I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
No I don't repost shit from reddit.
Kill yourself
I don't see the problem
>Playing n64 games on a hdtv
Imagine the input lag
>Mom's restaurant and chores
user, why are you picking on a literal autistic?
>lives with mom and gets money by doing chores
>saves up to buy outdated toys
>streched aspect ratio
That's really fucked up.
This. Most well adjusted adults moved out of their parents by 17/18.
>finding a problem with this
Why don't threads started with screencaps of tweets or reddit posts result in an instant ban?
Why do people even want complete console collections?
>Whoopty Doo, I'm the king of the shovelware!
1,800 games in 3 years, 600 games a year, like what's the real motivation here, and when are these people gonna drop their collections? When is buying old games going to be sane again?
I think it would be impressive to have a full SNES, Genesis or Saturn collection. Anything else I couldn't give a shit about though. I just want to drink with friends and be able to pull out any Saturn fighter and have a fun night, then play some underlooked RPG.
>playing on an hdtv
Okay but what the fuck is this?
>16:9 stretched image
Do what, be happy about video games? Don't worry I'm never happy about anything.
Desu I’m more interested in the PS2 sign than the collection.
Honestly nowadays it's harder to do that because living is so fucking expensive. 27 is still too old though
good thing he didn’t bother with the Japanese exclusive lineup or he would need a whole room. The PS2 got a mountain of visual novels and random shovelware over there.
>drag queen shit
How many fifa games is that
>N64 on LCD
>even stretched for no particular reason too
That's more offensive than being a loser.
Why did you change the image? The original is a picture of Star Wars stuff.
The only collector I've known loved Resident Evil 6 and was shit at games.
He said Dark Souls made him angry so I shouldn't play it in front of him. He was mad I was doing better than he ever did.
Also the person is 14 in the actual post.
I'm telling a story not the news.
Why havent you castrated this faggot?
What, play retro games on a flatscreen that makes them look like blurry vomit? Hell no
Nope, I'm 27, own a house and live with my wife working at a large business and I used a tiny fraction of my disposable income to buy an Everdrive to play roms on my n64. I also detest drag culture.
OP, you're on reddit. Get his details, I'll fite him IRL.
Because normal people don't keep a 50kg piece of outdated tech around the house.
>finished the ps2 set
So that means you can arrest this man for owning nude images of an underage girl?
holy shit I thought this was real
looks like the only retard here is you OP
I don't see anything wrong other than he seems to have a very childish outlook on saving money and shit, but who am I to judge a persons happiness or living situation. He's happier than a fuck ton of people I know who don't even have something like this to look forward to.
also this
It's fine as long as you plan ahead. Get a good TV, good quality cables, etc. I play my N64 on my 55 inch no issues.
>Tfw bum 31 year old sister and 29 year old brother aren't even close to moving out yet despite having every conceivable advantage growing up
Based and ftbpilled
t. bitter as fuck wagie slaving away to pay for "his" house.
Video games are art user. It's all good.
>youre not allowed to do somethng that makes you happy
die cuntjew
Imagine nearing your thirties and having to cling this fucking hard to your childhood.
I'm gradually becoming convinced that liking video games above the age of like 21 is a mental disease.
Just consuming shit is brainlet fanboy tier but making cool fan content is patrician.
Play games stretched? Gets me every time.
I always wondered where these autist get the money for all that. Imagine you leave money to your kid when you die and he spends it on a video game collection thats not even gonna work in 20 years.
>Playing Mario Kart 64
>Doesn't have the alt title screen and Extra mode unlocked
Better be the first time he's turned that game on.
What, collect old vidya consoles and games?
Nice b8 m8
Imagine being born as a millennial or gen Z and still having the understanding of video games akin to a baby boomer.
>Oh no, you can lose the stuff you have..!?
>Better to just have nothing, then you have nothing to lose!
My parents are dead. But if i had the option i would live with them as long as possible. Rent in america is like half your paycheck, at least in california and electric bill is another $200. $60 for internet and about $60 for cellphone. Car payment $230 and auto insurance which is required by law is $100 for the very cheapest. I dont see anyway outta this hell hole anons.
>I dont see anyway outta this hell hole anons
There are 3 cardinal directions leading out of California.
You are unironically repeating top-level philosophy without realizing it.
Maybe. But i feel like wages are pretty proportional to cost of living no matter where you are.
There's nothing wrong with owning original hardware, but you have to be a special kind of retard to buy games. Every system out there has a flashcart or drive emulator solution that costs less than one rare game for the system in question, or a similar price to 3 or 4 regular games for most systems.
lmao what a fuckin gay
this is your future
Noooo, you should be spending more time and money on women instead, stop having hobbies!
Tracey martel aka Trixie Mattel
Rent being half of your paycheck is pretty standard in any part of the world.
Why not? And why should I care?
Actually, fuck op, post sexy girls.
>waaa people play in stretched
And? I do it half the time as well, and for most games it doesn't matter. Granted some specific games look off, and I don't in those. But the others look and play just fine.
