How happy are you with the changes in gaming in the last 20 years, Yea Forums? Do you still see yourself as a gamer?
How happy are you with the changes in gaming in the last 20 years, Yea Forums? Do you still see yourself as a gamer?
Said nobody, literally ever.
3rd wave feminism and #metoo are the problem
>How happy are you with the changes in gaming in the last 20 years, Yea Forums? Do you still see yourself as a gamer?
On one hand, game design has gradually veered away from the sheer autism of early game design when games were designed by computer engineers for other engineers. Then we had a golden age of game design that hit this fine balance of depth with accessibility. Now it's gone in the complete opposite direction where everything is so easy it may as well all just be a "clicker" game with micro-transactions.
Still, I see myself as a game. If only for the indie games that have to make do with limited resources and end up playing a lot like the games I enjoyed as a kid and young adult.
>modern women are so shit they're literally being replaced by games
>daily star
I'm a virgin still, but if a genie came up to me and told me that he would make it so I can fuck my waifu or play my dream video game, I would choose vidya.
having sex is easy
now how about sex with a loving compassionate woman
If I could buy a bitch as a slave i would fuck her 24/7
>Brunette with blond highlights
that's a bad sign
Based young men picking vidya over thots
women can't love anything other than their children and getting railed by tyrone user
They've been taken over by faggots. The fact that you can't have hot ass in a game without the fag mafia threatening to ruin you is sickening. Some Jap games are still decent but feel a bit stale, western games are insufferable trash marketed towards 30 year old manchildren with extremely well groomed beards.
Fuck me, that's an old one.
>love their children
dunno if you heard but gaming is dead
long live queen sarkeesian
I wonder why...
Fictional characters are funner to be around and they're making fake pussy that feels better then real pussy
It's becoming easier and easier to live without sex desu
This shit does not happen.
The only reason someone would be playing games instead of having sex is because they don't even have any social paths to get sex so why fucking bother. video games have nothing to do with it.
Societies just splintered and Isolated. if social media were to be completely erased tomorrow you have no idea how quickly this sexless generation problem would disappear.
Do women actually have emotions?
fat neet virgin incel talking about how shit women are on an anonymous fishing bait forum at 11 am or 3 in the morning or is a bad sign
I bet my balls that study doesn't even talk about video games and "Daily Star" just made that up. Journalists are retarded.
How can I acquire a gf to have sex with if I have no friends and no social life at all?
Video games and books are keeping me semi-sane, otherwise it would just be work-sleep-work-sleep-work.
Hentai is a preferable alternative to real women.
Plenty of good games the past 20 years, so yeah, I'm happy. And no, I don't consider myself a ''gamer'' because that's cringe-y af
Not really.
Brunettes with blonde hair highlights have low self-esteem.
They have whatever emotions they're told to have.
You go to somewhere in asia and get a 3rd world roastie waifu, or just forget about it
Meanwhile you incels would get upset if you found out your girlfriend dated a black guy before.
umm no sweaty
>blaming women when porn addiction is the real problem
You made the problem yourself and could cure it by having some self-discipline. Other people didn't force you to become an addict, so stop blaming them. Non-degenerate men are doing completely fine in dating and are having families at 25 years old.
>all caps
>no source
>mostly wrong
Looks like the average Yea Forums thread.
>having sex is easy
Uh yeah sure
>Play vidya with gf
>Have sex with her
>Bust a nut
>Play vidya with gf again or watch a movie
I will never understand from which parallel reality these articles are coming from.Like dude just fuck her LMAO
>Having sex is easy
Maybe for you
>tfw no gf
No. Only tribal instinct and lust.
Why would I want a family?
shut up retard, I'm not blaming anybody and am completely content with my current lifestyle
I'm trapped in an endless cycle.
This is rich coming from guys who talk about red flags for women all day
>tfw getting superfat and have a massive calorie stash next to bed
Oh fug haha oh well
>Non-degenerate men are doing completely fine in dating and are having families at 25 years old.
They don't have families anymore when they're 35 though
>why would I want a family
Of course, that's like a guarantee that she's got herpes.
Yea Forums shitposters literally act like the saggy old cows these shitty CELEB DRAMA magezines are aimed at, just with ecelebs and Internet drama.
No they aren't.
The average age for a man to have a child is now 36. The average age for a man to be married is now oh wait they don't because its a shit deal for men, oops.
The fertility rate is dropping everywhere.
Literally projecting, Holy shit
Shut the fuck up nigger. Something like this does not have just one cause. Contributing factors can be found in just about every aspect of our modern society.
do you remember atheism plus?
It was this attempt by dunderheaded progressives to inject social justice into atheism. As a result it fractured the community and it never recovered. Eventually what would spring up in it's place was a community of "skeptics" eager to disavow the label that was now corroded and rotten.
Well gamergate was the same thing, only this time done to "gamers".
They fared better than the atheists but they still took a mighty walloping and the word is still poison (or cringe) to some ears.
On the whole i'd say it's been a downward helix of a rollercoaster full of stockholme syndrome adults who have nobody to yank them off the ride before the track runs out and ends in a fiery inferno. imo.
>Anglo """""journalism""""
Much like the people, their media can only thrive when spouting lies and fake news. God I can't WAIT until they get destroyed and the Russian century finally begins. Anglos are the very cancer killing humanity.
and this matters why?
son even the most normalfag friends i know struggle with women nowadays, porn has nothing to do with it, social media has made women entitled dick-hoppers
I'll be dead in some decades time, maybe earlier. Nothing matters to me after that. I don't care if the planet is filled with non-whites then.
holy fucking DOGSHIT that post makes me angry in a way few things can
>its not the womans fault the men masturbate to pornography because they can't get a woman
you didn't answer the question
unless you're hispanic, your race is dying out because it can't maintain sustainable birth rates (2 children per woman)
if you are hispanic, please disregard all previous communication and continue with your childless existance.
>Blames social media
>wow u blaming women.
>I always try my best to respect women no matter what,
Well there's your problem, women like to be treated like shit.
>tfw 25 and nogf
>tfw refuse to get a gf unless she's a virgin
am i too picky?
I like sex, I like having sex.
I like tiddy, I like booty sometimes I'm even a bit fruity.
I just don't like having sex with ugly fat dykes that think they should deserve entitled treatment which the article was probably written by.
Videogames it is.
Not really. I buy a few games a year now, I don’t like spending money on a game unless I’m absolutely certain that I think I’ll enjoy it. When I do buy a game though I play the shit out of it for a week or two usually before taking a break from games for awhile.
Maybe if women weren't such massive egotistical bitchcunts, men wouldn't prefer a video game over them.
Are you a virgin and don't watch porn? If you don't, then you can have a virgin gf.
short answer: yes
there is no such thing as a virgin female after the age of 16 anymore.
at least not ones that aren't massive landwhales.
Having sex with cute lolis is sadly not desirable in our reality.
So videogames it is.
If you didn't bang a virgin when you were in high school good fucking luck ever finding one that wouldn't put you in jail
>your race is dying out
Having a family is nice user, it just makes everything worth it
Gotta find a woman with a hobby.
Something where they wont be looking at a smartphone all day. Those are the ones that get bored. Even better to find a girlfriend that doesn't even have a smartphone.
seriously do women every EVER blaim themselves for anything?
I know incels are basically the exact copy of this, but as a whole women are just praised for making blanket statements like this.
>ugh my boyfriend thinks playing video games is more fun than having sex with me
amazing how their pussies aren't their entire personality, yet they seem to act like it is.
>Are you a virgin and don't watch porn?
yes, actually. porn just kinda disgusts me now. i dont see the appeal.
I did.
It was also 12 years ago and I never had sex since.
Women's vagoos clean themselves out every month, unless you are dating a whore where the last snot of the guy still resides within. The girl will usually be clean, just hope she knows how to wash her cave too or it'll be a smelly surprise.
All those addictive things existed for long time, yet it is NOW that addiction turn men to celibacy?
Maybe the problem is somewhere in relations between both sexes?
Nah, must be the FUCKING incels again.
>tabloid journalism has simply moved to the internet, but with a prettier coat of paint
Get fucking jacked if you're so lonely. It kills me when I see my 300lb friends crying about how lonely they are but won't lower their standards to slampigs.
>woman without a smartphone
Literally don't exist
Why incels are considered a threat to society? Aren't volcels more maleficent in that regard?
It's not. If you masturbate more than once in a week you're wasting huge portion of your life to something useless while other men are actively approaching women and being productive.
it's not about cleanliness. im looking for a girl that i would want to marry- how am i supposed to spend the rest of my life with a girl knowing that some other man out there spread her legs and fucked her and came in her?
I don't even know which is worse. The guy or the woman who's replying to him.
They're considered a threat because incels aren't betas. They aren't safety nets for thirty year old women who are ready to "settle down".
99.999999999999999999999999% of all killings worldwide are made by sex havers, so incels are actually much better
I play less than I used to. I find myself abandoning games half way through. I spend more money on games today yet get less enjoyment out of them.
Don't forget shoes.
maybe you've just got low t since your sex drive is terrible
that's a bad thing, user.
women by and large do not have hobbies.
but killings on a large scale is what advances our civilization further
>All these seething incels
Have sex
Oh, wait, you're too busy playing fucking Fortnite
Don't give the advice of getting jacked, never.
Do not get jacked. Get /fit/, a healthy lifestyle care about your hygiene and learn how to keep a conversation going.
All my jacked friends are gay now and are either went from muscle to toned twink or are fucking with another hairy dude. The gym makes you GAY.
Almost everyone has herpes. It just sits dormant because of immune system.
