Took me 3 tries to beat him. Game is ez as fuck and Bloodborne is better (harder too)
Took me 3 tries to beat him. Game is ez as fuck and Bloodborne is better (harder too)
Other urls found in this thread:
Bloodborne is much better but sekiro is much harder.
your mom easy as fuck lmao
I agree.
Sekiro actually requires skill and practice if you dont cheese bosses the easy way which most all of them can be cheesed.
Bloodborne is overall a better and more complete package
>Bloodborne is overall a better and more complete package
Maybe if you buy the dlc
But did you have the Bell Demon you fucking casual?
The base game is 10/10 on its own.
>refillable postions
>can still kill BOSSES
Yea, nice try PClard. Sekiro is even easier than Dork Souls 3
Meant to say "stealth kill" bosses
The revive is literally just half your health bar. It has no other gameplay role.
Eh Sekiro is very contained and super tight, but I think BB is much meatier even without DLC. It just feels a little too sparse and I if it DOESN'T get DLC, I think it will fade long before BB.
>refillable postions
yeah i dont think ill be taking anything a spic says seriously
pretty sure you get more potions in bloodborne, and the revives offset the fact that most bosses attacks will oneshot you.
infinite stamina doesnt mean anything, what matters is posture and you dont have infinite blocks. you're not even running bell demon.
>can stealth kill bosses
that's not true at all, you're just straight up lying
also learn to type you faggot
This. How can anyone be dumb enough to realize it's not "double" your health, it's just compartmentalization
I'd give base game a 7 for being too short and the chalice dungeons being anti fun to get through, would have preferred a few more levels instead but the dlc takes it to a 9/10 whereas sekiro is a 8
>pretty sure you get more potions in bloodborne
Pretty sure you don't between gourds (refillable), pellets, divine grass, rice etc.
>and the revives offset the fact that most bosses attacks will oneshot you.
People keep saying this, even for the demon of hatred and it's absolute bullshit. The only attack to legit 100-0 me was a coutner hit from the Demon of Hatreds dash attack and even then, it's disgustingly telegraphed and easy to dodge (literally jump, that's it, don't even need to direct it or time it)
>infinite stamina doesnt mean anything, what matters is posture and you dont have infinite blocks.
The posture mechanic is what makes the game easy af. Can literally kill bosses without even taking their health below 50%, LMFAO
>you're not even running bell demon.
And you didn't do a hands only Bloodborne SL9 run.
The base game doesn't even tell you who Kos is because they hadn't finished rewriting the fucking script! Only three of the base game bosses pose any challenge whatsoever, the rest are completely easy. There's fuck-all selection of weapons and fuck-all environment variety.
It's ridiculous how overrated BB is. There's just so much shit in it that is unpolished, unfinished, undevelopped, unbalanced or just downright broken. Presentation really does go a long way.
what in the fuck is that tiny stamina bar, fucking yikes
>doesn't show phase 2
The chalice dungeons are just extra content though. So yes they could be much better but i won't rate down the game for it.
you can take 2 hits from isshin and you're dead. 3 if hes doing his standard 3 hit combo, 2 almost everywhere else.
>And you didn't do a hands only Bloodborne SL9 run.
running bell demon is as hard as hands only sl9? i had no idea, i guess im just better at the game than you.
>Bloodborne is overall a better and more complete package
wet nurse, one reborn etc are complete shitfest bosses.
also the nightmare levels have demon ruins-tier design
all in all, the first half is sooo much better (excluding dlc)
What for? We all know how it went: he dodged to the side and won.
>Tells others to GIT GUD
>Thinks BB is hard
Oh lawdy he just wont stop, this lil tard
>you can take 2 hits from isshin and you're dead.
Not a oneshot
>2 almost everywhere else.
>running bell demon is as hard as hands only sl9? i had no idea, i guess im just better at the game than you.
