>"don't do that"
>why not?
>"would you want someone to do it to you?"
Why do people act like this makes sense?
Are there any games with good morality systems?
"don't do that"
>autist doesn't understand empathy
every time
>Why do people act like this makes sense?
Because it's literally Jesus Christ's teachings and most of the world around you is Christian.
That doesn't explain anything.
Because you're autistic.
... It's called the golden rule, user.
And every civilization came up with it independently. It predates all religion despite what would have you believe.
Based and Egopilled. The only human that has value is myself. All other things only have value if I give them value.
I'm not.
The golden rule doesn't make sense.
value deez nutz
there's a reason autism was originally characterized as extreme self-centeredness
autists will cry bloody murder if someone so much as looks at them funny, but are oblivious to why a guy would be offended if they spit in his face.
It'd be really sweet if there was a game that reflected the existence of different morality systems in the world like Utilitarianism vs Kantianism
typically people with autism don't notice their sperginess.
This sounds like my worldview. Where do I read more?
Look up egoism.
I asked my friend and he said I am not autistic.
>It'd be really sweet if there was a game that reflected the existence of different morality systems in the world like Utilitarianism vs Kantianism
I feel like many games already do this, "for the greater good" is a trope.
hm young men turning egotistical and rejecting society where has this ever gone wrong before
ppl like this wonder why they dont get laid lmfaoooo
If it's actually your worldview then why the fuck would you look up someone else's thoughts on it? They're not yours.
the fact you needed to ask your friend if you have autism or not speaks volumes.
based philosophylets. People much smarter than you have discussed these ideas inside-out in the past. You don't look intelligent for writing them off just because they hurt your feelings.
I didn't think I had it but I wanted to make sure.
here havesex.com ;)
have sex.
Curses, I've been foiled again.
Brainlet take. There's nothing in egoism that says you can't learn from external stimuli. The thoughts of others would be included in that.
>I feel like many games already do this, "for the greater good" is a trope.
I think you might be right but it seems like one side always comes off as "actually good"
No you dingus, the correct answer to the question is "Because I want to"
Yeah, you're right.
What did he mean by this?
>t. I am so indoctrinated and hedonistic that I literally cannot comprehend why someone would think this way unless they were a gross virgin ew icky gross
Reading is merely a surrogate for thinking for yourself; it means letting someone else direct your thoughts. Many books, moreover, serve merely to show how many ways there are of being wrong, and how far astray you yourself would go if you followed their guidance. You should read only when your own thoughts dry up, which will of course happen frequently enough even to the best heads; but to banish your own thoughts so as to take up a book is a sin against the holy ghost; it is like deserting untrammeled nature to look at a herbarium or engravings of landscapes.
Because it make sense, what do you want? A 100 pages long book of how to behabe whit other human beings?
No you moron, just dont be a dick, is the only rule
You just don't get it because you're a sociopath.
As I stated before, the thoughts and ideas of others are nothing more than external stimuli, same as the rest of the world. All things influence your own thoughts, there is no such thing as an "original" thought.
There is no reason to worry about "banishing" your thoughts due to reading. The point is to learn, not to follow. Whether you discard or value the ideas of others is up to you.
It makes perfect sense if you don't want completely unnecessary enemies at worst.
Kys faggot LOL
>what do you want? A 100 pages long book of how to behabe whit other human beings?
Yeah what a stupid idea that is I'm sure only idiots would want something like that.
based feelings over facts poster
And they didn't get laid either.
It's basically an interpersonal version of "be the change you want to see in the world." You're right that it doesn't make sense, but 99 times out of 100, following the golden rule will lead an individual to take the same actions that following a more sophisticated moral philosophy (which can't be summed up on one single sentence comprised of words everyone hears every day) would lead them to take.
No, sociopath means you get it but don't care.
I never realized Immanuel Kant was such an animefag
If you don't think it's okay for someone to do to you, why would it be okay for you to do it to someone else? What's so hard to understand?
yikes lmfao
what if this dude's an autistic serial killer and posts one of these threads every time he does someone in?
what, your friend is a psychologist now? People scream ''autism'' at everything
>punch someone
>they punch you back
>it hurts, what the fuck man?
Apply that logic to anything else that you could do.
Kant's Categorical Imperative is closer to the golden rule than most other systems of morality.
Would you say that whether or not an action is "okay" is entirely dependent on if someone else wants it or not?
How would not following such a rule create enemies in modern society?
I don't want it done to me but why would that mean I shouldn't do it to someone else, they're not me?
I'm not autistic, you're the people who think everything is autistic.
the inability to comprehend basic morals and empathy is a sign of autism, user.
I'm trying to argue your position for you in a way that isn't retarded so could you please stop.
That's unrelated and simply reciprocity which I never denied making sense.
If an old lady drops her money and does not notice and I keep it that does not mean I will suddenly drop my money or have it stolen.
It only makes sense if you believe in some sort of karmic system.
Maybe people should try explaining it in way that actually makes sense hmm.
>rape cute girl
>cute girl will rape me in return
how is that bad ? explain
If you keep doing things that annoy people, eventually somebody is going to retaliate, and you never know how crazy or excessive that retaliation might be. The golden rule isn't about being a good person, it's about mitigating your chances of suddenly being assaulted.
No please, don't post him...
>how would not following such a rule create enemies
If someone punches me, I'd punch back. If I don't want someone to have a good reason to punch me, I won't give them one; i.e. punching them for no reason. Apply this logic to every possible action that you don't want done to you.
>I don't want it done to me, but I cannot assume that other people don't want to be punched for no good reason
Apply common sense, assume that they don't until you ascertain that they would like to get punched for no good reason, then punch them. Apply this logic for any other action that you could take.
The types of behaviors that are classified as autism have expanded a lot over the years. That's why you hear about a "spectrum" now. When I was a kid, saying someone is "autistic" invoked images of Sean Penn in Rain Man who could barely function in society but could count cards really well. That's still what a lot of people think of when they hear the word autism -- your friend's probably one of them. I was also one of them until someone I knew to be a pretty normal person all my life was diagnosed with autism in his 50s.
That's because it doesn't make sense. Now go find the biggest, scariest looking dude you can and punch him in the dick.
Just to be clear, OP is arguing in favor of it being morally good for anyone to stab him unprovoked and leave him to exsanguinate.
Pragmatic arguments have no place in discussions about morality. It's entirely possible for a human to live a life of unyielding evil all the way to their death without being retaliated upon. This has obviously happened many times throughout history.
Fortunately for him, courts won't judge me by his standards.
>morally good
It would be morally neutral.
there are more pics ? pls post
EVE Online has the most realistic morality system in gaming. Yours.
Why are you implying that the only way to "disobey" the golden rule is to foolishly punch or abuse another party blatantly? You're slipping in a weaker justification of self preservation which I never denied.
My not following the golden rule does not directly impact other people choosing to follow it given I live in a large society so why would it make sense to follow it?
society works by helping each other. the better we work together and the more we can integrate into the system properly the more we will be able to achieve as a collective and as an individual. by hindering and hurting other people, even if you don't see an immediate effect for yourself, you hurt society as a whole which hurts you in turn. look at ghettos. people aren't working together, they are stealing and murdering. they may not be directly hurt by having things stolen from them in return or being killed, although that is very much a possibility, but they are hurt because their society is extremely limited and thus their options are also extremely limited.
