Was she right?
Was she right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>twitter screencap thread from literally who
Desperate for those (You)s, eh?:
But is this 5 right?
> OP in charge of not being a fag
No. Not all gamers pirate games. Look at this board for example. People unironically seethe when other people pirate shit.
there was a European study that proved piracy does not hurt sales, the people pirated would never have bought the game to begin with.
lol fuck you tranny
Unless the CEOs are feeling the pinch then what the customers do isn't affecting the average worker at that company. If you're getting fired and your boss is not, it's not the fault of the customers.
Piracy doesn't hurt.
Yes, but also fuck publishers anyway. Devs are collateral damage to accelerate the collapse of the AAA industry.
No. Blaming consumers for the actions of a massive corporation is liberal retardation at its finest. This bitch is spooked.
>make shitty games
>company goes under or fires incompetent staff due to poor sales
Why does she think that hurting the company isnt part of what makes pirating great?
Lol dumb wagies should thank me for getting rid of their job. How about you learn how to be a neet stupid wagie
any "she" is inherently wrong
The study didn't prove that piracy doesn't hurt sales. It failed to prove that piracy hurts sales. There's a bit of a difference. Just Saiyan.
sort of. both parties are wrong. piracy doesnt hurt the bottom line for two reasons: first the numbers prove it actually increases sales via word of mouth (if the game is good). secondly, no one who pirates would have otherwise bought the game if they couldnt pirate it. they just wouldnt play it. its not a lost sale. the neckbeards are wrong, devs cant help the idiots in suits coming in and expecting them to both make a cookie cutter game which is like everything else yet somehow break molds
don't make shit games then
oh by the way, most of the companies with mass layoffs are using denuvo, fun right ?
Give me a list of 3 companies that created good games that had to close down, preferably ones what could point to piracy as the big reason they had to close down shop.
she would be if not for the fact that the majority of the companies that were doing the mass-layoffs were using the games as a service model, not putting out shit you can actually pirate
>Gameds companies: *shut down and have masslayoffs*
>Gamers: "It WoN'T HuRt ThE cOmPaNy If YoU bUy Or SeLl GaMeS oN tHe SeCoNd HaNd MaRkEt, ThEy ArE hUgE aNd DoNt NeEd ThE mOnEy"
That's assuming we care if EA or Activision are hurting they can die for all I care
I mean that's pretty accurate yes. The devs get paid regardless of sales, it's publishers that are hurt by piracy. If you're pirating indie games, that's a different story, but they're also not major corporations and if their game isn't enticing enough to make me want to buy it, I honestly probably wouldn't bother pirating it either.
The only way it hurts devs is if they're on some sort of royalty/commission based payment schedule (which is incredibly rare and usually done for contract based studios that do stuff like remasters), so it's pointless.
Also if a studio's getting shuttered that means the games they make are bad to begin with. No successful company ever hurts for players. I can't think of a single game that would have been a huge success if it wasn't for pirates.
Why should I support a company that trashes it's employee's for no good reason? What will supporting a company that feeds 90% of it's profits into the top officers do for all the lower employee that can and do get laid off at any time.
Why are retards writing LiKe ThIs now?
What faggot started this trend?
>1 like
Is that literally (You)?
No, because it's a 6 you fuck.
> it took this long for someone to mention indies
> Yea Forums is still about videogames
>implying i care
>but muh sequels
fact: most devs have just a couple good games in them after that they might close for all i care
It's based off of some shitty SpongeBob meme.
Why do the people who makes these comments always assume there's a problem with the consumers and not a problem with the industry? What kind of retarded mindset do you have to have to willingly suck corporate cock like that?
Whoever started that Spongebob meme
Just like music artists, most video game studios only make a handful of good or great games, and then the rest is mediocre trash.
It forgot
>Game Companies: *Post record profits and sales*
This may be shocking, but when buying a game I don't think about the jobs of those poor developers. At all. I'm exchanging money for a product and I'm not the merchant's friend.
its greentexting for zoomies
>Game company just released major blockbuster.
>They lay off everybody.
>Video game company makes a terrible game.
>Pays journalist to defend them and mock consumers and stays in business somehow.
>Game dev uses studio money to pay for CP.
>Yea Forums makes thread after thread anticipating their new EPIC exclusive game.
>PR, Community Managers: dude fuck gamers
>gamers: wtf
>game companies: *lays off pr, community managers, leaving programmers, artists et c untouched*
>PR, Community Managers: *doubles down*
the only company recently that closed down and had mass layoffs was TellTale and it was due to their shit budgeting that caused their downfall.
>Company has the best financial year in the history of the company.
>800 layoffs
No. They are braindead.
Maybe if AAA development wasn't so overblown and focused on dumb shit you wouldn't have issues.
Also might have had something to do with the fact that they had one schtick and even to the people who liked it the first time they didn't need to experience it 12 more times with different settings.
>Western developers
who cares
Reply to this post and I'll give you a (You) free of charge!
>hire 400 diversity consultants
>realize they're dead weight
>fire 400 diversity consultants
This, they made the same fucking game over and over without any improvements at all.
Talk shit about those CoD devs however you want, at least they worked on their borked Quake3 engine over the years.
Couldn't even get the blue checkmark. Why is Yea Forums filled with so many unironic twitter users, I 100% guarantee this is someone OP knows
>Talk shit about those CoD devs however you want
Their games figuratively play themselves.
Thanks bro, let's redeem this thread
the CoD devs are some of the most streamlined, efficient devs in the entire industry. They all know their deadlines and they've never had crunch time since 2010. I'd give my left nut to work at treyarch or sledgehammer. For all the sameyness people bitch about, they add ten other new things that don't fuck with the core gameplay that has kept the games some of the most popular ones around release for the last decade and a half.
better game studios will take their place
i'm so glad telltales shut down
>spend their money like fucktards
>value sjweness over game quality
>be controversial and shit on their consumer base
>sell their games at insane prices
I wonder where they fucked up.
yes, that is me
Here (You) go, gentlemen. Cheers!
All the companies being axed all serve under a corporation publisher that want 200 billion profits within the first week. A lot of these games still make a profit but still get axed for not making enough.
also consider actiblizz shit is always online and cant be pirated, also on consoles shit cant be pirated
>implying marketing fags getting fired and hopefully committing suicide isn't good news
No, because the companies with the most layoffs were following their best years financially in the last several years. The reason they were laid off had nothing to do with piracy or money and deflecting the conversation to that is frankly more insulting to devs.
>you will never go back in time and prevent the births of everyone involved with the creation of twitter, Terminator style
>the catalog will forever be filled with screencaps of some faggot with 10 followers giving their hot takes posted by some attention starved mouthbreather with nothing better to do
Basically natural selection. If it's good, it will survive.
That's why Nintendo is existing for such a long time, and will still outlive them ALL. Even Epic and Valve.
>You will never go back in time and fuck your own mother when she was a child, effectively creating a paradox that makes it so you will never be born, not only taking part in pedophilic incest, but also giving a whole new meaning to the "unbirthing" tag
Why even live?
Aren't the companies keeping the devs and firing marketing teams?
Anyway, expect a whole new wave of "gaming" """"journalists""""
They're trimming the fat because a lot of projects are being finished, and most of them are failing horrendously. It's about time for a reset, so that's what's happening. The market is unrionically too large to fail on the scale people expect from a "crash", but we're going to see these huge corporations like EA slice and dice subsidiaries like fine sashimi, and we'll see another era of conglomerate studios made up of the best workers from those less fortunate studios.