Play Actraiser or die.
Play Actraiser or die
nah, im not going to play some shitty game from 90's
Don't have the skills huh?
I already did 26 years ago user
It sucked then and still sucks now
Play a real game like Zombies Ate My Neighbors faggot
Ok. But can i play it tomorrow? I wanna hear that Yuzo Koshiro zoundtrack but i'm kinda sleepy right now.
don't have to prove anything to you, gramps
I liked the gamecenter CX episode about it,it's on my backlog.
The visuals are really neat and the action/town builder modes seem interesting
Is Terranigma acceptable
I played it years ago, it was stupidly easy and the world building was shallow.
I liked the concept though, shame they threw it away instead of expanding on it.
Can someone recommend some games that are like the action scenes in actraiser? Actraiser 2 is shit.
Wow what shit fucking taste in this thread. A game doesn't need to be hard or complex to be fun. Bet you faggots think Mario is the greatest thing ever yet this is an exception?
That's Yea Forums in 2019 for you
Play Robotrek!
I miss Quintet so much.
I bet you enjoy mobile games too, you little bitch.
>Actraiser 2 is shit
If you are mad about the dropped sim elements then ok. If you legit think it is a bad game you are missing out on some sick platforming. Just the movement options alone are enough to make it worthy.
As for the question, play realms of chaos on dos.
Joke's on you, I play it through at least once a year.
>Yea Forums has shit taste
Who fucking knew. There's a reason why /vr/ exists, so you can let Yea Forums spam 50 Sekiro threads.
/vr/ shits on Actraiser for being a shallow piece of shit too, you posing retard.
Does it have to be fantasy? If yes there's Skyblazer and Super Castlevania (mostly similar). With sci-fi you get Strider and Run Saber. You could also make a case for Shinobi or Hagane.
There's no shortage of sidescrollers with swords though, I'm just thinking from the same era.
>city building aspect is kind of bland and linear
>let's just ditch it instead of trying to improve
Hagane is badass but boy is it difficult.
Have to second Hagane, it's fun as fuck
Play SOULBLADER instead.