Name ONE volcel that isn't
>a buddhist monk
>a seething MGTOW
>a delusional incel who would actually have sex if the opportunity presented it
why would anyone want to have sex with average american female?
I'm honestly the same way. I grew up as the only male in the house with sisters and a mother that were always with different dudes. It gave me a bit of a complex. I was only in two relationships but both ended sourly because I was too weird about their sex history. Haven't had a gf in 4 years now and at this point I'll keep waiting if I have to
Being an addict doesn't have anything to do with man's biology. It's entirely a mental illness. You're just a addict in denial.
Me! :)
definitely the woman.
the guy is just a sad example of a moron who has been suckered in by the lies he's been told. pitiable but you cant blame him for his lack of intelligence; that wasnt under his control.
the woman on the other hand is actively destroying society by encouraging this kind of emasculation bullshit.
>Have long term gf within arm's reach
>Still masturbate twice a day
Fuck off puss
>play video games with gf
>also have sex with gf
How do people fuck up societal observation this badly
>addicted to masturbation because i wont fuck your thirty year old roast beef sandwich
im addicted as fuck
>woman with a hobby
The closest thing to a hobby I've seen in a woman under 30 is reading and making shitty hipster art like pic related. Older women have tons of hobbies though. Like making clothes and home decoration.
>I was too weird about their sex history
What did you do?
Oh look another damn thing vidyas are supposedly responsible for.
Getting sex today is much easier now than it was in the 80s.
You can find horny underage pussy easy on the internet. Kids today want adult cock daily
The current political climate of woman stronk has given women enormous egos. They literally think they can do shit like kung fu kick rapists like they see in the movies.
Won't affect me personally and my children will not have to live in an increasingly brown, crowded world with shrinking employment and dignified living prospects.
Also no woman wants me so that's also part of the equation.
people have less sex because men do fewer things that naturally increase momentary testosterone levels, which increase sexual appetite, things like regular exercise. when I come home from a desk job, do chores and play vidya to unwind, I sure as shit don't feel like having sex.
>sex? haha, nah...i'm too busy playing video games.
Do you ever do mutual masturbation sessions with your gf? That shit is better than sex sometimes.
Nobody said you have to fuck those. You don't fuck any women no matter their age or experience because you're a addict.
Don't forget "travelling" and photography.
For a top 20%er, maybe. Bar hoppers who would've settled for any dude in the 80's are now swiping left on Tinder chads.
Yeah but it just takes one trap for you to end up on one of those losers pedohunter creep catchers channels
its BECAUSE whites arent having children that the world is slowly circling the drain into an increasingly shittier brown crowded world with less employment or dignified living prospects.
>LGBTQ Non-Binary Woman here
No need to read any further, I already know I'm going to hate this post
Why don't these men who play video games just have sex w/ each other then?
Anyone can kick men in balls.
whatever helps you cope roastie
enjoy your cats
>Gotta find a woman with a hobby.
>they wont be looking at a smartphone all day
Women have a thing that is named "Call of the Whore", where they inevitably NEED to party or lash out because their fucked up brain doesn't understand a steady life.
That's why women cheat.
That's why women lie.
That's why women steal.
That's why women cause drama and do things despite being told not to.
They get bored either way because it's hardwired into their brain.
Even the most loving and caring guy, most entertaining one that cares for her will catch her do something out of the norm of unfaithful with her responding
>I don't know why I did it
Women are BUSTED bro.
That's a terrible argument held by dudes who don't have enough self control to go more than half a day without fapping.
>day 1-2 of nofap: no difference
>day 3 of nofap: morning wood like when you were a teenager again
>day 7 of nofap: any woman who comes near you is in danger of being sexually assaulted
most people I've met don't have hobbies.
I haven't had a gf since 2012 and sex since 2015.
I'm an okay looking guy dude, and I don't play vidya much, women just disappointed me more than once, and I'm done trying to poke the fire further. I'm content with jerking off tbqh.
This guy knows what's up.
Absolute fucking yikes
>Guy gets raped as kid, would be nigh impossible to fight off an older more powerful attacker
>"Oh god he's not a tough guy I need to leave"
That'd better be fucking fake because that's the most retarded thing I've ever read in my life
The difference is that the red flags we talk about are almost all active decisions made by the women and not circumstances out of her control
Yes, but it will give the person sex no matter what when he goes to jail.
women, like nations, do not have friends, only interests
>falling for the no fap meme
How is this a good thing?
Being horny is awful.
Your gf will leave you for a more self-respecting man.
I have literally no idea how to get a date with girls.
I'm 26. This is the reason I have never had sex, everyone else seems to have some secret knowledge I don't.
6000 calories isn't that much, if you really think about it.
No it's because brown people keep making more people.
Even if you outbreed them, you end up with a swarm of new humans that the world doesn't have a use for.
We need a new world war to cull the population, preferably centered around Africa and Asia.
>You made the problem yourself and could cure it by having some self-discipline. Other people didn't force you to become an addict, so stop blaming them. Non-degenerate men are doing completely fine in dating and are having families at 25 years old.
wait are we talking about sex or video games. Because you tell gamers to get laid only to shame them for trying to get laid.
you missed out on all the social cues, autist.
Could jave gone out as a teen.
>tfw have fantasies of becoming a great girlfriend for a boyfriend, loyal and caring to the very end, sucking his wiener while he plays vidya and making him BLTs whenever he wants
too bad I'm a dude
>wasting a huge portion
>when it takes just a couple of minutes to quickly rub one out
This sounds like a personal problem of yours. Most people can masturbate and live a functional life. It seems like you're implying you devote a large chunk of your day to masturbation, which is unhealthy. Fortunately, a lot of people have more self-control than you did, and can still go to work, school, take a shower, go the bathroom, etc. without getting the urge to wank every couple of minutes.Sorry about your addiction user, but you're like those prohibitionists trying to claim every person who drinks alcohol is sitting in a gutter somewhere with a paper bag over a bottle.
>no smartphone
That's pretty much nonexistant, man. They're super social and catty, they just gotta be on the up and up about every goddamn thing.
>Free Website!
you forgot south america and mexico.
I was homeschooled so never had the chance.
I don't know how to learn them now.
>seething roastie
it's 3 days worth of food, mutt
wow why do women even get raped if they can just kick a guy in the balls?
honestly I don't even think they'd stop, that'd just piss them off and they'd work through the pain.
>and are having families at 25 years old
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
Goddamn what crawled up your ass?
They assume Video Games are a cause rather than a symptom.
This is a joke, right ?
blame your parents. Get a hobby and some friends.
become a gay bf then
This "secret knowledge" is that women are also humans and also want to go on a date and have sex. It's crazy, I know, but just think for a second that a girl might want exactly the same thing you want and all you need to do is to communicate.
>low test is a MEME I dont have low test!
>day 3 of nofap: morning wood like when you were a teenager again
Yeah sorry buddy but it's shit like this that always outs you low test fags
You think everyone is low test like you losers who have to stop fapping for 3 days to get fucking morning wood.
If you're at any point not getting morning wood which happens even if you fap 6 times in a day, your libido might as well be shot
I'm a bit indifferent. I feel like I'm so out of touch with a lot of modern stuff in general. I try not to be an "era-fag" where I can't enjoy anything unless it's from a certain era and call everything else shit.
Each gen and year has it's shining moments, some with more than others, but it's not like good games stopped existing after whatever arbitrary date people now lath onto. I just filter out the bad stuff and only focus on the good stuff. I'm too young to be a negative Nancy about everything.
I see myself playing games till I die honestly. There's a lot of stuff that I haven't played that I've really been wanting to, and maybe I'll take some of those into my retirement with me.
Sucks that my $500 a month house have a dried up well and broken pipes where I have to buy literal 40+ water packs just to hydrate/wash myself at home now. I think I need to invest on finding another home but the place I work at don't give me much leeway in making any improvement of income to where I could afford anything over $700 a month sadly.
>listing pronouns
>muh travel
I do boardgames. But there aren't many girls there.
But what if they accuse me of something or get mad?
If they wanted it surely they would say.
Why does it bother you?
>that women are also humans
>also want to go on a date and have sex
the answer obviously is
This article is very disingenuous. If you had an even semi-attractive girl offering to fuck me on one hand and video games on the other hand, I'd choose the girl almost every time, it isn't a direct comparison. It is not that we don't want to fuck, it's that we don't want to jump through all the hoops necessary to get a girl worth fucking to fuck us unless you're either lucky or born with Chad genetics.
just had sex yesterday with an thicc asian girl
It doesn't have the same appeal
Gay shit isnt sex
>its a "shut in incels who havent spoken with a woman who wasnt their mother or relative in years think theyre experts on female behavior" thread
>hello I am a lonely person who has never been intimate
>HELLO! I am a feminist, thank you for being lonely, you are the end goal of our cause
it really sums up everything about society.
The dumb broad is getting her propaganda mixed up.
Has your dog gone missing?
I'm all three, what are you going to do about it faggot?
NoFapfags (and I do mean Fags) are worse than jehovah's witnesses and mormons combined.
>secret knowledge
I will tell you the secret knowledge how to get gf:
>learn cooking and cleaning
>don't drink (only on holidays)
>don't wear cringy clothes
>don't be religious (huge turn off for women)
>shave your pubic hair (makes dick look bigger)
That's autistic but extremely cute, user.
Unironically this is why men in older societies made children with women but looked for partners in men.
This. Regular morning wood is a sign that your sexual dysfunction is psychosomatic, aka “all in your head”. If you stop getting regular morning wood then it means your sexual dysfunction is physiological.
>Non-degenerate men are doing completely fine in dating and are having families at 25 years old.
nice larp retard, try looking up statistics
become a gf then
You're right, women do want sex, but with guys who are well above average.
