You're going to be pleasantly surprised

You're going to be pleasantly surprised

Attached: fat thighs.png (800x749, 346K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: razmi.png (840x459, 440K)

The only reason I'm looking forward to this is for the porn. I don't even know what game this is, but it's been teased for a long time now.

Razmi can only get satisfied by big tiger cock

Attached: best Razmi pic.jpg (580x750, 216K)

What game?
Delicious looking choco thighs.

at least the kickstarter was a hoot

Attached: 1449031049968.png (956x975, 320K)

like Skullgirls, you won't need fan porn art to be able to jerk off to the game

Attached: cumshot.gif (800x501, 922K)

a literal fluid druid

Attached: thorani idle.gif (800x501, 224K)

Made for being mating pressed by Orcs (Japanese)

Since ZONE made a porn parody of Skullgirls before it came out, he should make a porn parody of Indivisible before it comes out since they hired him

Attached: Zone-tan NPC.jpg (1200x375, 62K)

higher res let's you see the cum flasks easier

Attached: DLHxUODWkAANagO.jpg orig.jpg (4000x1250, 395K)

How do we go from this

Attached: 1db.png (2184x2831, 1.13M)

to this

Attached: snake bitch and trans sans.png (600x544, 101K)

Attached: best ajna pic.png (1440x1440, 457K)

I hope she gets several games. I hope she grows fat tits

Attached: ajna bubble butt.jpg (800x1200, 125K)

i hope its epic store exclusive

Not going to bother with this garbage game
I'll look forward to the porn tho

Isn't this the game that removed a character for being white?

I hope there's a gallery mode that let's me listen to the hurt voices and animations

Attached: ajna axe 2.jpg (707x1000, 101K)

delicious brown

I'm betting the vasco change was just to spite you retarded cancerous faggots and your nu-/pol/ garbage

Attached: ajna slav.jpg (737x764, 76K)

yes this is that garbage game that's already significantly delayed as well

you're just itching to off yourself when this game is a success, aren't you?
an extra 6 months of waiting is not that significant compared to shit like KH3 that was announced at 2013

Attached: ajna matoi.png (600x861, 458K)

I'm sorry I don't like identity politics censoring my games.


I assume the game would bore me out of my skull, really, so it wouldn't take a lot to surprise me pleasantly.

That's pretty cool

I thought this must have quietly come out and been forgotten. Jeez. Wasn't this crowdfunded in like 2012?

go back to /pol/ faggot passive aggressive nu-/pol/tard

did you forget how to use google?

Attached: FUNDED.png (828x813, 279K)

This is never coming out. They took the money and ran.

I can't wait to play an SJW version of Valkyrie Profile!

He's not being passive aggressive, stop seething over your vaporware.

learn what passive aggressiveness is and how to use commas
then go fuck off to nu-/pol/ with your nu-/pol/faggotfriend

Attached: ajna HIGH TEST.png (720x1172, 165K)

play the prototype to tide you over

I doubt you have the skills to get to and beat the secret boss behind the wall since you're a retarded piece of /pol/ cancer though

Attached: Kala.jpg (1280x1788, 657K)

This game is still not out? It's been years by now, and I've seen these images ages ago. Is there really nothing new on the game?

Wow the character design in this game is shit...

>learn what passive aggressiveness is
I know what it is user, he wasn't being passive aggressive.

>and how to use commas

Attached: 1532932774392.jpg (500x500, 109K)


learn how to use a search engine

Imagine being this mad

>everyone i don't like is /pol/
>fuck off i aint gonna give no proofs nor digests, fuck off to google and dont attack me
Can someone that isn't that faggot tell me what is the beef about this game and the alleged removal of titanium hwhyte as a color? I already know how outrages about LZ and censorship can actually be total fibs and half-truths.

being mad at stupid people happens

you are trying WAY to hard. Being a good troll isn’t easy. if you try too hard it's obviously trolling and people stop engaging you. And if you do nothing, they lose interest…when you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve really done anything at all.

>music by the Secret of Mana composer
>VP combat being experimented on by a top anime fighting game player
>faggots are too busy giving a shit about the skin color of a concept character

Attached: 1531112439763.jpg (1200x1201, 198K)

you type like you failed high school

Attached: ajna smile2.png (246x296, 104K)

So if Indivisible is always shilled in Bloodstained threads, should Miriam pop into here now and again?

Attached: 1528620789476.jpg (962x962, 444K)

What for? Do you really want this playerbase in your threads even more?

It's funny sometimes.
One guy shilling Indivisible made a thread comparing the two once in a really biased fashion, but he used the wrong picture in the OP, putting a character from a porn game instead of Miriam. So the thread discussed the porn game.

that's fine
Bloodstained being an ugly game helps Indivisible look better

Attached: Ajna vs the better Miriam.png (1818x942, 1.16M)

Hey, that's the picture!

like I said, too hard, the ad hominem redirect is nice as a distraction, but at this point back pedaling is better.