Well, OP is such a brainlet he talked about morality while using "good" to mean something he likes instead of a moral concept, so he said it's good to do things to others you wouldn't want done to yourself.
what a loser
I'd wager most of the people at the top of societies ladders have broken the golden rule to get there, or were handed their positions by people who have.
Just as every human doesn't have to earn respect, but starts out with some amount which can deplete or increase over time, there's a thing called empathy that each of us has. If you don't understand that then there's something wrong with you.
>I don't want it done to me but why would that mean I shouldn't do it to someone else, they're not me?
If it's done to you, what would happen? Would your opinion lessen of the person who's doing something to you? Would you feel upset?
The person you're doing the same thing to most likely feels the same way about it as you do, and unless there's some value in lessening their opinion of you or making them feel upset, then neither is there any value in performing that action. Why would you waste time and effort on an act that has no value?
Most people learn morality by following the example of their parents. By adulthood they intuitively understand the necessity and benefits of following the golden rule. The only reason anyone bothers explaining it after childhood is to wrangle retards like you.
The use of good in the second sentence was clearly meant not in the sense of moral good.
Oh, did you miss the bulge?
>The person you're doing the same thing to most likely feels the same way about it as you do
>Why would you waste time and effort on an act that has no value?
Obviously he wouldn't. You should only ever take actions that have value, obviously. What he's asking is why should the golden rule impede that?
>If I'm a dick but no one finds out it's okay for me to be a dick
Because if and when someone figures out you're a dick, they would lose all reason to not be a dick to you. Your entire premise is that people will continue to be cordial with you as long as you don't do anything overtly hostile, but people can and will hold you to account on mere suspicions of untoward conduct. Also, if they feel slighted and talk behind your back, suddenly everyone looks at you funny and are plotting your downfall.
>Obviously he wouldn't.
He's posting in this thread.
Based brainlet OP.
so what? the rule is still correct. if the people at the top of societies don't take good care of their people then the society will deteriorate and whatever they have will be much harder to sustain. there's enough real life examples of that, just look at the soviet union.
i didn't.
That's explained in the rest of the sentence that's cropped off.
If you're in a position of power where people stand to gain by following you then this doesn't always apply. Look at major political leaders, look at fucking Putin.
Because you're autistic.
See, people don't have the time to go through counltess articles and books on meta-ethics to show you that moral realism is true, so what they usually do is appeal to a thing called empathy. It's simplistic, sure and it's not always correct, but as a rule of thumb it's pretty fine. However, autistic people, who in an ideal world would be screened for and aborted ASAP, can't understand this, which is just another proof of how useless they are.
>just because he did it I can too
First of all, that's conjecture and not a proven fact. Second, you're at full liberty to do so, just don't cry when people find out and make you pay for it.
most people aren’t sociopaths
and, from an evolutionary standpoint, I’d guess empaty is one of the many aspects that preserves the group.
So its okay to fuck over others as long as you take care of "your people"?
I mean there's obvious situations where there is value in an action that will result in them feeling upset, e.g., taking their money they dropped instead of returning it.
Yeah but even Putin has to follow the golden rule when dealing with powerful people.
>most of the world around you is Christian.
so this is the power of American education
Because doing mean things makes me feel bad
>if you're in a position of power
You aren't, otherwise you wouldn't be here spouting sophistry about not needing to be a decent human being to minmax your social position. So you're better off just following the rule of thumb anyway.
Read Styrner
The golden rule isn't so much a a complicated moral idea as it is teaching children to preserve themselves in a way a simple mind can understand.
It's not telling you to do onto others how you want others to do to you because it is the right thing to do, but to not incur wrath of others onto yourself.
It's literally a simple idea for undeveloped minds that are not yet ready for philosophical and moral discussion, and you stumbled at it as an adult.
>Second, you're at full liberty to do so, just don't cry when people find out and make you pay for it.
So now you've completely renounced the idea that this is about a moral system. It's now about might.
The golden rule applies, except when it doesn't. Right? If you can get away with it then I guess it's ok?
yeah psychopath is more fitting
lol, yeah look at major political leaders, like the french revolution or the american revolution or hitler or the soviet union or....
that conclusion doesn't make any sense. i clearly said that fucking others over hurts you in the long run and taking care of others will help you. obviously it's not black and white and there's more nuance but you're already incapable of understanding an extremely simplified version so why bother going into that.
more pain = bad = less happiness
less pain = good = more happiness
It's that simple.
>Why do people act like this makes sense
Because it does.
I always want to know what the story is with these things. Is it just that it gets responses? Are they actually upset with something enough to keep asking?
>i clearly said that fucking others over hurts you in the long run and taking care of others will help you
It's actual autism, as in the classic sense where he can't understand simple human emotions and ideals.
I don't have autism I can tell when people are happy and sad.
just go back through the reply chain, i already tried to write it down in a way that even autists can understand it. i can't do much more to help you.
Actually based
>Look at major political leaders, look at fucking Putin.
lol what? every one tread very carefully when dealing with other leaders
It is usually inculcated in today's children by christian morality, even if it came from elsewhere like most of christianity itself.
I can safely assume OP lives in a majorly christian country like most of Yea Forums's userbase.
>lol, yeah look at major political leaders, like the french revolution or the american revolution or hitler or the soviet union or....
Just because some people face justice doesn't mean its inherent to evil actions.
>i clearly said that fucking others over hurts you in the long run and taking care of others will help you.
Citation fucking needed. So many major leaders and political figures all throughout human history have got off scot free and even thrived due to their selfish and evil actions.
>but you're already incapable of understanding an extremely simplified version
I'm asking you why it's wrong and you're unable to tell me. All you can say is "you sometimes get punished." No shit, people face repercussions for many actions, even ones that wouldn't typically be considered evil.
Google experience machine
he looks like he has aids
>You've completely renounced the idea that it's a moral system
I just abandoned talking morals with someone completely devoid of them. It's morally right to do unto others as you would have them do unto you because gaining at the expense of an innocent is in the eyes of the general public something that shouldn't be encouraged or rewarded, and practically speaking you're setting up a system where it's far more likely for people to positively reciprocate to your actions because you aren't being a dick. I'm not arguing from a moral standpoint because you've already made clear that you don't have one and anything I argue would be dealt with by you saying
>but if no one finds out I gain for no cost
I have a strong feeling you score poorly on tests to recognize human emotions without internet access to screen the answers.
Very good user-sama.
>yet another brainlet too fucking stupid to even kind of understand le ego man
Value is a phantasm
Why do people act like it's strange to support free speech for some people but not for others? I don't want people with different opinions to have free speech but brainlet NPCs can't comprehend this.
If your only argument is MUH FEEFEES then I'll just go ahead and ignore it. There is no morality without god and I don't believe in god, so fuck off.
>If you weren't there, they still lose the money they dropped and feel upset about losing the money.
>If you take the money yourself, it doesn't change whether they're upset. It's a win for you and no change for them.
>If you give them the money, it's a win for them and no change for you.
I see your point, the golden rule isn't going to lead you to the most personally optimal choice in all cases, but it still applies to situations where there's no "win" state for you.
>moral realism is true
Oh shit, I didn't know the debate on that was settled. When did that happen?
I assumed we were having a conversation about morals which is why I was interested. If you wanted to have a conversation about pragmatism then that's really simple, of course society progresses if everyone helps each other. That doesn't make it "right".
i do whatever the fuck i want so you can suck my cock
it's hypocritical
Imagine being so broken you can't understand empathy and are mentally inferior to the mice swirling around your walls this very moment.
