Why does GTA San Andreas have soulless graphics compared to Vice City for the PS2? Soulless.
Why does GTA San Andreas have soulless graphics compared to Vice City for the PS2? Soulless
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They have the exact same graphics SA is just way bigger
SA was made to be played in higher resolution. Everything feels smaller and grittier. VC is almost like a cartoon.
Niggers don't have souls.
Is there a game with the same 80's vibe ?
Did you play the PC version of SA without SkyGFX? The cut PS2 effects?
Here is a good video on how the PC version is gimped, If you actually care.
SA has the most soulful visuals of the entire series, but only on the PS2 with that sunset effect
I'll say it because, fuck it, someone has to finally say this shit:
Gta vice city has a better setting/atmosphere/music on the other hand gta SA is bigger and has so much content
glad I played it on PS2 back in the day
Weak bait gay boy---everybody knows VC is the best GTA ever.
As far as gameplay goes, PC is much much better. Console's auto aim combat is really lame compared to PC's keyboard and mouse control scheme.
it's not like the game's balanced around that, I'm guessing it's the same situation as metroid prime on GC vs dolphin.
It's the PS2 fuzz. Plus Vice City has a blur filter on top of the automatic blur. Playing either on a higher resolution is like playing old 2D games without scanlines.
not really, you just get more freedom on PC. On console you would always just crouch, lock on and shoot because that's the fastest way to kill people. on PC you're free to run around getting headshots with dual sawn offs without relying on some broken autoaim system that locks on to an innocent bystander 200 yards down the street instead of the ballas right in front of you
VC is overrated but I don't think it's bad.
eh, i loved all the the 3d universe games. they're a blast to play to this day and tons of fun. i don't get this gamefaqs attitude to put every game in a box when you can just play them all and have fun.
Neon Drive
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
Trials of the blood dragon
Zombies in Spaceland
Hotline Miami
Generation Zero
Friday the 13th the game
Wolfenstein the young blood (maybe?)
San Andreas is the first video game that third world niggers ever played. For real.. I really believe that some poor people really took it seriously over latin america, that type of lifestyle.
disgusting zoomer games
go back
free aim with mouse would almost always be better than complete lock-on
>ask question
>get answer
>get mad
this tbf
I can't be the only one who prefers the PC version over the PS2 version.
I only found out about this a year ago and it completely blew my mind, having beaten SA at least 5 times on PC. Reinstalled immediately and it really is miles better. I can't fathom why they got rid of that lighting in the original release.
it wasnt even me who asked
I did too, But its hard to go back, The 23 fps and no AA kinda of kills it.
I hope you got Silent Patch, Wesser widescreens, And project 2DFX too. They are must haves
This is actually a valid theory that should be looked into, holy shit
>for nostalgia reasons
that's not really a good thing to base it off of
all that shit has nothing to do with the 80s it's just the zoomers idea of 80s "aesthetic"
can't wait for VI to drop so the people who feel special by pretending V is shit can fuck off
pc looks better in this one the orange fog is kind of consuming
that look really good
V has a shit story, Shit map, Shit characters, Not to mention the tumor called GTAO that's killing/killed the series, IV sucked too but for different reasons
because california is soulless
i have the world record for city slicking
Are you a tranny?
no i'm just not retarded
the only thing remotely difficult about it is the traffic
Nice, So whats the record time anyway?
a few people have 74
its pretty easy to get like 71 but desu it depends on your frame limiter settings, higher fps literally lets you go faster
Interesting, I'm going to try beat that next play through
>5's online fun ever
Max b8 post tbqhfamalam
The ps4 port of SA is horrible looking. Something fucked up is going on with the graphics and the blur effect when you drive. It's especially bad when it's raining. The game gets laughably pixelated and looks literally like ps1.
Vice City looks fine.
The Dorito lighting ahhh good memories
I'm sure that one's a port from the mobile version with the weird shiny models
Apparently there's about 19 different versions of SA each with subtle changes
Did you know that in a lot of south american countries they were 1 to 2 generations behind gaming wise? when ps2 was all the rage they were playing the Genesis
I've got your soul right here
the ps4 version is the ps2 version emulated at 5x resolution
old games at high resolutions will always look bad. i dont think the ps4 version lets you output in 4:3 either, you have to squash the widescreen output into 4:3 through your TV
This is it
Right in the soul.