Stop shilling, nigger

you trying to sound smart with your epic, parroted debate buzzwords is hilarious
you're too dumb to be anything more than a minimum wagecuck and I pity you. I hope you don't fuck up your suicide

the character designer of Valkyrie Profile drew this

Attached: giclee.png (700x457, 557K)

boy you just can't win for losing huh.
>parroted debate buzzwords
>minimum wagecuck
the irony isn't lost on you, right? right?

why did you take 15 minutes to respond with just that? Did you need to go flip a burger or something?

>You're going to be pleasantly surprised
No I'm not lmao.

cause literally shit was more important than you.

You've got your head up your own ass.
Want to know how to be a good troll?



Please don't >> me unless you explain all the sides of the current outrage conflict
t. №457251212

I liked that thread where the Indivisibleautist asked "what games were developed in less than three years?" and people threw tons of examples at him, with multiple million-sellers.


brute force is a bold tactic, sometimes it pays off though.

name 3 good examples from those "tons of examples"

Attached: 1552065811217.png (388x482, 88K)

Around the release of an AAA game, you can talk shit about the game, and 3 AI replies will come in and give you free (You)s. It's great.

Attached: 2.jpg (300x240, 32K)

that's what I thought
most of those examples were garbage because they weren't original or complex and they had a bigger budgets and teams

I bet you don't know the average time it takes to make a game

Attached: fembuu with DSL.jpg (545x822, 101K)

What the fuck are you on about?

>keeping up with this retardation
I'm starting to think this is yandev posting again

Ajna keeps her thighs moisterized

Attached: ajna shiny thighs.jpg (600x800, 161K)

not that guy but I've seen estimates of ~50000 man hours, much more for AAA.

If the guy name 3 games, he would say "those aren't good games" and so on.
I like arguing with Indivisibruautist like everyone here, but sometimes you're just not in the mood for his circular logic.

Like your mom when i slip my dick inside er ass?

Why the fuck im feeling this is something have to do with the avatar and legend of korra artstyle

But where is the smut?


Attached: SOUL.jpg (908x1200, 228K)

those thighs have soul

Attached: 1522958385779.jpg (818x827, 43K)

So as much as I'm still interested in this cause I like Valkyrie profile and skullgirls OP is acting like a faggot so this thread is a lost cause.

nice blog
keep me posted faggot

Attached: tomboy.jpg (642x243, 108K)

Wait, this never came out?
I played a demo for it years ago and it is still getting delayed?
Must be a really big fucking mess.

eagerly waiting for the r34

yeah, that must be it
you must know your stuff

Attached: Zahra.png (263x300, 25K)

shit boxart

More than anyone looking forward to this.
I'd honestly believe it was devs posting here with how long ago the hype died.

>they're taking too long
YandereDev knows more about video games than you!

Attached: HAHAHA FAGGOT.png (410x392, 46K)

Mmmmh I love thick choco thighs.

Attached: Hmmm.webm (1920x1080, 818K)


I'm sure we don't need to post in shitty places like this.

let's not go there please, I want this to be a productive day

Bleach fighting game when?

Attached: Top Tier.jpg (724x1024, 230K)


>shilling faggots who censor their own games

Attached: 1 (one) yike.jpg (2048x1152, 145K)


>coming to Yea Forums for vidyah and not the lewds

Nobody gives a shit that there are non whites, we are bothered that a character was removed just for being white.

They're right you know

Attached: 1478871154526.png (1656x1204, 1.06M)

While not bad this is somewhat better
The pirate chink with a dragon cannon and Vasco were the real losses when It came to those redesigns

imagine the kind of faggot that made this image

Attached: AgingDev.jpg (944x430, 67K)

she looks like she only fucks white guys

He looks better in 2017. Probably IS younger than what he looks like but at least his nose isn't so disproportionally Big

It's really a great game though so its no surprise the shill got shafted by dick unity. Did the guy ever finish it, I remember getting stopped in the town after the second boss though that was a fair while ago.

I'll moisten her thighs with something special

the animators have to draw her naked first then add her clothes

Attached: Ajna swimsuit.jpg (511x656, 222K)

I want to do the mating press with her.

So did anyone here actually like Valkyrie Profile's combat?

I don't understand why when they changed the Aztec themed area and Tenoch to be Maya instead, they kept TziTzi (the skeletal bird woman there) design/character, when she's based on Aztec stellar futa demons, the Tzitzimime.

They could have changed her to be Kamazotz instead, which was a Bat demon, and just given her bat wings and clawed feet instead and still kept the same basic design

Attached: Tzitzimitl.jpg (339x477, 100K)

The backer preview was really fun, hopefully it won't take longer than summer to release.

>a character was removed just for being white
He wasn't removed.

she looks like sans undertale
that’s all you need to know

Is it out yet? What’s it called again?

This game is going full SJW because Labzero took Skullgirls' criticism too seriously

Skullgirls didnt sold more because its a niche genre, not due to a cast of mostly erotic girls. But they failed to understood that and lost their most distinctive artstyle

from what i played from that demo or whatever it is called i wasnt pleased with the gameplay so i am giving this a pass. I am still cuious to see how well it does though since i like labZero's art style. Is Alex ahad even in this game?

I can't remember if I backed this game or not, but I'm looking forward to it.

wasn't the election literally split 49/51?

Attached: file.png (407x53, 37K)

I want to access her foolproof reproductive socket.

brown girls only look good in anime style because that's not how they look in real life