Why would you not want classic to have better visuals?
Why would you not want classic to have better visuals?
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fuck off zoomer
so no reason then?
they should be togglable and i'm expecting them to be there
That's a major change that visually alters the entire game.
I think either dual spec or cheap re-specs are necessary though.
You will not be invited to raids if you're any of these classes:
- Shaman
- Druid
- Paladin
- Priests (except 1 shadow priest in raid)
Unless you heal.
Problem is that respec costs 50g, which is hours worth of grinding.
They also won't allow you to get anything but healing gear in raids, they will tell you "Main Spec > Off Spec", and refuse to give you anything but gear that makes you a better healer.
So end game all these classes are completely useless aside from clicking health bars and pressing a heal button in groups.
maybe the female models for smut but they ruined the casting animations for pretty much everyone, especially undead male
so fuck no
It does, It's got toggle-able retail water and lighting/shadows, which is off by default. There's also a button to automatically set it back to classic settings. We already saw this in the demo
Literally nobody gives a shit, if you don't want it, don't turn it on. Nobody's complaining about toggleable setting that don't affect them.
My uncle works for Blizzard, there won't be dual spec however there is a workaround for this.
One of the few features to make it in from live will be the token feature, allowing you to subscribe with in-game gold or alternatively allowing you to buy gold with real life money by selling subscription time.
Blizzard debated this but decided it would be good to allow players to purchase gold to solve issues like respeccing and it would be far more preferable for Blizzard to sell the gold themselves than encouraging the return of sketchy third party gold selling websites.
I don't believe you but it sounds really likely as well
I used to have hair and get erection when WoW was ugly, so I want that back.
better visuals /= better atmosphere
They better lower the respec cap to something reasonable like 10g then.
I've hit 60 on two different private vanilla servers.
50g is a ridicolous amount of gold.
God I hate the Cata revamp so much.
No changes, it'll cost the same. Buy more gold.
We took an ele/enh shammy and a bear druid all the way to AQ40, but yeah, you're mostly correct. That's how it is. If you want something else, play something else.
Fog unironically looks better turned on in WoW.
>weather on
>weather off
wooowww retailfags btfo
Did they really remove all the fog?
join a guild that raids fortnightly (two lockouts either side of the reset) rather than weekly so you only have to respec half as often then.
>Why would you not want classic to have better visuals?
mid 2005 aesthetics look better than current disney shit
probably to do with view distance being increased
At least there's enough fools who will stick pick these classes.
These classes are an absolute no for me, because I've been 60 in vanilla twice now, and I know what happens to them.
They have no clue how autistic the end game vanilla community is, and don't understand the consequences of being forced into healing, never getting anything but healing gear, and not being able to respec.
Obviously, but it's fucking retarded. It's like removing the fog from Silent Hill games, oh wait.
because changing a game's visual aesthetics doesn't make it "better", it makes it WORSE
Turn the view distance back down then?
How does turning view distance down turn on the fog that was put in place to hide low draw distance?
I don't think you understand how much 50g is in vanilla.
That's 100g just to respec back and forth.
It's not feasible to do this for any sane person, and if you heal in raids, they won't allow you to get non-healing gear anyway.
Picking any class that can heal in vanilla is basically being an ultra cuck that is treated very badly.
The improved visuals there would look fine with the rain/snow added back in
In fact, maybe i'm wrong, I don't play WoW, but I feel like the rain/snow is probably photoshopped in and it's a bait image
Fog should not be seen as a view distance thing. In places where it makes sense there should be fog, in fact they should add more complex, volumetric pretty fog.
In places where it should be clear and sunny it should be clear and fucking sunny.
It's not an all or nothing situation.
>sane person
>WoW in any iteration
50g is nothing if you have good professions. you can easily just craft consumables with alchemy or oils with enchanting and sell those. on priv servers I just buy mats off ah craft shit and sell and make maybe 300 gold per weekend doing nothing.
reminder Blizzard literally removed night from the game
it never gets dark anymore and it FUCKING BETTER BE DARK IN CLASSIC
You know what's funny? The Cata revamp took out weather in the world. It also completely fucked up the lighting so the day and night cycle was meaningless.
Blizzard, over the years, has been slowly chipping away at the massive, massive screw ups that expansion brought though. I think weather is back, at least.
I like the pre-cata WC3 inspired chunky polygonal look much better than nu-blizz pixar inspired overanimated plastic s~oy shit they keep pumping out. Very much a soul vs soulless case.
Plastic is real.
is this a trick question?
If you turn the view distance down, the fog that's there to hide it gets closer.
The entire thing is stupid anyway, one side has weather effects and the other doesn't
it's a rendering trick from the days when games actually had to be optimized, i guess.
You'll be expected to spend 50-100g per week on raid consumables, it's not a huge leap. And Like I said you can cut that in half by finding a fortnight schedule guild if you expect to respec a lot.
>treated badly
t.never played vanilla
Priest respec expenses are typically the kind of shit guildies we're ready to help you pay for for the sake of the group. Yet another social aspect you'd like removed from this MMORPG. Why?
