This is the perfect gamepad design
This is the perfect gamepad design
No it isn't, the damn dpad is fucking awful
I regret being memed into buying this controller
>terrible dpad
>Only 4 face buttons
Nothing wrong with the dpad
It is. Why do you think so many after it have copied it in so many ways.
The WiiU one was better. The Switch Controller also suffers from poor quality control. I have 3 and had to replace 2
t. never used the controller before
the d pad is fine
what an asymmetrical piece of bulky garbage
But it's just a shittier shaped ps controller with retarder stick placement
360 controller for 3D games
Dualshock 4 for 2D games
It's not that complicated
Fucking retards
Holy shit how could anyone be in such denial it's the worst designed dpad in history
fuck off
stop spreading lies
The 360 controller is "good enough" for me.
Plus still have four of them and my 360. So couch coop with the Bros is always an option.
the d-pad sucks dick
other than that its okay
Fuck you
That stick placement is million times better than dualshock
You nigger faggot
The S Xbox controller is a better design
the fact that the d-pad has diagonals isn't the problem---it's that the precision of the inputs is severely lacking, which makes it easy for the controller to not read or misread your actions. That's why the D-Pad sucks so much.
If you never play fighting games, then that's the only way you could think it functions well
Why are these threads always the same?
>X control is shit, Y is LITERALLY/OBJECTIVELY superior!
Just say what you like about it and fuck off. My favorite controller right now is the DS4, WiiU pro is second and xbone is just fine being a big improvement from the 360 one (does xbox controllers have a name?).
I prefer the Ps4 controller since it's easier to claw grip the left side while keeping my thumb on the stick
>So couch coop with the Bros
What game(s)?
360 controller, PS4 controller and especially the big XBOX Classic controller. Something about something that big just feels oddly comfortable in the hands. Even when I was younger I preferred the fuck-huge controller over the dinky one that looks like most XBOX controllers these days.
So you never use the D-pad?
Retard, I said Dualshock 4 for 2D
>playing fighting games with pad
Has anyone here bought the Duke repros for the Xbone? How are they?
Plenty of games use it for its real purpose, inventory quick select
This is so lame it's good
Its not though, its objectively one of the worst D-Pads of all time, it runs on AA batteries and the rubber on the sticks wears down too fast over time
the shoulder buttons aren't very ergonomic either
Its generally comfy but got its flaws as well
>calling it a "game"pad""
I don't think we play the same kind of games
>does xbox controllers have a name?
they shouldn't
it's stupid
>"The Duke"
what a dumb name; should have just been "Xbox controller Model 1"
>two different thumbstick caps
what exactly were they thinking?
The d-pad is sub-optimal at best, its only good for mapping other button commands on it.
Shit dpad, otherwise yes
>one of the biggest draws of your consoles new digital market is the ability to download indies and retro games
>many of which are 2D based
Gee I sure do love playing 2D platformers with an analog stick
I think later versions fixed the d-pad slightly. I play platformers with no issues.
My first, wired, controller was awful though.
Why do people care so much about dpads anyway?
Movement is done with stick in most games
better dpad, battery in the gamepad, standard audio jack and usb and it's perfect
what's the Achilles heel on this one again? is it no analogue triggers or no rumble?
Apparently steam supports it for steam input so should be no problems there.
Xbox One controller is better but still not perfect.
Faulty d-pad, no analogue trigger. Still good because d-pads are a fucking meme.
The 360 has tonnes and tonnes of platformers and classic games that use the d-pad extensively. The Xbone controller is a little less ergonomic, but it fixes this flaw.
its ass. had to replace two of them within a year. Sega Saturn controller was far superior.
Main reason I bought an XBAWKS instead of a PS3. The PS controllers are designed for alien claws or something.
And you can't just use the analog stick on those games because?
the elite controller maybe. either way it's better than a dual shock or switch pro, none of them have a great d-pad though.
