Not a fan of Epic Store, but I love how it melts the brains of Yea Forumsalve droneies
He's right though
Not a big fan of valve, but chinese insectoids and they malware can fuck off
That is quite literally how competition works... how can someone be this dumb.
>t. Never heard of the Kawasaki matrix
>Made epic account to try unreal engine to see if it would be a good fit for my game
>after fortnite lanuch get massive amount of emails telling me someone tried to hack my account
Even if i wantes to use the store i would not trust them to keep my account safe
literally kill yourself
also, heh
fastest way to get the guy in op's pic mad is to simply reply with
nothing more, nothing less
>oh jeez I sure am glad my medium is getting carved up and diluted with Chinese bloatware because it upsets these strawmen that live in my head
What did twitterfags mean by this?
Haha epic twitter screencap thread bro
Go suck a shotgun
lol this happened to me
also my facebook was hacked a week later
>epic shit
>game journos pretending to want easy mode because they get hate clicks
Sucking on a shotgun would do nothing. What a weird thing to say?
i get those emails all the time, even though i havent ever bought a thing on their launcher
i dont really care about 'muh chinks' since my phone, prob my most personal thing, is from china. and honestly, i think it's pretty cool that Epic is splashing their cash and making things happen. it basically means devs could sell literally no copies but still make tons of money, so it's a no brainer for ports, etc.
but fuck putting my cc info into that shit, im sure it's one of the most sought after targets for hackers.
Did he run out of foot porn to keep himself busy?
Did Steam drones run out of games to play?
>Yea Forums is now so brain dead they just repeat, line by line, Twitter screencaps
The npc meme was real
>9volt guy
>random twitter personality
in the trash this thread goes.
Epic is the not the problem, but having to keep installing a new launcher just because every mother son wants to save up a few cent is the problem.
We already have steam, origin, Uplay, Bnet, bethesda launcher, GoG now fucking epic.
When will people finally admit there is too many launcher?
Not a fan of janitors, but I think Twitter cap threads should be an instant ban offense.
>Running out of games
>epic, which as ten games in its roster
Retarded shill
To be fair, all the discussion points about how epic is bad and any possible 'good' it was bringing is really not good at all, how the launcher is chink botnet malware, etc ad nauseaum. Not much else to do for entertainment
Epic vs Steam discussions need to be banned. It's been five or six constant threads every day with the same images and copy pasted OP.