>gathering herbs in mulgore while watching fog and rain sweep over the landscape
name a more comfy feel
I think all they really need to make that work is have a deeper shade of green.
>reminder Blizzard literally removed night from the game
why would they do this?
eh never really cared. The weather was always low tech cheap shit. You moved around too much to enjoy it unless you're an rp fag. The engine was never made to do major weather things anyway.
IF you want that shit they need to make a WoW2 witha brand new engine. Which means restarting from scratch ina new game where you get nothing you've aquired from the first.
Won't happen as it will piss off the vast majority of players with years in game time.
because everyone interested in playing it has fail to wake up to middle age and is doing everything in their power to retain their childhood perspective on life
this generation is gonna have the highest proportion of old men reliant on SS in history
nights are dark again, too, and you can buy a potion that makes them even darker, nearly EQ levels
A few people complained about it being dark, so Blizzard removed darkness. Blizzard does shit like this all the time, 10 people will complain about something and Blizzard will change it, meanwhile there will be issues that a million people are complaining about that don't ever resolved and everyone just has to deal with it.
>The weather was always low tech cheap shit. You moved around too much to enjoy it unless you're an rp fag.
Or when you are questing solo, and walk around, and take 30 seconds off to drink and eat. You look at the world during downtime. You explore during the long treks, because you can find rares/chests that are actually rare and valuable, and seemingly pretty random.
I did look at the world, and it did influence me, before WoW started playing like Diablo, just clearing shit in seconds and mowing forward. MMORPGs need downtime.
They "removed night" because they added cutscenes. If there was weather/night they'd have to use multiple versions of each cutscene, or if you are playing it at dark it would look stupid when the sun comes up only during the cutscene.
Been 60 on two private servers
>Priest respec expenses are typically the kind of shit guildies we're ready to help you pay for for the sake of the group.
Literally never seen anything like this or a guild/group being anything but "MS>OS" assholes to healers.
Maybe strict DKP guilds, but loot council guilds where the guild leader arbitrarily decides who gets the loot based on who he likes the most? I seriously hope no one joins any guild that uses loot council. Ridiculous that this style of loot distribution even exists.
>not just playing in a semi-casual band of palls guild that slowly grinds through dungeons and is always 1 step back from the update schedule, never out of content, but always out of drama
If that's true, that's an absolutely horrendous decision. Cata's cutscenes would make an in-engine N64 cinematic seem polished.
I'm fairly certain it was because they knew a small percentage of players played only at night, or were Australians who somehow ended up in North American servers, so they wanted things to be "fair" and for them to be able to quest with being able to see everything.
Did they remove the fish that only appears during day/night and summer/winter? I remember it being a moneymaker when I used to play.
Do you not have enough damage if you bring those classes or something?
The seasonal fish are still in, I know that.
the cutscenes they added were fucking lame anyway, imagine altering an entire world just for two minutes of footage when you could see the moon reflecting off thousand needles instead
>try vanilla server
>join dungeon group
>warrior "tank" using a stave
>hunter who pulls every fight whever you are ready or not
>none warrior "tank"
>healers who only start to heal when tank is at 10%
>dps who literally right click a mob and nothing else
>warrior tanks who never use sunder armor or thunderclap
Why are these servers filled with retards?
Nah, vanilla is horribly tuned, there is plenty of room for error. Pretty sure you can do all of the content with 1-2 AFK people in the raid. People are just minmaxing elitist fags.
you were probably play with chinks, they're subhumans with no cognitive ability
Because autistic faggot would start to hit himself like a Mongolic ape because MUH NOSTALGIA MUH AUTENTIC EXPRURIENCE
Improving the view distance really made all the zones look so much smaller.
Now at any place you can see the walls surrounding a zone.
I'd like it as a toggle desu, Cata water is so much better than vanillas.
Basically people are just minmaxing autistic faggots.
>>healers who only start to heal when tank is at 10%
This is actually proper if they know they can heal him from that low and there's no burst damage.
The healer will want to wait as along as possible between heals for mana regen to kick in.
Having both would add tens of gigabytes to the overall game size, and is an unnecessary amount of work every time they add any content, like Dire Maul being made in both for example.
big deal? not like they need to do a lot. its just vanilla content.
>you can choose to do the raid in 20 minutes
>or you can choose to do it in 5 hours 6 times a week
>bohoo people r elitist :(
>tens and maybe hundreds of manhours just so a dozen autist can click a checkbox
Absolutely horrible management and design, and you are retarded for even considering it.
Why wouldn't you get leather/mail loot if no one else needs it?
It's not like you get prio on anything but yeah, enh shaman's loot should be easy to come by since 2handers are free game for you and mail and leather users dont go for off pieces
this is why classic will fail
sub fee should go somewhere
also fuck you, cunt.
I just want the new water faggot, it's not that hard.
>when you hate the game so much that you are trying to get it over with as fast as possible
They will give dps leather/mail gear to rogues and hunters before a resto shaman for off spec.
