What do you expect?
The outer Worlds
a quick crack
I am still hopeful but I am afraid it will be boring since ambiguity like in new Vegas where there is no real good or bad guy won't be possible in this day and age. Pic related sorry for bad res
a solid game but because it's not literally new vegas 2.0, shitters will be mad
To download it quickly and seed it nonstop.
I expect it to be average to trash and I expect it will be the same person making threads about the game in an attempt to shill it but nobody will care until they are able to play it a year later
what did you mean by this? are you pointing out it has a lesbian looking girl and people of colour? and you also provided a group picture of female devs
wow user, i sure hope you were just informing us that these things exist and there is no underlying message !
>what do you expect?
>from a take2 game
about 2 years of dlc
A team of very talented writers holding back a team of sjw writers.
>my opinions are not theirs. not even a little
To play it for free
Is someone like pic related even fathomable today?
A shitty game with a good writing, as suggested by the name of the developer.
On the other hand, nuObsidian doesn't show much promise in writing regard.
A solid, old-school WRPG with mediocre combat and a "surprise" twist about 3/4 of the way through the main story.
I'd planned to buy it, but now it's a day 1 pirate for me dawg.
a technical mess, SJW writing and characters, mediocre gameplay
The Trailer killed all my exciment for it, Can´t really pinpoint it but everything from Art to Gameplay looks kinda shitty, i´ll pass
probably nothing like the trailer. Some light humour mixed with deep humour, good quests story and characters. terrible gunplay, that is saved by good and deep RPG elements. An actual decent hard difficulty and lots and lots of jank.
>will be boring since ambiguity like in new Vegas where there is no real good or bad guy won't be possible in this day and age.
But pretty much every game Cain, or Boyarsky have worked on are like this. Unless you want to say VTMB is all bad guys.
Can't wait for the eventual disappoinment
The demo looked shit too
>deep humour
Meant dark humour.
it's trash
I fear it the ambiguity like in nv will not be possible. It will be politically correct. There won't be any charismatic bad guys. The good ones will be good all the way. Decisions will be clear cut wrong and right and you'll know I advance.
Pic is for me an indicator.
This was my biggest problem with rdr2: it punished you for being bad and almost forced you to "do the right thing". And right here means progressive
After watching the last gameplay they showed my interest disappeared.
God, what a pathetic cringefest.
Are like what? Got bored with vampire....
>Are like what?
No real good or bad guys, lots of moral ambiguity and tough choices/dilemmas.
yeah, this
I'm just afraid they'll make a game I'm looking forward to bad. Rdr2 was really great but in this aspect they fucked up and I am not sure if it is even possible anymore to make a game like nv. Vampire was pretty mich a flop wasn't it? I think nowadays you have to pander to journos to sell and journos don't seem to like ambiguity that mich these days.
Nothin, shit looking borderlands made by "fallout creators"
Here an article about metascores and how mich a dev earns. You have to make something they like and that is not really the same thing that "we" like
I mean it is never good to overhype a game, it is best just to wait till a game comes out then go in with an open mind. But the people behind this game never let me down. And I think cherry picking twitter screencaps to find cringy profiles of people working on a game or whatever is just shitposting bullshit irrelevant to any vidya. As for why there hasn't been a game like that of late, I dont think that it is that there is some SJW plot to ruin vidya. More that nobody has been really trying it is hard. Bioware is dead and was pissing away time on Anthem. Bethesda was never good at it, though I feel like they tried to somewhat with Fallout 4. Obsidian was making PoE which is fine in this regard I guess. I am also a bit behind on my CRPGs I guees, so I have no idea how Wateland 2 or Torment are like in this regard. As for VTMB being a flop, it had nothing to do with that, more to do with using Source before it was ready. Valve absolutely possitively fucked them over until they were almost dead, then Activision put the final bullet in their head. For reference, it came out the same day as Half Life 2.
Why the quotation marks? it really was.
I don't think a Microsoft owned studio has to really give a single fuck about that user.
pitchford-grade meme humor
Not a whole lot. Even if the game is great on a technical level nothing about the setting grabs me. It is all too familiar both in tone and aesthetics.
I'm not saying it's a plot. More like a zeitgeist. They think they are doing a good thing
>gameplay footage
It looks absolutely ABYSMAL. All you guys need to apologize to Bethesda right now.
Seriously, I can't even get over how bad this looks. It looks like No Man's Sky.
