Is this the best game ever made?
Is this the best game ever made?
Not even the best From game.
That's Silent Line.
If you're a tasteless hack who enjoys a 3rd time retread of DeS, yes.
its fucking close
Only snoys think this 23fps fedora sickdark cringefest is even good, let alone the best game ever made
not even the best game on PS4. BB is 2nd
no its still stupid mash r1+dodge and sometimes parry
sekiro is much better with new mechanics
it's second this gen to witcher 3
It was, until March 22, 2019. But that's ok. Nothing is forever.
No this is
why it's better than souls?
No but it's very good.
I'm way more of a Nintendo guy, but I own a PS4 and Bloodborne is in my top 5 favorite games. What does that make me?
*blocks your path*
it's actually finished
3 is just a shitty version of bloodborne, they recycled the design and made it worse
No, it has severe QoL issues that inhibit enjoyment after 100+ hours.
someone with shit taste
not even the best game on ps4 or the best FROM game
>don't look up any strategy or other bullshit because I'm not autistic, just want to enjoy the game at face value instead of wank over it like a nerd
>be shit compared to such tismos, in theory
>try out pvp for the first time, actually managed to win about half the invasions, then decide to try the stake driver weapon
>literally just walk up, r1 spam people to death, and disappear
I don't know what the fuck is happening but I quit using that weapon because it felt cheap, I was just raping everyone with that thing lol. I don't know how this can happen, I thought people got gud and could prevent such things, maybe I just got lucky matches. one time I invaded right behind the dude (in the hallway right before the ludwig fight), spammed r1, killed him before he even turned around or knew what happened
*teleports behind you*
lmao nice design From
>Lost Izalith
the point is that it isn't finished, that line is referring to bloodborne, brainlet
a retard
If you're a fanboy with shit taste maybe
No, the best game ever made is dr robotniks mean bean machine
>Bloodborne is the best ga-
What's with all the fucking contrarians.
Bloodborne is one of the few (modern) games that Yea Forums actually likes.
Why is it that when a high number of people likes something these retards come through shitting on it like they've made some kind of revelation?
based and beanpilled
Probably tards that haven't played it yet
I don't know, last I checked the game is still unplayable. I will report back when it reaches playable framerate.
I never said I disliked Bloodborne though.
1. It’s an exclusive game, so sour grapes are a factor.
2. People here have a knee jerk reaction when a game receives a ton of praise. Hollow Knight is another good example, for a while people bitched about it being shilled, then after that you got people complaining that it wasn’t a good game.
Yea Forums just hates it when a game they don’t personally love gets attention.
>fromsoft """""""combat"""""""
That's not even the best game in its own series
Best aesthetics
Best locations
Best lore
Best weapons
Best enemies
The only unacceptable things are the loading times and framerate
Bloodborne has the worst fanbase on Yea Forums.
Pure cancer.
>blocks your path
>Bloodborne is one of the few (modern) games that Yea Forums actually likes
cause we all like games and don't like games. fuck off retard.
and no i generally don't think the game is that great. 7/10. certainly not fucking best game of all time. the dlc does improve it but it should have been there from the start.
it's the worst combination of sonytards and zoomers that discovered From through BB
Dude Sex is the GOAT and everybody with good taste on Yea Forums will agree.
Contrarians need not apply.
zoomers who discovered from through dark souls are shit in general
>recycled bosses
>only 4 locations
>each ng+ becomes worse
>no info on skill tree
>horrendous input lag jump starts at frame 40
>true ending locked behind a bunch of shitty missable quests
everyone but armoredcorefags discovered From through DS/DeS, though
DeSfags are pretty cool. DaSfags are cancerous. ACfags are bros.
hey zoomer
not even close. they're not even as bad as the git gud Pewdiepew to Die fags.
even ACfags can get more fucking vile and cancerous than the BBfags. Especially when you get into the PS1 vs 2 vs 3 stuff. The new game, whatever it is, is probably going to cause even more turmoil since it will be on PC as well.
