Ray traced Minecraft, home...
Ray traced Minecraft, home
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looks cool, but also looks like it takes more time than I can be fucked with to get set up
*ray tracked
It's just the right optifine version then dragging a zip into your shaders folder
i havent played minecraft in a while but that looks cool as fuck. where do i download it
no specular reflections? no refractions? weak
I went on a wild goose chase for this last night. It's still in development and locked behind some guy's patreon.
Wheres the download? From what i heard its a paid patreon mod
What's the name of the shaderpack?
someone with money please buy it and upload the repercussions be dammed
This thread again?
what's the guy's patreon?
Literally not orth getting a 2080ti for
>Yea Forumsincels pay thousands of dollars on hardware just to play minecraft
Looks pretty but it's still Minecraft.
>yiff party
>raytraced reflections
>still faked final gathering and ambient occlusion
>in fucking Minecraft no less
that pic looks like Mirror's Edge.
>8 grand a month for making minecraft mods
patreon was a mistake
>no specular reflections?
can you not see the floor or something
it's locked behind the dev's patreon, retard.
fucking Yea Forums is nothing but poorfags and children. fuck this place, i'm leaving forever.
what a shame. hopefully someone reuploads it somewhere
It's a pirate site version of patreon,all locked paywall content are free if the leakers post them
Better than ten times that amount whoring yourself on twitch.
See ya tomorrow kid
Is this going to fix the terrible lighting and monster spawning systems?
op's video was on a 1070
t.paypig bitch
you're paying for mods, retard.
and by the time you cancel your sub you'll realize you've paid 20 times the amount you've paid for the original game for a fucking mod.
Ahegao uggo makes over 100k per month on patreon.
Goodbye fps
minecraft's 10 bucks on steam though. who the fuck pays $200 for a minecraft mod?
Fuck phantoms.
this guy lmao
Why the fuck would I download this shit when Minecraft code is made by jews or some shit and it runs like fucking shit.
light doesnt, screen space shit go home
>minecraft's 10 bucks on steam
Minecraft is now on steam? wut
GTX 1060 here, it runs at 25 fps but it looks absolutely amazing, you definitely need an RTX card to run it with a playable FPS
>33fps on a 2080...
... woah
>i'm leaving forever.
You'll be back, kid.
They all come back.
>literal furry porn drawer
One of the most retarded posts on this site, congrats.
is it a 1060 6 gb or 3 gb?
Wheres the part when you have fun?
mineycraft looks like THAT?
God help us all
when 20 dollars is sucked out of your wallet per month without you noticing
6gb but only 1gb is being utilized, more memory won't help you here
Woooooo mate is this for real?
Oh my goood
Are you a fucking idiot? 6 gb has more power than 3 gb, I wasn't implying memory did shit you retard
Top kek this may be the dumbest thing I've read in the last hour
It runs like fucking shit and they somehow made it worse than Notch ever could.
Downloading bunch of crap on top of it will not help, it will not help how good your computer is.
The game turns into a slideshow randomly and generally runs like shit.
You retard.
>yiff.party of all places has this shit
I knew that it was for patreon shit, but I always assumed it was just porn. Thanks user
You are an imbecile, I was saying the 1060 6gb model has morepower than the 3gb model, as in cpu power
you are retarded user
>literally no difference
No yiff party can have all the patreon shit, as long as somebody is decided to leak it there.
you all may be retarded, but the 1060 3 gb has fewer cuda cores
>+-10 fps in most games
>no difference
But when a 2080 ti has 10 fps more than a 2080 you all go OMG POORFAG! WHY DIDN'T YOU GET A 2080TI
No it doesn't you fucking retard, it has slightly more GPU cores, not even enough to make a difference, but the speed it exactly the same. The biggest difference is in the memory.
>posts video showing ram/vram differences
>clock speeds literally identical as well as CPU usage
user pls I can only take so much
No you fucking subhuman baboon, 6gb runs better because it has to garbage bin less bytes per second than 3gb it's not about manpower.Try running pre-historic games on both you'll get the same result.
woah 10 frames
woaah man
woah 10 more strands of hair man
Yeah +10fps in games where VRAM actually matters you fucking idiot
Is the shader only made for a specific version of the game?
