This game has caused the biggest amount of salt and tears since Bayonetta 2 was announced as a Wii U exclusive, huh?
This game has caused the biggest amount of salt and tears since Bayonetta 2 was announced as a Wii U exclusive, huh?
The thing is that Bayonetta was never good but Borderlands 2 was a masterpiece, so it's no wonder PCfags are salty.
Borderlands was only ever popular on console, so no.
>consistently high on steams top selling with b1, b2, and bps
based retard
I can taste your salt all the way from over here.
I was taken aback by the news, but I can wait a few months.
>10 million copies on steam for BL2
>5 million copies for TPS and BL1
Oh no.
Fuck off Randy
Oh no no no.
I genuinely don't understand how anyone can stand to play these games at all. Everytime I tried to give the game another chance I would run into the most cringy awful dialogue and it just never ends. Once I hit boner farts and it was delivered in the most unfunny way possible I knew it was time to stop. Has a there ever been a series that tried to be funny and failed in such a massive way like borderlands? I've never been put off playing a game before because of dialogue but borderlands managed to do it.
Was borderland ever been popular in Yea Forums?
I only remember threads talking about gozillions weapons that just a reskin scams and disappointing last boss fight for the first game.
The sequel just literally shitpost threads that Borderland 2 is just a "meme game" back then when I lurk in 2012.
Rick and morty
Its all american diaper humour
>Hehehe fuck Borderlands I'm gonna it pirate teheheh
Alright I'll just ban you
when will you mouth breathing retards stop calling games on the same platform exclusive. its not like epic making you buy a PS4 or a XSHIT its still on Pc u complete degenerates fucking zoomers you need to kys
shut the fuck up you fucking shill with your "OUR GAME TRIGGERS SOOOO MANY PEOPLE DUDE" marketing trick.God,I hate this place
Hey folks, it's Randy. Thanks a bunch for your support!
Here's a picture of me, working hard to ensure I make BL3 just as well as I made Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever!
Thank you for saving my company so we can continue to fight bigotry and be BADASS for many years to come!
Wow, people really ARE mad about this. Don't worry aspies, you'll get to play it 6 months from now.
i will play it on day1 when its cracked faggot.
>imagine paying money for games
Fuck off gearbox,I will never forget what you fuckin did to Duke
I wonder you gonna copypaste this for how long
we support you randy
Imagine being an useless pathetic neckbeard who can't afford games because he refuses to get a job.
people are so fucking stupid, you had to buy a whole different machine to play Bayo 2, all you have to do to play B3 is install an application...
or pirate
launcher wars are so goddamn retarded
cope. lol enjoy wasting money on pixels while im getting same thing for free retard
Imagine giving money to already greedy publishers that will give a 10% cut to the devs
this is actually something he would say and it makes me feel physically ill
Isnt Bayo 2 available for emulation like the rest of nintendo games?