Never said that, just saying that you can inflate Bloodbornes difficulty as well (way more than you can with sekiro because, lol, no builds).
Shit game, ez af. Cope, git gud
>wet nurse, one reborn etc are complete shitfest bosses.
So is the tree boss, monkeys, Corrupted Monk.
>also the nightmare levels have demon ruins-tier design
Every level in Sekiro except for Ashina Castle and Fountainhead was mediocre-trash
Wow, you are so cool and good at games. Congratulations, you are a huge faggot.
Bloodborne is better but not harder than Sekiro.
>thinks BB is hard
Quote where I said that. Compared to this ez mode casual revive fest with infinite stamina it's hard.
Compared to actually hard game's, it's typical Soulsshit.
You know kos is a great one who ascended Rom. Same way you know oedon is a great one who exists through blood. You don't need to know all the details of the mysterious gods.
>refillable potions + farmable heals + rice
>infinite stamina
>stealth attacks
Automatically the easiest Soulsborne game just based on the revives alone. LMFAO
Nightmare levels were unabashed design kino. The frontier was breath taking.
Sekiro is a lot easier than all the other from games except for ds2.
The base game has a steady succession of crappy areas and crappy bosses after yharnam, yet people, "people", will stay claim its 10/10, even without the dlc.
You've got the great grey, brown dirty slew of mud, the forbidden forest, the ganking trio, the blatantly unfinished byrgenwerth and Rom, Ya'hargul, its tedium and the one reborn, the frustrating nightmare areas and their respective pushover or terrible bosses, and the celestial emissary, an awful penultimate boss in the too-short upper cathedral ward. Oh, and the witches of hemwick as well. What an absolute joke.
Really, the gap in quality between Yharnam and the Bloodstarved Beast/Cleric Beast/Amelia/Gascoigne, and the long wait until Logarius/Gehrman/Ebrietas is astounding. For me, this made repeated playthroughs, once the chalice dungeons were done, an absolute chore.
The reason the DLC is so vitally important to Bloodborne, is because, like you said, the story, multiplayer and gameplay variety all felt like they were missing massive gaps before release, more even than any other souls game before its respective release apart from perhaps Dark Souls 2. It genuinely felt "unfinished".
It bothered me that you never actually went "into" the clocktower in Bloodborne before the DLC, despite it's prominence in both the pre-release marketing materials and cutscenes. This felt like a rejection of the "You can see it-You can go it" philosophy that big landmarks of prior from games held. And so when it became available in the DLC, it really did feel like cut content to me.
It gave Bloodborne a satisfying end game. Yet that doesn't change the base games glaring faults, just as Artorias of the Abyss doesn't either.
Why do bosses have 2 deathblow dots most of the time?
It looks fucking stupid and serves no point at all. Just double the amount of posture and hp, so the actual kill feels way more rewarding.
Sorry assumed you were OP based on all the faggotry
>You know kos is a great one who ascended Rom.
No, you goddamn retard. The only one who mentions Kos in the base game is Micolash. She doesn't exist anywhere else. You know why? Because, originally, "Kos" was Ebrietas' name. This is also the reason why Micolash uses Augur of Ebrietas, even though he belongs to the rival faction of the Choir. Kos only exists because From went through multiple rewrites for the game and had to tie lose ends.
I am OP. Quote where I said BB was hard without directly comparing it to Sekiro specifically.
>being this wrong
Screencap Copy of Bloodborne with timestamp, seething PClard.
Also, only plebs think Forbidden Forest is bad and it's unironically better than every area in Sekcasualiro
This is either literally bottom tier bait or a literal contrarian fuck who just feels like lying.
>Used all pellets in his "3 tries"
>Your revive bar didn't fill partially between your deathblow screen shots
>Literally died right before getting the death blow
>Used all of your spirit emblems on firecrackers
Post play time faggot.
Anyone who thinks Bloorborne is better then anything is underage and played it as their first game.
can't you write posts without ending them with buzzwords like an absolute nigger faggot?