The gif is PTGI E6, the newer version which is currently unreleased. That link is PTGI E5.
The requirements for running this shaderpack are as follows:
Minecraft 1.12.2 (no 1.13 support yet)
OptiFine 1.12.2 HD U E2
Options > Video Settings > Details > Alternate Blocks: OFF
Options > Video Settings > Details > Trees: Fancy or Fast (Smart may break lighting)
Options > Video Settings > Quality > Natural Textures: OFF
Options > Video Settings > Shaders > Shadow Quality: 1x
Options > Video Settings > Shaders > Old Lighting : DEFAULT
Resource packs with custom block models may cause issues
No you do not, retard. This doesn't utilize RTX chips, it can't and probably never will.
Huh I didn't know that, thanks faggot.
Running 1.12.2, everything set like in your post. The error tells me the deferred rendering is broken since I can only see the Z-buffer (I think). Maybe it's because I'm running optifine HD C8 ultra.
Now you're playing spooky craft
>muh 2080ti
>ray tracing doesn't utilize rtx chips
They do you mongoloid.
I hate you fucking ray tracing = RTX retards so much.
>So, first of all, SEUS PTGI (short for Path Traced Global Illumination) is a shaderpack for Minecraft powered by the mod called OptiFine. It doesn't require any special hardware or an RTX card, just a modern GPU with decent horsepower! The ray tracing under the hood powering this shaderpack is software-based and unable to take advantage of RTX RT cores for acceleration. Utilizing RT cores is, for the time being, not possible with OptiFine.
Wasn't the rtx series supposed to make the burden of processing ray tracing completely negligible? like it wouldn't effect the card at all?
>it's ray tracing
>it can take use every piece of hardware except for the ray tracing specific parts lol
Sounds like horseshit.
Ray tracing isn't a new thing you nvidiot, software based ray tracing has been around since the 90s.
Are there any other videos like this
user I...
>everything set like in your post
>except the one thing that isn't
>why is my game broken?
I'm working on one, testing out putting glowing blocks beneath water right now.
if i could draw id sell out to the furries too.
have you seen the fucking prices furry drawers demand and get away with? even the less popular artists can get away with 700$ for a black and white drawing of some degenerates OC. that they cand do in like half an hour.
Yeah I'm retarded. Got the exact optifine and now it just crashes lmao.
This but unironically, it's a lot harder to implement this shit and make it look good compared to making some ugly Unreal Zelda project.
who the fuck told you that.
turning on rtx in any game that supports it cuts fps in half.
funnily enough. microsoft is doing their own raytracing thing right now in the new version of directx that works on both nvidia and amd, with less performance impact and seems to work better on vega gpus for whatever ungodly reason. nvidia sold people a gimick that they fucked up.
the gtx 16xx series is the better choice for people in general. doenst have ray tracing and less tensor cores. but costs much less and performs the same in games.
>tfw been considering it but don't want to get involved with that level of autism even in passing
that and someone might recognize my style even if I went out of my way to make it different since I do the art meme as a job
heres the deal though. every artist, be they male of female, draws porn. theres only two kinds of artists in the world. those who admit it and those who dont.
who gives a crap if you art is recognized. show them your fucking bank statements there gonna shut up real fast after that.
Oh I've got no issues with drawing porn, it's just gutter tier furfag degeneracy I don't want associated with me. Even still it's mostly the autism of the """community""" rather than any nonexistent sense of pride.
unlucky, man. i'm trying it out myself and expect similar results. just waiting on 12.2 to finish downloading.
optifine is almost as old as minecraft itself and triples performance you fucking troglodyte
guys we need to tell him
>SEETHING AMD nigger mad he can't play
Dude. Raytracing and pathtracing were a thing decades vefore rtx and dxr.
