Risk of Rain 2
Other urls found in this thread:
US Midwest 4 Slots MONSOON
>tfw no artificer sitting on my face
this sucks on ice
16 player host WHEN
trust the fungus
acrid is fucking dead
Am I correct that I should put my preon on MUL-T's sniper weapon to make it do more damage? Until I find a second one of course.
What if instead of a boring stationary wall, Artificer's ice was a movement ability like this?
I trusted too much and it stopped working.
why do i keep getting invalid lobby id FUCK
means its full friend
What? His damage scaling shouldn't change if he changes forms, so it would deal the same damage
Disclaimer: i haven't tested it personally
I believe the Preon will do the same amount of damage regardless of which retool slot you put it in, because the item is based off your base damage + damage gained from levels, and your weapons are just "motion valued" from that.
I'll end up quitting this game entirely. At least 80% of my runs ends with the host quitting.
>get bandit working through editing .dll files
>now i cant play with anyone unlesd they have the mod too
One hell of a double edged sword
Bought it on a whim earlier and had a blast. I'm glad some games still understand how to be fun.
theres a .dll where you can do online anywhere with bandit
host yourself and/or stop playing quickplay, dumbfuck
Here you go: 109775240991360322
Make sure you have the latest mod: pastebin.com
Her lack of movement ability is one of her defining features.
Someone asked for commando riding mul-T last thread
More items when? Hopoo pls code faster
reminds me of this
great job user
will that ever fill though? Joining in a bit
It's a bad feature.
US East
That's awesome user.
Revised version.
i need art of the bandit re-enacting the "is it just you left?" scene from red dead redemption 2
get on it drawfags
I haven't seen a full 16 man in days.
fucking amazing
Take a gander at the pic here
It's fine; once you get a few quails, a couple sodas, and some feathers movement abilities stop being a big deal. She just needs to have something better to make up for not starting out with good mobility.
need 1 more quick
then you must have seriously fucked up because you can play on vanilla servers with assemblies where you add characters
It should work like this, but instead the ice acts as a lens and refracts the laser causing it to be a massive unavoidable death beam.
Okay lads, what's your favorite:
>Uncommon Item
>Rare Item
For me it's
>Paul's goat hoof
>Old War Stealthkit
>Rejuvenation Rack
>Gnarled Woodsprite
now commando riding mul-t or huntress maybe beetle queen
Considering Engineer gets to start with higher damage and a higher gain per level, a decent place to start would be bringing her damage up to his.
Easy. You dont have to get rid of the enemies and bosses. They can still spawn and grow stronger. Sets a soft time limit on the match and even if the someone is dead set on running away fron you at low hp, they still have to worry about their positioning relative to npcs. IF they still want to run away and insist on absolutely not engaging at all, you can farm npcs for gold.
Its not perfect, but it CAN work. Also personally, id make attacks slow players instead of stun. Outside of like Artificer's ice wall
ah fuck, that kinda sucks for people who exclusively ran larger lobby rooms, since vanilla players cpuld fill 2-4
brb bathroom
Holy shit, you work fast.
Could I request your interpretation of a Mercenary going full cuhrazy mode?
Glass, transcendence, and infusion work really well together. If you get a decent amount of those things it becomes basically impossible to lose. Need coins though.
>Dude what if we made a Fortnine
>For the Factorio autists
Stop spamming up the board with your fotm trash, it always fails.
You coooould remove that implementation
but Hopoo put it there and we don't want to anger them
>Sticky Bomb
>Predatory Instincts
>57 Leaf Clover
>Prion Accumulator
>Get 4+ stone titans in a bossfight
>Everything beyond the wall becomes a rave of dismemberment and death
horrifying, truly.
Is woodsprite any good late game? If you've got a fast gun like MULT or Commando you can just instant full heal with scythes, and if you don't then fruit is far better if you watch your health bar. Being able to help teammates seems cool, but it just seems so weak once stuff starts to hurt.
Everything fucking melts
>Artificer Shift
>Instead of being targeted it appears directly under you and launches you in the air with the force of, Iunno, a jump anklet super jump or something
>Using it while sprinting makes you go forward a lot as well like a super-wax birb jump
I am a genius.
Splendid bait, Here's a (you) for the effort.
Last call, 4/16.
are artifacts out yet? or mods for artifacts?
Is there game logic that isn't in Assembly-CSharp.dll? If so how do you get at it?
RoR1 was a Yea Forums favourite, how new are you, little timmy?
See the pastebin linked in
it's probably not the best choice late game, but having 1.5% passive health regen and saving teammates is pretty clutch until then.
Draw sum thicc
Yes! join our lobby we have artifacts!
>modding discord is already circlejerking about going after mods that fuck around with that shit
lmao bunch of fucking niggers
god damned does transcendence still fuck glass mode on the new dll?
>Soldier's Syringe
>Sentient Meat Hook
>Preon Accumulator
>we planned on cracking down on mods that didn't follow our template
What a bunch of cunts
>Opinion skull thing
true standing around doing absolutely nothing experience.
I want to bury my face into Huntress' plump ass cheeks in that latex suit.
Posting a few tidbits from the discord server, that started getting invaded by a furry cabal a couple of days ago.
Friendly reminder to exercise your will beyond Yea Forums to ensure freedom of vidya from trannies and furries.
tell my family.....i went too fast
I really wish i had saved more of the slew of retards shitting up the feedback channel.
What the fuck, the game has been out for a week and there's a discord server and drama on top of it?
US Midwest Monsoon 4 players
You say that as if discord servers are rarities of popular games.
I don't even count the retarded comments of furry casuals as drama as much as me telling someone to kill themselves on Yea Forums is "drama"
Does this fix the no damage on some abilities or is this that exact one
I mean, the first one didn't have a discord. Even if it did, I've never heard a single thing about it as opposed to this one
There is literally nothing wrong with laughing at drizzlets.
1 more slot open still
there's three discord servers, there's drama between them as well as to which one can be "the real modding server"
I was invited by a guy who turned to be a scaly, he went undercover when he went to add me lmao
I assume same one, I need to look into what caused it
Never stop mocking drizzlets
>too fast
>Merc or Bandit
>Sticky Bomb
>Wax Quail
>Unstable Tesla Coil
>Royal Capacitor
And for Lunars the Gesture of the Drowned.
Lobby re made, slots open
Because Risk of Rain released in fucking 2013 and its discord specific community is probably some fringe shit
>sticky bomb
also FUCK magma worms and FUCK dunestriders and FUCK sizelimit
Fuck you I play on drizzle
any info on how to get the environment log for gilded coast?