>I don't want people with different opinions to have free speech
then you dont have free speech you brainlet
the problem with kant's categorical imperative is the problem with most of kant's work: it's based on the idea that you can externalize robust, correct and complete systems entirely from your own experiences. This is wrong for reasons easily illustrated by shitposters like ; it universalizes and reifies a personal opinion on what is "right" or "wrong"
It's not strange, it's wrong.
>All you can say is "you sometimes get punished."
i did not say that. i said society gets hurt which is obvious because by hurting others you make it harder for them to contribute to society. thus society will be more limited because it has less people helping out as efficiently. because you are a part of society you are also affected by how well society is doing so it is within your best personal interest to make sure that others are capable of contributing to society as best as they can. hell, i talked to a literal psychopath and even she understood this basic concept. that also answers all of the other parts of your post.
It's not illegal to be hypocritical. Why shouldn't I be hypocritical if it suits my goals?
>I assumed we were having a conversation about morals which is why I was interested. If you wanted to have a conversation about pragmatism then that's really simple, of course society progresses if everyone helps each other. That doesn't make it "right".
why doesnt that make it right?
OP makes sense though.
>OP hits person 1 for some reason
>person 2 asks OP "would you like it if someone were to hit you?"
OP wouldn't like that but clearly OP wanted to hit person 1. There is no contradiction in this.
What's strange about it?
Imagine being so mentally immature that you allow feelings like "empathy" to take control over your life.
Just want to remind everyone in this thread that it's pretty much a given in the field of psychology that the more confident a person is; the more patient, generous, and kind, they tend to be.
The only exception to this rule are autists, or people with similar handicaps; who may show an oddly high level of confidence and an extreme sense of inferiority/self-consciousness simultaneously.
If you like doing evil/cruel/selfish things simple for the rush of power/superiority/sense of gain it gives you, yet truly believe yourself to be well-adjusted and self-confident; you most likely are legitimately autistic.
I guess I should've been more specific and said it doesn't /necessarily/ make it right. It's not on me to prove a negative. I don't think it's wrong or right, I think it's neutral. It is at point 0 in my view, you have to tell me why it goes from 0 to 1.
Read the thread, OP literally can not understand the concept of empathy in the way a complete human would.
It really isn't. I believe that it is damaging to the society to allow them to speak freely.
It is free speech but only for a select group of people that have the right opinions.
I told you I don't have autism.
>all this talk about morality
The golden rule is just a reasonable default level of respect to give other people who haven't done anything to earn more of your respect or disrespect.
>I assumed we were having a conversation about morals which is why I was interested.
morals are made up so that a society can form and so that it can grow and work properly. you're not making any sense by disconnecting morals from pragmatism.
Ayn Rand
>I assumed that we were having a conversation about morals
We were, until you made it clear that any belief system regarding actions an individual could take has no meaning to you if gains and losses cannot be quantified to the point of minutiae. Morality isn't about quantifying gains, it's about taking actions that see all parties involved get the exact amount of benefit or loss due to them, which is impossible given that no being has perfect knowledge of everything going on. The best a system of morality can do is try and emulate such an outcome based on the actions taken by all involved, and the golden rule is one such system, albeit a very simple one.
>t.16 y/o edgelord
>the more confident a person is; the more patient, generous, and kind, they tend to be
Yes user all those Chads who bullied you in school are actually very kind, it's you who were evil because you didn't want to take your place at the bottom
>right opinions
There's literally cheat sheets for that and you can retake it as many times as you want.
Which probably explains why it took 10 minutes to do a 1-2 minute quiz.
>all those Chads who bullied you in school
So is this the root of your problem?
I hate myself. So i can do what I want to others?
> because you are a part of society you are also affected by how well society is doing so it is within your best personal interest to make sure that others are capable of contributing to society as best as they can
Not necessarily. If you commit and evil act that has been more beneficial to you than the detriment you face from society getting worse due to your action, you still have a net benefit. For example, If I'm upper class and I fuck over a group of lower class people to get money or something, the negative affect my actions will have on that environment won't be as significant to me as what I've gained, because I'm no longer part of that environment.
I understand empathy it's thinking about people you like and not making them unhappy.
not btw I'm not dumb enough to think feelings don't exist.
>It is free speech but only for a select group of people that have the right opinions.
i guess both fascist regimes and the soviet union had free speech then
>links a test about identifying facial expressions
>and he failed over 25% of them
user, the criteria for autism isn't that strict anymore. And even if they did, failing over 25% should not inspire confidence
People who has worldviews that are inherently destructive need to be forbidden from speaking freely since they will spread their opinions influenced by their destructive ideology.
The pages on the website loaded really slow but whatever believe I used a cheat sheet since apparently everyone is autistic to you.
It said I scored above average?
Usually anyone who says "empathy" is using it to deflect criticism from themselves or their friends. Rarely I've ever seen someone use empathy to refer to others outside their own group.
I fucked up = "it's not my fault, you just don't have empathy"
Someone else fucked up = "guilty forever, kill him"
he's probably gonna argue that those chads were actually very self conscious and that's why they were bullies
>autist can't tell reality from fiction
every time
I'm 30, I grew out of the "let's try and be a nice member of society" phase you're currently in. It doesn't work, without god there is no reason to be moral. Social pressure can make me PRETEND to be moral, but that's about it. I don't believe in god and I don't have morality and I don't have to pretend that I do here on 4channel. I'll pretend elsewhere though, sure. For my own benefit.
>morals are made up so that a society can form and so that it can grow and work properly. you're not making any sense by disconnecting morals from pragmatism.
You say this like it's a given, but it isn't Many people would disagree with you. For the record I mostly agree, our stances probably don't differ that much. The stance I'm actually trying to argue against is the moral realist one.
>Morality isn't about quantifying gains, it's about taking actions that see all parties involved get the exact amount of benefit or loss due to them
Not necessarily, you're basically saying all morality is utilitarianism. Just not true.
So you're just going to pretend my argument doesn't work when it clearly does? You're sticking to your ad hominem them? Remember to pretend you're kind though.
I feel like I am becoming more and more like this. And I am scared that I am starting to feel like I can no longer call myself a good person.
Also Mass Effect.
Because it has value for yourself, like an investment, not all investments come back positive, but invest enough and it will
meant to reply to
as well
Congratulations, you hit a development stage most people do in their late teens at 30.
>feelings don't exist
Just because they exist doesn't mean you need to give control over your life to feelings. I'm lazy, I don't want to work. I put on my big boy hat and work anyway because I'm not a baby who's being controlled by his feelings.
>I scored above average
>at reading facial expressions
The fact that you got even one wrong is proof enough you can't tell what other people are thinking a quarter of the time when they're being completely honest with you. You're not going to make it far in society if you still think that stabbing someone in the back every opportunity you get when you're this bad at reading people is the personally optimal thing for you to do.
literally textbook psychopath
Obviously society improving as a whole has value for yourself, but I'm saying that selfish actions could easily generate more value for you than selfless ones. If I fuck over people to get rich until I die the negative repercussions of my actions on society in general mean mostly nothing to me, beyond sentimentality.
I've never made below six figures.
I never said I stab people in back all the time I just said the golden rule doesn't make any sense.
>there is no big scary god to punish me so I don't have to be good
This is literally teenager-tier thinking.