>women are deep psychological creatures
Only a couple of minutes? I regularly have fap sessions that are measured in hours.
all caps isn't cool on Yea Forums anymore though, for the last five years or so it's been super hip, edgy, post-ironic, cool, and whatever other buzzword to post with no caps whatsoever
Meant to reply.
damn that screen cap on reddit really redpilled me on all 3.5 billion women on the planet
>grouping everyone into a single group and tossing in ad hominems is the best way to argue!
This can't be real
As long as you keep thinking that way you'll never go on a date, not to mention getting any sex. No matter how much a girl tries to lie to herself in public about how pure she is and virtuous and all mthat shit she still gets wet from the same base urges that make your dick hard. It's simple biology and can't really be stopped. This is your "secret knowledge" that you consider magic. Humans are really simple like that, we just wrap all this in a ton of social bullshit.
None of those involve initial contact.
How the fuck would that make a difference to approaching women? you retarded christ fag.
if you can you can & if you can't then you just can't.
no, i dont have a dog to begin with
I would try to avoid any talk that could potentially lead to me hearing about their sex life. I didn't want to know because knowing meant I would like them less. Both relationships ended because I couldn't get it up and I blamed it on them being whores. I know I'm an asshole but whatever
BASED zoomers, pussy has no value anymore cuz of vidya and porn
>lose virginity at 24
>always thought I was the problem
>started to talk to foreign chicks
>any foreign chick I talk to wants to sit on my dick only after talking for a day
>find out that I wasnt the problem, the women in my country were since they have way too high of a standard
I gotta leave this damn place
who said that? the vast majority of people male or feamle or mediocre pigs.
thats what seething incels do with women though
yeah man women want to get married ad have children wait why is the average age of women having children rising whoops haha that doesn't make any sense
The question you should ask yourself is, why is porn becoming more prominent?
Men are not pursuing women anymore for a reason
Yeah pic related is the real issue.
>shave your pubic hair (makes dick look bigger)
debatable, there women who love pubic and not all mens pubic hair practically cover their whole crotch
It's hilarious how people started using this word just so they didn't have to say they banged a fat chick
Fucking women cost money
Men are overworked and make little to hardly any payment nowadays (which pretty much is the middle to poor class)
I've met a lot of nice girls, but they just don't do any thinking of their own. They just do whatever their boyfriends/husbands do.
its kind of cute, but almost seems disingenuous.
*female are
Women don't think about anything. Its why they're glued to smartphones.
Not really. An average males calories is 2500. So it's only about 2.4 days worth of calories.
And calories doesn't necessarily correspond with total food intake. As each food is more or less calorie rich.
For example, these cookies I have are 120cal each, right? So in order to cover 6000 calories, I would only need to eat 50 of them. Which, I could easily do, if I allowed myself.
I know right. I mean I thought at least my mom was a good person until Yea Forums redpilled me and proved that all women were actually evil with their reddit screencaps
I know it's trolling but I pretend it's real for the sake of making fun of americans
ffs isn't it suspicious to you people that these posts always click all the buttons that would make this website angry?
Why are you insecure about sexually competing with other men? It's normal and every man does it in their life.
I'm not saying this isn't true but how the fuck is this gonna prove anything it's a fucking drawing
well yes 3rd world roasties are easier because its there chance for a easy greencard
the funny thing is that everyone wants both ways where they shoot above and get nothing.
but when men want more they're treated as the bad guys.
>Men are overworked
They aren't. Men do less work than ever in history before.
>shave your pubic hair (makes dick look bigger)
Not a huge issues unless you're a circumcised American with hair that goes halfway up the shaft.
Women tend to become interesting once their ability to produce babies ends. At least the ones with a career, home makers are still act entitled and are dull.
Ive only been talking to first world chicks.
No need to be so bitter
I'm not gonna read the thread cause it is gonna be a bunch of good ol days bullshit and muhh sjws I am sure.
Games have gotten way and way better. But the one problem I do have, is the insane leaning on sequels. Maybe it was just as bad 20 years ago and I just dont remember. But I feel like every major release these days is a sequel or entry into a series. No new Ip seems to come out there is just a release schedule of entries into popular series. Hell even if a game flops, Watch Dogs 2 is on the roadmap so its still coming!
>women start acting like dudes
>same humor
>same mannerisms
>guys don't wanna fuck dudes
wow amazing, also for you fellers out their struggling don't go for any women in the middle, you go for bottom tier or top tier only. Women in the middle are just like you, standards are to high, they don't know what they want, never satisfied, mentally deranged, etc, you don't want to date a mirror.
this probably.
Hes also more than likely richer than anyone they know.
>implying everyone isnt glued to smartphones
i see man and women do that equally. you guys just have this made up strawman of women in your head that you project outward onto every single one of them. im not a white knight but how can you seriously pretend that things are so black and white and that people arent complex?
ye except she wasnt fat and just had an round ass and nice tiddies
maybe in another life
Like I said in my original post, I grew up in an environment with females that always slept around. Maybe that's why I'm just completely turned off by the thought of it
Neither have anything to do with going on a date for some casual fucking. If that's all you want then literally nothing is stopping you.
>couldn't get it up
Probably a combination of low self esteem and porn addiction.
I am having sex and let me tell you, I'd much rather be playing video games.
>tfw renounced the pleasures of flesh and jerk off from time to time for clarity of mind
Sometimes I dream about deep emotional relationship, though. With alot of handholding and hugs. Watching my parents reminds me of that.
The most I'll go is an hour, and that's if I'm having a real harm time getting off. Those are typically the instances in which I'm masturbating like, every single day. Once that happens though I typically take a break for a couple of weeks or so.
I take zoloft, which contributes to sexual dysfunction. Sometimes if I spend too much time, I'll literally go into a fucking refractory period before ejaculating, and won't be able to do it until hours later. It's like I completely lose the interest. There's a certain window of time that I need to finish, otherwise I'm fucked.
I'm also in my 30s too, which can be a factor as well. Point is, I don't devote a whole lot of time to jacking off. If anything, my biggest time sink is this shithole I'm posting in right now, even more-so than vidya. Yea Forums is the greatest enemy of my productivity, the biggest distraction I have.
>but men
Men have hobbies.
Women don't.
Giving the stupid animal called female rights like men was societies greatest mistake.
>They aren't. Men do less work than ever in history before.
>what are boomers
what the fuck happened to hispanics, their stubborn catholic refusal to use birth control and pump out anchor babies is literally their only advantage
Everytime I come close to thinking I don't need women all I need is to fap a few rimes a day, someone makes a thread like this and I get depressed all over again with the reminder that sex actually does exist and I should have had sex by now and that fapping is boring and tiring and cant compare to the sensation of the real thing
This chart isn't true. Before the sexual revolution, women who couldn't get the man they wanted, would become spinsters.
it's because he cried. if you cry to your woman, no matter the cause, you make yourself lesser in her eyes. any slip up like that and you lose points in her eyes. a lot of times, it only takes once.
honestly, it's the dudes fault for even thinking he could talk to a woman about his problems. /sarcasm
Niggas just fap and clear your minds then go on about your day.
>>same humor
That would imply that female """comedians""" are actually funny
Said me.
3d women are a meme and are overrated.
They're even more overhyped and overvalued than """Climate change""", Skyrim, Dark Souls and Breath of the Wild combined.
Incel logic:
>be glued to PC and consoles all day
>complain about smartphones which can be put away in a second if you talk to someone
Ya'll cowards, don't even smoke crack. What's up with that?
yeah bro all those ladies are just looking for marriage (when they turn thirty and their eggs start drying up).
let me rephrase, bro-tier humor.
I absolutely love just how utterly disfunctional millennials are.
A generation of autistic people who have no contact with the real world and get their worldview from the internet.
This generation of blue haired female creatures and balding, obese "men" only exists to be mocked.
>. /sarcasm
oh look
a woman who refuses to accept responsibility
you sure dont see that everyday
That's their problem. Once again, if dates and sex is all you want then "marrying age" isn't your problem.
>They're even more overhyped and overvalued than """Climate change""", Skyrim, Dark Souls and Breath of the Wild combined.
That's an epic as fuck lol so randumb list you got there, my millennial manchild friend.
A man of average height who's not very active should be eating 2000
The 2500 figure assumes that men are also /fit/
But that's true though.
Except men are probably watching youtube videos related to their hobby or at least playing a game. When women are on the phone it's exclusively social media.
honestly sex is overrated. Get some friends to hang out with, fap a few times a week, itll be fine. if something happens, it happens.
>women dont have hobbies
do you actually believe the shit you see on Yea Forums? how mentally inept are you? think about how fucking stupid that sounds for second. why do you pretend that every single man is some great philosopher or go getter with all these hobbies? the average persons "hobbies" today are sitting on their asses and consuming media. i feel really bad for you man because you're clearly lacking life experience and are angry so in lieu of actually going out into the world you've let fucking Yea Forums memes dictate your world view. very bleak.
>Once that happens though I typically take a break for a couple of weeks or so.
Are you even human
>I'm also in my 30s too
Oh that explains it probably
God getting old sounds terrifying
whats aita?
How long have you been sitting at PC today incel? 4 hours? 8? 10?
That's way more than woman uses smartphone. You're wasting your time way more.
Yeah, I bet they are watching Rick and Morty like the bunch of millennial scum they are.
You'll be happy to know that most millennials are experiene the same sort of troubles you're having, thanks in part to third wave feminism and #metoo shit. Now a lot of guys aren't getting into relationships until they're in their 30s.
It's tragic and comforting all the same. I feel like I missed the boat and should have found someone before shit hit the fan for our culture.
