SOUL vs. SOULLESS thread
SOUL vs. SOULLESS thread
Soul on the right, soulless on the left?
Street Fighter V looks SO MUCH better than ugly ass Street Fighter 4. Just look at fucking Guile's animations in SF4, they're fucking horrible and like two god damn frames. It's horrible looking lol
Plus Balrog's redesign is so good.
Kek, sf5 looks plastic as fuck.
Back to /fgg/ faggots.
Cammy is such a downgrade tho.
Right looks better.
They're both soulless to me.
Yoshinori Ono/Dimps era Street Fighter is pretty SOULLESS in general. Hard to call the game that focused so much on cashing on cheap nostalgia "SOUL".
>bugman games
They're all soulless
>someone actually took the time to make this bait
Why bother though?
Chun li's idle pose was only good in Alpha and 3. Though 2 was the worst for sure. Juri's V pose fits her dominatrix motif more even if she is a gutted function.
Hi there, I don't even play Street Fighter, but I just wanted to pop in and say 5 looks a lot better.
For one, the images are a lot clearer and there's no slight yellow filter
The poses from 5 seem to give a bit more personality to the characters. The purple girl at the top for example. Her 4 pose seems pretty basic, but in 5 with her hand resting on her leg she seems more cocky and like she doesn't see her opponent as a threat.
There's also a lot of nice small details, like Ryu's gi looks dirty as if he hasn't taken it off and washed it since SF2 and you have all the small tatters on Ryu and Akuma's gi
Also, all of the characters are a bit more open to the camera. Which, in an actual fight would be bad, but is good for a game, because you get to see the characters.
Also, Guile's shoulder looks fucked in 4.
OP on damage control
You can bash SF5 as much as you want but there is no way SF5 doesn't look superior in at least all the images you posted.
Not sure if you're calling that pic or the OP bait, but if it's the former how is it bait if it's actually true?
It's a fact that Capcom interns have shown no interest in Street Fighter after the Alpha series. Street Fighter III is pretty SOUL as far as visuals go because of CPSIII hardware but the fact that the game was originally meant to be something else, a sequel to Saturday Night Slam Masters to be precise, really tells you about the intentions of Capcom and their views towards the series.
Meant "former", deleted the post and made a corrected one, I'm not the OP
Everybody there except Ibuki and Juri looks better in SFV
SF IV and V have utter trash art style and are both soulless piece of shit. Ono is a fucking hack who needs to fuck off eat shit and die.
Also this that faggot turned SF into Mortal Kombat
It's literally a nonissue. It's a game with hella dumb problems so why not bring up shit that actually matters?
both ibuki and juri also look better in sfv
also sfv is not a bad game now at all
if anyone actually played sfiv and sfv they would know
SFIV was ugly. Nice revisionism. SFV is unironically better looking by a few margins.
Because from a "nonissue" like that it goes to show that they aren't really thinking much about giving the series a more quality appeal, as much as being very superficial and lacking in care with their current approach.
You are reaching my dude.
both of them are soulless
Not gonna lie. Having more fun playing SFIVCE On my phone than I had playing SFV.
Looks like an upgrade to me.
SF4 looked fucking AWFUL. YIKES.
SF5 looks MUCH better, even if it plays worse.
The animations are awful in both games. Or lack of animations to be precise. Everything just comes out instantly cos moves are 3-4f fast.
I mean, I hate SFV as much as the next guy, but the animation work as a whole for the base game up to S2-akuma is stellar
Remember when Urien had distinct metallic sounds in 3S and a voice that actually felt terrorizing like the villain he is?
Remember when they used to give character occasional bruises and blood spits during their lose screens?
Remember when character faces didn't look fugly for whatever reason?
Look, I can see the slight improvements in amount of polygons involved in SFV, but to me both SFIV and V represent a dark turn for not only Street Fighter, but 2D fighting games in general as far as visuals and general care towards details go. And when I compare IV or V to something like 2 or 3 they really fall down as lacking in comparison.
>capcom LITERALLY doesn't care because lose screens don't have bloody noses
Are you for real? Who the actual fuck cares about this shit? It's a fighting game, gameplay is the only thing that matters.
Nice blog.
just... shut up.
This is a retarded argument. "Why bother with an art direction? Just make hitboxes and make them move, gameplay is the only thing that matters in a fighting game!"
Do you miss vomiting too?
>It's a fighting game, gameplay is the only thing that matters.
why do I feel I've already heard this kind of shit some time ago?
Pretty much. If it's good enough to recognize it's fine. You are delusional if you think that sprites are coming back considering the amount of work and money it takes.
Do you even play the games or just complain about minuscule shit?
Marvel is garbage.