No user I also was an edgy teen at 15. Then I was trying to fit in like you currently are. Then I became a sane person with arguments. Maybe you can try being one, give me 1 just ONE reason to be moral if I don't believe in god. Like I said, social pressure can only make me pretend to be moral. It won't change how I behave when the society isn't looking.
lol'd, autist OP BTFO
Like other anons have said, you sound autistic. Lack of empathy is a classic sign of autism. Or maybe you're some kind of psychopath.
But I'll be nice and explain the very simple logic to you, OP. When you get right down to it, the golden rule is the basis of every basic law in human history, and adherence to it by the majority of people is an absolute necessity for human society as we know it to function.
>I don't want to be killed
>My neighbor doesn't want to be killed
>Neither do the guys across the street
>We all agree not to kill anyone because we all wanna live in relative security
Same logic applies for stealing, scamming, etc. If you want to live in a society of relative safety, you need people following the golden rule.
>but muh cops to keep law and order
If every single person up and decided to stop following the law, the cops wouldn't be able to handle it, no matter how much money and men you threw at the problem. That's why prohibition failed miserably, that's why curtailing internet piracy is still failing miserably, etc. If everyone's doing it, you can't effectively enforce it.
If you enjoy living in the relative safety of society, you should follow the golden rule. However, if you don't enjoy the relative safety of society, you're welcome to act against it. But you compromise your own safety in return, and society may see it fit to remove you themselves. It's your choice.
actually user,
oh, looks like you already pointed out the already well know concept that literally everyone else in the thread is aware of
by the way, posting the flaw in your argument yourself doesn't erase it from existence
Why not make a thread that is actuallt about video games?
That's not me.
>I never made below six figures
I've never made below 10 figures if I worked in Zimbabwe, get in line. Also if you can't see how the golden rule functions as a rule of thumb to smooth social interactions, I call into doubt your ability to work any job that isn't test subject for autism researchers.
Give me ONE reason to be good. Literally why wouldn't I always pick the best option for me personally and ignore what other people want? I'll pretend to care though, I don't want to appear immoral, I understand why keeping up appearances is important.
>t. 16 y/o edgelord
Jokes on you I both want to die and I also enjoy killing people. Why shouldn't I kill as many people as possible?
sure, that's how you can see it and that's how many see it. egoism is a pest on the world. but there is no way for you to know that the short term gain of being selfish is objectively better for you than the possible long term gain of working together and bringing the class as a whole up. you can't generalize or extremefy your case either. the cases in which this has no negative effect on you are the outliers given that society as a whole does not like this.
no matter what argument he brings forth you'll hand wave away because of the whole "you can't be moral because there is no god" mindset you're glued to
unless he spends far too many hours trying to convince you to disconnect morality from a deity
But my following the golden rule doesn't have a meaningful impact on others deciding to follow it.
If I pick pocket someone or push a kid in a pond when no one is around it's not like I'm suddenly more likely to be pick pocketed or drowned.
If I lived in a village sure but I live in a city area of millions. I am just one person. I don't get it it doesn't make any sense.
Its called not being a hypocrite user. Would you like it if someone came up to you, kicked you in the shin and spat in your face? No. So dont to that to other people so ideally no one gets it done to them.
If you treat people poorly they will treat you poorly. So if you don't want people to fuck with you don't fuck with them. I don't see what's difficult to understand about that. Then again this is an off topic bait thread.
Disregard that, I suck cocks
>already well know concept
What concept? You said that confident people are kind. Are Chads not confident? You're making a roastie argument, you're trying to tell yourself that the alpha male that fucks everyone else in his path is actually the kindest person there is, that's why you're attracted to him. Because you can't be attracted to a cunt can you, you have to be a good person don't you.
Well the kindest people I've seen are "nice guys" who aren't confident at all
>morals and social rules dont work well with autists or edgelords
Wow, who would have thought that golden rule might not apply to you
"Guys look how edgey and cool I am, I dont understand sympathy or empathy! Heres my smoking waifu with a bored expression, I connect with her on a deep level cause I too smoke and have a bored expression"
That was me.
Also, I am homosexual.
Obviously I meant USD.
Computers don't care about the golden rule.
See in a large society like ours people treating me poorly is not likely to be caused by me treating them poorly. It's silly to suggest so.
>there is no crime if no one is around to witness it
Give it a couple of years, when the world turns Orwellian you'll eat your words.
>there is no way for you to know that the short term gain of being selfish is objectively better for you than the possible long term gain of working together and bringing the class as a whole up.
You also can't know that the long term gain from the selfless action is objectively better than the short term gain from the selfish action, so I don't see your point.
>Then I became a sane person with arguments
>he says while not understanding that religion and morals were made as guidelines for people to work together and be able to build a functioning society
i'll just quote someone that already explained quite wellturns out people prefer living in stable societies rather than post apocalyptic lawless ones
This whole
>I'm turning to egotism cause I got rejected by society for being a loser neet who plays video games all day
is pathetic you know? Have fun dying alone
>My moral system is defined entirely by my feelings.
>I don't need the golden rule because I work with computers
Okay, now I can stop taking you seriously.
But reciprocity works even in game theory you spergoid
I'm a few months from 30 myself and I'm the polar opposite, but that's probably the lifetime of abuse and depression driving me to avoid making others feel like I felt most of my life. That doesn't mean I don't believe most people are assholes, but I'm not going to assume that about another person's an asshole who doesn't deserve that level of respect until they do something to prove that they are. I guess that social pressure you're talking about comes from people like me.
I turned to egoism because my logic took me there. Maybe I'm wrong but this is where it lead me. Has nothing to do with my social status, I'm doing pretty good right now.
It's really odd since anyone that does this pretty much goes directly against Egoism unless all they read was one or two sentences on the subject.
>crime rates rising
>people ask govt to do something
>fast forward 15 years and you have an extensive and intrusive surveillance system
I get along fine with people, I'm not dilbert.
Do you have an example that is similar to community of millions?
I know it's hard for you to understand; but for most people we feel emotional/psychological discomfort/displeasure when we unnecessarily cause someone else to suffer. For some people this discomfort is so extreme that inadvertently harming someone can cause them to develop a trauma. As an example: A man accidentally runs a person over. Due to the sense of guilt from this incident the man is subsequently unable to drive a car without feeling ill, and will refuse to get into the driver's seat of a vehicle unless forced. Empathy is a real thing; not some imaginary concept forced onto you by religious teachings.
Just because you lack a basic mental capability that other humans have doesn't mean that we don't have it either. The rest of us are complete humans with all our sensibilities, senses, and behaviors intact.
holy fuck people stop responding to the fool
>but I'm saying that selfish actions could easily generate more value for you than selfless ones. If I fuck over people to get rich until I die the negative repercussions of my actions on society in general mean mostly nothing to me, beyond sentimentality.
Good actions can just as easily generate the same if not more value, if you live your life taking the most and fucking people over to do it you miss out on so much in life that you can only get by if not even practicing the golden rule, but even things similar to it. Why would you deprive yourself of all the opportunity and experiences you can gain from it?
Autism is just socially acceptable psycho/sociopathy.
>I get along fine with people
>he says as he talks about stealing or pushing kids into ponds as if it were going to the store to buy a loaf of bread
Oh sorry, you'd probably steal the bread too if there weren't security cameras around.
The implication that the people asked for the government to create a surveillance state is rewriting history and dishonest they already were creating it before the people even knew it existed.