Certainly is, how else can you explain the rapid increasing divorce rate? Men simply don't care about these crazy witches anymore.
no many women watch shit loads of crafting videos, and I mean fucking shit loads of crafting videos.
If all you care about is sex get a hooker. If you want intimate sex then you need to start making yourself into someone worth loving.
If you were a 6/10 becky, would you be interested in who you are right now?
>your parents are an integral part of your sexual fantasies
I don't give a shit what niggers and spics do with their lives.
As a man that took his own 31 year old fiancee's virginity, not really. But you won't find them in the West.
As far as I know you can use PCs for other things than Facebook, WhatsApp and shitty P2W games
Bitch I'm in an ltr and I'd much rather play vidya than have sex.
I don't want sex
Making my dick feel good is easy and is something I can do by myself
What I want is someone to wake up next to. Someone to spend my life with.
But that's much harder to find, so vidya it is
Project harder, bro
this is not the issue you fat loser.
even chads are more hesitant to approach girls now.
even if you're good looking the ways in which you can approach/meet girls are way more limited today.
>you need to be someone worth loving
boy that doesn't sound sociopathic at all
no they definitely dont, men watch "pizza prank gone sexual!" too. women watch make up tutorial videos, cooking videos, crafting videos and all types of other shit. how is that not a hobby exactly? i dont really care if you hate women but to put men up on a pedestal is retarded, all people are capable of being shit and all people are capable of being excellent. what youre saying makes absolutely no sense and does not line up with reality
Single men are seen as a threat solely because they are seen as greedy because they produce for themselves and modern society can't have any of that. There is a big market for people in relationships or who are married, just think about it and all the things people spend their money when they are dating or when they marry. A woman is not an essential, just a bonus if you live a good life and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It is only an essential if you're obsessed with passing your genes and there are alternatives for that too.
That and it is nothing but the same peer pressure that has existed for decades if not centuries and it is why a lot of women lose their virginity at young age; because they want to fit in. Inceldom is nothing but a made up issue to force me into dating even with all the inconveniences that surround it.
Just focus on yourself and don't give a fuck what the mob wants to shove down your throat.
Should be white males lol, don't know a single nignog who could keep it in his pants after puberty
umm, you guys are kind of pathetic. no wonder we won't fuck you
everyone in this thread is gay
why is sex literally the only thing women think about
why are women incapable of having hobbies and interests outside of sex
Why does Yea Forums, the biggest form of concentrated autism on the internet, pretend to understand normalfags or how society works?
Is this just because you are all in your 30s now, realized you waster your youth, and you pretend to understand people in an attempt to catch up after wasting your 20s?
What in the motherfuck.
shelooks like eggman with longer hair
>guys aren't getting into relationships until they're in their 30s.
Because that's the age that women start to sweat over their biological clock. Men's market value increases once you hit your 30s while women's begin to fall.
I’m a Yea Forums old gag and happily married 34yo man with two kids who met my wife in college 14 years ago and lost our virginity to each other, then got married 5 years later. Ask me anything.
No, it's for moderately active men. Say you have a job that requires you to be on your feet and walking around. 2500 calories is average for you. But, sure, if you're sitting in front of a computer all day, then maybe 2000 is more for you.
Because Yea Forums got overrun by subhumans from Reddit and Twitter.
We went from witty, self aware weirdos to the kind of scum that populate those places: insecure little bitches.
It's also why everyone here is obsessed over LE EBIN AS FUG TWITTER AND REDDIT SCREENCAPS of literally who's, or politics.
It's also why all political activists are scum who deserve a bullet in the head.
I'm just sad my 2D wife isn't real. I don't hate IRL women but I don't really care about them either, or real people in general (I'm bi anyway).
While not disagreeing with you, you can't deny that male virginity is on the sharp rise the last two decades. Ergo, it hasn't always been like that and something definitely caused it.
>It is only an essential if you're obsessed with passing your genes and there are alternatives for that too.
Please suggest some.
what the fuck are you even talking about
Sounds like the problem is seeing threads like this, then. Keep yourself active and off Yea Forums so your mind doesn't just wander into thoughts about loneliness.
am I the asshole
Actually fucking crazy that this cunt has to actually ask herself and other people this
theres litcherally nothing wrong in taking steroids
so you guys better get your ass up, do a full body routine 3 times a week for 2 months to build some basic muscles and then switch a push/pull/leg routine that youll do 6 days a wesel and start blasting test and tren like theres now tomorrow to unlock Zyzz-mode
The fact that “being someone worth loving” sounds sociopathic to you speaks volumes about you and why you’re alone.
Maybe you don't know many black people.
>when you realize the first post is the second post's husband
>I'm just sad my 2D wife isn't real.
She's not real with THAT attitude.
just buy an onahole or a doll you faggot lmao
>tfw gf and i lost our virginity to each other in our 20s
>tfw she loves me for who i am and i her
>tfw probably going to get married and knock her up a few times
feels good man
> game design has gradually veered away from the sheer autism of early game design when games were designed by computer engineers for other engineers.
>Then we had a golden age of game design that hit this fine balance of depth with accessibility.
Your first statement is true, games are now being designed for the normalfags.
Your second statement is completely wrong. Games were accessible from the moment spacewar was implemented. They stayed accessible through Pac-Man and Space Invaders, and continued being accessible well into Tetris and Super Mario Brothers 1.
The trend of games for games """Journalists""" that show you a movie and win themselves is more of a recent thing, but that isn't accessibility. That is a lack of game -to- access.
negromancer here
Using a PC means you're not taking it everywhere you go and have a specific time of day set aside for games and bullshit.
>talking to woman who has a phone in her face
>ask question
>ten seconds later she puts it away and looks up
sure thing, buddy
Considering that 20 years ago I was shitting my diapers playing Donkey Kong 64 on a CRT TV and now I'm about to go play Skyrim VR, I'd say I'm pretty satisfied.
Accept the meta or get stomped in bronze.
hey so don't go looking this up if you don't want an aneurysm but there's a big chunk of feminism that calls penetration rape, consensual or otherwise.
Sometimes it takes an outside observer to realize how messed up something is.
People who spend their whole lives from birth within something never realize what's wrong with it because it's all they've ever known.
>i'll only date people who are WORTH my time
>i am not a sociopath
No, it's because you millennials are a generation of betas.
There's nothing that women hate more than pussies.
All those male feminists?
Even the biggest feminist has more disdain for male feminist than the biggest, fattest nazi.
Millennials are a generation where all men are like pic related, and you wonder why you are not respected?
You do not deserve respect, and you do not deserve to be called men.
Your entire generation deserves to be wiped out and memory holed.
Not like it has produced anything.
Good for them.
>implying it's sexual
You don't see often people who are in loving relationship after 25 years of marriage. Most of my friends are from broken homes and it's really weird to observe that. I feel detached from the problems of modern world due to my upbringing. I just find it endearing and cute.
I could also avoid masturbating for a couple of weeks when I was in my 20s, though I admit it's much easier to abstain in my 30s. After about the third or fourth week though, just about everything makes you horny, and you just want to bust a nut. Wet dreams start to occur after about the third week or so, which can be quite annoying.
When I see these guys complaining about no-fap a week or so into it, I always think of them as light weights. I could probably go monk mode if I seriously tried. I like masturbation, but I just don't value it as highly as I do vidya, Yea Forums, lifting, eating good food, having a nice cigar, etc.
truth hurts
I see faggots my age with GFs all the time, hell even my loser "friends" even ended up getting GFs and essentially cut all contact with me once that granted them an avenue into another social circle, leaving me behind.
I sincerely doubt this issue is as wide spread as you say it is, I really do think its a small proportion of us who are getting the short end of the straw.
I don't want some 30 year old roastie whore who only wants me for my money when I'm more successful in my profession ffs.
>don't be religious
Imagine my shock
Expecting unconditional love if you hate yourself and wouldn't date yourself is sociopathic.
Stupid clickbait shit. nothing to do with videogames. it's the internet. girls are obsessed with social media and forever alone faggots just browse Yea Forums and reddit.
>its the mans fault
But the only thing you observe are cherrypicked Twitter screencaps, which everyone can do.
good luck user
thats clearly not what he meant you fucking retard, and whats wrong with having standards exactly?
>getting metoo'd and half your stuff taken away from you
No thanks
>women dont have hobbies
they did but letting them do something they enjoyed was considered sexist, so now they don't.
Not really
The problem isn't neither women nor men, it's the fact everyone has to work 50 hours a week to keep a roof over their heads and a college educated couple still doesn't make enough to live with a child comfortably (a child that will have to be raised by their grandparents/nannies because they won't have time for it anyway)
Simply put because to keep capitalism working we need an ever increasing workforce which was already done by adding women to it (do not ever think this was about empowerment, this was just realizing having half the population not work + not having an income to buy shit they don't need was a potential market to exploit) so now we just keep getting worse jobs and more hours.
People who think it's women being systematically evil or some shit are retarded incels
People who think it's men not wanting to grow up because men are dumb are retarded liberals that serve TPTB
The problem is and will always be the system, we have created a system that makes us unhappy and works us to death in pursuit of monetary gain for a few fat cats at the top
>having standards
This. You vent to other bros, never to a woman. Never let a woman see you cry, the "sensitve" guy they all pretend they want is merely another shit test. Women are subhumans driven purely by emotion and biology.
thanks man, whatever happens happens, all i can do is try my best
>be a beta
>be treated like a beta
Why are millennials incapable of working anything out?
Why do you see something that works, wonder why it works, and then proceed to try your best to destroy it?
Even gen Z is more functional than you.
How dare you millennials call yourselves men and women?
Have you looked at your political activism?