Christ I want to go back to being 10-years-old and play this again.
PC boomers annoy me so much. I've been PC exclusive since gaming died after Xbox 1/PS4 released and was flabbergasted at the ignorance of PC exclusive gamers genuinely unaware of just how many games are downgraded on PC. Literally every PS2/360/Xbox etc. game I play on PC is downgraded. Even with a dozen mods SA is missing like 5% of PS2 content.
A hot sunny day in 92
>Console's auto aim combat is really lame
PS2 was both you fucking boomer, THIS IS WHAT I MEAN
You could choose to auto aim on targets, or free aim any weapon.
>Even with a dozen mods SA is missing like 5% of PS2 content.
Chimp out more you subhuman
>removed the smog filter and split screen multiplayer
>missing 5% of content
Did you drop out of high school by any chance?
Cope you niggers. I've been PC exclusive for 7 years.
Any mods that blew your mind for you guys? I'm quite impressed with GTA Underground in the fact that it's still being worked on considering its scope. Compared to many other big modding projects for the GTA games (namely all those beta projects that all get cancelled), it's quite an impressive feat.
GTA 3, Vice City, and the PS2 versions of LCS and VCS had that trails thing, so that may have contributed to that weird, but cool, atmosphere those games had.
Man, it really confused me when I played the PC version of GTA SA, as I had played the PS2 version before. No moon cycles, different lighting, different time cycle, cars jittering when moving for scripted parts, no 2player or rampages, missing props and vehicle spawn locations. I thought something was wrong with my PC! Admittedly, many of the missing features were fixed in later versions of the game, but they removed the ability to mod the game due to the hot coffee controversy.
You do realize PC literally didn't even have reflection on cars? Just google it man. PC ports are notorious for missing things.
I wish SA modders had their priority's right, There is only a handful of good modders focused on restoring the game, Instead we got a sea of third world shit like car models, And character conversions.
for me its rise
>free aim with a ps2 analog stick
confirmed for never having used a mouse
Barely any games are ever downgraded on PC. NFS Underground, Most Wanted, the GTA games, and that's about it?
GTA has been modded to surpass the PS2 versions. You can make your GTA look exactly like the PS2, Xbox, PC versions, or any combination of the three. The PC versions in 2019 are objectively the best way to play GTA.
Yep you are right
Nfs most wanted and carbon too
>SA is missing like 5% of PS2 content.
out of curiosity what is it?
Jesus the world is tiny with the viewdistance cranked up
granted, you have to downgrade to get all the songs back
>stealing the Banshee in Harwood and this starts to play
I have seen the phrase "soulless" and "comfy" brandied about for years at this point. I have yet to have anyone actually give it a definition.
Is it something more than retards substituting, "je ne sais quoi," for some other, even less describable word?
>GTA V map
What? It's the best map in the series. I wish it was bigger, but it's a very realistic map with lots of variety.
>MW on 360 still isn't backwards compatible
Not even mods can fix the PC version without resorting to some ugly ENB lighting
>best map of the series
>90% of it is useless
turning the trails off on ps2 makes vice city look awful. I used to play with trails off as a kid for some reason
Soul doesn't need to be explained. If you know, you know.
People who don't understand soul are almost always zoomers who weren't around in the soul era, and started playing live services on their current gen consoles or RGB faggotron 9000 gaming rigs and have no point of reference for how games used to be.
The loading times
Off the top of my head Halo 1 and Area 51 downgrades annoyed me when I re-played them on PC. The assault rifle in Halo had no detail and the aliens in 51 didn't render gore from bullet wounds like on the PS2.
SFUR was the best club radio station of all the GTA games
NaturalVision Remastered
this video is the definition of Soul vs Soulless. You'll understand, just watch it.
it's a combination of the state of mind, time and place, and that je ne sais quoi you mention. that's why it's so vague, some people find horror games comfy.
soulless is pretty straightforward though, you often know intuitively when a design sees a downgrade, or wasn't created with a strong vision.
SA in it's beta form was a monster of a game, Tons of shit was cut due to the PS2's limitations, Still crazy how they got it to run with no loading times, They were planning on releasing expansion packs for it too. It's a big game.
>People who don't understand soul are almost always zoomers who weren't around in the soul era,
Born in 1986. Got my first console for my 6th birthday (SNES). Since then, I've had an N64, a Dreamcast, a GC, a PS2, a Wii, a PS3, a Wii-U, and a PS4. You can call me whatever the fuck meme-word of the year that you like, but that doesn't make your description of me accurate.