Feelings are not an argument. Empathy is a real thing but it has no place in a conversation about normative statements.
you will always feel like something is missing in your life.
Have fun in existential dread egoist
of course i can know that. i just look at all the failed societies in history where the ruling classes have fucked over their lower classes and get fucked in return eventually. i just look at all the current examples of societies that just can't move forward and have a shit tier quality of life. and then i look at all the current examples of society where morals and laws are improving and see how the quality of life compares to the others. and i easily see a definitive answer to what is better for myself.
Every action has consequences maybe not for you but for someone. You seem very dense. It doesn't really matter no ones forcing you to do anything if you decide to be an asshole that's your decision just be prepared when people don't like you.
>But my following the golden rule doesn't have a meaningful impact on others deciding to follow it.
>What is following by example
Even animals can understand what their parents teach them and follow it. Are you more stupid than a flock of birds?
>implying Religion was the source of morality when morality is invented by humans with compassion.
Autism and blue pill at work ladies and gentlegoys.
Heh, who needs friends or a partner, all I need is me and my logic *Tips fedora*
How are those in anyway contradictory?
>Every action has consequences maybe not for you but for someone.
You're just making the gold rule chain longer...
>"don't do that"
>why not?
>"would you want someone to do it to you?"
You know what vendetta and blood revenge is? If you fuck up someone's family, you will be fucked and everything what precious to you, literally everyone will die in great pain.
Also this is basic of moral.
Psychopaths with altruistic traits are called Autists.
>OP says the golden rule and empathy makes no sense
>gets upset when people point out he is a defective human and can't understand why while just repeating himself
Classic Autism, not the new expanded definition.
Not everything your parents teach you has value.
what does the real world matters when dealing with a fictional example? oh wait i forgot im talking to someone that thinks drowning children has no effect on his local community
>Good actions can just as easily generate the same if not more value
I agree, nothing wrong with generating value through good actions either. If the goal is value, but good and bad actions are valid. What matters is which one generates more value for you.
>Why would you deprive yourself of all the opportunity and experiences you can gain from it?
This is going to differ from person to person of course. Personally I like having close friends so I wouldn't live a purely selfish lifestyle, but certain others might not value the experiences that altruism could bring. Once again this is just about which generates more value for you.
Kant. Read him.
That you don't understand how being an asshole impacts how people perceive your character is telling enough. As soon as someone sees you for who you really are you'll lose the social capital you built up, or you would if you actually worked with other human beings, you neet autist coder man.
A woman was drowned one night near where I was riding my bike, guess what? Nothing changed.
>fine in social situations
>get along fine with other people
I'm not autistic lol.
it's justified and edgy and when you do it, but anyone does anything to you, you complain endlessly and flee from the internet, the pattern of every 4channer who ever got exposed.
I have both of those things though.
>You know what vendetta and blood revenge is?
It literally doesn't exist in western countries. If it did you'd see a lot of fathers going out and killing their daughters rapists.
>If it didn't happen to me it doesn't matter
>I can get along fine in social situations
You can't make this shit up.
OP is baiting and a faggot and probably has undiagnosed autism. Jesus there are like 50 philosophers that would explain this to you but you'd prefer to argue with Yea Forums shows how fucking stupid you are.
That has no bearing on what he said though. Blood venedttas and revenge exist exactly because someone did something to someone else they wouldn't want done to themselves, unless they want to me violently murdered of course, which is not the case for the vast majority of sentient individuals.
That's true, but you're pretty good at sucking dick, so at least something must have stuck.
user, why do you think morality exists?
>A woman was drowned one night near where I was riding my bike, guess what? Nothing changed.
nigga we're literally seeing a shift in western politic allignement because immigrants have overrappresented crime rates
>Do you have an example that is similar to community of millions?
Repeated prisoner dilemma
Nash equilibrium
If as a coder you dont trust math then you are the problem
You will be remembered as a massive faggot, have fun.
Your refusal to adhere to the golden rule will have no immediate effect, but your behavior will influence anyone you expose yourself to, especially the young. They could adopt your mindset and potentially pass it on to more people, furthering the decay of society as a whole. Societal decay isn't just a stupid meme thought up by soccer moms and old conservatives. This may never come back to bite you in the ass, or it may come back and bite you right in the dick in just a few years. It's a bit of a gamble.
Your bad behavior will also effect your reputation as time goes on. You say you live in a city of millions, that you have borderline anonymity? Not in the 21st century, where there's always some kind of record on your ass. You get caught doing enough bad shit, and trust me you will get caught sooner or later, honest people will associate you as little as possible, making your dishonest behavior more difficult and exposing you to more dishonest people, making it more likely to fall victim to the same behavior you've been displaying.
You can take your chances, some people make it through the entire lives being dishonest little shits without ever seeing any sort of comeuppance. But the odds of that are really, really low, and as you said, you're just one of millions. Are you ready to take that gamble, at the potential cost of living in the good parts of society?
it's pretty weird user, the way you're talking makes me think you're a confident asshole, like the chads you seem to hate? But if you were one such chad, wouldn't this be a sign of self-consciousness? it's almost like outward confidence isn't necessarily a sign of true self-confidence.
behavioral-compensation is also a well-known concept. It's why self-conscious individuals like yourself will do everything in their power to hide the fact they have no confidence. It's a desperate attempt to seem stronger in the face of those you feel inferior to.
Thanks for conceding so quickly; as evidenced by your immediate shift to name calling and insult hurling in an attempt to seem intimidating.
You are doing poorly in this social situation and do nothing but repeat yourself and laugh nervously to yourself even over a fucking text conversation.
You are certainly not demonstrating your social skill here.
>feelings are not an argument
So you keep saying, in spite of arguing in favor of making yourself feel good at any cost.
So why NOT do good things then?
if youre hurting others youre only really hurting yourself, itll all come back to you in the end. you can count on that
I don't get what your point is.
Wtf does it have to do with immigrants?
It's doesn't represent nations it represent code of moral. That's why good and evil exist. Revenge defines justice.
Is it too late to get into EVE? Do i really need to join a faction to have fun in the game?
>you're pretty good at sucking dick, so at least something must have stuck.
My parents were puritan as fuck and if I followed their values I never would've sucked a dick in my life. My skill is neither thanks to nor in spite of my parents, but comes instead from ignoring their values altogether.
Are you asking me why morality exists in an objective sense exists or why the concept of morality exists? Obviously the latter is due to empathy, but if that's all you're basing it on then it does nothing but undermine morality itself. If your entire moral code is "I do things that make me feel good and don't do things that make me feel bad. I expect this of all humans" then you're gonna get into weird territory real fast.
>So why NOT do good things then?
I never said don't do good things, doing good things is fine if you want to. see
Depending on where OP lives he just admitted to committing a crime instead of a hypothetical situation.
>Getting baited this hard over something so factually wrong.
Absolutely epic. Put me in the screencap.
>is a retard
What are the odds?
Based user absolutely BTFOing OP.
>I'm not autistic.
Yes you are.
>still persists on being a smartass
Man, no wonder you ended up here in this shitty thread.
Who are you quoting?
In the iterated prisoner's dilemma they're stuck playing with each other, in society you're not.
I live in Texas where that exact thing has happened and the guy wasn't put in jail.