You are fighting over how many niggers there are in superhero movies and pretending you are saving the world doing so, you generation of autistic fucks.
thanks user
however i can't really be too critical of her since i wouldn't stay with a chick if i found out she was raped. would also get tested immediately after
Awesome, bro. Honestly congrats. Keep get close and make her happy. That’s a fucking lottery win right there.
>tfw I drunkenly admitted to my vore fetish when we were dating and, although she’s not into it, she loves that I could confide something so weird to her, and very rarely teases me with stuff like, “you look delicious today”
>later she admitted to a pregnancy fetish and said she used to masturbate by rubbing baby dolls on her pussy
>implying generation z isn't going to be 10x worse
I'm not a feminist. I've become more and more socially conservative over the years, truth be told. I think feminism is bullshit and should be wiped from the face of the earth.
Fucking this. I'm tired of "these nobodies are saying thing" screencap shit all over the place.
I feel like since I'm balding I'm fucked in ever figuring this shit out.
Vidya it is.
this guy's right
Benjamin Franklin? Wasn't he a speedrunner
gratz user. Just make sure you're open about financials, that shit sinks even the strongest relationships.
Keep digging that hole deeper, retard. It’s becoming increasingly clear why you’re a permavirgin.
Well, they are not eating up your stupid, pointless culture war, which, fortunately, is the only legacy of millennials, so maybe the world will be able to recover from all the cultural terrorism millennials have done throughout the 2010s.
what are you implying exactly? women dont have standards? are you actually retarded
>haha fucking roasties have no standards!
you guys are fucking idiots god damn
You know you're a millenial right.
>its the mans fault
>its not mine i am woman i am perfect
>smartphone gaming
That's gonna be a yikes from me
It's a multivariate issue.
For the men, we've got this novel digital environment, it's nothing like the experience that out predecessors have so the collective understanding they may have given to us is nowhere near as valuable as it should be. Then there's the segmentation of that market. In the flesh interactions have also become increasingly scarce over the last 20 years, between phones and the internet nobody needs to go out anymore. You won't find anybody but prisoners, the homeless, and children at the library. Nothing but soccermoms at the grocer. Even when you do encounter a girl you want to talk to, cold approaching is daunting, especially in the current media sphere.
For women, in some instances at least, they become publicly celebrated. They can constantly draw attention. Look at people like Belle Delphine whose patreons at one point gave her something like $128k. Women bumping around of Fecesbook posting apolitical mindless bullshit to merit a constant influx of likes without discussing anything meaningful. Others just posting pictures of themselves in various outfits an makeup. Guys would be doing the same thing if it rewarded attention on any scale, but that's not the way it works.
And then the sexual economy is just fucked. Women have an overinflated sense of sexual value and try to leverage it, losing out and complaining in the meantime. Men lose access to the average woman so interactions don't occur and he likewise doesn't get laid. In the meantime all the normal people (men and women) actually turned into shut-ins so that whole demographic disappeared off the map.
You don't have to get a 30 year old. NIgga when you're in your 30s and more successful, women in their 20s will start being attracted to you. Just don't let yourself go
I'm so sick of seeing overweight men with extremely well groomed beards every time I go out in public. Clean shaven or if you have the genes for it a good thick Tom Selleck mustache, not some faggy handlebar bullshit.
>This thread
thanks feminism
Your source is /pol/ and Twitter memes am I correct?
>doesn't understand the difference between having an relationship and a one night stand
Hm, is this bad only getting one like once a week?Asking for a friend.
That's fine but I'd also hope you'd be aware that you are indeed the asshole in that situation
>I don't want some 30 year old roastie whore who only wants me for my money when I'm more successful in my profession ffs.
That's the only option for you. Accept it.
>tfw Liz will say I'm trash
>I don't want some 30 year old roastie whore who only wants me for my money when I'm more successful in my profession ffs.
If you're really successful (6+ figures, high position within your company, etc.) then you could always marry someone younger than 30. The /2 +7 rule isn't actually a legal thing
we make each other really happy in pretty much every way. when we got together i was actually overweight and in the process of losing it, she saw past it and cheered me on and gave me encouragement every step of the way.
yeah we are, shes definitely not a gold digger type so im not concerned about that shit, shes good with money too.
damn i wish i was alive or even conceived 20 years ago
Women act according to the men that surround them.
When you have a generation of betas, you have a generation of worthless women along with them.
But you wouldn't know that, you would probably ask
like every millennial does about literally everything.
Not only millennials don't build anything, but they only destroy what previous generations built.
Hey you're the one with issues.
Almost 20 years ago I played Ultima VII and Gothic 1/2, and marveled at the mere idea of what would be possible when tech develops further. Comes 2019 where there are no Ultima-clones and the only Gothic-clones have regressed instead, while everyone praises the brainless design of a new Zelda, RDR2, or a From game.
hey bro
everytime you see a woman doing degenerate shit
note their hair colour
hell go through gif and you'll probably find the majority of the girls in them are brunettes with blonde highlights.
People shouldn't be fornicating.
i understand that perfectly clearly though you autistic faggot, your shitty post didnt make sense. how can you complain about womens standards being too high and yet claim they have no standards?
What have you, individually, built.
>having sex is easy
>now how about sex with a loving compassionate woman
Well shit, now I'm just angry.
I guess it's my own fault for settling for low-tier women though. I should've had higher standards.
If its noticable, just shave it. It's better to make a choice about your hairstyle rather than try to salvage one that isn't working. My uncle was a neet but eventually got his shit together and had girls falling over him even being completely bald and working part time at the gym
>all of this bitching and whining about the 3DPD
When is there going to be a suitable technological solution? There's clearly demand.
>its the mans fault
>its not mine i am woman i am perfect
>implying anybody actually wants to talk about this shit instead of just having another "incel/roastie" shouting match for 500 posts
I just don't care about getting laid one way or the other I don't know if that makes me volcel though I just think it's funny to call myself that because the incel/volcel thing is retarded
huh i guess so. thanks user
ALL women are like that.
>its the womans fault
>its not mine i am man i am perfect
nar not talking about gold digging type, just spending wisely and not making big purchases without consulting each other. In other words, things that should be fucking obvious. By the sounds of it you're set though.
Can you imagine a world filled with and run by niggers/spics/muslims? Good lord, I'm thankful I won't be alive for that dystopian shitfest
This is sexist because it removes any power women hold over men. Sex robots must be banned.
>Women act according to the men that surround them.
From your very own post sweetie.
I fucking love these British newspapers that just have fucking gigantic absurd headlines like that
Like they're trying to be edgy, but edgy for the audience that actually reads the things, so old people, so it just comes across as acting like that most juvenile shit is fascinating.
here's a thing I'm ashamed of, my girlfriend and myself couldn't make enough money to live the way we should be at our age due to college debt and medical costs, so I took some photoshop classes and made her an instagram page and now we get an additional $8k a month through patreon subs. On top of that she does private no-nudes videos neck up or feet only because somehow she attracted foot fetishists and this one dude has paid $10k for her to walk around in heels for 20 minutes. She negotiated that deal I was stunned she got him to do it, lonely foreign dudes with money are making our retirement.
We really only needed an extra $2k a month the rest we're putting into investments, looking to buy property after the elections because the economy should tank a little and this is the only way we've found to make the extra cash we needed so I'm sorry if we took your money lonely dudes but we didn't know what else to do.
oh yeah that of course, not worried about that at all thankfully.
Nothing, but I have enough respect for those who build that I try my best at not damaging their work, specially when it's been proven to work just fine.
But millennials?
What are you?
Let me guess, you are a self proclaimmed idealist who thinks discussing the amount of niggers in popular entertainment media will save the world.
Like all fucking millennials.
>all these fucking retarded idiots taking the bait of the second post
C'mon fuckers
That’s the sign of a great relationship — each helping to better the other, and each wanting to be better for the other. We were both overweight in college (stress, poor diet, intense Majors) but over time we’ve gotten a lot more physically fit. Neither of us are classified as obese anymore. She technically weighs a little more than me but wears the weight better. Plus I love thicc chicks so she’s almost literally my dream girl. Almost 15 years later she just the thought of her naked body gets me rock hard.
>she’s good with money
DEFINITELY keep that shit. I’m horrible with money and we’d be homeless if our finances were up to me. Thanks to her we live very comfortably and will easily retire as multimillionaires, probably before 65. Also funding the kids’ college funds, etc.
wasnt my post fag
Yes, they do.
They follow men.
Biology, in case your millennial brain needs an explanation for fucking everything.
It works like that.
You don't like it?
Get over it, previous generations worked it out just fine with almost none of the resources you have.
If you can't, then you only have yourself to blame for being utterly incompetent.
>blaming men again
women are literally just overgrown children
giving them rights was a mistake
The worst part about balding is you can't fix it. From one year to the next your life is over.
Sperm donation. Yes, it comes with its own disadvantages, but everything in life does, so pick your poison. Nobody is forced to reproduce, is just our animal instinct telling us what to do. I too would love to be a father one day and I know a lot of us would too, but unless there is good family union (AKA finding the right mother) I'd rather postpone it because some people should never be parents in the first place. Hell, maybe I don't deserve to be one either, but if I were to bring a new life into this world I'd make sure I can do the best for it over bringing a soul to pointlessly suffer. I should know, my dad was a criminal who brought suffering to me and my mother and he was not worth it of being a parent.
Not disagreeing with you either, but how is that a bad thing? When sex just became sex shit has gone downhill. There is more to sex, and those who does not understand that are only self destroying themselves. Is not hard to find sex either, so are these males abstaining because they got their reasons or because more people are waking up to the physical and mental dangers of "free love"? Anyone can have sex. But how about real love making?