To be able to use the rtx cores on turing, it needs to implement raytracing using the directx 12 ray tracing libs.
could have sworn thats what they were being advertised as being capable of doing since they had nothing else going for them
like "Hey the 2080 is only marginally better than the 1080 but RAY TRACIIIINNNGGGG"
Gay traced Minecraft. Owned.
>not copy pasting the landscape from the start to a place further down the track so this could be a smooth loop
yikes, random person that made this
just.... yikes
Why not? It would run way better if it uses RTX cores. You sound like and AMDrone
>beliving marketing lies
sure the 2080rtx is a bunch stronger than a 1080. but its not doing the rtx thing well. its an immature technology at this point and nvidia paid of devs to implement it in their games so people have a justifiable reason to actually buy the overpriced pieces of shit.
>tfw want it to look like this but VR mode is more comfy
It's still playable with regular shaders so maybe I could try
How dumb can you be? Did you even read me replying to that other retard on software-based ray tracing solutions? Why would you ask me why it isn't currently using RT cores? Do you think I'm the mod author?
Can you point out a part of the video that shows the lighting producing errors due to only processing screen space? Because I can't see any. Raytracing traces a line from every pixel on your screen through bounces to a light source. If that kind of calculation actually stopped at screen space, the indirect lighting you can see in that hallway would look fubar.
The 2080 is on par with the 1080 Ti which was like 30% better than the 1080. Dunno why you're chimping out so hard in this thread and for some reason say AMD is better except for you being a chink shill
>Says that it will never use RT cores
>Why shouldn't it?
>Hurr why do you ask me if I make claims
can you post your shaders folder? i can't get minecraft to recognise seus
>Says that it will never use RT cores
Here, allow me to save your dystrophy riddled muscles the trouble of focusing up enough to scroll up and read what I actually fucking said. I'll quote it word for word here for you, here comes the aeroplane.
>This doesn't utilize RTX chips, it can't and probably never will.
>probably never will.
This is an opinion, separated from the facts provided by the author of the mod six posts down which I'll torture you by asking you to muster up enough energy to read. Fuck you, you fucking gorilla monkey nigger.
(i'm not tho and the first post was an ironic one taking a jab at how poorly it performs the one feature it was marketed to have desu)
drop the zip as you downloaded it directly into shaderpacks in your .minecraft
oh the zip itself. right, i'm a fuckin retard. thank you.
gee I wonder what will happen if he made a sudden movement
>Server maintenance!
Well fuck, i guess i'll have to wait.
do you not see him moving in that video retard?
t. niggerlicous cia nigger
In a game where animals, mobs and plants behave based on the discrete light level of a given block, isn't smooth lighting and general lighting effects detrimental to gameplay? How can you tell that a block is dark enough to spawn enemies inside your house if a beam of light comes through the window and shows that spot being well lit?
how cool would it be if this was on vr.
Why the hell is it called yiff party anyway? Is it just to filter people who don't know about it?
Made by furries
It runs at ultra cinematic 20 FPS but holy shit lads it looks so good
All of the light level based game design probably is completely incompatible with this kind of lighting. Hell if someone were to make Iron Blocks have 100% specular and 0% roughness (mirror) you could reflect sunlight deep down into a cave that by the game's own logic should have zero lighting, and thus a brightly lit cave deep underground would still be spawning monsters as if it's pitch black.
I think it was originally only for furfag patreons but now it just scrapes all patreons
what the fuck happened to the shader pack i used to use literally 5 years ago that did the same thing?
cool, consider that the monster cave with light in it
have some fuckin imagination it's a toy blocks game for children for fucks sake
>running optifine HD C8 ultra
that's why. Use Optifine 1.12.2 U E2
why did they fuckin change the gravel texture the old one was great and this one is complete shit
>20 FPS
>at 600p
do you have a 1050ti or what?
Keep the normie out with a layer of filth and you never have to worry about being a megaupload shutdown victim.
original video was 1080
Not him but people tend to resize their video files for webms to fit the 3MB filesize limit.
but where's a mirror to the patreon file, Yea Forumsros?