Huntress, Bandit, and Engie have borked abilities.
The rest are fine as far as I know.
*And Discord released in 2015 and became much popular later
Also the fact that this discord is "official" meaning it was made by the devs so every nigger is throwing their shit opinions in there.
i miss when risk of rain was a secret club game RoR2 really brought in all the redditors
I have literally never seen a non private discord, Yea Forums related or otherwise, not almost immediately descend into a horrendous attention whoring drama shitposting cesspool. What is it about Discord that seems to attract the absolute shit sucking whiny baby dregs of the internet?
I'm looking right now at a bunch of leftist faggots actually harassing a mod and extensively posting about how he should be banned while tagging the devs in discord because he's not mass banning people they way they want him to. it's a bit too long to screenshot, but it's some really fucking horrendous autism to behold.
Risk of Rain is a secret club game. Risk of Rain 2 isn't.
Energy Drink/Hoof
Hopoo's Feather
Hardlight Afterburner
let's not pretend that IRC didn't have similar problems, the only difference is that it was mostly nerds who used that shit so there was less people who were in it just for the drama. Discord is just basically a very popular IRC
still cant play the game, it crashes on startup everytime and nothing works to fix it
>got rid of wake of vultures
run saved
fuel cell
bfg or lightning arm
One of my current players says Bandit works fine for him.
However, another is using Engineer and says his shield doesn't work.
It might not be consistent.
Someone help me im retarded. Why is this not showing all references to Infusion? I know for sure that GlobalEventManager and ItemCatalog reference it but the search isn't showing them at all.
>My request got done
Friggin sweet
>the shrine that saved the run
>Run starts off with chronobauble or old stealth kit
sauce on that haydee
Actually just post more haydee
I run a 400 person public discord server that's managed to last around 6 months now without that.
I've found that the ideal solution is to have minimal rules but just fucking ban people who cause problems. Just like I'm not gonna ban someone who says nigger, I'm also not gonna put up with some 14 year old who laces that word in every other sentence. Either act mature and not bother the majority of users, or get the boot.
I think other server owners get caught up in people complaining about others. They fail to recognize when the people crying the loudest are actually the problem. So, those obnoxious whiners get their way, and the decent folk roll their eyes that yet another server is going down the drain.
Tell you what though, it's not fucking easy keeping things balanced. It may have gone fine for now but I dunno how long the peace can be kept.
based toohoo
>some sort of predictability like the first game had
Did this person play the first game? Fungal Caverns was massive compared to Sky Meadow and could take way longer to loot/complete. Getting the timed chest isn't even that big of a deal, you can find the preon accumulator in regular chests.
I'm going to suggest on the ror 2 discord that they make the game easier just to piss off you monsoon-only jerks.
you're on it so they felt right at home
I get my paycheck friday so i'll be buying it for myself and give the free copy to my friend. How's it hold up so far?
I wonder if this is why some abilities are no longer working
I think it's just a decompiler artifact so I'm not sure if I can fix it
n-no dont do that youll ruin my monsoon run i cant take this
You know what, I realized something today about you, Yea Forums.
You're all as bad as the quickplay fucks, mentally. There's no difference whatsoever. The only real difference between looking for games here, and hitting the quickplay button, is that here people have just one iota of skill.
Quickplay rainstorm, loot is necessarily distributed more evenly by the lack of money. No one can really open a lot of chests by themselves until after the teleporter, when there's a mad dash to scour the map clean. This is always what Yea Forums says sets them apart - "quickplay idiots steal loot, farm chests, jews, etc". But play with a Yea Forums team on monsoon? It's even worse.
Because of the abundance of money that drops in monsoon, no player is ever unable to afford chests, even pre-teleporter. This leads to maybe one or two players with faster characters zipping around the map, getting as many chests as possible, before the call to start the teleporter is put out. The mentality of greed is so obviously the biggest driver in people's heads. You don't have any more game knowledge than the average player, certainly. In the week since release, I've played with maybe one group that has gotten the secret aqueduct room independently, without my pushing for it. Yall are very happy to spend 10 minutes per map farming for chests, but 30 seconds to clear out a room for guaranteed greens is too much?
So what sets you apart, Yea Forums? The ability to survive on monsoon for 5 minutes longer than the average player? Neo-Yea Forums is a shade of itself, old Yea Forums was actually good at games.
>free copy
BBSes, IRC, forums, chat programs, modern social media, it's all identical, there hasn't been a social change to the Internet since its inception, the only difference is that they're now normalfags rather than nerds
he based
Buy one get one free is over broham, sorry about that.
Yup. It didn't have to be "discord' it could've been literally anything else that was more accessible than teamspeak. The dredges of the internet rise up and stir shit and there's always autistic drama going, just look at any /vg/ generals with literalwho poster names tossed around and people discussing them
D-Walker's game looks p. cool
Is hellfire tincture bugged?
The effect faded away after a few seconds but I kept taking damage until I died.
EU lobby 4 slots
>Discord complaining about Reddit
Thankfully Hopoo lurks here and only takes suggestions from the people who most their non Drizzle runs.
Really though I'm glad he's listening. I really
Enjoy that he takes everything we say
And sometimes adds more, making me and the
People of this place very surprised and frankly I've had
Enough of
Reddit and Discord ruining shit
>implying I use that shit any more than absolutely necessary
I used it for a short time for art commissions because that's just where the client preferred to do shit and it was even more autistic than /vg/ threads that have been going on for 10 years.
Maybe is right though and I'm just becoming a grumpy boomer oldfag but I don't remember it being as bad as this.
>doesn't look like it's being used
maybe not after all? weird
well fuck then. I promised i'd get him a copy.
Time to shell out 40 bucks then. You work, it's not a problem for you, right?
>boo hoo give me more chests
Of course people who don't know you aren't going to share because more items = more power = more fun. Play with your friends if you don't have the competitive spirit, pussy.
Hopoo if your reading this I'm not a drizzlet please add reaper PLEASE I FUCKING BEG YOU ADD REAPER
literally how the fuck are you supposed to dodge the dunestrider rolling balls as commando?
Money is a bit tight. Having to work 2 jobs to get by because my city is expensive as fuck to live in. I usually spend $10 or less a week on luxery stuff like games so this was going to be it. Oh well he'll just have to get his own copy.
