The world congress is horrible, that's true. But also the natural disasters are a damp squib, like you say climate change is ironically very lukewarm, and the future era is so dull it might as well not exist. They shied away from doing literally anything interesting with it in favour of having a single unit and some fucking housing improvements. Is that really the most imaginative they could be? I really hope they flesh this stuff out in the future, even if it's in the next expansion. The loyalty mechanic still sucks ass too, there ought to be some sort of partisan suppression option when you capture a city.
If you're playing on PC you should have access to the latest patches even without the expansions. Like do you have grievances or are they still warmonger penalities in your game?
>they denounce you
>You get Grievances
>everyone neutral thinks they're a cunt