Don't become so attached to physical things.
>implying i keep my collection in my house
That looks like complete garbage. I hate the fact that there's so many retards who stretch things to 16:9 on youtube.
Than the bankers have won bros. Its all ogre now.
You can't have a nightmare if you never dream
people just need hobbies user and some people are too lacy for sports or too scared to go outside and do stuff with people
>I enjoy seeing circles being displayed as ellipses
>I enjoy different movement speed between horizontal and vertical movement
Fuck me man....I just don't know if I'm that good at games...
>ywn have a wife who loves you and supports your hobby
I do, though.
>ywn backhand your stupid cunt of a wife for hooking up an old console to a modern LCD, AND not even setting the picture to 4:3
Fixed that for you. Why can't women do ANYTHING right?
working at your parents job is not a bad thing, but...
if he already has a salary, why is he getting money for doing chores? You live in a house, you help with the chores, like everyone else. Bet he doesn't even pay shit to his parents to help with the bills
play n64 on anything but a CRT? NO I do not
dude I don´t know what your job is but you really need to get out of California.
this place is only for the super rich and literal homeless people nowadays.
go to texas. there economy is up and coming
aspect ratio stretched like a white girl's pussy with a BBC
Ill look into texas bro.
Hey America, how come Arkansas isn't pronounced the same as Kansas?
What do you mean? Of course it is. At least when pronounced correctly. Not like those carpet baggin city slickers call it.
That guy is literally autistic. Not cool, bro.
>go to texas. there economy is up and coming
lol not with the influx of californians moving there and voting blue
As with most weird spelling and pronunciations in the English language, blame the French.
>Pronouncing Ark-an-saw as Arr-Kan-Sus
We have laws specifically to stop this kind of shit
t. Arkansan
Is saying SUS a misdemeanor in Arkansas?
Oh no
>Saved up my money
This isn't an accomplishment at 27
>My mom's restaurant
He doesn't even have a real job. Jesus fuck this is so fucking painful to comprehend.
My ppl have lived on this land for 8 generations. Its pronounced
Stop baiting for (you's) by playing dumb.
I think only in an official capacity. Random yokels like won't be jailed for pronouncing it some other way. I think it's more of a joke law at this point and I doubt the governor or someone in an official position would be jailed or fined for mis-speaking when referring to the state.
Imagine wasting your time on getting a succesfull career, getting a wife and raising kids. The wife will leave, take the kids and half your money.
It's a strange game, only way to win is to not play at all. It's also a rigged game, for non-Chads it is the Dark Souls of real life.
What a dumbass! Fucken download a rompack and an N64 emulatoe, Jesus how retarded are some people?
>collection is so close to complete
Collection of what?
1/3 for rent.
>Hey USA, what's that big Italian city starting with a B?
>Ok and what's that sausage named directly after it
Video games aren't to blame. It's our societal values that encourage and enable them to do so.
While we're at it, let's just avoid any sense of failure altogether by not even making an effort to do anything.
Never try, never fail.
>probably composite video
why would anyone want to do this to themselves
Ok there buddy, now you went from Diogenes to Homer Simpson.
And I thought my Steam backlog was big.
It's all the same shit. If you want to enjoy life, you have to accept that the things you have aren't always going to remain in a permanent state.
Do you really measure your life by the physical objects piled around you?
Especially ones that are decomposing and will be nothing in a decade or two?
>This. Most well adjusted adults moved out of their parents by 17/18.
not in America.
Don't be absurd. Enjoying the things I have /= measuring my life based on them.
And they won't be nothing. They'll still have meaning to me even if they cease to work.
Are you living in the 1970s or something?
>Based and rebased
Basiert und rotgepillt
So these are the kinds of people who like dragfags
Makes u think huh
>that huge collection
>holding a FIFA game of all things
This guy sure have good taste! /s
adjusted with BEATINGS
I honestly don't understand this mentality. At 18 you can't afford to buy a house unless your parents have enough money to buy you one which, again, means you're depending on them (and you probably move away because you want your ''freedom''). So you can either:
1. stay with them, and do your part by paying the bills with the money you earned
2. rent an apartment and live with 1-3 random strangers / roommates you know nothing about
Shitposting and ''mommy's son'' mocking aside, how can you pick option 2 over 1? Or is there an option 3?
What? You mean ESPECIALLY in America, though they're very rarely well-adjusted. In most countries and cultures, especially in South America, Africa and Asia, you stay with your parents until you get married or can for sure leave the house when you're doing good enough to do so.
It looks like he Just got some games for his birthday.
3. Find a gf who pays all the bills for you
I feel like a useless piece of shit, but she insists I finish college first before I start contributing
I think about this every single time I see someone with an expensively big collection of things.
Well, OK. This is also an option. But in my mind it would be better if she is way older and divorced. But good for you, user. If you find few similar women, let me know. I would need one. I mean, I do work, have a house, but my parents are living with me.
Find a gf to live with, works every time.