>Decide to do babby drizzle mode for my 20 stages in a row
>Mfw sticky bomb 3d printer stage 2
>print out like 15 fucking sticky bombs
>instantly kill everything
>get like 30 more from the next sticky 3d printer
>tfw too autistic to play online
I don't wanna share my loot
Jump good.
>tfw blackhole on Merc
Updated skirt removal for those who want it
I'm 35, I've been on the net since prodigy. Shit is bad for many reasons, but nothing has really changed socially, cliques, powermad faggots, adult manchildren being annoying and assholes, dramawhores, groups that coup themselves or collapse over their own incompetence, etc, nothing has changed there
>Jump over a rolling ball
>Watch it literally do a 180 back into me as I land
>competitive spirit
>cooperative game
I bet you call everyone you play with bad, too
Shouldn't be hard to convince him if he's a fan of the first game.
give me your contact info, you poor faggot
or whoever will give it first as I can't really check can I
Had a syringe printer in like stage 3 or 4 carry me to an almost three hour run. While it was super fun, I kinda wish there were viable builds other than 'lolattackspeed+procitems'.
Nah im good. I don't really like handouts.
There is.
BFG + cells.
>get a teleporter in a wide open area with no cover as commando
>quit the run immediately because its pointless
nice class balance this shit is a joke
Thanks user and bless your heart, what did you change anyway from the last one?
Luckily for you he's pretty nice and likes putting this stuff
Online for us to enjoy on Risk of Rain 2
And includes a lot of updates and fixes like those enemies that
Dick me down, I think they were called blazing enemies
Enough complaints could help balance them and maybe he can add
Check my OC.
Dunno why but I can't stop myself from calling the Preon Accumulator the precum calculator.
you got me
Because you're underage.
Sadly far from it.
What would be some really good item ideas that would work with the game? Playing a run with Preon has me thinking of the infinite possibilities that Hopoo could provide.
I mean mentally. Which is far worse.
yeah some user talked about sticky bombs the other day so I decided to print some to try it and apparently it IS quite fucking powerful. loving it
In every group there will always be a dominant role, no matter what said group is trying to achieve.
If you're angry at your carry for taking all of the items then maybe you should try doing it yourself for once instead of complaining.
an item that increases ability aoe
>not being in touch with your inner child
I bet Hopoo regret releasing their game so early.
They vision is going to get wrangled by a bunch of shitty suggestions
The idiot that takes all the items is usually the first one to die and leave
This happens even in Yea Forums lobbies
>wake of vultures
Being "in touch with your inner child" is just the polite phrase adults use in conversations with you to call you an immature manbaby
>rusted key is bad
you dont have to even guess how the run ended
I'm surprised there is no "straight damage" item.
Critical multiplier item should be a thing, given the crits are.
A multi-attack chance item should be a thing.
Non-chance damage mitigation should be a thing.
I would also like to see some sort of a "non-proc build" enabler that isn't cells + equipment.
sticky bombs are very powerful because stacking them increases attach chance AND damage.
thats not the best part though. if you attack a sticky to an enemy and then attach another one the previous sticky explodes instantly. usually there is a delay to the explosion. attaching a new one forces the already attached sticky to explode.
stickys do 125% damage per stack. so it spirals out of control damage-wise. also the attach chance is not multiplictave like teddybear its additive like glasses.
wow a bunch of lines, you sure showed me that the rusted key isn't bad
I just hope that the item that upgraded your 4th skill comes back, most of the 4th skills in the game fall off way too hard.
Don't worry user I like it
It's the same exact thing as last time, I've been trying to learn Unity3d so that I can actually remove her jetpack and maybe her wristlets. Another thing I need help with is identifying her jetpack exhaust so I can remove that. I also did some "touch-ups" on her assets without going too far, but there's no point to working on a model if I can't get it properly in the game.
Ok, who will make a mod to change the color of rusted boxes to something you can actually see?
Soldier's syringe
Fuel cell
Sentient meat hook
Either ocular HUD or primordial cube
Any way to change the fov?
>aura items that provide slight boosts to allies
>grappling hook equipment for mobility and stunning enemies
>rage item that increases damage when low hp (shields counted)
>1 box per level
>hard to find
>doesn't spawn on your first key so if you got them from a 3D printer they are useless this mission
>doesn't do shit
>every time you low-roll you are forced to take on another level with no items
It should be buffed severely. At least by providing multiplier boxes per level so they aren't a pain in the ass to search for.
not in the menu and configs.
gotta use something to inspect the assemblies sand make a custom .dll file. its like that for every unity game. gotta change the camera fov in the source code and recompile.
I can't wait for these jobless furry retards to flood the volunteer positions like they do to absolutely every community
So you need 25 white items in order to get a 50% chance for a red that can be Wake of Vultures? Seems totally worth it.
The aura would be cool, but utterly useless in single player unless you also reap the benefits 24/7
Grappling hook active would be the shit
Rage should just increase regen, speed, and crit chance
Anyone who lusts to be a moderator shouldn't be one. The Yea Forums in Hoopoo should be smart enough to know this
Mercenary gets fun as fuck when it turns into a game of Tribes Ascend
Warbanner should be automatically placed on every teleporter activation.
Debate me.
it also should scale
Bring back the fucking snake eyes from ror 1, I keep failing the fucking shrines 7+ times in a row only to finally get a fucking rusted key on the 8th try which cost me 30k gold
>jobless furry retards
Well, it was Yea Forums that had people crying over not being able to afford 20$ for a week straight.
>multiple stone titans spawn
>hide behind a rock as they start charging their laser
>one of them uses the ground fisty movey thing and punches me up into the sky
>3 lasers focus on me and kill me instantly
thanks for beta testing ror2 steamincels
im gonna be so glad when the full game gets announced on epic
I'm pretty sure 95% of Yea Forums are avid Discord users.
Holy shit, they need to do something about the swamp level, higher contrast between objects or tweak the teleporter placement or make it bigger and spread out the enviromnetal objects, just something! I've lost count on how many times the teleporter was partially stuck in a huge boulder or wall or under some crack.
Everyone becomes fun as hell at 5+ Hoofs/Monsters
>please let me lynch people as I see fit
The power fantasies of these degenerates, holy shit
well this doesn't look good but I've got no fucking idea what's causing this
Honestly I find that most people just don anime and furry avatars just to get a calculated reaction and rise out of people since the sight of one easily triggers so many people, they're still losers either way but for different reasons. [spoilers]People with anime avatars are honestly the more normal ones out of the two, we aren't in that godawful early 2000s Gaia Online era anymore, times have moved away from the ironic Steam weeb[/spoiler]
Well it's exactly because it's Yea Forums that people begged for games. Where else would you find a massive gaming community that has no friends to gift a free copy to?