They changed a bunch of stuff, they even added a crafting journal, that surprised me the most
Already did, now it just crashes.
>paying for a filter
you could just ctrl+f "patreon" detective
woah... ray tracing on my phone..
so this
is the power
of nvidia
It looks good so long as you're in an artificial environment.
As soon as you leave that house and go into the wild everything being blocky makes it look ugly as fuck ( because nature isn't blocky )
so basically only chunks far away get warped, and as you get close they go back to normal
the only link in the thread leads to a site that's in maintenance
>minecraft manages to pull off the Mirror's Edge aesthetic better than Catalyst
This is a testament to how badly DICE fucked up.
But on the subject of Mirror's Edge, ray tracing technology could be used to great effect for a Mirror's Edge game with real time lighting.
Oh damn, I've uploaded my copy for you
thanks, darling
makes me want to start playing minecraft again
I hate Minecraft in general but damn, this looks cosy as fuck
You're the man user
>that glimpse to outside
How WASHED OUT or BLOOM does it look?
>Forced to run games at 1080p
>30 fps, 60 max
The future is now lads
Can someone please upload their world with buildings and stuff so I can test how it looks in interiors.
I was planning on gettin a new PC soon. Do you guys think ray tracing meme will catch on? S-should I get an RTX gpu?
It's a little bloom-y, but all the normal colour settings (bloom, gamma, saturation etc) are adjustable in the settings).
the only thing putting me off is the distant water reflections are pretty bad
I will probably catch on with the next gen consoles but for now you can chill with your 10 series card
Go fuck yourself you piece of shit meme spouting retard zoomer
wait a second
can i memeTRACE minecraft withput 20xx Nvidia series??
It doesn't matter, if you're buying a new midrange or high end graphics card your only choice is an RTX card. AMD might as well not exist unless you play very specific games
post pick of the outside
RTX is simply a proprietary, hardware implementation of raytracing
It doesn't if it doesn't use the DXR package, you tech-illiterate retard. That's the reason why it works on older gen GPUs.
Fuck no do not get a 20 series card, maybe the next release will be decent but all the 20 series cards are overpriced trash.
I'm sure those extra few cuda cores will take it into playable territory and not just 1 more fps overall
If it is a paid patreon mod, you could always check the furry celebration website. They host patreon content there.
>when the thirsty poor neckbeard smelled the possibility of playing it with raytracing on his shitty turd of a system, it's suddenly not a meme anymore
this is why you're an incel; you're a spineless, worthless maggot
RTX series have failed, Nvidia is already releasing drivers for the non RTX gpu's that enable raytracing. And even that is hardly a novelty as open source software such as Vulkan had RTX support. RTX gpu's are a meme.
>if you're buying a new midrange or high end graphics card
Or you can buy a 1070 or a 1080ti
>paying for mods
so long kiddo
Where's the soul?
Nude mod when?
In the RTX cores
>Nvidia is already releasing drivers for the non RTX gpu's that enable raytracing
But now they can boast about how 50% of users have RTX cards because they flipped a switch in the drivers. It's a total success!
So how come there aren't any mods for Minecraft which like, adds faction systems and objective systems to the game, on top of the randomly generated adventure mode map that is. For example there's like different factions that war against eachother and you have to pick a side through dialogue and you can do tasks for them to climb up the ladder in ranks in that faction and eventually you have to war against other factions etc.
Or you know, just things like that which adds objectives to the game on top of the "do whatever you want" adventure mode randomly generated map. Like cities and shit
you literally can't buy a new 1070 or 1080ti now, and their replacements (1660ti and 2080) are about the same price or cheaper than them
anyone know which settings to turn down to not make it run like liquid shit?
1070 btw
>anyone know which settings to turn down to not make it run like liquid shit?
They're inferior in every way, and you still can.
Before and after.
i very much prefer the top one
time to rape my shitty computer
on SEUS v1 (from 2017, what has this man been up to since anyway) i always found i placed wayyy too many torches on the server since everything was way too dark desu
You can get 60fps if you run it at 720p.