I'd rather just masturbate at that point even if posting pic related makes me hypocritical. At least I know I love myself.
>even R*ddit thought she was scum
Hope for the world sometimes
I hate women.
why are you afraid of people asking questions?
>26 and a virgin
>going to uni this year
I hope I can get this shit over and done with lads
This. There’s a reason why it’s almost a meme: bald guys with facial hair. Just shave your head completely bald and grow a goatee or something. I work in a Legal dept and like 60% of the men are bald with goatees and glasses.
Someday user you will realize being a boomer bootlicker not only doesn't get you anywhere, you're defending the generation who had the single easiest way through life and is making sure you don't get a life nearly as good as theirs.
You're defending a generation that got a full college education waiting tables for three months and are now making 200k salaries in senior positions without knowing how an email works
You're defending a generation where some chucklefuck dropped out of high school after smoking weed and got a job at a factory with union benefits that paid enough for a white picket fence house, three children and two cars on a single income while you as an engineer are on a 40k yearly job living in a cramped flat shared with two Indians
You will always be a slave and you defend your masters
it helps that shes a solid 9/10 and likes to do all the housework lmao, i honestly dont know how i got so lucky and for ages i thought there would have to be some catch, the only thing that i can say is negative is shes very sensitive, i called her a dumb bitch jokingly once and she started crying. shes also really empathetic so if im a bad mood she gets sad and then the whole energy is sad.
that means you too fat ugly incel
>trying to score freshman girls while over the age of 25
enjoy being the campus creep :)
>they are not eating up your stupid, pointless culture war
Please explain. I want to have hope that generation Z are the first generation to turn things around.
Describe your perfect girl to me, Yea Forums
Yes, they are.
Are you going to do anything about it?
Will you start acting accordingly?
Will you use that information to your advantage?
No, you are a millennial, you'll just repeat it over and over again and pretend as if you just made a deep discovery despite people figuring out how all of this works centuries ago.
Why do you question and attack what works?
Why do you spend your formative years why everything works the way it does, instead of taking advantage of knowing how things work to make the best out of the situation?
tfw 23 and still a virgin i dont mind desu and im not ugly ive been rated a 5 or 6 out of 10 by many people and higher on /soc/ i dont know if i should put the effort into getting laid or not though....
i'm also scared ill get destroyed by a roastie for having a 6 inch dick
>you are a self proclaimmed idealist who thinks discussing the amount of niggers in popular entertainment media will save the world.
Sounds like how you're whining about millennials in every post.
Why are you so obsessed, user? What went so wrong in your life?
you're only a creep if you're ugly
In the technical sense, I'm obviously an incel, because I didn't exactly want or choose to be a kissless virgin, but you know that's not the way most people use it now. The way I see it, if it happens, it happens and if not, oh well. Still pretty happy with 2D and I honestly get more excited about shit like than having a date.
millennials are a generation raised by women. You know how they became betas? Because of the boomer mothers.
And that's why stepmom porn is patrician tier.
They are sweet and caring and fuck like beasts.
Ah, that kinda sucks. I jokingly call my wife a bitch sometimes and she just laughs and fires back.
Anyway bro, what’s the holdup? You gonna put a ring on that ASAP or what?
Video games stagnated in the 7th generation.
I don't even want sex at this point. How do I make friends as an adult?
Boomers left you in an uncomfortable position.
So what did you do about it?
You decided to behave like a bunch of autistic retards for an entire decade and call yourselves saviours because you had some influence in the amount of niggers there are in videogames and superhero movies.
They are not my masters, i'm 21 and I already have a stable job and a girlfriend.
Meanwhile, millennials are in their 30s, wearing onesies and crying in their parents' home over how hard being an adult is.
I'm not ugly and look younger so hopefully I'll be alri
Petite but fertile.
Pure but playful with me.
Gentle but racist.
Not intelligent but wise.
>bald with goatees and glasses.
eh that jessie ventura looks doesn't really work so well for a lot of dudes, better to go with a full beard or one of these new age glue on toupees that you can keep on for 3 weeks at a time.
there is literally no woman who could offer me a one night stand to which I would accept, nor would I have accepted at any point before now.
I want a real relationship with a woman who wants the same.
short-medium length hair,small, thin,pale,small tits
Never a truer word has been said. The line between creepy and sweet is how attractive the girl thinks you are.
I'd like to remind you about that tramp that did a Ted talk about how sexbots are rape.
you act as if the system is falling apart because the system is changing, when the system changing and falling apart was always going to happen because the system doesn't actually work.
Because, despite being the most pathetic, laziest most disfunctional generation of betas, you still act smug about it.
It's almost as if you pride yourselves in not being capable to fit in society.
It's like having a generation of people stuck between their childhood and their non-comformist teenage angst phases.
I’m like 4 or 4.5 inches erect and my wife loves my cock. It’s all in how you use it, man. The vast majority of women don’t want some 14 inch cock that splits them in half, that’s a meme perpetuated by porn. If you have 6 inches, you’re golden. Don’t even sweat about it, seriously.
im just giving it a little bit more time, it's been about 2 years so i'll probably do it before too long. i think we both know thats what we ultimately want though as well as a family so im not concerned or in a rush and neither is she.
>They are not my masters, i'm 21 and I already have a stable job and a girlfriend.
then what are you doing on Yea Forums faggot?
oh right, you're a retarded reddit transplant. kill yourself
I just want someone who is loyal with similar interests
No fatties though
Ah yes, that's another millennial thing, to say the world doesn't work because you, and specifically you, are incapable of finding your footing in being adults.
feet are too big 0/10
150 losers
everyone that posted in this thread do everyone a favour and don't post on Yea Forums again and also kill yourselves so your parents don't have to wait
Men and women not getting along is just a symptom. Let's not bullshit ourselves here, we know who is behind all of this.
Repetition of meeting people to do hobbies and then seeing if anyone wants to do outside of the hobby.
In short, it takes time (3 months) before you start connecting with someone on an emotional level. Find something social you like and try to talk to people there. You may find someone you kinda bond with and maybe after 6 more meetups you invite them and a few others to do something outside of the hobby.
I'm sorry things are so bad for you that you have to strawman this hard, user. I hope your life improves.
>tfw have a long term gf who is decent, but she gained so much weight im not really into her anymore
>really gets on my nerves sometimes
>despite this, I do like being with her a lot of the time
>she keeps pushing me to get married, but im not sure if I wanna
>if we break up ill probably just go through a sling of shitty relationships and have to settle for a 4/10 anyway
>tfw i know people who only have 7 inch cock and have been rejected for being "too big"
im nearly 8 inches and ive never been, granted ive only been with 3 girls
My cute 2D wife
>set her up
>get her making money off herself
Boy, she's gonna take the cash and run the moment something else catches her eye. Good job turning her into a whore.
The woman doesn't know any better. Generally speaking women want strong confident men and encouraging the opposite is not going against herself but against her "own kin" by providing bad values into the nurture of her children. I dated a very hot woman who has one sister and grew up in a family where they all shat on their father. Interesting experience.
Is there a word that's like "Incel" for when you had sex but wish you hadn't?
I used to beleive this, but I don't anymore. There have been several times online or otherwise when women have expressed interest in exactly that but denied me.
>is a roastie thot/Tinder addict
>listens to everything except country and rap
>drinks like a fish and smokes tons of DUDE WEED LMAO
>spends most her online time crying about politics on Twitter
>Watches and binges mindless TV
>Loves Marvel and DC flicks
>reads but mostly self help and feminist books
>takes a ton of antipsychotics
>has at least 2 (two) kids
>no job
>no long term goals
Shut up virgin.
I'm in a long relationship, and when you can have sex at the drop of a hat, its not that exciting anymore.
I fuck maybe twice a week, but play vidya daily.
Sex isnt that big of a deal when you can have it.
>I'm 21
You're at the dumbest part of your adult life. You don't know a thing. Actually listen and you'll learn something. Remember this, an empty bottle makes a lot of noise.
make her go to the gym with you and get in shape together user
Because I still prefer Yea Forums's bitterness to Reddit's "DUDE THE WORLD IS FULL OF RAINBOWS LMAO" millennials.
That doesn't mean you don't get insufferable too.
What I don't understand is why so many people here have so many different opinions of how the world works, and yet they all act with complete confidence about it, despite all those opinions clashing and contradicting one another.
yeah I did but whores don't get to run from their pimps
Probably, but it also might be better for you to date someone with experience so you don’t fall into literally every pitfall an inexperienced couple does.
Your objective should instead be to find a nice girl who treats you right and can tolerate your inexperience.
poverty rates and homelessness are increasing as a whole. the increasing gap between classes is going to affect you as well in the long run.
Ah, fair enough. I can’t really talk. Like I alluded to earlier, it took me 5 years to pop the question because I couldn’t get over my insecurity and fear that she would say no. I finally proposed on a vacation to Gatlinburg and she said, “I would’ve said yes after the first month.”
As long as you’ve discussed it and both know what to expect, you should be fine. Within one year of dating, we both agreed we wanted 2 kids and even agreed on names. 15 years later, we have 2 kids with pre-picked names.