Remember chalice dungeons? Remember fighting repeated bosses for RNG drops? Remember the boss rush mode which was advertised, programmed but never implemented?
Damn OP I'm not sure who has the more advanced autism, you or the BB contrarian you're bitching it. Claiming BB is harder than Sekiro, no matter where they align on a general scale of difficulty, makes you a lil tard. If you don't like hearing that, get better bait.
Nice argument PClard
>Used all pellets in his "3 tries"
>Your revive bar didn't fill partially between your deathblow screen shots
>Literally died right before getting the death blow
>Used all of your spirit emblems on firecrackers
Are these meant to be arguments against Sekiro being ez af?
Because ironically, those are just why the game is ez af. Firecrakcers are broken, heals up the ass, infinite stamina so I can just sprint away and heal without worrying about anything (or fk it, just stealth away if it's a miniboss! LOL) ONTOP of having revives out of my ass. Pic related, another """""hard""""" boss I rekt in 3 tries. LOL
Or be a contrarian as fuck faggot who is actually just lying.
>Claiming BB is harder than Sekiro, no matter where they align on a general scale of difficulty, makes you a lil tard.
Finite stamina
Finite healing
No blocking
>is easier than
Infinite stamina
Refillable healing (ontop of finite healing resources)
Blocking (even if you fuck up a deflect, you're still in block, LMFAO)
Yea, nice try PClard. Also, Bloodborne rapes it in Metacritic AND User Score.
Right here bucko.
Easy. As. Fuck
Those are some shit opinions
Better than your opinions tho
the fuck I beat the game with attack power 7.
What did I do wrong?
>Owl only has two death blows
>Can only use a max of two revives during that fight
>Revive bar is filling despite that
>It only fills a tiny amount per deathblow
Dog this took you 7-8 if were being generous.
Actually just lying.
Missed about 20 bosses and probably didn't break the iron code like a pleb missing out an entirely new area, LMFAO
Did you examine the memories of the main bosses at a sculptors idol? It gives you 1 point per kill.
Whatever, Dark Souls 2 is still the shittiest and that is all that matters.
>Sekiro Trainer released
>Casuals can easily claim the game is easy
Whelp it'd over then
Yeah I did but still.
Indeed, I broke the iron code. What am I, a cuck? Will replay the game anyway :D
Not really, you sound retarded
>having to cope this hard because he was probably stuck on this ez mode boss for days
Less retarded than you sound tho, LOL
No one is taking your arguments seriously since you're shitposting at the same time.
Even if ironic, shitposting is still shitposting.
Go get some fresh air man.
Stamina for days, practically infinite rolling with huge iframes
20>13 and if you need to farm at any point in BB, you're not actually good enough at it to call it easy.
iframes in BB are ridiculous and you can still play sloppy and r1 heal
I'm not even saying Sekiro is the better game or deserves a better metacritic score because I'm not a retard who cares about internet critics it's just definitely not as easy as BB
>29 hours
I can actually discount your opinion on anything From Soft related.
For comparison btw.
>practically infinite rolling
Still better than LITERALLY infinite rolling (and sprinting/jumping/grappling/stealthing)
>20>13 and if you need to farm at any point in BB, you're not actually good enough at it to call it easy.
13 refillable gourds
and rice
and pellets
and divine grass
>iframes in BB are ridiculous and you can still play sloppy and r1 heal
As opposed to playing slopping in Sekiro by fucking up a deflect and STILL being in block. LMFAO
Have sex
>30 hours.
Oh good just had to make sure this was bait.
>he used a guide
Congrats user, also show the whole screen so we can see your original playthrough that took 40 hours. Because there's zero chance you not only found all the bosses/hidden bosses without a guide, but also knew how to complete each side quest (eavesdropping at the correct spots etc) without a guide.