>bottom has a nuke exploding somewhere outside
Can I go 1440p 60fps with a 2080ti?
you're objectively wrong about them being inferior
>tfw bought Minecraft ages ago
>tfw can't remember user, password or anything
This is how it looks if you're standing away from a window on a sunny day IRL.
Raytracing is literally just tracing a ray from point A into direction B until it hits a surface or object according to your filters. It's not even necessarily graphics, hitscan weapons in games almost always just raytrace the direction of your gun.
Song name?
I got a RTX 2080 TI just because I built my self a new PC, as for the RTX, don't really care that much, just want to make sure I don't worry for the next 3-5 years about upgrading, but I guess you never know.
Here's another soul vs soulless comparison
Based on some tests it seems the 2080TI does give about a 25-30 extra fps while running on ultra, so where you'd have 60ish you'll now have 90ish and so on. Seems like it's decent future proofing, if you can stand the price.
It's the same shit as raytraced Quake 2, yes you get some eye candy, but models are still low poly and I would not care about graphic mods after initial impression.
that because mirrors edge 1 uses ray tracing, and mirrors 2 doesn't, and this mod does.
but more importantly, I think raytracing is integral to the players ability to interpret 3d space in a 2d screen, our brains are hardwired to process that lighting information to understand the enviroment. therefore when moving through said enviroment, at a high speed FPS view, that lighting information, whether baked or realtime is integral to the experience being comfortable and enjoyable for the player. catalyst understandably went with the nu-dev art-asset-pipeline without a thought to the player experience just to look "cool"
i know ea are through and through cunts these days with riccotello et-al, but this was still the devs responsibility not to be idiots
>1300$ just to play minecraft
Come on don't be like that.
fucking same.
I actually remember my username, and I can make a guess at my password, but their new login system also requires whatever fucking email 13 year old me had at the time
Honesty it really doesnt feel that impressive or different. I usually play with his shaders from like 2017 and nothing is popping out desu.
>not using superior hardware to squeeze every possible bit of quality out of your favorite game
What other reason is there for pushing the limits? Making ego shooters?
yeah making nvidia chinese factory workers die is good bang for the buck
This guy gets it.
Sweet jesus even the water
No it doesn't, it uses baked lightning ya fuckin idiot
which is what idiot
come on
even pokemon costs $60
>t. indian poopginner
Some slight glitches, mostly water reflecting what it shouldnt and things going wavy in it. Distant water too as shown in
>click link
>get sent to nginx
last one
How did you get this insane draw distance?
top: soulless
bottom: soul
Too bright
Is there a physically based texture pack that works with this? It seems pointless using it with the stock textures that all look like they're 100% roughness
What shader should I use?
>6 figure salary
why the fuck am I bothering with a career when I can just scam 8 year olds out of their allowance at a grand scale?
raised FOV and dragged the view distance slider up. Had to wait a bit. The shaders by default seem to lower fog and stuff. (see: ) iirc optifine fairly recently added some more ridiculously higher render distances if you allocate more RAM, I didnt use them though
But you can't. You have nothing worth offering to pay that kind of money for, otherwise you would have already done it.
Why is it that ever nice looking shader has shitty realistic clouds? It clashes hard with the artstyle
Here's KUDA Shaders v6.1 Legacy on the top
SEUS Renewed v1 on bottom
Both are on their default config but you can always change settings and increase quality easily. This is optifine U2 for 1.12.2, in 1.13 I believe they changed water quite a lot and SEUS Renewed being from 2017 it can be wierd. Both of these are playable just fine on my machine.
I would recomend using a resource pack like Improved Default (or default improved idk which one), and make sure it has bump maps or whatever. You get basically default textures but with depth and is affected by shaders (small rocks on the cobble, table/furnace with depth in holes etc)
I mean it's a bit dark, but that warm glow seems very inviting.
Oh yeah, worth noting I forgot to turn the leaves back to fancy since PTGI (the new shaders on this thread) require it.
