I'm so glad (COUGH)... I spent all those hours (WHEEZE)... grinding in gacha games...
I'm so glad (COUGH)... I spent all those hours (WHEEZE)... grinding in gacha games
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You're gonna give me your phone when you die, right?
you better delete this shit faggot
Already...sold my account to pay for my (COUGH) treatments...
I only got...$50 for it...
Sorry, user... I promised my son I'd (HACK)... give him my account... when I (BRAAP) die...
Don't brap at me, corpse.
What's the term for a fetish of being attracted to terminally ill girls like Okita?
>he doesn't know that corpses evacuate their bowels when they die
user, a brap is the least of your worries
Coffin stuffer?
I was educating people about mung before you were a twinkle in your daddy's eye.
The opposite of robbing the cradle, robbing the grave.
Has anyone actually done this, or is it just made-up bullshit for upvotes? Please tell me it's the latter.
Munging existed before the Internet.
>Okita Souji (Girl)
>same Okita coughing blood and not long for this world
Explain this.
innate desire to protect
You realize what's happening to Okita?
Her insides are liquefying and she's coughing em up.
And now she's PERMANENTLY like that. It's not even an endearing or funny trait to me, it's just depressing.
Sexy and cute!
Gimme a hug, man.
no more hugs will
>making out with Okita
>she barfs up her internal organs into your mouth
Would you swallow?
and ask for more
I opened this thread for ONE thing and I'm sorely dissappointed.
You fucking bet I would
I mean at least with her being a servant she can't die from it. So it still sucks but you won't end up losing her to it either.
>ywn cuddle a feverish, exhausted, delusional Okita on her deathbed
Why even daishouri, bros
Only real boomers will remember dying from TB