Not even him btw
Post yours with the full screen zoomed out
>completed the game
>found all Vitality beads and got all AP buffs
>did all the necessary side quests (and knew how to do them) to unlock Fountainhead
>in 12 hours
>no walkthrough
Who are you even trying to fool buddeh
>30 hours
Now that was an own goal.
What is it about Sekiro that triggers the absolute scrubs of Yea Forums?
The only thing I even bothered looking up was for the Owl ending everything else was actually just exploring.
Sorry it took you 90 million years to find shit.
>completed the game and all of its side content in 12 hours
Thanks for proving how ez it is, LMFAO
>20 blood vials available from the very beginning of the game
>Enemies commonly drop blodvials meaning recharges on field
>Rallying means blood vials aren't even necessary if you're quick
>Blood bullets means you can infinitely spam parries
>Have to buy or senpai vials if you run out at a boss
>No concequences for dying at all
>Gigantic health bar
>Runes for extra vials and HP
>Gourd starting at 1 and being upgraded one charge at a time
>Maximum 3 pellets
>Maximum 1 divine grass
>Maximum 3 rices
>Revives required to access the rest of your health bar
>Secondary revives not available unless you deathblow an enemy
>Secondary revives are depletable and only a very rare item can bring them back immediately
>Death causes NPC sickness and takes half 1/3 of the times at best
I don't even want to go into blocking, stamina and so on.
Sekiro is a better game.
Either you used a guide consistently(you did, who are you kidding) or you're proving OPs point by beating it within 12 hours, first time, no guide.
No soulsborne game can be beat in that time frame on one try without a guide.
Healing takes much longer in sekiro and it's less effective until later in the game too. bloodborne I frames are OP and parrying from a distance allows you to play safe whereas if you spam deflect, hold block or try and play defensive in sekiro you're gonna get your posture broken very fast and dont even bother farming pellets without bell demon on.
This guy is a god.
How did you get so good at games? Serious question.
>Took 30 hours to beat it.
>"I-i-it's easy..."
It's over user.
>tfw I just checked my one file for the first time and it's over 100 hours
I've got to stop letting games idle so much
Illiterate lying nigger.
I admitted to using a guide for only the owl shit ending because I don't care about spoilers, I just got lucky in the fact it's the ending that gives you the rest of the prayer beads.
>refillable blood vials
>grappling hook + infinite stamina + stealth meaning you can easily navigate every single area and even cheese most mini bosses
>fucking up deflects still leave you in block
>spam attacks infinitely
>spam rolls/jumps/sprint infintiely
>no consequences to dying at all (dragon root doesn't do shit, lmfao)
>gigantic health bar
>no block
>no stealth
>no jumps
>can't spam roll
>can't spam attack
>no revives
>fuck up a parry and you take damage (most likely a lot due to counter hits)
I don't even want to go into fucking up builds, stealth abusing minibosses AI so that you can just stealth kill them twice and so on.
Bloodborne is a better game and that's why it reviewed better among critics and users alike (pic related).
Git Gud
Have Sex
Bullshit retarded opinion.
I heard that, but there's no way you ONLY used a guide for that and you're not gonna convince anyone otherwise.
>I just got lucky in the fact it's the ending that gives you the rest of the prayer beads.
Just stop it dude, this is getting embarrassing.
I think you mixed up your shitposting images, buddy
Based redpilled opinion you mean. Cope about it
>can't spam roll
>can't spam attack
>fuck up a parry and you take damage
Are you suuuuuure that you played Bloodborne?
Yea mb, that's when I was shitting on Nioh a few days back.
Yes. Maybe you will too one day when PS4 can be emulated on your PC :^)
>Guy with the retarded contrarian opinion on DS2 is an incel
I honestly don't care if you believe me, I'll stream the next time I do a play through of one of these games so I can show it to dude like you.
Literally every secret in this game boils down to a partially hidden hook shot, a ninja wall, or diving under water(Something that I got early).