>playing on easy mode
I'm not playing on Drizzle though
Wow you mean to tell me if I blow 20 fucking items on a key printer I can maybe find a small, hard to find chest once per level with a red item in it? Boy that sure sounds useful except really at all.
How shit would an item that reduces fall damage be?
>need 100 rusted keys to get a 100% chance to drop a red once per level when most games go around 20 levels only, if you can even find the box
you will never convince me they're worth it, ever
>playing with team as commando
>stand on high ground to view as much of the level as possible
>scan for enemies and barely damage as many as possible for maximum assist money when teammates finish them off
>can clearly see where all allies are and go loot in the opposite direction
>usually the spawn area is abandoned while everyone runs into the middle
>loot the outskirts and obscure areas that no one touches
If i get too far ahead of my allies i usually start pinging chests and share. But if they're teleport loot hogs I will go full jew and get leagues ahead with my loot.
I'm gonna need images to see what this is about for research purposes.
Female versions of all the classes when?
Yes, including QT-3.14
I find it better how the shrines aren't cheap and easy loot generators like in the previous games and actually take some effort and time to gain their items, it'd also make the die a lot better when it comes out because they were fucking garbage in the previous game with how easy it was to successfully get shrine items.
Drizzle is the Bloodborne mode of this game. It's for preschool kids with severe motor disorders.
There is one, Transcendence stops you from damage from falling and money shrines
I halted work on my modshit to help but I can't find shit. You added everything back in manually after the update, right? If not, I guess you could try that.
>Backup Magazine
>Fuel Cell
>Ceremonial Dagger
>Primordial Cube
haha le eurobeat meme
The headset item that gives you a really big jump does that.
they literally patched this today
look for red glimmery shit or red particles
finding the porter is easy in every single level if you know what to actually look for
Anyone ever successfully complete a clover run on Monsoon?
And I'm not playing on Drizzle in the webm so literally what is your point
I didn't
yep, that's what I did
took about an hour and a half
what does clover even do in 2, i only ever got it once
post music to risky rain to.
>scan for enemies and barely damage as many as possible for maximum assist money
everyone gets the same amount of money from kills/capsules at the same time
only way to get more money than someone else is with shrines/crown
that isn't to say what you are doin is useless, if you have teeth or bando, it causes those to spawn
Monsoon. Let's try to get a clover.
I'm telling you Drizzle shouldn't even be considered here. You're playing on easy, you easy faggot
Found a glitch yesterday where the item gets auto-used every tick. stopped working at next stage
I havven't gotten it yet but I would imagine that it allows items to drop from bosses and elites
will you guys be mean to me if I join one of your games and not play great because I never played the origina?
Does the gold portal area have an environment log?
Ah, finally a way for Huntress to fight the Titan in open space!
Commando youtube.com
Merc youtube.com
i cant think of the others
Of course no. We all are friends here, darling.
I only played co-op a few times, is the best thing to do is get a few items and then activate the teleporter then finish off? Because I've only bumped into people who either bumrush the tele first thing and those who spend way too fucking long on a single map
Worth joining the RoR2 Discord or is it all shitted up now?
only if you ask to play on drizzle
Artificer is obviously Haydee.
>tfw stacked two Nautilus shells with the PREON together during the prismatic run
Fuck I guess you could do it again, but testing after each addition
bandit - youtube.com
Is that a Prismatic trial? I thought the seed was the same for everybody?
someone explain bandit for me. Dude feels like he has negative damage.
think again
I just need someone to test with
engineer obviously
>why is this unreleased character I'm playing via mods not working perfectly?
now imagine all the time spent just looking for the box (after you've already spent time and items gathering those keys)
I can do it for an hour-ish
but then I'll have to sleep
This is exactly right.
Rushing the TP, you will likely not have enough cash and miss out on some items. Items being the biggest power scaling you get, this can be a huge mistake in the early game.
Spending >7 minutes on the early stages, however, and you end up at insane difficulties on the first run. Enjoy your blazing elder lemurians as a reward for opening every single chest before hitting the teleporter.
My typical early level strategy is to locate the teleporter, get a couple items in the most out-of-the-way spot from it, confirm any mountain shrines, hit the teleporter, then clean up. As you get later in the game, it matters a bit less with mobility items and the amount of money the game dumps on you.
I sort of miss the crazy sense of scale the previous game had, shit's too small and I'm too big. It'd be fucking horrible for a 3d game but still
Check steam friend requests I might have added you already
if not, have a disc/steam I can contact you at?
>grab the radar because haven't found anything else yet
>see a ? where there's nothing
>[E] Open Cloaked Chest
Are these always there?
>why is this character thats like 90% done have no damage?
>maybe im playing him wrong?
>lets ask around and see
What the fuck? Do you have pics?
I'm in a Discord for the coding discussion for a Yea Forums server for a game. It's not private, but it's not super public either, and has a few non-code discussion channels. It seems to have a pretty decent atmosphere.
The Discord server for the main community of the game server itself, however, seems like a cesspool.
He is UNIRONICALLY not finished yet. It's entirely possible they just added the character and abilities itself as a basic framework to be in game with numbers that haven't been tweaked or charges that haven't been added to his flares
I've found a few so far. They seem to take the spot of a normal spawn point, so if you search the normal areas while mashing E, you might find one.
anyone got pics of the new teleporter
i've seen them before without a radar
i was fighting stuff on the teleporter wave and i briefly saw a 'Press [E] to open (something' and when i backtracked and wiggled around i found 'Press [E] to open Cloaked Chest', it looks like a black, textureless capsule (like an equipment chest/money pod) that was slightly transparent.
Where do you get mods for RoR2?
What are you seeing here out of the ordinary?
>Get a whole bunch of good drops and think the run might be going well
>Reach the fourth stage
>The boss fight is a Blazing Elder Lemurian horde
>All the items I probably missed out on
Fuck man
We now live in a time where Yea Forums is more civil with discussions than fucking discord
im new to ROR, is this "huntress is thick!" some inside joke or something? Because in-game she's not particularly voluptuous but all the drawn pictures of her show her as thick.
Discords are just an advanced /vg/ thread
I can't even bother looking for the box so any amount is just useless to me
I've seen one before, when I noticed that the orange claws that spring up around chests during the teleporter charging had, in one place, appeared around nothing.
