>enemies kill you while you're idle
Enemies kill you while you're idle
bluepilled and cucked
>unloads a magazine into a guy
Fucking 'murricans
>let me see your hands
>american level
>Objective: survive
>enemies don't aggro when idle
>accidentally press a button
>get killed by enemies ganging up on you
>blocks drive through for a while
>gets fucking killed
jesus christ you Americans
just walk to the counter
>fucking bury the dude with bullets
>lemme see your hands!
fucking american cops i swear
does anybody have their names?
I'm not saying that it's not fucked up but why did the dude have a gun out and on his lap in the first place
Fucking hell America, your country is beyond cucked.
Because nigs get shot by the cops? Sounds pretty based to me. Also who the fuck falls asleep in the drive through with a stolen loaded gun on their lap?
How does that boot taste?
Willie McCoy was shot and riddled with more than 20+ bullet wounds across his body. He passed out in the middle of a drive through with his illegal firearm on his lap. When the cops shouted for hands, he panicked and grabbed his gun, thinking it was a rival gang.
Cops did the right thing as they walked passed him and saw his gun. He also had a warrant out for his arrest.
he got what he deserved for doing irreparable damage to the economy
I wouldn't know. I don't commit crime and I'm not black. I'd ask the welfare recipients. They'd probably know.
>I'd ask the welfare recipient
>most welfare recipients are white
planning on robbing the place, probably drugged up and passed out while planning
Yeah subhuman trailer trash. I wouldn't complain if the cops shot them either.
shitty tryhard kills you when you're having a good time
I'm white and even I hate cops.
WTF is there problem?
ooga booga i hate cops he dindu nuggins fuck da police
>don't break the law
>cops leave you alone
It's really that easy.
proportional, the black parasite consumes more welfare than any other. You're a fucking retard for compare the majority of the population to a 13% minority. Learn how statistics work, retard.
>falling asleep in your car
>deserve to be executed
>Already have several arrest on record
>wanted for arrest
>armed and scrambling for his weapon
yes. one less fucking nigger parasite
how's Manchester
he was a nigger with a gun
he didn't have good intentions and is better off in the ground
>>cops leave you alone
You and I both know that isn't fucking true
>takes headset off to go and see what his mom made him for dindin
>p2w high level bluecoats start swarming him in a pvp-zone
>friend logs off leaving you alone
>>wanted for arrest
>commit crime
>have stolen gun in lap while committing another crime
>reach for gun when cops show up
Didn't deserve to be executed but anyone with a brain would have hidden the gun and parked somewhere legally without obstructing traffic so they wouldn't draw attention to themselves.
>muh 2nd amendment muh freedom!
>e-except black people!
>a nigger with a criminal record was put down for the good of the community
why is reddit so anus blasted?
>have stolen gun in lap while committing another crime
Ordering Taco Bell? A succulent Mexican meal?
I never watched past Second Season. Is Owari and up any good? This threads getting 404d so thought I'd ask. Oh I also watched the first Kizu movie so I gotta finish that trilogy
if you like Monogatari you'll like all of it
if you don't you should stop there
obstructing traffic by falling asleep in the drive through
I'd like to see the black panthers start back up in an open-carry state, with the right carry licenses, just to see how people would react in the modern age
Oh yeah I loved it. Ive liked every season except Nisemonogatari which was meh. Might like it more on a rewatch. Im gonna marathon all of it
I've only watched the first episode, but nee-san Mayoi is a treasure, a shame she's mirror world only
Sodachi is the cutest. Yeah, what said.
Look up Daniel Shaver, you bootlicking faggot. If the cops want you dead, you're dead. Doesn't matter what you've done, what kind of record you have, or what race you are.
>discuss for 5 minutes how they are going to subdue a sleeping guy
>still shoot him
Why are burgers so fucking incompetent at everything.
I've never had and issue with cops here and I live in welfare central.
>cops leave you alone
I got pulled over once going over 100mph in california on a road known to have deer cross and I got a warning
So you're saying just because some scumbag cops exist is a reason to view all forms of law enforcement as evil and unlawful? Guilt by association?
>view all forms of law enforcement as evil and unlawful
When did I say that, nigger? Kill yourself.
if you see a drugged up nignog with a gun you shoot first and ask questions later
>I hate cops
>Yea Forums is now unironically racist
t. pic related
>be american
>get shot
like clockwork
You know there's more forms of law enforcement than paramilitary burgercops, right?
You're not talking to me.
nobody is right in this video
just take the higher 900 iq enlightened centrist road like me, neither side is worth defending, the middle road is always the correct solution. it's so hard having superior intellect
>some german cuck cop posts made up story to Yea Forums
No shit. That wasn't my point. Not all cops are fucking bad. A few assholes are not an excuse to hate the rest of the group. Be it cops, nigs, whites, whatever.
