>pass me the controller bro
Pass me the controller bro
imagine tecxriy,tsp rfin gk
>Sure, just let me smell one of your eggs bro haha
Birds shouldn't post on Yea Forums. Prove me wrong.
confirmed bird, banti bitch
Say that irl and I'll rip your face off m8
just type with one toe at a time birdbro
Scalesaur fags in full denial mode
You better tell me some videogames with birds in them before i bite your fucking hand off
Angry Birds.
this unironically
whats wrong??
>An Effective Way to Kill Birds: The Game
Fuck off, dinosaur. You can't even play video games. You are extinct.
say that to my face not online and see what happens
The Newzealand Story.
did he died? what kind of a faggot moves the camera at the climax?
Shit man!
>Lagopus lagopus
>pigeon in the same category as a t rex
t. Emu shitposter
caw caw caw cawcaw caw
cute feet
how did you find that pic of me user
please no stalk
You birds are so sensitive.
A million replies guaranteed
>Muscles are exaggerated
Are you a rom hacker?
Recommend vidya for this aesthetic.
thanks Yea Forums now I want to go see what a bunch of exotic bird feet feel like.
Will they ever learn?
Important post
Well, Yea Forumsirds?
I like videogames but i like shitposting more
>tfw no bird fighting game
Does this have to be so complicated wtf
I'd main stork, I love his grizzled veteran aesthetic.
why does this look so cool
You'd think there's an indie dev making one right now, but the modern indie scene is as creatively sterile as the AAA department that there's nishu ..ine
I get the impression that operating that would be hard at high speeds
Dinosaurs are inherently cool.
they're actually a bit simpler these days thanks to the addition of a screen but the short answer is yeah.
You have to remember that EVERY function of the car is on here, there's no dash or other location to put these functions and they cover a lot of ground, from energy recovery modes down to simple stuff like letting th driver have a drink.
Those are 2 different species
>Come, Sekiro!
Ivy the Kiwi
make me
Stork would obviously be the villain
Its still a manlet fucking up a lanket.
>jontron no longer features jacques
is it safe to say the bird is dead by now?
>Right now there are predators having intense anime battles while we sit here and shitpost
He has 2 either way
Don't give animals substances that fuck with their head
Especially don't do it when they have lungs the size of beans
I know you aren't the person in the image but it isn't funny that a non-consenting animal that doesn't know what pot is tripping balls and has no idea why. Fucking retard degenerate
That's life.
Oh fuck it got h
>simple stuff like letting th driver have a drink.
nigga just suck the straw
niBBA dabbed at the end there
Catnip is popularly given to domestic cats.
What else is to be expected from a braindead pot head?
why do that when you could have a little electric motor whizz it out for you
What's the point of these threads?
Shut the fuck up, hairless ape.
These kinds of threads are the best but they always end up getting deleted.
Still, I'd like to know what version of pic related I should play.
I mean, this is a bird thread, isn't it?
What's the point of anything
Can you write on your bows in this game?
Guys is it just me or does anyone else feel like there might be some birds posting in this thread disguising themselves as humans?
>believing in the new bird order
W-what does Jenson do?
It Jensons
Hatoful Boyfriend.
>crocodiles basically the same
They became fucking lazy though.
Devil May Cry 5
best birb
fucking feather faggot can't even type right.
warm your eggs stupid cunt
banjo kazooie
damn right!
Here you go
being better than anything else on /v