tfw have only one shot
Tfw have only one shot
One shot at pounding his cat boipucci?
would you capture it? Or just let it slip?
One shot cum into his mouth.
one kill
his palms are sweaty
*Cuddles you*
>game gets released on steam
>you actually have two shots, or as many as you like if you don't do the new stuff
>even if you do the new stuff you get to play the original run through as many times as you like
wow nice oneshot, very impressive, the game doesn't even punish you for exiting anymore
I honestly bought the game just cause he\she (i dont care) is cute. is a good game?
What even is this game
You already own the game nigger, just play it
I thought this game had gameplay. Was a boring walking sim instead.
>tfw can't even kill niko anymore
Now that I think about it was there ever an explanation for why he dies if you close it?
I don't think there was ever an in-universe explanation, it was just repeatedly drilled into you that because you only had one shot, quitting was murder and failure
Just started this yesterday Niko is a qt
Niko is my cute son!
Played it for 15 minutes and I was just bored out of my mind the whole time through.
How many Nikos is too many Nikos?
you can't let people pay money and then deleting their purchase, user. but I get that the original concept was very unique
did you play the steam version? it's pretty good and I'm glad they did it
tfw have only one [spoilers]cum[/spoilers]shot
There is no such thing as too many Nikos
Into his mouth one shot cum
into his one mouth shot cum
Niko is not made for lewd
I went to a convention lately, there was a booth where the parents of the person who made OneShot were selling a shit ton of merch and her other art
Why was the person xerself not there?
Might've lived somewhere else or been out of town
Do you anons think we'll ever get a second solstice-like update?