If your system can take it, SEUS Renewed with bloom changed and quality x2 or something is great with a parallax resource pack
I think KUDA has lower requirements on some versions and can be made so its not too overwhelming and just a good comfy-almost-vanilla setup
Neither SEUS Renewed or KUDA have recieved much attention from thier Devs in a while, SEUS PTGI is still early on in its development and as the only one moving forward it is worth paying attention too.
PTGI needs to sort out its wierd bloominess in daytime and the water issues (but as water is different in .13 it might just be for that idk), also the wierd requirements for the current build make it more for screenshots and less for actually playing
For some unknown reason PTGI shaders crash my game, it's the only shader pack with that problem and I did everything the "requirements" image said. Is it an amd problem?
Having a resource pack enabled seems to crash when loading a save, disabling it then reenabling ingame works for me
(leaves in screenshot are on fast as per requirements but otherwise ok)
Here's SEUS renewed on x2 with cocricot textures (cocricot.pics, moonrune site but seems good).
Think I've uploaded enough screenshots for now and just want to play now haha
Well I don't use any resource pack. What a shame it won't work, it looks stunning.
lost account in 2014 after having it since 2009 because i forgot my shitty password and the email i used to use
Games with a lot of sun and nature with a peaceful premise are unironically some of my favorite.
>the talos principle
>the witness
>serious sam
I can't explain it bros, I think I would die without the sky.
what is the best open world adventure/rpg mod for minecraft?
there's a 360° version with a super high res iirc.
just install the Ordinator mod for Skyrim and be done with it
r e a d
t h e
m o t h e r f u c k i n g
d e s c r i p t i o n
This looks good and all but why is the sky white in all these?
not him but the color bleeding effect is literally just a texture
send help
I bought Minecraft so long ago after hearing about it on Yea Forums, before it had the whole eating mechanic.
it's fine just let it trace the rays
This user is correct. The reason why Riddick and F.E.A.R. look so good to this day is all because of the lighting.
Lighting > everything else in terms of just graphics.
looks like soulles bloom jackfest bullshit
Play Gregtech New horizons
Imagine this in VR, hella comfy
>sitting inside your log cabin in a dense forest in front of your fireplace while it rains outside
I've played with shaders before raytracing was a meme
I fail to see much difference except for water maybe and window lights.
so is there now a normal SEUS and a raytracing SEUS or what?
also I assume this can't put shaders on mod blocks?
open source memetracing for us 9xx poorchads when
If you watch the presentation where the cards were announced, they showed numbers that when you calculate them equates to about ~26 or so ray tracing calculations per second.
From that presentation alone, it was obvious this shit wouldn't run at 60. Hell, they outright told you ray tracing is 10 years away, they got new technology, now it's 5 years away, but they're putting it into a card anyways.
The whole thing was an early adopter enthusiast thing.
I'm testing this right now, you only get that bright intensity if you're looking through the narrow sit between the window and a lowered blind/shade covering it. That's not accurate with full visibility, so that's something you have to compensate for and correct.
>he can't tell the difference between bloom and ray tracing
Why are you gay?
>warm comfy house
>water caustics
What the fuck is that thing in the middle? A tree?
why Yea Forums hates minecraft now?
Yeah thats PTGI which cant have the correct tree settings to work, see
This shit looks fucking fantastic when it's raining btw
It's PTGI, or Path traced global illumination which creates Indirect bounced lighting and indirect shadowing from various light sources which no other minecraft mod has. It's akin to what metro exodus ray tracing does.
There's also world space ray traced reflections which allows for offscreen reflections on water and other materials but as one user pointed out, it has limitations when reflecting distant world geometry
I think it's mostly a hybrid approach, Sonic_Ether is using a few hacks on top PTGI like Screen space shadows for moving character models. It's also only single bounce lighting so you won't get recursive reflections (hall of mirrors), or GI lighting within reflections. Also, directly lit sunlight shadows don't exhibit the characteristic soft shadows with variable penumbra you get from path tracing, so I think Sonic is still using shadows maps for that.
>for minecraft
>getting excited about it