I think those chests are the rusty key chests? occasionally they are cloaked. Unless you found both on a level.
she's white-boy thicc, not real nigga thique
Are you fucking blind her ass is massive ingame
I think he's whining about unlocking the thing in the first place
Stupid gay, I got that map both times I made it to Delta with 5 minutes to spare. Wetland is way smaller than Aqueduct and it's easier to do now more than ever since they made teleporters way easier to see
Anonymity is key to counteract retarded highschool-tier drama circlejerking.
I had no idea Risk of Rain 2 was a 3d action game. All this time I was under the assumption it was a sidescroller game again. This looks pretty neat
Based. Literally couldn't play.
>madlad actually living in a cave all this time
so did anyone figure out how to enable the cheats yet
i want to mess around with item stacks
pretty sure those say 'open rusty chest' on the popup, plus i didn't have a key
relative to her torso/waist size her ass is very large. Her ass alone is obviously quite small but it's all about proportions.
It's thick enough to be a meme and sizable enough for people to see it all the time while following the camera
didn't follow a lick of the development I take it?
They did a surprisingly good job of transitioning a 2d game to a 3d one, there's still flaws, many of which are attributable to the game still being pretty much in alpha, but so far, it's nice
*smacks lips*
It's fun as hell. With some time and added features/fixes it will be terrific
lol this happened to me
my friend gifted me the game and i booted it up and started the game expecting an upgraded RoR1.
When the pod dropped into a 3d world my jaw dropped, it was quite the surprise.
Yeah, I wouldn't know what to tell them. If all they're trying to do is unlock it, it's super easy to just rush through as soon as possible.
Here's a Lemurian meme run, I think I made it a tad too powerful in cheat engine but it was fun nonetheless.
forgot image
>mountain trial teleport fight
>all allies die
>6 ukuleles for me
Oh nothing, the seed changed. I thought we still had the one that starts in ice.
Who are the most fun characters and why is it Artificer and Engineer?
what sorcery is this
how do I stop being a drizzlet?! I always get one-shotted by fucking beetle queens or those floating tentacle things and they're always 3-4 at once and shooting their balls at me. It's infuriating and humiliating.
Great, now I'm going to check every inch.
They're fun in different flavors.
Artifcer for living the wizard lyfe while also LARPing as the human torch and Engineer when I want to see my turrets rain hot fiery death to everything with chains of explosions and electric. I personally find Mercenary the most fun when you start jumping around like an anime character and phasing out of existence every other second
>he hasn't gotten a 50 stack of sticky bombs on mul-t, backing up to a wall and sweeping the mouse across the screen to kill anything that pops up
Move out of the way
Man up and play on medium, keep pushing till you unlock Huntress. Then start running Huntress and aiming to unlock achievements to unlock better items each run. Eventually you'll unlock Engineer and can knock out the rest of the item unlocks. Then you can move on to the hardest difficulty and unlock the few remaining items that require that mode.
>dying to beetle queens ever
always keep moving and jumping and you'll increase your survivability 10-fold
buy an early healing drone on the first level, they're everywhere
force yourself to play rainstorm and you'll git gud real quick
The fact that ukuleles can stack is amazing
Is it possible for the Aqueduct to not spawn both buttons for the secret?
How many cloaked chests have you missed, Yea Forums? You've probably missed dozens and they were full of ceremonial daggers and tesla coils
heh, I get it
well i've seen a few people posting in here about successful runs with him so maybe im just really fuckin bad with him.
They could also just be playing on drizzle.
I do not know how you can get one shot by beetle queens but as for Vagrants you just go behind a cover when it starts charging it's big boom attack. The balls are the easy part. With Merc you can use your R to dodge the explosion but that's a bit risky and you better hope it's not on cooldown when you need it
The one I opened had a cautious slug
Furries conspire to out a mod because he was tired of dealing with their constant ban requests over petty shit to a point where he didn't give a fuck about someone also being mad at the furries and dropping futa bombs in response.
This one was compiled by a furry and posted as the context to remove him for. 1/2
I can only play this game at like 26 fps, and that's with full screen on low resolution.
What should i do.
Then again, they could've been filled with Wakes of Vultures.
Invest in a good card/processor, or just wait for a max-fps mod that makes everything just a plain non-textured polygon.
how will they fix vultures?
If you get crowbars and crit he's alright. He is bad though, takes way more effort to to be as effective as anyone else.
try eating ass
I literally got on of these by looking at the ground while smashing E as a reaction in my head and forgot the concept of a "cloaked chest" existed
OK to be fair that nigga posting the blacked shit needs to be banned, but
>petitioning for mod removal over this
discord serves its purpose as a containment facility for the mentally ill. be glad it exists
looking for some general advice, a lot of these questions overlap
How much time should you roughly spend on a map?
Should you delay activating the teleporter to be able keep farming to open chests or should you just do a quick sweep > teleporter > final sweep?
On the first couple of maps should you delay fighting the boss until you get a couple of items or should you rush teleporter so you don't spend a bunch of time killing a couple of mooks because of the low initial spawn rate?
Assuming you end up with effectively infinite gold to spend, should you go over the map and open everything or just open quickly reachable chest and then leg it?
make it so you regen the amount of hp equal to the shield you had at the end of the effect.
the mod fixes it but the mod itself is broken atm
In due time, user
>I do not know how you can get one shot by beetle queens
I drizzle my way to lvl 8 or 10 and then one false move and I get obliterated with the acid, there are always 2-3 queens and they crossfire me. I also get killed by the black tentacle bosses who suck you in and by the elite green floaters.
Guess I'll have to smash my head against it until I get it.
I see nothing wrong with requesting the mod to do his job. That one guy was just straight posting porn. Is that the ror feedback channel?
Or just change it to add HP as shield, even if it doesn't work like that for the enemy.
Just be yourself bro
increase the duration a shit-ton
make it a glorified shield generator instead of messing with % health.
Any hosts?
The faggots continue after that, incessantly moaning and trying to direct to a sub that is likely owned by their furry friends.
who ya play as?
there's no hi res version of this, is there?
Serious attempts were with Commando, Huntress and MUL-T. So far I've come the farthest with the Huntress because she's fast, guess I'll stick with her.
Remind you that you can get money from the blood statue after you use the teleport.