We got a rick and morty fan over here
That person who drowned had a family, so lots of shit changed for someone. That someone just didn't happen to be you. That you are unable to process this simple fact makes me believe that you would be unable to pick up on how someone else in your social circle might react to certain stimuli, especially if it wasn't such a large occurrence as a family member's demise, and thus calls into question your ability to interact in a social situation. You say you get along fine, but I'm willing to wager any people you interact with are talking shit behind your back about you being a robot.
>immigrants have overrappresented crime rates
>the public opinion ask the politician to do something about it
>the political scene shift to the right while they promise to curtail immigrants liberties
>hurr durr how does committing crimes impact me or my community
based brainlet
I'm thinking more about Britain, Germany and Sweden.
>"don't do that"
>why not?
>"would you want someone to do it to you?"
>That has no bearing on what he said though.
OP's wanted definition of retaliation, he got it.
>>>says the guy who implied someone else's parents suck dick instead of addressing the content of the post
Me. He's quoting me. I'm kind of flattered, really, I didn't think anyone would go and quote me.
Truly good actions dont occur without sacrificing something with little to no reward; whether it be money, time or effort. Your ideology would forbid doing that, and pretty much send everyone back to the fucking days of sodom if everyone thought that way
I'm asking in an objective sense.
My personal moral code is that act relative to the moment and how I feel with regards to myself, my environment, and others.
I'm happy for you user, at least something positive is happening in this thread, even if I literally can't stop sucking and choking on cocks all day long
Even if thats true, which I highly doubt, you just said you dont care about them. Have fun maintaining relationships when you only give a fuck about yourself
You just call feeling good "generating value" for your argument's sake, but you can't negate feelings are important. The whole point of any moral system is making you achieve happiness.
I only apply the golden rule to the people I cherish.
Is it so bad if I give a fuck about the rest of the world?
Stop pretending to be me!
>regards to others
> O T H E R S
Wow, almost like your being empathetic
It's a rule based on self preservation, and most people tend to think the idea of getting hit in retaliation isn't worth hitting someone for being a jackass so it sticks.
no u
I didn't do it dummy.
You don't know me.
I know her family is sad, by nothing changed I meant for me.
I can tell how social circle will react to things as well as can be expected.
Every interaction with another human is a social game.
Also even thought game theory presumes rational actors, which humans are not, it proves that cooperation is optimal and should be the default
>im 30
>thinks like an edgy teenager
yikes! talk about developmentally stunted!
>my moral principles are subject to external stimuli instead of an innate set of beliefs to which I adhere to and follow in all situations
Great, so we know you're totally devoid of anything resembling a code of ethics beyond whether you could get caught. If I knew who you were I'd call a hitman because your continued existence is a detriment to society at large.
No, I implied that your parents taught you how to suck dick, not that they did it. But anyway, back to your point: animals don't teach each other needless things and if parents taught you something needless, they were not good parents. Using this as some sort of a contrary example about societal values in societies that are chiefly dominated by subjective values enforced by majority as objective is autismal as fuck too, so shitpost is exactly the kind of a response you deserve.
Why'd you assume that there would be a retaliation?
You still apply it, means you're capable of empathy and practice ethics. You have little reason to care about others outside of your group, so long as you don't go out of your way to harm them, which still would be a form of caring. It's perfectly normal.
Tfw autistic and still able to understanding empathy even if it's hard to read how people feel. Anyone using autism as an excuse to not understand empathy is either non functioning or just a prick.
>OP hates the golden rule
>is surprised he gets excluded from it while people discuss morality and bash on him endlessly
>has to do it on an anonymous board since even his autistic ass knows doing so in real life would fuck himself over, thereby showing he follows the golden rule publicly anyways so understands it perfectly
Your scope is too small. What is defined as "value" differs from person to person. For instance , if someone does charity work that costs them time, money and effort, and gain no tangible benefit, this action still generates value for them if they enjoy the feeling of helping others. It's given them happiness, that has value. In my ideology sacrificing your entire life to charity or being an ascetic is perfectly valid if you choose to take this path based on your own desires.
Feelings are very important, I agree. I'm sorry if what I said earlier generated a misunderstanding. In my view feelings are literally all that matter, but I use the phrase "feelings are not an argument" because most people try to argue that their system of morality is objective, or at least has an objective basis. If that were the case it would need to be rooted in logic, not feelings. If you admit that your moral system is subjective I really have no problem with feelings playing a major role in it.
Right? Its an egotism drawn from inferiority instead of superiority. Really gross to see in motion.
>Fucking casuals
>Just google it lawl
In prisoner's dillema it's betrayal not cooperation.
Many of are interactions are with strangers which are closer to this than iterated dillema.
In reality humans are irrational with bias towards cooperation probabl because evolution of human community which is in a way sort of super organism.
>I can tell how a social circle will react
Says the man who can't read the facial expressions of people who are being completely honest about how they are feeling at that point in time.
That doesnt make any sense
This is how it goes
>Person 1 hits person 2
>Person 2 hits persona 1 back
>"Wow that hurt, now I know how it feels to get punched I wont do it for no reason"
You biked by a drowning woman or drowned body right?
That's cynical. I don't put my change in the take-a-penny-leave-a-penny tray because I fear retaliation if I don't. I do it because I value that system and if everyone was like OP then the system I value wouldn't function.
Are you seriously implying elitism over video game skill has anything to do with egoism?
This nigga failed to understand how that shit works. He has friends because he chooses to have them, he cares about them because he chooses to.
>Says the man who can't read the facial expressions of people who are being completely honest about how they are feeling at that point in time.
I scored above average.
I biked on a nearby path that night and then next morning they found her. I didn't follow case so I don't know what end result was.
I assume it's because at the end of the day most people are fucking crazy and don't trust each other for shit, which is why it stays around. Kind of like in thinking that it's just the standard for wanting to be left alone.
What the other user means is that, in some places, it's illegal to ignore a person whose life is in danger.. That doesn't mean you jump into the fucking water to try and save that drowning woman, it means trying to throw a fucking rope or at least calling the authorities. You're supposed to report this shit.
Yeah, people in this thread dress it up as much as they want, but its the same old song
"Ive been rejected/hurt before and cant handle it, so Im gonna shut myself off from others rather than work on improving myself as a person"
What if person 1 desires endless bloodshed and warmongering?
Becsuse you would want to retaliate if someone did wrong to you
Because it's a sensible thing to assume unless you hit someone that is incapable of retaliation. Most people don't take kindly to being assaulted, but you'd know that if you weren't a gigantic sperg.
I see. Thank you.
You are clearly very upset at things you don't understand, but that's ok. Egoism is all about improving yourself. The only moral wrong in an egoistic system is lacking the power to get what you want.
Why are you assuming there wont be? In most cases there is, you'd have to be the most pathetic of losers not to defend yourself; you'd know this if you empathetically understood people. So you're entire argument falls apart.
In that one situation, you have a point, but there are just as many where it doesn't apply.
>I'd want someone to hold the door open for me, so I better hold the door open for this guy
>even though I'm never ever going to see this guy again in my life so he is never ever going to hold the door open for me in return
>meanwhile, pic related is the guy in question
You have no legal duty to rescue someone in America.
>above average
>based on a basic 50/100 test scoring system
You're guessing wrong 25% of the time. That means for everything you say and do, you're pissing off one person in four. Those aren't good odds, dumbass.
I think you're projecting user. Do you have to follow this code because you feel you are incapable of being innately good without it?
