Why won't Nintendo release a MONSTER console with 4k, 60 fps, and HDR?
Why won't Nintendo release a MONSTER console with 4k, 60 fps, and HDR?
They don't need too because they spend all of their time making amazing games instead, their consoles sell on First party games alone.
>they dont neeeeed to because us nin.toddlers will buy anything they shit out
Because after the SNES they became allergic to using licensed hardware from Sony (which would be needed for a console as powerful as the PS4 Pro).
Yep you are seething as evident by your usage of buzzwords & cope mechanisms that Snoy's constantly shit out
Sony and Microsoft already do that. There's no room for growth left in that market. Nintendo would just be fighting them for a share of the current market, so they tried something different.
Because it would be expensive and would alienate the largest percentage of their audience. Consistently the better marketed platform with the broadest library of games has sold the most, not the most powerful.
The same reason Sony and Microsoft wont. Not cost efficient yet.
>amazing games
They out like 3 or 4 pretty good games per each console gen and that's it. I can never bring myself to buy their consoles because of it
Why won't YOU release a MONSTER console with 4k, 60 fps, and HDR, OP?
lol Nintendies at it again
fuck off snoy
oh no no no
days since Yea Forums has cried over botw
underpowered tablet
movie game
oh no no no
seething wojak
estrogen wojak
golden face wojak
Just summed up the thread for you all, you're welcome
Is this a cursed images thread?
Because they'd have to sell it for $1000 minimum to make a profit and parents can't afford that shit.
why compete with what the others have done already when you can choose to innovate and provide something the others don't
Why not 240 FPS so you have actually fluid gameplay instead of a 60 FPS dia show?
>Why won't Nintendo release a MONSTER console.
Gamecube would like to have a word with you. That thing was almost last place in the 6th gen and the Wii sold the best in the next one. So what do you think?
I very much doubt Nintendo even has the manpower to even achieve 4K gaming anyways. They would prefer using the Blue Ocean stategy instead.
+2 years since Switch launched and haven't seen a single person use it on my morning and afternoon commutes, at college, or just in general.
I genuinely expected to see a lot desu. Is it just me?
So manufacture a console with GTX1080ti's in them? Good luck making that affordable while maintaining a profit margin.
It wouldn’t sell and they would lose shitloads of money like Microsoft and Sony do
I don't think it would help their third party situation, and their own games have already proven they work better with older more established tech. Just look at the absolute state of Yoshi running at 640p on UE4 after 4 years development. They work better with older engines.
I doubt they even have the manpower to even push for 4K gaming anyways. Most of the first party /second party seem to be incompetent when it comes to pushing graphics anyways.
Their games are for children...
Nah graphics are what kids look for. Nintendo games are mostly for nostalgic manchildren.
>4K 60fps
Lol, my PC can do 8K 240fps.
What it all boils down to is that Reggie is too scared. We can expect OP's console in Q2.
kinda this, actually
kids are looking for something that's either F2P, looks good, or both.
because trying to fight the PC market or sony's market on the same ground would be sheer stupidity
why would they drop fun games for an oversaturated market ?
>Yoshi running at 640p on UE4 after 4 years development.
Didn't the last game run at 720p? What a fucking mess.
The assets they use are often high quality enough to work well in 4K, I just can't see there being a benefit to their first party output. I don't think third parties will continue to dump games on a 4K switch anyway given the majority of their sales are on ps4
Nintendo never made profit with it's more powerful consoles. N64 and Gamecube were both failures in hardware sales and made profit only through games sales.
Nintendo experimented with Wii and it's smash success proved that they might as well release their games on hardware that's cheaper to manufacture.
they shit the bed with the disc size, and DVD movies were extremely popular in that gen. also its specs arent across the board better than ps2, ps2 had more vram+ram and other give and take things
kids games are lower fidelity
>majority of their sales are on ps4
Microsoft lucked out super fucking hard by basically releasing a PS4. If there were even a slightly different architecture or specialised engines in play, devs would have dropped it by 2015. Most third parties are lucky if they see 30% of the PS4 sales on Xbox.
Because 4K still is a meme, and absolutely not worth it (yet). Most households have no 4k monitor/tv.
Nintendo doesn't make home consoles anymore. They only make portables. They will have those specs when it becomes viable for a portable to be that powerful.
Super Nintendo. Every powerful console they tried after that failed because they tried to forced some obstacle iin the form of a gimmick. Mini discs, catridges. They've not made a straight forward power console since the SNES.
Because what's the fucking point of trying to make your console another PC when you can go for a gimmick?
Because Nintendo fans don't play real games.
they don't have to since retarded nintendonglers will buy and praise anything they shit out of their asshole
You can but a shit ass 4k TV for less than 200$
Literally no excuse m8
Kids don't have that much money.
Parents ain't buying their kids something that costs as much as a pc.
You can, but nobody won't.
Most people are fine with what they have working right now. This will only change when the current TVs/Monitors will break at some point. But this will still take a few years, and by then 4k will be skipped for 8k.