>Literally every secret in this game boils down to a partially hidden hook shot, a ninja wall, or diving under water(Something that I got early).
Yes, and you're trying to say you did all of that + figuring out every boss + beating every boss (based on the ending you did and Vitality/AP you have) all on your first try?
Either this game is the easiest from soft game ever made or you skipped every cutscene and alt tabbed to look up a guide every few seconds.
The average time to complete the main story ONLY is 25 hours on "", no way you did a completionist tier run in half the time.
I can't believe I messed up and died right before the Genichiro battle at the top of the castle.
I had a good no death run going on and then I fucked it up because I thought it'd be easy to rush the Samurai right underneath him.
I parried him like you should which I've got no problem with, but unlike my first playthrough I naïvely thought I could just wail at him after the first parry to end it quickly.
Fuck he hits hard. He hits harder than the bosses. At the very least on NG+. He did another ashina cross through my attacks and fucking offed me. I regret it all so much. I don't want to restart just to continue my deathless run. I messed up. This is it. The end. R.I.P.
I can't believe I was that stupid.
You know user, I didn't believe you, but then you posted that image and it's got me on the fence
>Sekiroshill also likes Dark Souls 2
Color me surprised
Or or or...
I'm just better than you at this.
Here you go bro I don't normally use this image but I have it saved just for moments like this.
>I'm just better than you at this.
Possibly, but to the extent that you pulled of a completionist tier run (average time is 50 hours) in half the time that it took the average person to just do a basic Main Story run? Yea, i'm gonna go with you're a lying user on Yea Forums like most fags on here.
Until you post a lets play/stream :^)
>refillable blood vials
Not a problem. Farming is and always has been a complete waste of time.
>grappling hook + infinite stamina + stealth meaning you can easily navigate every single area
And that's a bad thing how?
>and even cheese most mini bosses
It's like you're playing a ninja or something!
>fucking up deflects still leave you in block
Which will take away your posture. Not to say you can't block grabs, thrusts or sweeps.
See above. It's actually more complex than spam circle and R1.
>spam attacks infinitely
>spam rolls/jumps/sprint infintiely
Which will get you nowhere.
Again, revives just means 40% of your health is locked behind getting to phase two on a boss or killing an enemy. They actually make the game harder.
>no block
>no stealth
>no jumps
And why is this a good thing? What makes you think needing to understand less mechanics equates a game being better or harder?
>fuck up a parry and you take damage
Parries can be done from meters away in BB. You don't even understand the game you're "defending".
Git Gud
Have Sex
>Until you post a lets play/stream
Until the next From Soft release then. :^)
Way to embarrass yourself user. I'm not a DS2fag, you're just retarded if you think it's the hardest one (unless you mean hardest to not quit in boredom and disappointment)
Shit I even used a BB image, what about my post is shilling for sekiro?
Call me when it happens :^)
Uhm, dude, you need to fix your reading comprehension. That user was saying that Sekiro is harder than Dark Souls 2.
I am just going to ask in this thread here instead.
So what happens if you present Kuro with the Sakura Droplet, before you've even got any revive orbs at all since you haven't ever died?
Also does his dialogue before helping him change at all?
>Not a problem. Farming is and always has been a complete waste of time.
Thanks for admitting that you were so trash at the game that you had to farm, LMFAO
>And that's a bad thing how
Makes the game casual and too ez, which it was
>Which will take away your posture. Not to say you can't block grabs, thrusts or sweeps.
Very slowly, even Ishiin and Demon of Hatreds stomps barely raised posture. What's even funneir is it raises quicker.... Wait for it....... WHILE BLOCKING, LMFAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAO
>See above. It's actually more complex than spam circle and R1.
More casual you mean (getting swamped by enemies, WHOOPS, BETTER JUST USE MY INFINTIE SPRINT + JUMPS + GRAPPLING HOOK TO ESCAPE LOL)
>Which will get you nowhere.