You need to have some empty spaces to create a realistic world. Dont want the TES experience with a cave every 5 meters, now do we?
You're on some next level retardation there, boy.
Never understood why people hated the map either.
So, from what I'm gathering, while it has its faults, the PC version has soul? The orange sky on the PS2 is way oversaturated, and the shadows aren't real.
I wish I played more on consoles when I was younger.
>different lighting
>More orange atmosphere
>Vehicles reflect lights
>2-player mode and 2-player rampages
>Parachute is animated
>There are moon phases
>Helicopter rotor blades have a blur effect when it's moving
>More vehicle spawn locations (like that hotdog van parked on the beach)
>Some vehicles have dual rear wheels
>The dragon casino had more props outside it that, for some reason, wasn't used despite still being in the game files
>A building in San Fierro was called Shady Industries instead of Solarin Industries
>The map icons got slightly corrupted on PC
>This big hippie statue in San Fierro is black and white instead of being coloured
>Peds appear in more areas, like inside Zero's RC shop
>A glitched Pay N Spray in Las Venturas
>More voice lines when using prostitutes
>Some cutscene objects are broken and don't animate, like the fish tank in the four dragon casino
>Infra-red goggles have a different effect
>The statues in the Atrium are destructable
>Drive on water cheat is missing on PC
>Bloodring Bangers' sign is glitched and doesn't show the number on PC
Forgot to add, but later versions did add some of these features back in, like cars being clean instead of being dirty 24/7, and the dual rear wheels, but due to hot coffee fun back then, R* made it difficult to mod those versions of the game, meaning you had to downgrade.
shit now I need to google how many of my PC games are downgraded
and have you checked this list against stuff that has been fixed by silent patch and ttdisa over the years?
Xbox 360/Ps3 gen games arent really downgraded, some have poor performance Thats all if you want to look for graphical downgrades look up ps2 gen and before but especially the ps2 gen
such a miniscule amount that if you actually cared about the game, you would already have known, and would have already downloaded the fixes someone else made.
Silent Patch
>Fixes the helicopter rotor blades having a blur effect
>Cars can be clean again instead of being dirty all the time
>Vehicle lights do not get dark after being being initially lit anymore
>Moon phases return
>Driving on water is now usable again
I'm pretty sure TTDISA just adds more things, rather than fixing them.
Other modders, however, have made an effort to bring all of the PS2 features over to PC:
Yakuza 0
I didnt like the yellow filter
VC is so much more colorful
>Here is your map, Bro.
Literally a fraction of SA, You can tell where they got the inspiration from
why do people keep spamming this "soul" meme, all it is is "NEW BAD OLD GOOD"
>It's the best map in the series
Is there an overlay between GTA:SA and GTA V maps?
Both are old in this case
Fuckin lmao
OP is a zoomer that only ever played SA on PC.
It was a great map. People probably hated it because it didnt have 3 big cities right next to eachother.
Can't really find a decent one
I enjoyed SA-MP for years along with many others. One of my teenage year games. Where were the PS2 cucks?
What about GTA V Roleplay servers now? Where are the console cucks?
Here is what it should have been
I love 5's map, I just wish the story did a better job at utilizing it. Feels like 80% of the story is in LS, 15% in Trevor's trailer park and then like 2 single missions in Paleto Bay. But it's a really well done map, the scale is and density is on point and the variety in biomes isn't jarring like in most open world games.
That would never run on consoles.
SA shouldn't of either but it did with R* magic
There's also the question of actually making all that content. That requires a fuckhuge team.
Use this
>parents wanted to get me SA on PC
>said no because I always assumed PC had worse graphics because the games I used to play on ours were mostly from the 90s
>mfw I was partially right all this time
Yeah, rockstar nailed the biomes. If you drive along the eastern highway you can slowly see the landscape changing. They really did some excellent work with the landscape textures there.
The LV area looks like shit
you realise games dont render the entire map at once right
consoles can run a map the size of 8 earths if they wanted to
this is neat but completely unnecessary. V's map is already needlessly large.
Sure, if you turn render distance down to n64 levels. GTA V had draw distances that would necessitate rendering all that landmass + objects in that expanded map. I sincerely doubt that would be technically feasible on consoles. Hell, even PCs would strugge if you want to maintain high graphical fiddelity.