I miss the the general lack of flexibility. Everything feels so static and constipated, as if they were scared to go overboard, or don't want to.
When the fuck did I mention sprites in my post? All I said is that current Capcom doesn't give too much of a shit about Street Fighter games are being made, because their focus is on bigger titles that have a much stronger creative vision. And the fanbase having such low standard with this series is a culprit of its lost of quality as well.
SFV looks better. And I unironically love the over stylized design.
Animation-wise I still miss 3rd strike. Using physics for things like hair or clothes doesn't look as good as if it were animated by hand.
Also, the OST was really soulful back in the 90s. And still holds up as something interesting to listen to. Right now it's either too generic or too nostalgia pandering because composers nowadays can't into melodies.
It looked fucking brutal.
SFIV was already souless retard
They lost their focus because characters don't have bruises in the loss screens and you miss the dogshit quality console sound design that made Urien sound like the way he is. Got you.
They lost their focus because they're being so low standards and Street Fighter fans have such low standard to eat that shit up instead of asking for better. This is even more noticeable with all the defensive attitude SF fans take on the series despite Capcom almost purposefully being a dick to them.
I know the right has so much more soul to it than left
Oh wow, I don't remember 4's stances looking that bad, geez
SFV is a shit game but doesn't change the fact that the females in it are fucking unreal
>when a fighting game that takes itself seriously absolutely shits on DoA/Senran Kagura girl models
SFV is much better
old juri is 1000x better than that ayy lmao we have now
Maybe people who defend SFIV/V's direction with "you're caring too much, no one sees that shit!" are also Crash Trilogy remaster defenders and genuinely think it looks great.
SFV LOOKS better than SFIV, wether it plays better or not its up to you but if you think otherwise in terms of visuals you are both biologically blind and nostalgia goggled motherfucker who forgot how people SHITTED on SFIV.
Her ass is literally 75% bigger and has toned thighs now
Game is playable in its current state albeit still having dumb fucking shit like crush counters around.
Of course you would have to play the game to know that.
I never said it looks great but it has literally all the information you need on screen. Play the game, fuckboy.
If gameplay is the thing that only matters then why is SFV so fucking shit?!
>Game is playable, so it's okay
Talk about low standards.
Based and redpilled
Elena/Dudley's themes were fucking fantastic but honestly the rest of 3s soundtrack was kinda meh
SF4's soundtrack was fucking GODLIKE but 5's is super forgetable
4 > 3 > 5 (music)
Yeah, art direction is kind of a secondary thing.
>t. blind
V looks so much better and also Cammy has bigger tiddies so there's that
I would've agreed if the gameplay made up for it, but it's still subpar.
>muh souls
when will this dumb meme stop? There's literally no criteria for it other than someone saying "durrrr it soulessssssss"
It definitely is, but that's not the thing being criticized here which pisses me the fuck off. Shit on the gameplay, the thing that actually matters instead of mundane shit.
I don't think there's room to debate: SFV looks better, but plays worse than all the most-played versions of the older titles. I'd be surprised if anyone chose SFV over SFII ST, Alpha2/3, 3S, or IV Ultra.
SF never worried about realism in their fighting styles, and they overemphasize the personalities of the characters since at least SF3. What I feel about SFV is that their iddle stances have a more "gesture" or speed drawing feeling to them. And that's something good, since they make it less rigid than before. With that being said:
Chun-Li: Has a more relaxed stance now. More "flowy", less tense. It's just another day at the office for her now.
Ryu: he sticks his head out more. Looks more agressive now. With more determination to punch your jaw out.
Cammy: more focus, less play
Guile: his stance in 4 doesn't make much sense. Right now does a better job protecting his chin and body, while still giving his right arm enough distance to have decent momentum. For a guy that has discipline as a core part of his character, it works way better to have something really close to boxing.
Juri: she's having more fun now. This is all a game for her.
Ibuki: not much difference.
Balrog: he doesn't stick his neck out, so that's something every boxer should do. Especially someone with big traps like him.
Akuma: feels more relaxed now. His iddle stance is retarded, but still recognizable.
>but that's not the thing being criticized here which pisses me the fuck off
Because this is a SOUL/SOULLESS thread, which has more to do with visuals and care towards details rather than gameplay? Jeez, what could it be?
4 had so many bangers
>ryu vs akuma
>run down back alley
Honestly I could just keep listing my main playlist has like 22 SF4 songs
5 has some fucking absolute bangers tho
G, Zeku, Rashid, fucking FANG. God like.
Which is a reddit meme for the absolute braindead. Apply yourself.
The only people that look worse are Juri in her classic outfit, Lion Akuma and Ibuki when she takes her mask off in the win screen.