People who need manual programming to basically function in society are the true dregs. Do everyone a favor and off yourself please and thank you in advance :)
>Britain, Germany and Sweden
Then he's not an egoist and he's failed his own ""logic"" by getting attached and relying on other people
>If I don't have to, I won't
If I ever meet you in real life, remind me to shoot you in the back and leave you to bleed out in a back alley.
You'd probably score worse.
Most people in western countries are civilized and would rather wait for authorities to handle everything.
Will probably end up shooting himself in a basement like a bitch like most warmongers.
Well . Sounds like my girlfriend is autistic.
She is pretty social though . I guess she's just spoiled and selfish.
>we feel emotional/psychological discomfort/displeasure when we unnecessarily cause someone else to suffer
So do I. But why should I let feelings tell me what to do in life when I know that logically that's not the best decision? Why would I give my money to charity for example? That's not logical is it, you can be emotionally manipulated into doing this, but it's still not the logical thing to do with your money
>Due to the sense of guilt from this incident the man is subsequently unable to drive a car without feeling ill
That's a perfect example of when you should ignore your feelings and do what should be done. We all do that 9 to 5, it's called showing up at work. Don't pretend you have to be insane to ignore your feelings.
video games
>not saving people people is the same as murder
I don't understand.
>If the goal is value, but good and bad actions are valid. What matters is which one generates more value for you.
They are valid, but as you said they are bad actions, especially selfish and harmful ones that make you a bad person, and thats all there is too it, no grand logical math equation that will tell you why you shouldnt be bad or should be good, just plain value for others existence, and yes not everyone has the same values especially for each other, but thats what makes you good or bad, what your values are for yourself and others.
My friends are nothing but my property. My happiness increases when they are around, and as a result I don't want to lose them. In what way does this contradict with my logic?
why is every faggot that posts anime shit or has an anime avatar/profile pic ALWAYS autistic human garbage? i say this as so
what? most people are perfectly capable of feeling empathy for strangers. your weird observation is nonsensical
This is going to blow your mind here, but when most people get accused of lacking normal human emotions they react with normal human emotions instead of trying to academically prove that they have them.
If you want something done to you, you should do it to others. Otherwise youre being a hypocrite and not trying to create that reality.
Theres also, you know, being a decent person cause it feels good.
Morality is about not being a dislikable cunt and keeping society in check. If you don't have morals, don't be surprised when everyone thinks you're an ass or you end up in prison.
>Ive never heard of honor killings in my country
A silly comic about a loser fatass is not an argument. By perpetuating holding the door behavior you slowly but surely create a culture of people that are more inclined to hold the door for someone else instead of less inclined. The guy you held the door for that you've never seen before will be more inclined in the future to replicate your behavior and hold the door for someone else, who in turn will do the same. This is how our brains work and how patterns are formed. You need to be legit low functioning not to realize that. It's not all about "you", but thanks to you holding the door for that guy, someone else months or years down the line might hold the door for you because that guy and his further actions influenced them in turn by a chain of individuals interacting with each other. Just how low is your IQ that you cannot practice abstract thought to such a minuscule extent?
*someone who likes a lot of anime
I only use the word "bad" because we both understand it to refer to actions that would typically be interpreted as selfish or evil. I realize that word is loaded and I was kind of hoping you wouldn't latch on to it. Those actions are only thought of as bad by others. I don't view any actions as necessarily good or bad in an objective sense. And in a subjective sense the only actions that I view as bad are ones that negatively affect the well being of me or what I value.
>doesn't mean I don't believe most people are assholes, but I'm not going to assume that about another person's an asshole who doesn't deserve that level of respect until they do something to prove that they are
What are you talking about? I don't care if another person is an asshole, I just have no reason to care about anyone who isn't me, so I don't. Whether they're assholes or not, I don't care.
Tell them theyre you property and see how they react.
You clearly think you're this stone cold cool dude but in reality your just a cunt; and your non-existant friends would not want to hang around you if they knew how you truly felt about them.
I dunno who bullied you in highschool, but this is a pathetic way to react to it.
Revenge considers everyone. If you fuck up someones life, everything what you like will die in suffering. Golden rule is universe itself.
It's a misdemeanor in some states, but overall you're right. It's just another reason the US is a pretty shitty place to live, though.
You have got to be baiting. Cops are there to clean up the mess, not stop crimes in progress. Giving in to unjustified violence and waiting for someone else to solve your problems for you is the very opposite of civilized.
Betrayal is just negative cooperation, you can extrapolate these findings.
Its not bias when cooperation is the most optimal strategy for everyone involved to win
This artist is my buddy. One day I will draw like him bros.
From this thread I gather OP has the emotional development of a toddler
>not being a dislikable cunt and keeping society in check
That's called keeping up appearances. If you're only "moral" because you want to be liked, you're not moral. If your "morality" only works when someone is looking at you, that's not morality, that's social pressure.
Yet you desperately want other people to care about you. Doesnt work that way bucko.
I believe in you. Just keep at it. Then post us some decent porn pls.
Oh, it's the sociopath roleplay thread again.
this mental gymnastics is the reason veganism is the fastest growing global movement
Because other human being have free agency to react? This is literally the crux of this thread. OP does not see other humans as humans, he sees them as tools to further his own desires. Otherwise he would understand the capacity of these others to react negatively to his negative actions. To see others as humans is to respect their agency and emotions.
I knew you were out of touch but this is crazy. No ones gonna sit around let themselves get beaten up waiting for the cops, its natural instinct to protect yourself..
Fundamentally, taking a life and saving a life boil down to the same choice as to whether or not a person will live. You're still making the decision for them to die, only you're making it passively. Is it as bad as murder? No. Is it still shitty? Very much so, yes.
user that is retaliation too.
You're literally replying to discord fags. Stop.
The argument that the only way to be "moral" is to do so with zero incentive is a flawed beyond belief.
They know I'm an egoist. Most of my friends have belief systems pretty similar to mine, and even the ones that don't don't really care. Most people really won't give a shit if you say something like that and you're close friends, if they don't have a similar belief system they'll just say something like "haha, you're crazy man" unless they've got a giant stick up their ass. You might be surprised to hear this but I'm pretty laid back and chill in real life. I typically tend to go with the flow and try to have a good time. None of this contracts with my moral system. It gives me happiness so it's the path I choose to take.
>kill someone
>they can't kill you back
Well done, sperg. You figured out how to cheat at morality. Just kill everyone on the planet. Start with yourself, dumb cunt.
Keeping society in check implies that he does not stop being moral, because just appearances wont help with this goal.
Also theres no practical difference as long as both are consistent with their rule application
we should really do a werewolf game with Yea Forums
>developing personal values and principles that are practiced at all times is flawed
No, that's how people with the most resilience and integrity of all are made.
Is he cool? How long have you be drawing?
Murder being illegal is negative right, right to rescue is positive right.
You're clearly in a bubble, come back in a few years and see where this path takes you. And dont cry that you weren't warned.
>Theres also, you know, being a decent person cause it feels good.
If I did, I'd want that because of personal reasons. I'm only ever motivated by getting things I want for myself. Currently I'm having this conversation to see if there is any other viable model of behavior but I don't see one. Nobody so far has give me ONE just ONE reason why I should be moral. And again, I understand why I should APPEAR to be moral, it's not the same.
They are the type who will lowkey cheat on CSGO bu using subtle cheats, reasoning out that there is no reason to play fairly if he can get away with it. He is also those who will buy an auto and turn on all of his rage hacks if one of the opponents D A R E cheats back at him.