Voicing acting lines not completed. Minimal music. Starting the demo 5 minutes away from any of the action. Why did they think this was a good idea?
That UI is so similar to Bioshock's that it should be considered theft
Is it fair to say that Americans aren't allowed to complain about "eurojank" anymore? Cyberpunk 2077 looks about 4 generations ahead of this game.
anyone can make jank, the eurojank is pretty much on the same level as indie and AA devs in the west
a crack within a week, a repack within 2.
He didn't drop the bombs himself though
eurojank to me is always another world for flawed masterpieces, but that's maybe because i always associate the term with stalker and gothic
>dialogue goes forward without voice acting
>somehow the public is able to ISTANTLY read the WHOLE sentence, realize that it's humorous, and laugh
not gonna lie
this one cracked me up
Whats the difference between a crack and a repack?
In B4 calling me a retard. I know i am, just humour me
install game, put on crack and play the game
install game and play the game
Last question. If i own a game but the drm is fucking me performance wise. Could i swap out the exe file for the cracked exe to bypass the drm or is that dumb and i should just download the whole pirated game?
After Deadfire, not much.
But maybe Cain and Boyarski still got enough sanity to make it somewhat enjoyable.
>What do you expect?
pickle men
that's literally what a crack is for you retard
Yeah, these pictures of the staff and their virtue signalling killed any hype I had. Cyberpunk trailer killed my hype there. Waiting killed my bannerlord hype.
It makes me sad.
Thats why i was asking what a crack was. I didnt know. Now fuck you I'm going to eat crayons and play sum far cry 5 at a slightly better framerate
a dogshit bullet in the back of the skull of the dev
I expect nothing and will probably be disappointed.
>Cyberpunk trailer killed my hype there
i lost most some interest in the outer worlds but im still looking forward to cyberpunk not enough to buy it on release though
How "not being a shit person" turned into "virtue signaling" still astounds me. I guess it comes from some people internalizing being an asshole so much.
i mean, imagine if ubisoft or some other popular to hate dev showed this shit.
it would be slammed to hell and back
it just looks poor, in every way possible. The game doesn't look fun to play whatsoever and the dialouge is honestly borderlands tier at this point. This obsidian just isn't the same obsidian that made NV
did you cut it off already or do you tuck it under?
that's Yea Forums since 2016
Have you taken a shower recently or does axe body spray count as taking a shower?
The gameplay they showed looked pretty bad. Though the setting did look pretty nice.
i keep dirt off of my body through sheer will alone.
looks boring just like borderlands
looks like complete shit made by incompetent people who care more about pushing their worldview than making a good game
This game seems to generate a lot of salt. Must be a good sign
>Must be a good sign
why would that be a good sign? what do you think it means about the game?
>looks like shit
>made by incompetent people
maybe, they're a hit or miss studio for me
>pushing their world view
Ohhh it's a shitpost
I'm expecting a lot of Cain & Boyarski's "hallmarks" as RPG devs. Lots of choice & consequences, most stats having at least some degree of importance outside of their standard utility, '4 ways to play'. Not sure how confident I feel about the quality of the writing considering Deadfire was a bit of a hot mess that seemed to take too much inspiration from Joss Wheadon with its writing but I won't write it off until I've seen something substantial.
>>pushing their world view
>Ohhh it's a shitpost
not who you were responding to but why would you think thats a shitpost? too much politics pushed into a game turns a lot of people off.
Demo looked ass
everytime i read cainyarsky interviews they always saying: we're under budget, we had to cut that, ...
they probably learned through the years to not overestimate what they can do and i think game will suffer from that.
troika and also early obsidian always reached for the stars and fell short but at least they manage to create games which you could say were "cult classics".
now they're on path of creating moderatly successfull but easily forgettable product.
they havent revealed much of the story yet tho, so maybe this and c&c will be fun
I watched the game play, and I must've tuned out for the "politics" part. It's shit for it's own reasons. The only proof of politics I've seen in this thread are the cringe twitter accounts of some devs.
day one pirate
i think people are triggered by the amount of brown people. theyre complaining about "forced diversity". the truth is if the game is set in the future of our current timeline african birth rates are high while western ones are below replacement level so there will be more brown people in the future.
if only brown chicks would have long hair. that would be perfect
>Yea Forums claims to love new vegas
>/pol/ and nu-Yea Forums roll in and shit on the game because there are women in the game and women working on the game despite the same thing happening in new vegas for the sake of making a (((statement)))
I hate you guys so much, everything has to be political. The game could be everything you wanted but if you found out a woman was on the team you'd hate it.
no. you only get curly ringlet hair or you are racist.
there can be women but they have to be virgin christians.