>all forms of law enforcement
Are you fucking illiterate? Do you have dementia? Can you not even remember what you fucking wrote 10 minutes ago?
to protect and serve. this is the price of freedom!
>visit America
Damn I really should stop trying to argue with nigs. You people are fucking beyond help. May god have mercy on your retarded soul.
I've been waiting for this moment my whole life. Years of shit pay, years of cleaning my dusty 9mm. It's finally happening. I'll get that promotion. . . that action movie deal I've worked my whole life for. I'll be a hero for once, not a ticket-collecting rookie. . . Here goes nothing. . . RAAAAGGHHHH!!
people who become cops have low iq and psychopathy (no genetic empathy)
they are not your freinds
Imagine living in the social dystopia that is Clapistan where you'll get shot by the cops, your classmates, your co-workers, or your family, and if you dare survive you'll end up in debt for life because hospitals aren't free. Oh and all your entertainment will be ruined forever by people who only care about being loud to get famous among their echo chamber, a rat race of greedy husks of "people".
why the fuck have a gun in plain sight? in the street of all places?
Police officers like this should be put to death.
Reminder that the cops clearly said "let me see your hands" a second before filling the guy with bullets.
>cops leave you alone
>most welfare recipients are white
but if we look at %, it's black people
>be gang member with criminal record
>reach for (stolen) gun when police come to arrest you
>get shot
wtf america????????
>shooting a guy trying to get out of his wrecked car
but why
is he a pedophile that crashed his van or something?
so wait if the guy had a gun in the car while asleep why didn't the police set up a parameter around the area to make sure the area was safe enough before dealing with them? Surely one of the officers could've used the loud speaker on the car first to get the guy to put his hands up
It's real yuropoor/druggie/NEET hours so expect to see a lot of dumbass posts about cops and America.
Still doesn't give them the right to met out justice.
American cops are retarded.
too lazy to help maybe
Why do all that hard work when you can just shoot him?
mfw I check all three
mfw I defend the use of lethal force
mfw fuck niggers
>idle somewhere where mobs spawn
>New Zealand police apprehend a man who shot and killed 50 people
>American police are incapable of apprehending a sleeping druggie
>using a gun to commit a crime
>2nd amendment
The guy crashed his car after speeding and the cop was mad at him. Literally just chimped out and shot him, and then lied about it.
How do you actually survive an encounter with American police?
>reach for your seat belt
>get shot
>pull up your pants
>get shot
>raise your hands too fast
>get shot
>run away
>get shot
>do what they say but too quickly
>get shot
It's like trying to ask a starving lion not to eat you. The thought of slaughtering people makes the average constables mouth froth with excitement. If he wants to kill you, he will do it.
Did the cop face any consequences like I dunno, 2nd degree murder?
Normally this shit instills a blinding, white-hot rage towards cops, but they didn't really do anything wrong here. Dude was acting suspect with a gun in his lap, immediate reaction when he came to was to lurch violently forward and look ready to drive off. Common sense would've saved this dude's life.
>see person sleeping with a gun
>shout at him while pointing weapons at him
>surprised when he reaches for the gun
they expect everyone to "just follow their orders and no one gets hurt" and have zero deescalation skills because of that.
Yea Forums is shockingly pro-cop at times like this, but I guess that's contrarianism for you.
Be white, dont have a gun in your lap
I'm assuming the NZ shooter gave himself up to police of sound mind and body. Kinda different from a fucking passed out dude jolting up and scrambling for the gun on his lap less than a foot away from you.
>common sense
>be white
Didn't save
You literally can't. You should see that video where the cop told him to spread his legs, put his hands behind his back, and crawl forward at the same time and then shot him for not following impossible instructions.
He went to jail for 6 months I think.
PLEASE fucking explain
The police should not have been that close to someone they deemed dangerous, they should have set up a perimeter and evacuated everyone that wasn't an officer and handled it from a distance.
That is how cops in most countries operate, unlike burgerland were cops KNOW they have a free pass on killing people so they disregard their own training. I mean, why bother staying late handling a situation when you can just kill the guy and get a paid vacation?
That was a situation where the cops were retarded I agree. I dont know why people are making a fuss about this situation considering the guy had a gun on him and reached for it. You cant even see into the window during the video so all we really have are the cops word. Was he supposed to let himself get shot?
Shoot em first.
I'd go to jail for longer for possessing weed, gotta love America.
Imagine being such a fucking braindead retard you can't even make it as a crayon eater in the US Marine Corp or the Army, and you have to live out your Call of Duty fantasies shooting civilians.
>Not having your gun out when standing near a known criminal with a gun visibly on his person.
Open and shut case of suicide by cop.
Do you retards honestly believe someone would take a nap in a fast food drive through with a gun on their lap for any other reason and start fucking with cops when they show up?