>Move out for three years
>Want to do a masters to change careers
>Move back in and work full time after masters to save for a house cause fuck renting again.
Im 26 and its actually very embarrassing to still be living at home but fuck it, I''ve saved 9,000 for a deposit doing it, Im not gonna screw myself over to save face.
Even decent sets aren't 100 lbs user. Only fuck huge wegas are.
you can't afford to do this in America unless you have your parents help pay for rent
in which case, why even move out?
college living doesn't count
Thats okay user, I know it has a stigma but if you're educated, working full time, and actively saving to move out, you dont fall into the stereotype
Imagine being this gay.
Pic related
Absolutely based. "Haha lets laugh at this redditor despite be only knowing this fag exists through regularly posting on reddit"niggers blown the fuck out. You're not funny for screencapping a retard's opinion from twitter or reddit. If I don't want to go there to look at that shit why would I want to see it here?
>move out at 18
where? two blocks down? and live by the sleep-school-work-repeat cycle? even putting aside the fact I'd blow 90% of my cash on rent
>I seriously hope you guys don't work and save up for the things you want.
Yea Forums.
based and /threadpilled
Yeah, true Yea Forumsirgins start hoarding old shit before collectorfags and nostalgic normies jack up the prices
I do, but I don't post about it online because I do not feel the narcisstic need to gain the validation of random fuckos in order to stroke my ego/e-peen.
Kill yourself
N64 kids never grew up.
PS1 chads are happily married with children.
>wearing socks indoors
Good luck getting the original star destroyers kid, they're worth thousands now.
First post best post
Fuck OP
She was 18 they just made a typo and put age 17
Imagine posting on Yea Forums and pretending to be a hotshot normie chad
should have bought digital
Pretty sure OP closed the tab and is crying under a table.
this. Nintendo is some kind of cancer, produces cringe autists even to this day.
>not having the entirety of every console library up to the 6th generation on multiple hard drives with redundant backups
Samefag Snoygger
holy shit dude, is that a Control Deck?
Based and redpilled
So he's a tranny as well? I'm a video game obsessed manchild raised by a single mom myself but have never had interest in putting on womens clothes.
Why are so many of my 'peers' these types of queers?
because you're a r*dditor
I'm 27 and I still own my N64 with games, but honestly playing on an emulator is a billion times better. The image quality is so much better, rendered in HD. And you can fast forward emulation to get through boring unskippable cutscenes. And of course you can save states, although I don't usually do that because it's cheating.
The increased image quality of emulators alone is why you should play on an emulator. It looks so, so much better than the fuzzy composite signal coming out of an N64. Also, my Xbox 360 wired controller is much nicer to play on than the old N64 controller to be honest.
Pic related is what I play on, Mupen64Plus, and I think it's regarded as the best N64 emulator - for example, Bizhawk uses Mupen64Plus, and Bizhawk is used for TASes and such.
The mad lad
How the fuck do you move being underage?
>taking all this shit out of second hand rotation
these fucking autists, man. This is why I sold off my collection, realized I wasn't playing it, kept my shit in good condition, let some other people have that shit if they wanna pay for it, maybe it will get some use.
you go live with your friend who also dropped out of high school and his dealer
Born and raised in texas, this is mostly true, but stay clear of austin as its turned into san francisco lite. The long horns were bad enough there before, but now with all these faggot hipsters fleeing there, you are best off in dallas.
Fucking based. FPBP.
absolutely based
>tfw OP has probably been crying for the past 5 hours because of this post.
just do it lol
Boomer please
tfw when living in MA, number 1 state for disposable income across the board, but you have to live with massholes, image someone almost running you over with their car and getting mad when you get mad because the driver is the real victim here.
Put screencap in me the.
Based as hell
I’ve had my OG N64 since release with a large collection of games and controllers. Why is he so proud of having 5 games and three controllers?
or you know, go the zen route
>all is impermanent
>reach as high as you can
>knowing you must always come back down.
It could always be worse, obsessed friend.
>known in Australia, Britain, Ireland, Zimbabwe and South Africa as polony
>$60 (£46) for internet
>$60 (£46) for mobile phone
You're obviously a complete moron, and if you're paying £46 for your mobile phone every month then you deserve to lose money due to your incomprehensible stupidity. You can get a basic phone plan for a quarter of that price or less. I'm paying £20 a month currently ($26 USD) and that's for UNLIMITED data, which is pretty insane. It's a good deal for what it is, but you can obviously get much cheaper deals that don't give you such a generous allowance.
You're obviously one of these morons that thinks they NEED to have the latest £1,000 phone. You don't. You're just a moron and you deserve to be screwed over by these companies because you're so stupid.
OP on suicide watch.
Flip phones are useless in today’s society.
Based, OP BTFO. Just kys OP it's over.
>I'm paying £20 a month currently ($26 USD) and that's for UNLIMITED data, which is pretty insane.
What's scary is that normalfags like yourself think this is a good deal.
I pay 20 quid a month for 100mbps of real internet. I cannot imagine being retarded enough to get a phone on contract.