Name a more iconic design from this decade. You literally can't

Name a more iconic design from this decade. You literally can't

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Have sex

T. Tranny, kill yourself
Unironically not even in kidding, everyone recognizes her now

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Lit. who?

But I'm already having sex with your mother

I unironically think she's a good design from a purely aesthetic standpoint, even if she's also blatantly made to be sexy.


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it sexy so my penis is happy

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nyannyan from tiktok

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Just die already

God I wish.

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nyannyan is such a talentless hack, her videos are all stale and lifeless you have to imagine the number of miracles she had to pull off to get the perfect composition in hit or miss

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The dancer from Etrian Odyssey.

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Yeah, but the thread isn't about talent. Ask any zoomer and 99% of them will instantly recognize the design of her cosplay.

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Same, the whole overgrown urban ruins with white haired gothic outfits is stylish as fuck. The boob window is the worst part of her dress too. runway af

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>The boob window is the worst part of her dress
>t. webm related

Attached: never forget.webm (654x485, 2.08M)

Yeah, have sex with a loli, nigger.


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is this the new reddit buzzword/phrase/reply like "incel" was?