>needlessly large
no such thing
You poor zoomers expect too little
Vice Cry
I wonder how big the GTA 6 map will be
One thing I miss is those animations that enemies had in Vice City, that weird crouch-point-shoot animation they do, the swaying that trees and "soft" objects do when a helicopter hovers overhead, the smoke from cigarettes.
No, that isnt how it works at all. The draw distance would be exactly the same as it is now. Whatever is past that draw distance isn't rendered. It doesn't matter. The console isn't rendering it, and neither is a top end PC.
But the drawdistance in GTA V as it is now would clearly have in view. Just go to a high vantage point, you can see for miles.
thats what fog is for
"PC master race" were the ones that cucked out to Valve and digital only first
>mfw you needed at least 4k score in the ps2 version of that mission
yeah that gta underground mod is nuts. best gta experience you can get
It's a fantastic map, best one to date.
fuck off zoomer
mein nigga
Looks like shit m8. And Ive played GTA I and II extensively
no shit, you're not supposed to see that far. you wonder how I know you're a zoomer?
tell me
You got me. That's some quality reasoning right there. So, yikes m8.
Youre out of touch
Mods used?
I've wanted to replay SA and VC for years now but every time I sit down to do it I either play something else or start and lose interest after driving around for 30 minutes.
I experienced that a lot on PC, and for the past couple years I've only completed games on handhelds.
Is anyone else this way?
Also I've been wating for the vita or 3ds to get ports of SA and VC since they're on shitty cellphones, but it never happened.
Is pic related as good? Does it have the full map and shit?
Both Stories games are pretty good, yeah. They're the full fat PS2-era GTA experience, the complete map is there.
It's amazing how much more believable and realistic the world in San Andreas feel compared to V despite the difference in graphics, simply because the highway in SA actually leads somewhere. If anything the better the graphics the more effort you should put into the world being believable otherwise it comes off as uncanny.
Nice, I'll give them a go then.
Fuck I miss when devs got ambitious as fuck with portable systems. I remember every major console game would get either a port or spin off on PSP and DS and it was comfy as fuck for someone who was PC only like me (not by choice).
The handhelds got powerful enough just as phonefaggotry killed them.
At least we have the possibility of an OpenRW source port to vita/3ds.
I recently finished half-life on my vita and it was comfy as fuck, even if I prefer kb+m.
I really need to get my Vita's analog stick fixed, that sounds comfy.
But the city layout and infrastructure in V is way more realistic.
True V's Los Santos is fantastic, but feels uncanny as fuck when you realize the highway leads to nowhere and that the rest 2/3 of the maps are empty as fuck. Meanwhile the cities and the world in San Andreas are consistent and coherent, making it feel better as an overall package.
Well technically it leads to Paleto
It's super easy, is yours 1000 or 2000?
Another genre of games I can never play on PC again are VNs.
I pray that someday either system gets a full katawa shoujo and an english FS/N port.
Vice City has all that neon light and pastel color which makes it more distinct. Vice City is just, visually, more interesting to look at that California (which San Andreas is based on).
And why would thousands of cars from LS want to go to Paleto every day? Why is the traffic between the two so huge that it would necessitate a highway? If Paleto had a large dock or an airport it would've made a smidgen more sense but the way it is right now, people are just joyriding.
I'm out of time (time).
Why user, it has the Cluckin' bell factory!
I bought a copy of SA for the ps2 last year solely for this, I wish the controls were a bit better but it looks so nice.
>Vice City good because le 80s meme atmosphere and music
The map itself is great, but you could delete like half of it and literally no content would be lost. They don't utilize the map enough in missions and side activities
I mean the mountain take up a significant area of the map, but realistically theres not much more to be done with it. If you downsize it, it wouldnt be a realistic mountain anymore.
why the fuck was phill collins in that game
I prefer left
Paleto is comfy af
2000, but I've never done a handheld repair though. Just some basic maintenance and hacks on Dreamcast/Xbox/PS3.
yeah 2000 sticks suck. Makes me glad I stick with 1ks.
It's an easy fix though, you just take the thing apart and replace the module.
it's $10 bucks iirc. And there's guides everywhere.
>fucking rockstar never released a gta trilogy on vita
>no gta IV port
Lads, which GTA V mods should I get?