Just use it right before the sound/effect transition into the zone and you get free money
you have to keep in mind the context that Retards have been constantly messaging him to ban people over text disagreements, and it likely isn't the first time he's had to deal with these specific people. he's banned porn as it's appeared previously, but he's at his wit's end with the bullshit these people have been pulling.
do you use the mod or are ya doing vanilla? Should play with some fags from here some time if you're lookin to improve
No, no mods, no cheats or anything. Will try
the life of a mod aint easy my guy, also whats with calling em furries? Is this some sort of meme im missing or what? Ive been in the discord watching the feedback for a few days and I havent seen any of this
imagine caring about justice in a discord server. Referring to devs by their username like they are acquainted is hilarious to me. "Hey bro check this out."
this is why community managers exist, it sounds like a bullshit job but in reality it saves devs from having to waste time on this bullshit, unfortunately indie devs usually don't have the luxury of CMs
that's dope if true. usually my allies drain those instantly at the beginning though.
would be a shame if that server got raided and the discord trannies go shitposted into suicide
reason I ask is cuz most of the people here are using the mod from what I've seen. I'd be down to play with ya but ive got the mod and im not 100% sure its working
>tesla coil
>fuel cells
>royal capacitor
>gesture of the drowned
is this lore or are you just referring to lack of best alien
Why not just ban the faggots? It's his server, if they don't like it they should get fucked.
>blacked spammer
I'm guessing kins is you
Then he needs thicker skin or to back down from his position. Moderating a large community requires you to push through huge amounts of shit. If you can't handle it, you're not fit for the it.
user i...
Heard people said that you aren't supposed to play on monsoon alone. Why is that?
>get shit items the first two levels
>god gives you a syringe printer on the third
best feeling
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who think Artificer isn't the tightest shit in this entire game
>these absolute fucking brainlets think MUL-T is better
Are you guys fucking trolling when you say Artificer is low tier or are you just absolute shit at this game?
I just unlocked merc with her on my third or fourth try after spending ages trying to do this crap with the other classes.
Fuck Me I have no life. Who 35+ bros here?
Reminder that based Loader is fucking dead.
bullet sponges
because they are drizzlelets
Cause they're bitches who need 16 people to help them.
It would be a damn shame if someone did that, entirely theoretically on a minecraft server
proof that casuals are ruining video games
fucking tranny shitheads
All this discord shit really just makes me a bit more grateful for the anonymous jannies Yea Forums uses since it makes it a lot more difficult for autists to screech at them about inane bullshit, shit just gets erased and that's the end of it (unless they decide to just shitpost even more in "retaliation", though that accomplishes literally nothing)
I don't know if a system like that would be practical or not for Discord though since I never use it because
>using discord
she's tight shit if she's got 4 goat hoofs, a feather, and some magazines. without those i just feel gimped playing her
Discord is a fucking blight on any online community.
Loader will never be in the game. His electrodes can't work in 3D. And his grappling hook is too much like cheating because it would pull him to chests and walls. I can imagine all the jews that play him would immediately grapple to players to steal their items when they open chests. And his invul shield would be absolutely too broken in 3D. It was in 2D anyway.
her offensive kit is almost as good as engineer's but the problem is that she needs defensive items she can't guarantee each run in order to get through bossfights without getting a dumb amount of distance on most bosses.
>And his grappling hook is too much like cheating because it would pull him to chests and walls
>He doesn't know
nice. what difficulty?
>you're fighting the boss? here have 30 wisps and imps harassing you the whole time and let's make some of them blazing for good measure
Singleplayer Monsoon? For me it's Drizzle Multiplayer.
By the way guys, bazaar between time, throw yourselves down the whole (or climb down), there's a log there
Best way to unlock gesture? It reminds me of the shitty challenge from the first game with knocking crabs off of cliffs but there's way less crabs in this game.
Nah Rainstorm, got stacked in lava levels with epic chest drops and using newts for bonus legends.
>Monster Tooth
>Wake of Vultures
Feathers and hooves yeah, I haven't even unlocked mags yet and managed without them, I can only imagine what a fucking deathstorm machine she is with several of those.
Also, syringe increases the speed she can charge up the nano-bomb yes? I've barely found many of them with her so it's hard to tell.
>almost as good as engineers
Man what, am I just not playing engy right or something? I found his offence horribly lacking. The turrets are strong but they get focused down due to being immobile and they can't target fire the things you want dead due to being AI instead of player controlled, and the grenades and mines hit like wet paper. Sure the turrets become much more effective once you stack a bunch of upgrades, but Artificer melts anything she looks at funny from the second the game starts.
the best part about this is that it's probably eating spawns for regular chests meaning i'm actively being hindered for not being autistic enough to have e constantly mashing
good shit
No u
just do one loop on drizzle, there's tons of them on the plains.
The replicate is 100%, just found a lone blood statue and don't say you find it. Or I have doubts they will use it at 93% during a wave or boss fight.
nice meme
this is what a drizzlefag looks like get fucking good or be a cunt like him
Turrets can easily do most of your damage output as engineer, just make sure to get all of the fungus you can to dramatically increase their survivability. Also I'm not 100% sure on this but I think if you ping an enemy with MMB then your turrets will focus on it.
There is literally nothing wrong with Drizzle
is saving up for legendary chests on the first rotation ever worth it? everytime a team camps for several minutes to get them i feel like we just get steamrolled immediately after
The free hidden armor on drizzle makes the sprint shields even less effective in practice.
glass run is fun. 3-shot the boss turned around and got one shot by a scaly boi because I was simply going too fast and 87hp isn't enough to tank a HAHA shot from anything.
you get a couple of bustling fungus, the orange horns if you're lucky, and essentially have 0 damage downtime while your turrets are invincible. stacking them directly on top of each other stacks the heal. also, left and right click don't clash animations, you can use them at the same time, and the general fastest strategy is dropping every mine on a boss immediately. you have much higher consistent dps than anyone as engi, really.
>afterburner + headset on huntress
i feel like a god damn anime character that shit is fun
For the no healing for 3 stages challenge, will picking up Infusion fuck that over?
they're part of the "rare" category of interactables, along with things like the radar tower (for log)
are you meant to get 20 stages on drizzle?
No. Now do it on monsoon+
I've yet to see a Yea Forums monsoon lobby hit the second loop because jews ruin it every time.
>I'll just take every item and carry xD
Then we end up with one player fighting the boss for 30 minutes because he doesn't have any damage items and even if he manages to teleport the difficulty spike is guaranteed to end the run. By this point whoever was hoarding items gets bored and leaves.
let me rephrase: are you intended to unlock the 20 stage challenge on anything other than drizzle?