Even dps warriors wear some leather in raids over plate.
good post
Remove the volumetric rendering and bump up the saturation would help, but the problem is in unit readability more than anything.
Things like the simple and very distinct shield design on the footman or the troll mohawk makes those units easily recognizable at a glance, but now they're removed because they don't fit with the new style.
Because "better" is a highly subjective term.
New graphics remind me of when wow became the activity fat roasties flock to
the problem with new models is that they have the same facial expression
because classic is 100% nostalgia fuel
there was almost nothing in classic that can't be done in retail, it's the players that are shit and need daddy blizzard to feed them their classy wassies
these supposed to look good? they don't.
But fat rosties were in Vanilla too. My guild had a boomer mom playing, and a few younger girls.
And for the Burning Crusade release, my town had a meetup, and there were a bunch of women, and couples, and whole families.
>50g is a ridicolous amount of gold.
That's the point though.
>there was almost nothing in classic that can't be done in retail
People like vanilla because of what can't be done that can be done in retail
*dies of polio*
*dies of measles*
>boomers dont like improvements
there's plenty of useless shit in raids when it comes to off set pieces and their value is maybe on par with blues from dungeons so i dont think so
I wanted to say the bottom looks better and then I realized I can say which unit is which right away from the top one, not the case with the bottom one.
Here you go pal!
Classic will be 50% zoomers like Oldschool Runescape is
ty user
why are they all soulless identical crackwhores
>or were Australians who somehow ended up in North American servers
Oceanic servers use the American day/night cycle anyway, so we're stuck in the dark unless we play in the middle of the night. Thanks cross realm zones.
One of the reasons I stopped playing retail actually, just made everything dreary.
unironicallly left=SOUL right=SOULLESS
Bullshit meme. It's 40 people, just be good and you can play almost whatever.
Bear is viable and better than warrior on several fights up through naxx.
Stop using outdated pics, they added different resting faces sometime in WoD
lol. even the shittiest rogue could out dps a feral.
Love how they disabled shadows and high details in the original WC3 screenshot. Reminds me of that Ubisoft comparison of the Heroes III sprites for their remastered edition.
Can a rogue tank better than a feral? Can a rogue innervate somebody in a battle or use emergency Tranquility? Can a rogue reliably cc a beast during combat?
>warrior "tank" using a stave
This is probably ideal as weapon DPS is more heavily weighted than any of the other stats on most weapons.
Thats what you do between healing, newfag.
>can a rogue relianbly CC a beast
They can CC anything.
I think once the honeymoon period of nostalgia is over for Classic people slowly wouldn't object to better graphics
the only MMO I really play nowadays is OSRS, and I'm probably in the minority here; but I'd really rather play it with the 2008 HD graphics overhaul. Shit graphics have no appeal past nostalgia, and nostalgia isn't the reason I still play it
>Thats what you do between healing, newfag.
Yeah feral is usually healing.
>They can CC anything.
No they don't. Your kidney and blind are not reliable cc.
The crux of the argument for me is that I want the game to be the way I generally remember it and I like all the old textures and models more than the current game. A lot of player models, for example, today look very stupid and ugly to me, and just wrong. Night Elves are a great example of this.
So, it comes down to, should there be an option for people to have it look better/have the new models? I answer no to that, and it's not just because I am petty. It is because if there IS an option for newer graphics and newer models, most people are going to use it. They are going to have a totally different view of not just the game world, but of my character. Further, who's to say Blizzard won't stop allowing old graphics at a certain point, like they did with modern WoW? They won people over with the new models by telling them they could keep the old models if they wanted, so nothing would change. Then they sneakily went and removed the old models and now you don't have a choice what you use. I don't want that to happen with Classic.
Did you ever play a Rogue?
Stupid furry
Not an argument.
these are the people who want to strip down all features from wow and degrade it to a 15 year old iteration of itself
don't expect logic or good taste from them, only pure crystallized autism
I don't know why but I have the same sentiment. I want other people see my character the way I see it.
World literally feels too small with far view distance. At default view distance in vanilla Mulgore felt like a huge zone of expansive plains. With view distance cranked all the way up it feels like a bucket in the middle of kalimdor.
anyone else excited to potentially run into people they once knew?
WoW is unrionically more shallow than it was 15 years ago though, and most of the 'improvements' were so that retards could get participation awards
>1 button playstyles
>40 man raids where half of them sat around doing nothing
>nothing to do at endgame
yes vanilla was so awesome and complex
Don't kid yourself. Modern rotations are equally braindead, the only real endgame is raiding ad nauseum or doing M+ to get gear that's going to be obsolete the next week.
The fact that WoW started off as a casual mmo is one thing but you're retarded if you think the current state of retail is any better or more complex. However, the shortcomings of classic WoW are however partially excusable/understandable because of how old the game is but there's absolutely no other reason than greed or gross incompetence when it comes to retail WoW.
got any of darnassus/teldrassil?
It's more complex due to the sheer number of things you can do. This is not my opinion but objective fact. They have added a ton of things to do in the past 15 years.
You may like those things or not, but you can't argue the game is less complex now that it is 10 times larger in every way.