What do you think of the trailer? Do you think it will tie into a game? Is it going to be the first good video game movie?
Dragon Quest
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I think they made a bad call by making it generic dreamworks CGI instead of at least trying to make it look like Toriyama art.
hero ntr by horse
>no Debora
I think it looks alright despite not using Toriyama's design for the human characters. Could be good.
Me? Mad about Dragon Quest having a Beautiful CGI movie that is faithful to the series and Sonic having a live action remake of the alvin movies? Of course not!
I think it looks fine.
The real issue is that V is really long and they want to fit it all in 2-3 hours? No way the movie will turn out good or have emotional impact during THOSE moments.
I'm honestly not even sure if they will have the kids. They are not showing them now for a reason. I guess the hair color will give away who the wife will be.
5 was a wonderful choice, will 100% be disappointed when they tone down/outright remove the statue scene. Watching that happy family get brokend and curse your statue for being bad luck is heart-wrenching
will they keep horse scene
That scene actually a hit me little hard when I recently replayed the game. As a teenager it didn't really do much for me, but now as an adult I felt closer to the story. Seeing all that happen and not being able to do anything about it must've been so rough for Five.
I could have swore they showed THE dragon in the trailer, though. And that doesn't come into play until long after the children. Unless they're going to cut them out entirely (which would probably anger JP's fandom) then I think they've got some tricks up their sleeve with this one.
>Wanting an OC from a remake
Oh god Overwatch's artstyle is starting to infect japanese animation too
I mean it's going to be Bianca if the kids are there. It would be legitimately surprising to everyone if it wasn't.
I bet even Horii would have done a double take if that wasn't in the script.
If they end it before the kids and tease out a sequel it would probably be a better overall experience and I'd be fine with that.
Honestly, if they had, it just would have brought out all the retards who instantly would associated it with DB and get upset when they can't find Goku, so really both outcomes have their ups and downs.
If they released it in theaters with subtitles I would go watch it, but since that wont happen I hope there's a nice raw cam rip day 1.
I think what's lasted with me was how late it is in the story. When games go that long, I've usually reached the phase where I'm hoping the end comes around soon, and its hard for things to resonate at that point. So, being in that mindset, the Statue Scene struck me all the harder because it forced me to re-engage.
From Doraemon Stand by Me guy so it can be good.
>No Toriyama's art
Reminds me of yuusha no yoshiko
I think they did show the dragon.
>movie goes up to when Five goes to rescue Bianca right after she gives birth
>climatic battle with Ladja (since it was shown in the trailer)
>Five loses and gets turned to stone
>movie ends with credits rolling over stone statue scene
>final post credit scene are the voices of some kids saying they finally found Five
I think that would be pretty great.
Good season 3 subs when?
Gema seems to be the big bad which is a good change
Bearded Piccolo sucked
As frightened that Sully looks, this is actually a legitimately cute pic.
Dragon Quest 5 was probably one of the better choices for a movie. Looks pretty good.
maybe we'll get proper merch for dqv now
They're still mad
cgi dbz movie when
They made him look too young and too scrawny in the aged up parts, he's supposed to be jacked as fuck from being a slave doing manual labor all day for years.
Japan doesn't like jacked, too gay.
No matter how hard things get keep your head up. And take care of your father okay?
It's only if they're like fully body-builder buff that they think it's gay. He doesn't have any fucking muscle at all in the movie, his arms are like twigs.
I really hope they include the statue scenes, that shit's brutal.
NTRfags are going to be BTFO by this movie when Kon doesn't even show up.
looks really fucking bad, especially the protag
Sonic sucks ass
Not into the How to train your Dragon character models but otherwise looks good.
Anyone else still pour one out for Maria's poor brother
how are they going to manage to fit the entirety of DQV in a single movie?
There's alot of shit to cover.
Cut out the JRPG grind and it's like half an hour of plot.
hawhaw so funnee
I think the fairy world part will be cut, I just hope they keep the part where the protagonist goes to see his younger self
>the protagonist goes to see his younger self
That shit always hits hard on replays
The part where you're a statue in some rich guy's yard and you see their kid grow up always fucking makes me feel bad.