It rerolls random chance effects once per stack if they fail
>stay in the same zone for 10 minutes to save up for legendary
>get "cheat death once"
has modanon said anything about updating 16 player lobbies, bandit and artifacts to the latest patch?
Oh, seriously? Fuck, it's good that they removed items dropping from bosses and elites to make things more difficult but every time I play I just feel so starved on items now.
Don't do this to me guys. The two infusions from the first boss were too good to pass up. Hope I didn't fuck myself.
>inb4 wake of vultures twice
Hopoo being a Yea Forumsro should only listen to feedback from players that play Monsoon and can provide screenshots.
change your attitude based on your group
if it's a jew session just be the biggest jew
>host dies
>gets mad
why do these people play this game again
can someone tell me how 2 get gud?
>be me
>everyone else grabs upgrades before me
>shooting bad guys dealing no damage whatsoever
>get shot at
>try to dodge shit
>get shot a lot
>rest of team is level 50 or whatever I just fall behind dying within mins of respawning
its a really fun game I just dont know what the fuck is goin on
I'd suggest not listening to any player feedback whatsoever and just make exactly the game they want to make with no compromises, hit 1.0, THEN start listening to feedback
I don't know what's worse, the Bitmoji pics or everyone else complaining
Yes, it seems like everything crits in this game, even the capacitor
So if I got this right, at 39 stickies and 10 glasses you get 100% chance to do 10,000% damage?
not sure on the exact numbers but your theory for BIG FUCKING DMG is absolutely correct
You might as well leave at that point because the run is destined to fail. Why is it so hard for you faggots to share?
Send screenshots if you succeed, go get em champ
the sadly departed royal capacitor
rip in piece raining holy lightning from across the map
all runs fail eventually user.
i occasionally drop into the feedback channel just to see what fucktarded shit they come up with. 95% of the """""feedback""""" boils down to "hey devs please make it so that I will never have difficulty with this one very specific thing that killed me. You see, here's my very convoluted solution for this non problem k thx :)".
should have downgraded the name with the nerf from royal to something else
Commando, duh. It's just a shame that he isn't good outside of a very specific build
> Uncommon
The meat hook tentacle thingy
The crit one.
>mfw Capacitor+Seashell
It's obvious why they nerfed it
Maybe you shouldn't have let him die, did you ever think of that?
My only issue with difficulty thus far is fire when playing mercenary. Bit much to instantly die from full health.
Why is Preon Accumulator allowed to exist? Its OP as fuck, its a shame theres a 9999 damage cap though.
Commando just isn't good period.
Any other character outright has more damage. His cooldowns make no sense.
personally, I'd pick the mag unless you have already 2-3 then I'd pick glasses
There's a point where you have enough magazines, but you never have enough glasses
My friend got that glitch when we were playing, but with the drone summon. Completely froze the game.
Why does commando have damage fall-off, spread, and no iFrames?
70% of it is probably people unlocking her and seeing her fat ass in 3D for the first time catching them off guard. The first game doesn't really allude to this for obvious reasons.
Fuel cell
Too much cooldown, I wouldn't even touch it unless I had fuel cells or the conch
Only feedback I've seen and agreed with yet so far was to allow dead players to play some kinda mini drone to fly around and mark items for players via ping. Just so they have something to do.
>Any other character outright has more damage.
He's objectively the strongest character if you get that very specific build.
how do
Finally unlock Mercenary on drizzle
pls no judging
Everyone talking shit about the discord and how it's going to die
How do I even join the discord
Capacitor is better. Much shorter cooldown and you don't have to aim it.
I did too. We can be trash together.
What the fuck is it about Discord that attracts trannies and furries so god damn much.
Every fucking discord server
Who cares. It's not like it had a difficulty minium requirement. You ain't gonna unlock the moonsoon archivement like that so play the way you like, faggot.
It's public, just look for "Risk of Rain 2 discord" on google.
>That one that spawns rockets when you open chests
>Frost Relic
32 but close enough I guess, because the game mostly stopped spawning enemies like 4 stages ago so going any further seemed useless.
>Do Prismatic Trials
>Get like 8 minutes for the first try
>Feel good
>top spots are all dudes who completed it in like 15 seconds
>37 syringes
Not as good as I expected. Got murdered by giants because movement got too slow and no aoe.
Trannies: Dicords is just great for circlejerking.
Furries: Some of Dicord staff's members are furries that intentionally overlooked furry porn that could be troublesome from a legal standpoint so they flooded the place. Also circlejerking.
Cheating user.
Cheats dummy
What's the optimal way to play? Rush the teleporter then loot? Or loot as much as possible then hit the teleporter?
How do I deal with overloading/blue asshole magma worms? They're starting to gate me from going beyond 3 loops whether they kill me themselves or distract me to a greater wisp shooting me in the back
Is anyone working on a patching framework so we can actually use multiple mods at once or should I start?
It's what online IRC channels and chats and forums were always like, Discord just brought it into the limelight. It's just a chat service, nothing more.
what mods are even out there?
Can you tell me how?
Honestly Huntress attacks too slow and doesn't benefit from attack speed stacking that much. The only ones I found attack speed to be real good on were Engineer, Merc and Artificer.
Commando's railgun needs to be hitscan like MUL-T's. It came out instantly in the first game. Not sure why they slowed it down in this one. His R definitely needs some work too. Not sure what else they need to fix but he does seem to just be almost completely replaced by MUL-T at the moment.
Mix. Loot some things, estimate the amount of chest left to open so by the time you finish charging the TP you have enough to open those.
Going too fast results in you getting stomped due underpower and too completionist makes the enemies grow too strong.
By the time you get SPEED you'll be able to clean levels really fast and picking all chest so don't worry.
Rush teleporter grabbing any capsules along the way, kill boss, loot anything in a reasonable distance, repeat. It's more effective in MP as one person can stay behind to pop the tele so you don't have to walk back. At some point you'll have so many mobility items it won't matter.
What's the point of characters having their base speed stated if they're all the same speed?
Why isnt Mercenary faster when he desperately needs it?
get gud
how 2
get gud
You ever got 10+ Syringes on a Commando with literally any on-hit item and a Clover? Had a run yesterday with 17 ATG Missiles and 19 Stickybombs, shit just got eviscerated left and right
And then a teammates Beetle Guard threw a Barrel into me and offed me. Neat.