No, the overwhelming majority of millennials are working living by themselves in a shitty economy and doing their best after getting promotions and prospects clipped by one of the worst fucking recessions in the story of this fucking country engineered by the same generation you're now defending
Obviously since you're down to the balls on cuckservative Boomer dick it's easier to pretend every millennial is lazy because it makes you feel a certain pride on not being part of a cohort that gets demonized for laziness despite working more hours on average than the Boomer cohort and having one of the most productive yet worst paid economies in the world
You fucking disgust me, bootlicker
Tell her to lose weight stop being a cuck
that webm
I was a classical sheltered beta and I think over the years I went to Chadlike. Don't think you can really get to Chad if you aren't one. Anyways, few things I did:
Took up combat sports, started balding, shaved my head, I have a beard. Most importantly, I don't tell any of my girlfriends that they are worth less, but I give them a clear idea that I think less of them. Sometimes jokingly, sometimes with arguments. Just today my GF texted me about some lecturer on her University that made a sexist remark in the sense that gf/wives should take care of their men and bla bla. I replied "That's how every normal man thinks". And I had no problems. I've never been without a GF for more than 15 days in the last few years.
The only possible advantage I can think of is that I'm tall and I've been told that I can be very charming and funny. People have a positive reaction on me and its something I see from females often.
I still think the point in keeping a women is treating her like one, in the sense that she is a partner but in a submissive role. I'm also smart enough to dodge any serious relationships with any girls that shows feminazi tendencies. Funny thing is the most outspoken feminists I knew and sleep with were the girls that wanted to be as submissive and dominated as possible in bed.
tl;dr recovering beta, treat women like women, don't give them shit directly but make it clear that you're the man. if they're not okey with that, bail.
my best friend rejected a chick who wanted to fuck last night so we could play sekiro together shut the fuck up kek
Nobody wants your disgusting eggs femcel.
Do you know how common male pattern baldness is? Dudes going bald doesn't mean shit. Now women going bald, that's literally kys tier.
I see. Thank you user. Do you have any suggestions for hobbies that an autist like me would like?
>The difference is that the red flags we talk about are almost all active decisions made by the women and not circumstances out of her control
Women are not in control of the decisions they make, they are decided based on group pressure and instinct, neither of which they have control over.
im afraid im a bit on the thin side is the main issue. AHHHHHHHHHHHH
>You're at the dumbest part of your adult life.
Maybe I am.
How much does that say about millennials when a lil zoomer like me can figure out adulthood in his dumbest adult years?
> Actually listen and you'll learn something
Learn something from whom, from the people who told me that all women hate me?
From the same who told me that everyone out there is an SJW, when turns out only millennials are in this autistic culture war?
From the people who get their world view from cherrypicked Twitter screencaps of insane radicals?
Getting in shape does not equal losing weight.
Put her on a strict diet, cook her food for her. Treat her like a kid because that's how you should treat women.
She used to go to the gym together with me but she stopped wanting to go. I've asked her to lose weight so many times but she always rebounds into her bad eating habits (been like this for a LONG time). It's a pity because the weight thing for me is a big issue but I can tell it really upsets her
>also kill yourselves so your parents don't have to wait
Kill us yourself you fucking pussy. I'm not putting in the effort for your wants
yeah we've already discussed kids and shit, im a bit concerned though because she wants loads of kids, flattering though because she wants me to be the one to give her them. i was a rich fag i wouldnt mind having a ton but middle class i feel like 3 is the max id want and thats even pushing it
Are you threatening to kill your gf? What the fuck.
in all honesty you sound like an actual sociopath lol, but it seems to be working for you so whatever
So it's bad because it's bad?
>you just want wife material woman who you can tie to the bed and spank until she cries
>bags under eyes
>doesn't cut nails
>overweight but not obese
>long greasy hair
>unmotivated and has to be kicked into doing anything
>facial structure should at least resemble a female human
She loves me for who I am
Is this some satirical newspaper like Sunday Sport?
>Getting in shape does not equal losing weight.
getting in shape means losing fat, shut up retard
if its a big issue for you, you need to level with her and tell youre unhappy with how she is and if she isnt willing to at least address and start to change you might have to distance yourself.
did you fuck your friend too homo
Are you one of those 400 lb lardbuckets think thinks benching 200 lbs between big macs is physical fitness?
Don't let any woman push you into marriage, ever, don't fall into an ultimatum either. If you aren't sure then you don't want to, period. Looks do matter, so find a way to let her know you're not satisfied with her looks, you can start going to the gym yourself and slowly convince her to join you in case you're too afraid (beta) to let her know.
You can take control of your life or let life control you, your move.
I’m not thick either, but I’ve spent over a decade learning how to pleasure one and only one pussy. Again, it’s all in how you use it. Even pencil dicks can make a woman scream in orgasm if wielded properly. Most women are as insecure about their vaginas (size, shape, smell) as we are about our dicks. Once you realize that, it gets a little easier to cope and get over it.
of course i did
Its not videogames, strange chemicals in food, women, or even porn that is causing declining sex in young men, its late capitalism. There are no more jobs that pay enough for a man to raise a whole family and real estate is fucked so young men are forced to live with their parents. And nothing gets a girls pussy drier than knowing a man lives with them.
good, just making sure
No, it's what I see.
Millennials are all too busy with their political autism and cultural terrorism, whining about how tough society is while not being in contact with it outside of Twitter screencaps and fighting over shitty superhero movies.
And no, boomers are cancer, you knew this, and yet you didn't do anything about it.
You had the cultural spotlight for 10 years, and what did you do about it?
Girl vs boy slapfights as if you were 5 year olds, fighting over dead ideologies like nazism and communism, and supporting entertainment media as long as it was propaganda for your ideology.
And yet you act smug about it.
I'm completely incapable of feeling sorry for you.
man you guys are so silly, it's always great to be reminded that your words don't have inflections on the internet.
I'm not saying getting in shape is bad, just saying the approach to getting is shape is different than the approach to purely losing weight.
i dont care about getting job or getting a gf. i just want my $1000
I live with my parents
I'm balding
I work as a fucking engineer and don't make enough to have my own place
I'm 26 years old
How the fuck am I supposed to get a girl in this state? I did everything people said I was supposed to do and still failed, there is no solution, why not play vidya.
Realistically penetrative sex is kinda eh for women. They prefer your mouth 9 times out of 10, penetration is just satisfying and the majority of them can't even cum from it.
Either way it is a bit of a false equivalence because pussies aren't fetishized to the level of dicks (plus they can't be measured). And don't even bring the tit size comparison unless you want to pretend there are the same number of women that love small dicks as there are men that love small breasts.
Go to college, get a degree, get a career. That’s really your only option. There are no more lifelong factory jobs right out of high school Ike our grandparents had.
You don't want your live to be over when you are 25? look at this dude
>Describe your perfect girl to me, Yea Forums
There is no such thing as the perfect girl. Some are better than others at a base level, but the bond you build up with her over time is what makes one girl truly valuable.
While she isn't perfect, the time spent with her, and the time she spends with you, are what make her more valuable than even a 10/10, if you haven't really spent time with the 10/10 yet.
Also I really want to be fucked by Chara Undertale.
Man can raise family if both parents go to work.
But of course, in incel fantasies women aren't allowed to make more money than them, so there's no money for family.
>this guy comes at you smiling with a frying pan in his hand and with his dick out and says: "I'm an atheist"
>you're supposed to accept him as your bf now
>he didn't get into cyber security
lmaoing @ ur life right now, 70k starting and 150k average salary is more than enough to provide for a family of 5
have you tried talking to a girl?
well yes if youre building muscle tone you might actually gain weight but "getting in shape" usually implies losing fat.
I've denied sex tons of times to play games instead. I have friends who have done the same. Sex is only the top priority if you're a virgin. After that, sex is just something you always want but know it doesn't beat out a fun night of gaming
Get balding treated and you're fine.
through the advent of social media, the power creep on the female side was just too much this generation. the current meta requires men to put a lot more effort into setup in the early years for a chance at late game sweeping; it's a waste of time to start the game swinging.
Good point. Definitely work on your oral game. I legit love getting between my wife’s thighs and lapping at her cunt. Easily makes her cum 2-3 times and then she’s literally DEMANDING I fuck her.
New thread
Its more than that, most people start surplusing around 1400-1800
Pic related is what I would consider perfect wife material.
I joined the military and I only have high school.
I've spent 3 years already in the reserve doing nothing but playing phone games and getting paid for it.
This shit is getting so boring that I actually wish they would send me into active duty.
Playing video is more fun then doing anything with a bitch that constantly shit-tests you and demands more and more things. For sex there are always escorts.
bro i see literal retarded ugly manlets with girls all you have to do is try
Bro I've got good news for you
not in L.A. or San Fancisco, that's barely enough for single family household income.
can be quadriplegic
fed through an IV bag
I'm not sure if my standards are super low or super high
Military pays for college, right? Use that.
>"Hey you're pretty cute, wanna go out sometime?"
>"lmao, sorry user im not interested in that at the moment"
Romantic, but bullshit. Many people are shitty and no bond can fix that.
>Funny thing is the most outspoken feminists I knew and sleep with were the girls that wanted to be as submissive and dominated as possible in bed.
Most feminazis are bitches with daddy issues and if you play your cards right they are the whoriest of women. The strong womyn facade is just that. They have no self esteem on the inside.
Women love sociopaths/psychopaths, especially in the last years now that they have been glamoured by the media. Look up how many serial killers got love letters sent to them. In fact you can argue that modern society pushes and even rewards sociopathy.
Literally zero girls want a guy who lives at home
>Playing video is more fun then doing anything with a bitch
Not really, sex is pretty fun.
What do you do in videogames, endless grinding because the game is trying to bait you into paying for lootboxes to get LEGENDARY gear?
>roasties are so unlikeable that men would rather play vidya
Oh gee, with beautiful and lovable specimens such as pic related, who wouldn't want to try dating?
Debt-free virgins without tattoos.