>im so fucking edgy....fucking morals are stupid...why should i care about anyone..heh...only my joy matters..people are simply my tools and...playthings....im just like an anime..character....im so fucking hardcore....stupid people think im just a normal guy but inside im a ....cold....calculating...predator....heh *calls mom and asks her to bring home two double cheese burgers with no veggies and extra ketchup for him*
hmm nice
The only good morality system is no system. It's spooks all the way down.
Notice the
Just cause acting moral benefits you in certain occasions, doesnt mean you might as well not act moral cause "it doesn't count".
based strawman poster
>doesn't believe in the gold rule
>still clearly cares about what people think of him and how they react to him as evidenced by the thread
Maybe the problem is your are just trying to find ways to dress up being as selfish as a Saturday morning cartoon villain.
If they really want to die then they can kill themselves after I save them. I shouldn't choose not to save someone on the off chance that they actually wanted to die
Thanks, I make some sfw monster girls sometimes.
>arguing against trolley dilemma
No it's not, that's exactly what morality is. If you're only moral because a society demands you to be, guess what it's not you who's moral, it's the society. You leave that society and your morality is gone.
based triggered autist
>not getting golden rule means you can't care about your image
Eat shit, autist.
He is, however he's only 18 or 19. He don't even know how he got fame so fast.
>I don't have an argument... but I'll keep repeating I'm right... after all everyone agrees with me how can I be wrong
Based NPC
The trolley problem is different.
Besides how can you argue "against" it? It's a fucking dilemma it's meant to be argued.
I mean when people evoke the word "empathy", not the feeling itself.
Fucking casual
That's not what the post said at all you autistic cretin.
It doesn't make you outright immoral, sure, but it raises questions about the value of your character and makes it less likely for others to engage with you if the word gets out. If you practice morality only when the consequence is present, how can you truly even say whether you are moral or not? You're just a ball rolled around by circumstance. Real morality is determined when there is no consequence and you choose to act the way you want to, not the way you need to in order to maximize benefit.
based triggered autistic faggot
Or maybe he just isn't pretending. Have you ever in your life done anything for anybody but yourself? I know I haven't. Unless you believe in god, neither have you. Only god can make people moral.
Inshallah brother.
Oh shit, it's that autist from the previous thread that got made fun of because he tried to prove that morality without religion is impossible.
>kill someone
>they can't kill you back
>His friends try to kill you
Ok what's then now?
Based lack of arguments
>Most people really won't give a shit if you say something like that and you're close friends
Because they will assume you are joking. How about you tell your friends "If it came down to choosing between what I want and having your friendship, I would choose my personal desires every time" and then see how many friends you actually have left.
Just because you're exceptional doesn't mean I'm not above average.
Most of the ones I missed I was still close to right on, like shame vs sad or love vs satisified.
Are you russian?
He clearly implied that the first line regarding golden rule is somehow incomptiable with caring abouw how others percieve you which is silly. Even cliche psychos like Patrick Bateman are vain and narcissstic.
Jjust because I don't want to be tarred as an autistic person doens't mean I am wrong.
Are you literally an automaton austimso robot? I'm almost completely dead inside and i naturally feel awful when i do something terrible, i still do it but it's understandable why people don't do it.
The odds are someone dying is going to appreciate having their lives forcefully saved. Most people aren't inclined to kill themselves. If the person in question is, they can find a better way to kill themselves, a way where someone can't just stumble upon them in the middle of it and interfere.
We're not talking about controlled situations here to begin with, we're talking about sudden occurrences.
>tried to prove
>literally zero arguments so far
I'm a different autist but you can try proving me wrong.
I told my friend I would kill him for a billion dollars and no hard feelings and he said that's weird but he is still my friend. I'm sure he felt same way but he just felt akward about saying it out loud since it's impolite.
Are there any games that drag you in front of a court if you commit a crime?
Usually it's just "jail or death".
Because ive decided in my categorical imperative that anyone choosing inaction is a humongous faggot
theres plenty of "arguments" in the thread im not here to "argue" im here to upset you which i clearly am
have sex incel lmao
>i naturally feel awful when i do something terrible
Why, is it because you fear the repercussions? I feel bad if I steal, but only because I'm afraid to be found out.
Nope, I'm Brazilian just like Vinne.
Don't believe in god, I do things for other people all the time.
It's a shit test where the actors are overdoing all the expressions, not to mention they're using a basic 50% score to gauge what's average instead of doing actual studies to see where on the bell curve the actual average lies. That you still fucked up a quarter of them is telling about how stunted your emotional growth is.
That post was agreeing with you though.
Why are you mad at someone agreeing with morals all coming from god(Allah)?
hard time
>Most of the ones I missed I was still close to right on, like shame vs sad or love vs satisified.
I bet you were grinning to yourself while making this bait that paints you as turbo autist
>ummmm there are a lot of reasons why I'm right
>here's none of them
Hey go suck a dick, tranny. This is me going down to your level of discussion, enjoy
Yeah, then you throw in basic human empathy and you get morality. Welcome to literal toddler tier philosophy, moron.
They are obsessed with anime because they can't deal with real people. Unhappiness, disappointment, empathy, these things actually cause pain to the anime autist.
>"If it came down to choosing between what I want and having your friendship, I would choose my personal desires every time
What if I valued their friendship more than anything else in the world? The fact that you still don't understand things like "personal gain" and "what I want" can include compansionship and altruism is a bit embarrassing. If I asked a friend of mine if he'd take a billion dollars if it meant he'd stop being my friend, I wouldn't be offended be either answer. I doubt most people would. All of life is about choosing what to value, and choosing to value certain things over others. Some people choose to forsake friendships to get ahead in their careers or their studies. Would you consider that a bad thing?
All my moral system asks is that you do what you desire. Whether that is to have tightly knit close friends or to selfishly pursue material value on your own is up to you.
Chrono Trigger
Because I perceived it as sarcastic you fucking turbo autist. Do I need to explain this
The post didn't imply you don't care what people think of you, it implied you understand the point of the golden rule perfectly and are just incredibly self-centered.
Why do you get upset at people pointing out what you already admit yourself just because they don't praise it like you do?
>muh tranny boogeyman!
cringe, seething incel lmao
Morality is optimal if you want to leave both parties partly satisfied
Hume's guilottine is fucking gay and Wittgenstein already told him to neck himself so dont you come out with your faggot is-ought problem
Have sex.
No you don't, you just didn't think about it hard enough. You helping others because you want something back. Could just be attention or love or social acceptance. But you're doing this for yourself and frankly it's amazing that people still argue about this. It's pretty fucking obvious.
Wittgenstein is a hack
Then you're confirmed to have autism, if i steal quarters out of a bind homeless niggermans cup as he's chilling on the sidewalk i'm going to feel bad he won't be able to buy his 40 ounce for the day, not that the police will arrest me for $1.40 dollars in dimes.
Yeah, explain why someone praising god is taken as sarcastic when replying to you doing the same.
nope, I help people as much as I can and I don't believe in God. Just proves you lack sympathy/empathy and/or you are every egotistic
Even if they're "overdoing it" they're actors so it's not really a natural expression which is why some of them are little off from what you see in real life.
>actress turns slightly other way
>suddenly clearly different thing
Some of them are muddled and it's not surprising to make a mistake or two for those close ones on satic images in context of conversation I'd get 100%.
>Wittgenstein is a hack
t. Wittgenstein