It's getting there, you basically can't buy a non 4k TV now. The bigger problem is that HDMI 2.1 isn't widespread.That's going to be the absolute best thing for console gaming in a long fucking time.
>g-sync/freesync esque variable refresh rate
>12 bit HDR at 4k120hz
I'm most hopeful about the variable refresh rate, you could argue it'll allow devs to target even less than 30 fps but I'm hopeful that it means devs will add modes to aim for higher without worrying about having to hit a 60 lock.
General reminder that the PS4 Pro is no real 4K console.
Gimmicks sell better than performance to the casual audience when it comes to games. This isn't even a knock at Nintendo, that's just how it works and it's always been their angle after the Gamecube flopped like it did. The Wii had waggles, the Wii U had limited portability, and the Switch has full portability.
It doesn't exactly mean their consoles are worse, they just focus in different areas.
The better question is why won't Nintendo get someone to work on their online content that isn't an 80 year old businessman who's never used the internet beyond business purposes, but that's a topic for another thread.
yes, you can easily buy them without no way around it, but:
Neither is the Xbox One X, but that doesn't stop them from saying it is
Indeed. But regarding online i guess they have done alot of research to it to see that it's not worth for their direction. You can see this as the same to the gimmick stuff.
Online might be a argument for a group of people but not the majority, especially with stuff like voicechat which only get's used by few random underage kids in games they actually shouldn't play it by the game rating, just to shout random nonsense and swearing.
Last time they tried to compete power wise was Gamecube, and they lost hard. They realized their handhelds were making most of the dough. Besides, you already have two devices that do this. Well, technically one, as the other just has the fake ass checkerboard 4k
8k is the real fucking meme. The size required to even see the difference between 4k and 8k is fucking retarded.
Hell seeing the difference between 1080p and 4k is a struggle for most normies because they sit so far from their screens. Hell I've had people over here complain how close I sit to my 65 inch 4k. And that's at 7 feet. Which is even the upper limit of the ability to see 4k over 1080p
ain't nobody gonna try 8k, unlike 1080p 4k is basically at the maximum decipherable detail for television viewing based on display sizes and view distances, extra pixels is pretty much worthless, and if you've gamed on a 4k tv you'd probably know that it's really really hard to even spot the difference between say, 1800p and 2160p, which is partially why this man's point here.
is actually not a huge deal.
I'm not fussed on native 4k, I just like 1440p+, which admittedly the ps4p often doesn't do but that's a discussion for another time.
They're too busy pushing hardware gimmicks
Of course it is. I was just referring to that it's more likely by timing that most will have 8K since when their current HDTVs break, 8K will the selling standard in shops which you can't get around with.
Gimmick consoles don't count. super nintendo was the last 1.
Reggie is dead. Long live Reggie.
Emost of the games ended running better and looking better on Gamecube, so it's not like the Vram and other shit made much of a difference.
cue the same image of that one company that made that one racing game look better on PS2 and maybe a few more cherrypicked examples on the side
>i guess they have done alot of research
I cannot imagine them making the decisions they've made after doing any research. It all feels like haphazard choices by someone who barely understands the concept that the people further down the chain that aren't ancient are afraid to say no to.
I don't mean stuff like no voicechat; no voicechat in nintendo games makes sense, especially since anyone in their right mind would use a third party voice chat and not whatever thing gets garbled through Nintendo's P2P online system. I mean moreso things like not investing in servers to run online games (despite making people pay for online), skimping out on anticheat (compare Splatoon to Splatoon 2), and avoiding online altogether for things like Mario Party because """it's supposed to be for people in the same room""" or some shit like that.
>Gimmick consoles
it's time to stop posting.
I can see the argument for the N64 being a gimmick console if you reach a bit, but how the fuck is the Gamecube a gimmick console?
Online also means (very) high costs. And in most cases it's not worth it. Guess why so many online games/online features get shut down so early in it's lifetime.
something something mini discs or some other inane bullshit that Yea Forumsirgins spout
the handle
Saying it's a "gimmick console" implies the console revolves around the gimmick and that people only bought it because of the gimmick.
I guarantee there is not a single soul on this planet who bought the Gamecube solely because it has a handle, or it has small discs, or whatever. Compare that to the Switch, where I can guarantee a significant portion of its sales came from the fact that it's portable, let alone the Wii, which you could practically confirm had the vast majority of sales thanks to motion controls.
i was just kidding, pls relax
i like the GC
Nintendo has never been cutting edge with any of their hardware. At best, they use technology creatively, but nothing really "new".
Because they made their money on a a Fischer price tablet for disgusting man children.
yeah me too
No it can't
Should nincels kys themselves? My freinds say yes but I’m not entirely sure,
So you're a joker huh? Well I don't like your jokes, I subscribe to a different kind of amusement than you earthlings
>kys themselves
sasuga dumb wojaknigger
because they don't have to
cs doesn't count