Do you think the current writers at Obsidian would ever make a faction like the Legion in NV and not present them as the unequivocal evil force? Do you think they'd even be join-able?
I mean Deadfire was just an inferior NV in terms of structure, wasn't it? Was there any faction comparable to the Legion there? If so how did they handle them?
Not that user, but are we gonna pretend that Legion in New Vegas is even remotely portrayed as anything but an evil force? Even the game mechanic enforces this by slapping evil karma on you if you do shit for them.
>Do you think the current writers at Obsidian would ever make a faction like the Legion in NV and not present them as the unequivocal evil force?
So portray them just as they did in NV? Sure. Why wouldn't they do that?
A mediocre RPG that could have been great if Obsidian didn't fuck around or aim higher then they could feasibly accomplish, like all their other games.
>it really was
Where's Brian Fargo then?
I liked Deadfire but, no, there was no faction on the level of the Legion. The universe was heavily sanitised.
Except they didn't. They actually allowed them to have a rationale and admitted benefits vs drawbacks for their tactics and philosophy. Obviously they didn't have the balls to outright state "maybe fascism is okay", I doubt any dev has or will. After Deadfire and seeing the writers now working on it you'd have to be retarded not to expect the story to be even narrower in "acceptable" political/ideological allowances.
Obsidian turning to shit doesn't magically make Bethesda better Todd.
>f i own a game but the drm is fucking me performance wise. Could i swap out the exe file for the cracked exe to bypass the drm
If it's Denuvo, probably not. Usually modern cracks just basically fool Denuvo into thinking everything's hunky dory while it still continues to rape your perfomance, SSDs and ruin the game. Some cracks genuinely remove DRM entirely and that is the norm for older games, I'm sure.
>should just download the whole pirated game?
No need, if you already have the game files from another source a crack is all you need to download.
If it was entirely Boyarsky and Cain, it would be fine. But since it has some of the faggots from deadfire working on it, it hasn't got a chance.
>not being a shit person
His pic conveys the opposite actually
Where's the gayfish guy? He's a tranny loving faggot but his folder full of trash from nuObsidian games like Tyranny and Deadfire should tell you why you shouldn't get excited.
I'm still on the fence about Cyberpunk, I'd say depending on what they show this E3 will be the deciding factor for me, though I'll likely still do some research on the game when it comes out to see if it's worth a pirate or not.
There's only two things in this games favor, and that's no romance and hubs instead of open world. Not only are romances usually shit in games to begin with, but obsidians are even worse then most half the time. Look at the ones in deadfire and ask yourself if you really want that shit.
disappointing story and boring gameplay like all obsidian games after new vegas
For it to be better then whatever Bethesda puts out.
I like the environmental art so far but goddamn the gameplay looks TERRIBLE.
Haven't seen the little faggot in a while, hopefully he has killed himself.
Last i saw he was shilling his futa on male fanfics in mortal kombat threads.
A ridiculous aesthetic that will take some time getting used to.
Lots of powerful women, a trans, a robot, maybe one white dude, we might make him gay too :)
literally nothing at this point
the old obsidian is dead.
Typical modern Obsidian product.
Butterlord girls are qt's.
Is it Obsidian or the publisher that did this?
You be the judge.
I still can't get over how such a potentially great companion like Ydwin went completely to waste. But muh strong black woman and a gay fish had a free pass.
>good writing
Orange Cast will be better
But also complete sex goddesses
Making fun of obsidiots when the game is finally out and they realize that it's not like NV at all
>same combat AI as in New Vegas
you forgot this gem
it's essentially a Frankenstein's monster of better games, but done incredibly poorly
Smoke but no fire
>quirky sense of humour
End me.
Nice of them to include Pewdiepie in the game
this pic makes me sad. yeah theyre women but that doesnt mean theyre bad writers. wasnt the main writer for soul reaver a woman?
>tfw no kills-in-shadow gf
Why live?
