I played the Enhanced version of Borderlands just to see the changes. I instead completed the entire fucking game in the span of an entire day. What am I doing with my life, Yea Forums?
I played the Enhanced version of Borderlands just to see the changes...
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Living the dream?
good for you op.
So what are the changes? Is it just graphics?
whoa thats good animation
Is the Vault fight still ass?
not him but nijie.info
it's pretty nice
Yes. With the fuckton of golden keys and new weapons they give you, it's even easier then before
Damn i really wanna fuck all these lolis and Mya.
I'm an idiot because while that is source it's better just to send you here instead danbooru.donmai.us
my bad user
>tfw i was a teenager when I made the original image macro where that pic is based on
I didnt even know how to use photoshop to create borders on lettering I just slapped that shit on in mspaint
>mfw I don't even watch this obvious cute and funny bait show and instead get off to porn of the older sister
more like downgrade.
They removed LAN play in remastered version
>he doesn't watch the show through the lolicon sister
>picks best girl
Suboptimal but redpilled
I bet you had fun too you disgusting faggot
Don't accuse OP of something that heinous, user