Yes, along with DaS, the first one.
DeSbros are welcome
>only zoomers didn't play such seminal titles as The Adventures of Cookie & Cream
fuck off The Adventures of Cookie & Creamfag
>The only unacceptable things are the loading times and framerate
Both fixed with patches, altho people still have a problem with 30fps, so I'm inclined to agree.
Will Miyazaki ever pull another masterpiece?
This is the last game he solo directed, implying it's his last actual lovechild.
>Those spoilers
You mean sekiro or bloodborne?
Just on wikipedia you can see Ds2, Ds3 and Sekiro were codirected by another director, Ds3 by two.
Take from that what you will.
I've literally never had a bad experience with any of those.
BBfags however, make the same shitty thread every fucking day and dont allow any discussion of a fromsoft game without going B-BUT BB IS BETTER!"
The worst part is theyre all just snoy fanboys and go "LE NEVER EVER XD" when you bring up the 18 FPS and 20 second load times.
Pure. Cancer.
Yes. Until it's on epic games store.
but hey, cant fault a 360 zoomer on being a massive google retard.
Nobody cares about your meme game
>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere
Here's a friendly reminder.
I got into AC with 4 so I never knew anything before that. But I felt like that entire era of 4, 4A, V, VD, was just every.fucking.thread a bunch of people fighting over the trajectory of the series and how it did/didn't go to shit and how Last Raven is the holy grail of mech-games and Miyazaki ruined everything.
not even gonna bother talking about the Prepare to Die PC release and what that brought on.
BBfags are shit and shit at taking criticism but that's hardly just them, that's every fanboy for anything ever.
The framerate sucks, the load times suck, chalice dungeons suck, the PVP sucks, the covenants suck, they will never hear any of it.
You're one of these 2 guys then And you're right, I shouldn't have quoted these 2 posts and sort them under "contrarians".
I too don't think it's the "best game ever made" but it's still really good.
No, you fuck off
or maybe the game isn't as good as you thought it is and you needlessly praise and deny criticism to any game that has minimalist story telling, black and edgy demeanor
Sure it's good, but the first two Souls games and so most AC games are on the same tier. The only reason Bloodborne gets so much attention is because of console warriors and thirsty pcfags.
Yeah it is
>it's actually finished
more finished than DS1 maybe but not exactly finished
what exactly are you trying to imply here
Assassin's Creed?
Animal Crossing, retard
agreed, but I think the graphics are a big part of it too, it's definitely one of the most visually striking games this gen, if not the most
Like I'm supposed to know the acronym.
Also that's even bigger "whut" from me if you're talking about animal crossing.
Is there any info on what happened with Memezaki? It's like he just stopped caring.
You're right, the art style is great. Wish the frame pacing were fixed and the chromatic aberration were gone though.
Best game of this generation for sure.
But not of all time.
Not even the best recent fromsoft game
2 > sekiro > 1 > 3 > bb
Notice how your "game" is the only one that runs at a slideshow framerate lmao
>chromatic aberration
fuck yes, baffled why they put it in at all
put DeS at the bottom, swap 3 and Sekiro and reverse the entire list and you're correct
I've bought every FromSoft game since DaS1. Bloodborne I've played through three times. And I hate it. I've hated every FromSoft game since Das1 but always get tricked into playing them.
Reverse and swap 1 with 3 and it's a good list
I'm glad the Snoyposting surrounding this game died off once it got released on PC. You faggots are insufferable.
No thanks.
stake driver isn't used that often in pvp, so people don't really know how to counter it.
Nobody cares about that shitty, overpriced service though
Lol no
you mean PS+?
>Kazuhiro Hamatani
>Sekiro: Director
>Bloodborne: Lead Game Designer
Why can't you like things anymore Yea Forums? What happened?
BB > Sekiro > DaS1 = DeS = DaS3 >>>>>>> DaS2
The most objective rating
tomohiro and yui are fucking hacks