I think it looks very nice, but not GOTY material like DMC5 or Sekiro.
what am i supposed to see here? are you implying Fallout 3 didn't work the exact same way? even 4 AI worked like this, fucking bethesdrones you can't even get good material to bitch about for god sake
fucking based
>leave starting area
>run into this guy
>start dialogue
>hay wuss goin awn adventurer bruh this is FEEEELIX SPACENAME and I got quest for ya!
I'm "implying" that Outer Worlds literally works like this.
>even 4 AI worked like this
It didn't, AI in 4 actually uses cover.
since they were already paid, then I expect to pirate cause they don't need my money anymore.
this game is going to be shit because theres no romance. bioware is dead, where the FUCK do I get my romance questlines now?
Curie was shit just like all the fallout 4 waifus.
>That gameplay
>That commentary
Holy fuck that's prime cringe. Wow come none of them asked themselfs what the fuck they were doing and just stop, or someone just pull the plug, why did they let this keep on going?
>what did you mean by this?
>from the original creators of fallout
>like 1 guy from fallout
>rest is some people who worked on bad games
>implying I thought Cass or Veronica were good either
Don't talk to me you shit tasting faggot.
I expect obsidian to disappear sometime in 2020.
Wait, is Obsidian TRYING to make themselves look as bad as possible? Is this some kind of scam they are running here or are they just that daft?
Third post best post. People are overhyping it way too much even though the devs said it definitely won't be on the scale of New Vegas
>Doesn't mention Lily
Mighty suspicious of you there, user.
wtf happened man, I always loved obsidian. I guess it went to shit some time before avellone left.
just let Tim Cain write, FUCK. he's gay I'm sure the SJW department can use that for brownie points somehow.
sure he's been a programmer the whole time, but the man's a goddamn legend. without him Fallout1 would never exist, the world he created with Boyarsky is getting gangbanged by bethesda while the reunification with his old buddy results in this.
What's inxile doing? They have chad moore, anderson, ziets. bunch of amazing developers.
Prettier New Vegas with hub based level design instead of an openworld (aka an upgrade) that still has all the same problems holding it back.
>Poor gunplay
>Bad AI
>Janky movement
>Absolutely no environmental interaction of note
Hopefully it will be less buggy at launch however.
I think the only chance for a modern troika is if all those old farts start transitioning to another gender, so they can be the ones writing for these projects.
But seriously, where's boyarsky and cain? ffuck
>troika and also early obsidian always reached for the stars and fell short but at least they manage to create games which you could say were "cult classics".
another reason was that at least as far as troika is concerned, they mostly had a ton of freedom. nobody to answer to, could do whatever. almost everyone on the team had input, that mattered as well.
another reason is almost everyone was in their 20s, young, determined, passionate, no family. perfect time to nolife and make games. tim cain developed fallout1's engine and setting in his free time after he'd be done with work for like 6 months, just pure passion. then he invited some other friends from interplay and they worked on it for free for a few more months before interplay would officialy pick it up, can something like this even happen in this time and age?
>What's inxile doing?
Wasteland 3 is their last project before they're swallowed into Microsoft for good, I believe. I've heard murmurs that Ziets is really on his A-game for it, too.
>Absolutely no environmental interaction of note
This is the big one that always kills modern 3D rpgs for me. The worlds are wholely static and at best the main quest will have some highly scripted sequences where you use the interact button a few times to do stuff.
I played VtM again recently and though it is highly limited shit like being able to pick up and throw stuff to make noise, finding hidden entrances, moving cover around, and all the rest makes it really feel like you have more roleplaying potential. Knocking out the power in the junkie den and sneaking through it to steal back the explosives alone requires more thought and interaction with your surroundings than the entirety of New Vegas' quests. At most in that you have to figure out what door or terminal to open to go where you want.
correct, what's your next point?
also anderson is now working for inxile
you could say microsoft have all the fallout OGs
>Obsidian shows off this garbage
>Wow Bethesda has to watch out. This is going to BTFO of Starfield
>Bethesda announces they are using photogrammetry and quixels megascan tech
>Complete silence
Who's laughing now
Holy fuck, that's diamond tier cringe.
>developed by obsidian
Low-quality product that barely runs on even most powerful hardware. And since good writers like Avellone, Gonzalez and Fenstermaker are all gone i don't even expect it to be written well
It has been confirmed by devs that cut content would have only made legion more unambiguously evil.
Everytime I see this picture I have to read it.
I guess I like hurting myself.
time to once again put all pirate assets back on me after all this time.