I might be. I'm not actively trying to cheat anybody but I haven't felt real love towards a girl in a decade. I'm okay with it but I don't love them. I loved before when I was younger though so I don't know. If it's a sociopathic trait to treat women with a certain strategy in mind, then sure, but I feel that's the only way to stay on top with them. And if you're not on top you've already lost with women, because they'll look for someone who can and will keep them down.
i know nothing about you but here are some things that i would enjoy doing.
boardgames, archery, soccer, firefighting, home brewing meetups.
You can probably find something you enjoy at or a local facebook group.
>he wasn't born in America
Feels bad being an Ausfag. Starting Salaries here for grads are like 50-70k AUD (like 35-50k USD). And the max you'll realistically make is about 100k after 5-10 years (75k US). Plus cost of living here is so much higher than the US, especially in Syd and Melb. Aussies act like they live in some sort of utopia, but fuck I'd love to be American
I opened up to a woman once about a childhood trauma. Basically same thing happened. She went on to become a single mother who’s been married three times and she’s only 32
>implying women event want the men that play videogames and the majority dont exclusively trade up according to the 80/20 rule
NO BAD MEN STOP GAME AND TAKE CARE OF WOMYN NOW even though you literally get nothing for it
>living on the west coast
found your problem, texas doesn't deal with endless niggers and charging 5k/month for a shoebox apartment, you can flat out buy 2 story homes with 10 acres here for 150k
Fuck no, i'm staying in the military.
College doesn't guarantee anything, and ascending in the military is going to be quicker, simpler and easier.
New thread
i literally met my gf while i was a fat retard living at home and she didnt care because she knew i had goals and im handsome and funny with a big cock
>Many people are shitty and no bond can fix that.
No bond is able to fix that, but a welding torch does a good job.
That's a pedophile.
Can you control yourself? Because I just come when I feel like it 3 minutes or 1 hour no problem, I notice that I kinda stop breathing when I want to finnish fast must be some body mechanism
t.american with mortgage and debt so far up his ass they can count his teeth
Not really on topic but this is a shitpost general anyway.
It makes me furious when I see the US military setting up booths at conventions, and making social media posts preying on young people trying to convince them that getting their limbs blown off is just like Smash Bros.
If you go outside of home to date it doesn't matter if you live at home.
She loves me for me.
>In fact you can argue that modern society pushes and even rewards sociopathy.
i would argue that capitalism (and probably any form of humanity) as a whole does this as long as you're smart and don't do anything retardedly sociopathic
But not all women are like that.
Oh wait, you are American?
If so, i'm sorry for you, burgerclaps, you really are a nation of mongrels.
masturbation is easier and it doesn't require a complete change of your lifestyle
Chinks are going to rule the world dummy, and judging by what they've done in Xnjiang (made muslims a minority in their own 600 year land whilst completely crushing their dissent) there won't be muslims at all.
>all these fags claiming this is bait
it's not, this is what you get when you normalize female decadence and promiscuity for decades
its why they hate "incels" so much. Less beta safety nets to fall onto when they hit 30 years old and want to "settle down"
i could go to the beach here and find 50 girls hotter than the vast majority of women in whatever shithole you live in within like 5 minutes
The current lifestyle is the one that leads to colon cancer in your 40s, though.
Why aren't YOU a pedophile?
Surely you don't want a ...
for a partner?
Thanks for leaving companionship and breeding to us real men, autist.
I'm sure you could, burgerclap.
New thread
>Surely you don't want a ...
>for a partner?
Not him but I want nothing more as long as she's 2D
According to an estimate there are 101.8 men for every 100 women, This means 1.8 bros are doomed to be forever alone if they don't go gay.
Not him but that's not like i'm planning on leaving a long, healthy life.
grim times indeed
>average american female
you can have those slags
i'd rather a 5/10 asian girlfriend over a 10/10 american bombshell
Being alone is preferable to being with a modern woman and is also preferable to being a faggot.
i'm saving to go to a uni for fire academy in a couple years, will i be a creep for being the 26yo trying to shag undergrads?
>guilt, shame
I feel nothing but relaxed and satisfied when I've had a wank. I have no idea where this "I pull my pee-pee but now me sad ;(" meme comes from.
you can get a house in Torrance with no yard and a 3 hour commute for $650k in a semi ok neighborhood in L.A.
>not having the woman adjust to your lifestyle and taking the positive things from hers
nigga you haven't figured it all out just because you got a job and a girlfriend. This is what I'm talking about when I say dumbest part of your adult life. I thought I had it all "figured out" at 21 as well, then life changed, I changed, challenges changed, the people around me changed. The game changes. You think you've unlocked the secret to an ideal life and then BOOM, Ssomething occurs that changes your entire perspective. You realize that job you thought was good makes you misrable, or maybe you just want a career change and go back for another degree. You grow apart from the person you once loved (I was engaged to be married and broke it off because I could see a divorce on the horizon). You THINK you have it all figured out and then one day wake up and realized, you didn't.
I'm not telling you to hate all women, I'm not even telling you to listen to feminists, SJWs, whatever. Listen to the right people. The ones that actuay did learn a thing or two from their adult experiences. Believe it or not some of them do have valuable wisdom to share.
Women are attracted to the top percent of men. They do not want what most men want.
>Not really, sex is pretty fun.
Jesus fucking christ, you failed to read and/or understand a post contining TWO SENTENCES.
But it is real, the fucking poster admited it himself.
But hey, for millennials, everything is fine as long as it feeds their victim complex and you convince yourself that you don't need to improve yourself.
You can be alone AND still be a faggot
Suppose we don't really have to worry about overpopulation in that case ... but we're gonna have issues if this keeps going and we actually manage to settle on other planets.
guess what hombre most people are living at home cuz no one has any money
yeah i definitely could
>l-let me cherrypick the dregs...m-muh memes
the whole incel term is just a rebrand of virgin and it's nothing but a continuation of arguing with holes lmao
You mean heart attack at the ripe old age of 22 mode?
Damn, he has some power behind his spasms, I was kinda surprised
and yet the vast majority of couples you see and deal with are not mediocre women with a "top" percent man, its a mediocre woman with a mediocre man.
god she's so smart
New thread
>But it is real, the fucking poster admitted it himself.
user idk if i was unclear but i meant that people claiming it was fake were wrong
i'm so fucking pissed and it's only early afternoon.
But what if I wanna do something other then spend time with my family or work, consistently, you know, without some one complaining?
> You realize that job you thought was good makes you misrable
Not really, I always wanted to be in the military.
In fact, i'm praying I get sent into active duty.
>go back for another degree
Impossible, I only did high school, would be too much work to get into college in the first place.
>You grow apart from the person you once loved
Then i'll find another one.
>The ones that actuay did learn a thing or two from their adult experiences.
I'm not going to take advice from millennials, i'll take it from people with succesful lives instead.
Not if I remind them that their loneliness is entirely their own problem and that even if they had a partner, they'd still be upset, because a partner can't fix what's wrong with them.
>will i be a creep for being the 26yo trying to shag undergrads?
What makes you a creep isn't wanting to fuck things.
What makes you a creep is if you -care- about other people's reactions.
If you don't give a single fuck, then the word "creep" is as meaningless as the word "exclusionary" or "toxic".
>Get promised all the way through childhood what awaited me as an adult was a well-paying job, my own car, my own house, a beautiful wife and a loving family
>all of these things turn out to be a complete lie
>"lol wtf why are you so lazy you have no right to be disillusioned"
Because that means soon your country will either open it's doors to rapefugees or it'll face economic collapse.
That's what happens when parents don't tell their kids that they have to work for it.
How goes reviving M.L.K?
New thread
Fertility decreases the more advanced a country is.
its almost like you have to work hard for those things rather than have them given to you, you overgrown fat useless weaboo entitled sack of manchild shit.
>also you're the reason the world is terrible and you should apologize for the legacy of your entire race and sex, you fucking racist and sexist
the five dimensional overlapping quantum fuckery these people's hypocricy take forms as are absolutely infuriating lol
sex with someone who really loves you is the best though
but you're right, finding true love that will last is literally the best thing that can happen to you and rare af nowadays
And when their subhuman iq hordes start outvoting you and turning your country's culture into shit, what will you do? When you are in the minority like the white south africans, what will you do? There's still time to prevent that.
well you cant blame men for everything.
I mean first:
They blame Men for being too horny
they play video games to preoccupy their time
3rd: blame men for not wanting sex
4th: repeat steps 1-3.
shame men for being horny
get mad they aren't romantic the way they want it
then blame men for not being spontaneous because we need to be told what they like.
then get mad when men say fuck it and go play games.
Maybe its women who have the problem.
Either shame us for being horny
or shame when we arent romantic enough.
this, but unironically
yeah you dont speak for all women honey, it's why you guys deal with a lot of In fighting.
wtf it cant be women you sexist pig
it seems like your problem is that you care too much about what women think/want
Americans have sealed their fate. They're too busy watching sports and Star Wars and too afraid of being called racist to turn things around.
>dont be religious
my gf is the religious one and im an indecisive agnostic faggot fence sitter, shut up
I'm more of a shitposter than gamer
I'm a gay volcel waiting for the right guy
good luck bro
see boondocks for his reaction
>parents paid $1500/year for university
>paid $50,000 for their first house
>father made 50k starting as an engineer in the 1980s
>I pay 10,000/year for university
>starter APARTMENTS cost $300k
>starting salary as an engineer is 50k
based and wholesome pilled, i have a gay friend who did the same and theyve been together for years
Statistics prove you wrong, retard.
22 can confirm
listen bro, get a good look at how fucked those people are and remind yourself daily not to be that. don't ever forget. you can be the change in this world user.
what statistics
statistics prove there's a 100% youre a fag lmfao
The only difference between the pure monogamous gay and getting pissed on in truck stop bathrooms is a matter of time.