Literally trivialise numerous bosses in the game (guardian ape, corrupted monk etc). Just take Lady Butterfly for example. She WOULD be hard if you had to fight her when her minions were spawned but lolNOPE, just sprint around with inifte stamina until they time out. LOL
>Again, revives just means 40% of your health is locked behind getting to phase two on a boss or killing an enemy. They actually make the game harder.
Wrong. it's a revive, the boss also de-aggros allowing you to get a quick heal in. LOL
>And why is this a good thing? What makes you think needing to understand less mechanics equates a game being better or harder?
Harder, less casual, probably why you had to farm for blood vials (if you even played the game, PClard)
>Parries can be done from meters away in BB. You don't even understand the game you're "defending".
You haven't played the game.
If you land a parry at range with the gun, how exactly do you land any damage seeing as you're too far away to get it within the parry window?
92 > 90
8.9 > 8.0
Git Gud
Have Sex
Whoops look at that. All this retarded talk about relative difficulty has got me scrambled, I think it's time to turn in for the night. I suggest you fellas do the same in a timely fashion.
Unless you like DS2. Then you should an hero in a timely fashion
>hard in any sense
can't believe you guys actually typed out these posts. You both are mad, bad, and sad
P.S Dark Souls 3 is the hardest in the series
Just in case you aren't just pretending to be retarded, in BB you can dodge forward and mash R1 as soon as you parry to get the visceral if you're at a distance, you'll find it's actually quite forgiving if you give it a try
why do people pretend these games are even difficult all souls games are is an interchangable mechanic of dodge/parry spam and hit the boss untill you win there is nothing deep about these games nor is it impressive you beat it literally anyone no matter what skill level can beat these games since they function the exact same way as rhythm games as in you fail and learn until it becomes muscle memory
>Thanks for admitting that you were so trash at the game that you had to farm
I'm not sure how a mechanic being completely irrelevant makes it better for you.
>Makes the game casual and too ez
How the fuck does having better traversal make it casual? Do you seriously not remember the billion telegraphed backstabs these games always had?
>it raises quicker WHILE BLOCKING
Which renders you completely static.
>More casual you mean
No. Quite the contrary.
>just sprint around with inifte stamina until they time out
Are you sure you're not the one who's bad at stamina management? Because it's not a problem if you know how to play the game.
In fact, it's a feature which, just like depletable heals, you're not using at all if you're good. Which is why it might as well not be there.
>Harder, less casual
You literally don't understand the argument. Having more mechanics doesn't make a game easier.
>You haven't played the game.
Yes I have, dear. You can kill everything from a safe distance on a BLT build, no parries needed.
>how exactly do you land any damage seeing as you're too far away to get it within the parry window?
Parry states take more damage, my dear noob. In fact, it's better for some builds to do a charge R2 damage wise than a visceral.
Again, you don't understand either of these games. Please don't compare them.
Orphan is far far harder than anything in suckiro.
He's also from the DLC.
Call me back when we have a Tomoe boss fight.
Strafe left, backstab
so hard lmao
>he uses prosthetics
lmao pathetic
too me 88hours to plat everything lel
I just beat lady butterfly. It took almost two hours for me to get the method down, ended up just rushing her in both phases and started the second phase by lighting her on fire. Great game, but man I hope I can get through it.
reminder that firecrackers are the hidden easy mode and op literally gloats with playing the easy mode.
oh man, who would have thought that a game released four years ago would have better user rating then one released two weeks ago.
keeps seething over the fact that sekiro was able to get these kinds of scores in two weeks.
not the OP, but that last part is very true. absolutely useless to go for a visceral on a STR build.
excellent idea to tie visceral damage to on specific stat, instead level or highest stat in general.
Isshin is way harder than Gehrman, and Moon Presence is a joke.
>bloodborne just parry at range taking 0 risks
>sekiro just block
both are piss easy at least sekiro has added difficulty mechanic in new game plus