If you haven't jerked off to at least 10 different fighting games you are not a real gamer. Just throwing that out there.
So did Juri canonically get implants?
Yes, user. Everything is a Reddit meme. Please take your pills now.
Ken gave her booby rubs
She stole them from Ibuki, who was the ONLY sf4 girl whose bust size shrunk going into 5
SFIV looked worse than SFV but it had a more consistent art direction.
SFV has better model quality but it goes a bit all over the place.
Tha Elena sprite is rotoscoped. Looks really good
Ibuki is better off flat. It contrasts with her thot personality.
Which is weird, considering that Ibuki got a fairly big rack in SFIII too.
That's what we call a banger
I guess with how every girl in sf5 is now ultra-stacked they just wanted someone to contrast before the dlc
Chun is just 5'6"? I wanna get beaten up by her.
>Weight: secret
Kof 14 is an interesting case of fun gameplay and roster but absolutely souless 3D models and horrendous soundtrack.
that looks so fucking stupid
I want to call her fat so she will crush my larynx in a fit of embarrassed rage.
It's modded though chun looks ridiculous even in her normal model ridiculously amazing
>SF4 Blarog with a dropped guard
>SF4 Guile with a dropped guard
>bored Akuma vs menacing Akuma
I agree on SF4 having a bit better models but SF5 has more soul than SF4. 0.1 is still more than 0.01. Now if you want proper soul look at older sprites.
>Let's just fix these insane hands and face, maybe smooth out the legs
>Pull the pants up to keep them from getting in the way of her kicks and make her look more like she doesn't take the opponent seriously
>Get rid of that insane stare and give him giant feet
>Thin her out like a true dexfag and stick some hard angles in her hair for more style
>Fix the face, and get rid of those camo tattoos
>Bulk up his upper body and fix his facial structure
>Dear god bring his face down and give this man some forehead
>What is his hair doing and why does he look like he just smelled something awful and realized it came from his opponent, fix his face and angle his hair uniformly
The reddit meme for SFV was that SFIV had better animations, but when people started posting comparisons they got btfo and went back to the usually complaints like the lag that was already fixed.
SF4 was so hideous.
Right side looks better
>SF4's soundtrack was fucking GODLIKE but 5's is super forgetable
You are absolutely fucking retarded if you honestly think this. V's soundtrack shits so hard on IV's it's not even funny anymore. SFIV's bgm consisted of generic 4/4 stomping and butchered some of the most iconic tracks with awful synths. V's music not only restores those, it also sports the most variety in terms of instruments and genres. And don't get me started on the production quality.
If you have the honest conviction that IV's soundtrack is better than V's you are either deaf, blinded by nostalgia or have shit taste. Either way, you shouldn't mouth off about music in general since you obviously have no fucking clue. Listen to your awful JRPG soundtracks and keep your shit opinions to yourself.
>the rest of 3s soundtrack was kinda meh
The dnb tracks of 3s were fucking gold, killing moon is the best akuma theme of the series
5 is a mixed bag. Some look great, others look worse, some like Ibuki vary on angle.
>10 second soundclip looped for 3 minutes
>standard Fruity Loops drums
Sorry, but 3S' soundtrack is horribly overrated.
how come sjws haven't attacked sf for their portrayal of women yet
Because Capcom doesn't care as long as it isn't racial shit. They also do their best to keep it down.
You 09ers are something else.
Capcom is proactive in finding things internally before it becomes a problem like the ass slap, camera angles, protruding nipples and poison in SFxT
People scream bloody murder about censorship even though it is internal without external forces, but looking at how the former VP is being attacked for hugging people too long. I would rather avoid sjws than needlessly confronting them.
>when a fighting game that takes itself seriously absolutely shits on DoA/Senran Kagura girl models
sfv art style does nothing for me desu
Best soundtrack is clearly SFA2 Gold
>Capcom is proactive in finding things internally before it becomes a problem
They really aren't. They only change thing when someone like ESPN or Sony complains to them.
shit on the left looks like crappy fan models slapped into super smash bros brawl
They;re all Soulless.
Ryu is legit autistic, so the insane stare fits him.
Provides more contrast to Ken, that stays light on his feet.
The pants it's the best part of Juri's design. Since most of her attacks are kicks, you want something that brings attention to her legs.
Now I'm imagining Juri in 3d strike. Her pants would have looked godlike in movement
Are we just gonna ignore the R.Mika Buttslap and Cammy Model changes?
The buttslap removal was silly. It was a great show of character and shouldn't have been changed.
Don't kow about Cammy.
mah nigga
>dat Gen theme
>dat Akuma theme
>dat Sagat theme
>dat fucking Adon theme
I love it.
This honestly.