You can't have perfect common sense all the time. People panic, get tics, get confused, expecially when you have a paranoid amerifat pointing his gun of freedom at you.
>start fucking with cops when they show up?
He was asleep until they started screaming at him and then immediately shot him.
pretty sure that guy was white too
>American level
>Objective: Don't get shot
That sounds like a pretty big waste of time desu
I think the turbo retards go cop
the regular retards have all joined the army
>kill criminal
why is Yea Forums so filled with niggerlovers?
>why is Yea Forums so filled with niggerlovers?
you're the one defending cops though
There's no such thing as a waste of time when you're dealing with public safety. It's not that hard to call in an extra police car and get everyone evacuated from the business at a safe distance while you handle the situation.
They're police officers, not Judge Dredd. They're not meant to execute people for breaking the law just to save time.
Falling for a psy-op that easily,
You guys are retarded. He was obviously drugged and left there with a gun from another crime to be used as a scapegoat. Typical gang coverup.
>hero stops fat fucks from gorging on Wendy's
>a criminal
dumb bootlicker
Having a gun trained on a disgruntled person with a gun readily visible and accessible on their person isn't "paranoid," jackass. The fact some guy passed out in a Taco Bell drivethrough with a gun in his lap is more embarrassingly "American" than anything that happened when cops showed up.
But if we look at raw numbers, its white people.
>plain sigh
>guy was passed out in his own car
>wake up to a bunch of flashlights and people pointing at you
>panic and try to protect yourself
>s-surely he was going to steal that borg store!
Oh americans, this is why SJWs will soon destroy whats left of your country soon,
>That officer's basedboy voice
Asleep? He was unresponsive to carhorns and loud knocks.
Maybe he was drunk or on drugs, but if you have an upholstered gun in public in that condition you're still a big threat. Cops have to make a quick decision for their safety and the bystanders. And you see him moving at 1:25 so it's likely not due to a medical condition. It's suicide by cop no question.
>nigger with a gun on his lap
>"T-the 2nd Amendment is important! We need our guns to rebel if the government turns on us!"
>law enforcement are literally murdering people in their sleep
Soooo, where's that rebellion? Your life is in danger, if you so much as close your eyes, yet no one cares enough to do something about it. You'd think if the people rose up as one and took justice themselves, maybe there'd be some reform, but apparently not. So much for that excuse.
>try to protect himself
and how was he going to do that. would it happen to be the exact thing that would've given them a perfect reason to shoot him
I had some asshole cop pull me over a few months back for fucking swerving. This is when the roads were covered in goddamn chunks of ice and snow. Retard immediately asked me how much I had been drinking, and when I said none he asked me "how much have you REALLY been drinking." Told him to give me a breathalizer and he backed off like a fucking bitch.
There are plenty of good cops. There are also plenty of fags on power trips.
Where's the evidence? Ah right I forget muricans don't care about innocence until proven otherwise, hows that #metoo movement going?
i'm sure they were thinking of the bystanders' safety when they unloaded an entire magazine into him firing wildly in two different directions
How do you make explosive?
how often you go to wendys with a gun in your lap
The army taught me that when dealing with angry civvies, your primary objective should be to de-escalate the situation, only escalating if necessary. If I'm remembering basic training correctly, the order of escalation was:
>polite talking
>using hand signals
>raising your voice
>light physical force
>harsher physical force
>brandishing weapon
>warning shot
>lethal force
American police seem to just jump from screaming straight to mag dumping.
>Guilt by association?
You mean like how Yea Forums views niggers?
used condoms, bleach, and some gunpowder
also throw in some urine for good measure
>enemies can access your inventory
holy shit can we just nuke America already?
They did have extra cars, they used them to box him in completely.
I don't mind it
Its been that way for a few years bro
They fired at downwards angles, just admit you're wrong and jump to knee jerk conclusions without considering all the context and circumstances of the video at hand.
>give subject reason to shoot so you can kill it
I see how america works now.
If you killed yourself now you wouldn't have to suffer living here anymore
Pretty based image. Martin Luther King was bluepilled, Malcolm X was redpilled.
actual retards who do zero research
dude had some attention as a rapper. this makes people like him targets. see: xxxtentacion
>warning shot
The fuck kind of army is this?
Just the way his body flops back in it man. Something straight out of Skyrim.
>be me, American
>thankfully, not black
>but I'm Filipino, so I look black at a passing glance
Should I move? How easy is it to transition from the US to Canada?
>criminals getting the bullet
i dont see whats wrong with this
>Yea Forums is mad as fuck
i keep forgetting this place is filled with sissies larping as anarchists what would get stomped like a turd irl
It's all because of that Fucking WINGSTOP a crossed the way
Finally, a non ass eating pic.