Just learn where everything is on the first couple of runs, then optimize and work out what you need and what you don't need
Acrid will be faster when he gets released. You're right about Merc though
>What's the point of characters having their base speed stated
Because the game is still in EA and maybe they'll do something with movement speed we don't know yet.
Mercenary doesn't really need speed so much as he needs some way of dealing with blazers.
I don't see any host's so if anyone wants to play I'm hosting a game in NA
Huntress needs shaped glass, then she's pretty good. Just never stop sprinting.
So the achievement Decide where you have to kill an Elite boss on Monsoon. Do I have to get like level 20+ for an elite boss to spawn? Cause this is gonna be a bitch if so.
I did or else I wouldn't have asked, all i got was risk of rain discords, but i assume risk of rain 2 is different?
Pretty sure you can just find them, or hit up one of those Mountain Challenge things on a second loop
Can we make something clear?
Drizzle players are TRASH.
>needing speed as a merc when you are literally immortal thanks to i-frames
if anybody is going to crash the run with no survivors it is going to be me
>Wax Quail
>Head Stompers
Cub isn't troublesome from a legal standpoint unless you live in a third world shithole like Canada, Australia, and the UK who seem to think drawings are Child porn while seemingly having no problem with the gratuitous actual child rape happening in their countries.
If you want to DPS you shouldn't play huntress. Glaive spam is what she's actually good at, get some crowbars to boost your damage.
So how is it compared to the first game?
Now THAT'S the Risk of Rain I know!
How to kill the run like a champ
>Newt shrine
>Grab meteorite and gesture of drowned
>Fireworks cuz it's pretty
Crowdfunder because it carried me in the Long Road.
Glass boosts glaive damage too.
Energy drink
57 leaf clover
Ocular HUD until I have 10 Len's maker glasses, then it's Silence Between Two Strikes.
>Reading these threads made me want to play RoR1 again
>Haven't touched it in ages
>Do a few runs as various classes to get a feel for things again
>Oh god I can't remember what half of these items do oh fuck all I remember is barbed wire and health upgrades
>Don't have the muscle memory and game knowledge I once had to breeze through these things
>Never made it past level 2 despite getting good drops like multiple piggy banks, clovers, or double jump with two jetpacks and stomping boots
>But at least I wasn't playing on Drizzle
I had fun though, I'll play more tomorrow and suffer more. I really forgot how enjoyable this game was. I'll probably get road blocked by stage 3 all over again because that was my original road block when I first played the game. I swear I'm actually good, when I played the game from a fresh start on my laptop I ended up beating the game on my first run with nothing unlocked while riding in a car on a road-trip with terrible sun glare.
I also forgot how silly and depressing some of these logs can be.
>Immediately after spawning, these tiny imps run in all directions. While I do feel a bit.. awful.. about killing what seems to be the equivalent of children, I need the treasure they hold if I'm to survive. I'm sorry.
Can you make the mod that enables bandit work with quickplay?
At the cost of being extremely squishy. Crowbar is almost as good, has no downsides, and your teammates probably don't want them.
If loli porn porn is banned, so should cub porn.
Don't get me wrong, I couldn't give less fucks about it, it's not my thing, but it's very hipocrite to ban underage loli but cub is ok. Regardless of it being an anthro animal or humanoid alien, one of the key factors in the fetish depicted is the fact that it's a little kid.
Imo any artistic depiction should be legal and allowed as long as it's not a personal direct attack against someone who's not a public figure, but if we have to do some cuts, let's do it right.
>MulT why u cryien
>thingken of fast
I don't believe either should be banned, but there's a clear separation from child porn cub has that loli/shota do not, and that is a depiction of a child IE a young human
Even anthropomorphic you'd be hard pressed to call a furry of any size a human.
glasses max out at 10 bro
Also been playing RoR1 again since I am starting to get burned out by RoR2 (it's normal, I played too much)
It's fun but FUCK, it's hard as hell. Makes me really udnerstand how easy RoR2 is by comparison. Elites in that game are on a different level, where in RoR2 only fire is dangerous but overly so, in RoR1 all elements are dangerous but not immediate round enders. It's fun.
>22 Unblinking Crimson Eyes
Jesus christ.
Are those supposed to be 11 pairs of crit glasses
That's why I thing it's stupid. These people are so god damn shallow, they see a furry and suddenly t's okay, because it's degenerate, but only because it's furry, not because whatever else has it. I though they wanted to ban the depiction of udnerage kids, but apparently Shotas, cubs and whatever else is okay. I don't understand.
I thought I heard that crits could crit?
I keep seeing people complain about this but I've had literally no issue after I learned the first time not to get too close. You realize his "melee" attack still has some range on it, albeit short, right? Just stay slightly back from the blaze elite and swing, plus you have R and Shift. You can kill them without taking any damage if you play correctly.
seems like it
>Play in Drizzle
>Relax and still have fun
>Maybe even play with friends
Enforcer when
you can double/triple/etc crit
glasses passed 10 is fine
fuck off
I don't think you are getting me
Under a lot of legal definitions loli and shota can be illegal because they are "Depictions of children in sexual situations"
Cub is not a depiction of a child in any situation, so from a purely legal stand point it makes more sense that cub would be allowed even though all art should be allowed frankly.
Add to that the ambiguity of furries (There are animals of all shapes and sizes, who's to say someone's corgi character or dwarf rabbit character is or isn't underage when they appear to be underage)
In any case I'm made that discord caved to the SJWs
then i was lied to multiple times
>Royal Capacitor
Unlimited Glaive Works.
New thread
Honestly fuck their shitty modloader, it's stupid who what it implements. I've decided later today I'm just gonna put out there a mod which disables the lock on console cheats just to spite them. While the only useful command as a client is respawn, it lets you respawn as anything in the game, invalidating their shitty modloader because it can only add extra classes. Also, if you're the host, you can do anything.
I'm aware, it still makes little sense to me. I understand how it works, it's stupid nontheless.
Banning/Forbidding subjective things is the last thing you should be doing. It's a waryou can't win, as there always be who view it in a different manner
game some really nice looking shadow/lighting effects
>an extra crowbar does more damage
>teammates probably don't want them
At least until they add sniper to the game.
>run is struggling hard
>get to abyssal depths
>someone dies immediately
>i can't resist activating 6 (six) combat shrines
i feel a little bad
Hey, can someone explain the proc thing to me please? I do not understand what it really refers to.
are you trolling or for real? I've seen this question repeatedly asked with almost the same phrasing.
I wonder what the probability of usual and large chests then