I play all my games with keyboard and the the games which require heavy use of camera, I just ignore them
i got the 360 joystick and i was thinking getting a new controller to play some fighting games.
do you recomend a ds4 or a diy arcade stick?
Too bad saturn doesn't have any games worth playing lol!
Have to disagree. Can barely stand holding the Wii U one now after using the Switch one. It's such a jarring shape
>Analog stick for platformers, fighting games, and other 2D shit
Are you being serious?
Yeah, what's wrong with using the analog stick for platformers? I'll give you fighting games, but I pretty much always use the analog stick for 2d games.
>assymetrical sticks
>Faulty d-pad
Its not April 2017 anymore, you can stop spreading blatant misinformation.
Because its shitty and imprecise? Would you say pushing an analog stick is a fine substitute for pressing a regular button too?
Yes, that's how its supposed to be. You use the left stick and face buttons most often.
Dualshock controllers are ass. Shit ergonomics, shit build quality, shit Dpad and shit sticks.
>what's wrong with using the analog stick for platformers?
>Because its shitty and imprecise?
stand aside, niggers
What are some platformers that require a level of precision that it matters?
Give me some advice Yea Forums
I just broke the left sb of my XBone controller parrying too hard in Sekiro.
Ordered a replacement part but I want to buy another controller anyway.
Should I buy a DS4 or something else?
(I'm on PC)
All of them
Avoid like the plague unless you want to charge it every 3 hours and don't mind having a shit Dpad and sticks in the wrong place
are you me? literally same button. fucking Isshin
Can't come up with any, got it.
I don't really mind the stick placement and dpad, I've used a DS2 before and it was comfortable to me
I'm ok with charging, too.
How's the build quality?
>No l3/r3
Also never liked the symmetric analogs
Literally any platformer is infinitely better with a Dpad, its more precise, that's all there is to it.
>Super Mario World
There's one, happy now faggot?
*blocks your path*
why are dualshock controllers so fucking tiny
is the average PS4 player 4"8?
The analog sticks on the 360 controller just don't seem as responsive and accurate as any of the current generation controllers.
objectively the best pad for fightan vidya
I could see Sony making them bigger now that no one in Japan seems to care about Playstation anymore there.
I find the analogs to be nicer than the dualshock's at least. The controller is bulkier so it doesn't feel like I'm straining my thumbs to reach for them.
>build quality
Went downhill since the DS2. Every PS3 controller I've ever held has felt like a flimsy turd and the Sixaxis I own has basically fallen apart and just flat-out stopped working.
Borrowed a friend's PS4 to play Bloodborne and while the DS4 was generally better in terms of build quality, I had to charge it every time I played and the little tiny port on the controller wasn't secure and caused the cord to pop out sometimes and it wouldn't make a connection half the time so the controller would randomly die while I was playing. The lightbar is stupid, the touchpad is never used for anything and is just a glorified pair of buttons. And as I already said I'm not a fan of the segmented Dpads DS controllers use and the battery life is abysmal. Definitely the last controller I would choose to buy.
if you wanna play SNES games on your computer just buy an ibuffalo, they're legit like $10 on amazon or something I don't know why you wouldn't.
I do agree that the DS4 is better for playing those kinds of games though if you absolutely need to play retro games on a modern controller (???)
see people bring this up a lot in relation to the xbone controller and I'm wondering if people just haven't actually held both, the xbone controller was significantly less spacious to me than the ds4 as somebody with extremely weird and long fingers.
Heh, it was O-Rin that did me in, though
Makes sense because it has a flimsy plastic holding it up, that's clearly not made to be mashed like in Sekiro.
Should have remapped it to B like so youtube video said.
This way you can also run while moving the camera without having to use a claw hold.
>I do agree that the DS4 is better for playing those kinds of games
Only controller with a worse Dpad is the 360 pad, DS4's Dpad is ass too, definitely not the controller I would use for anything that uses a Dpad for more than occasional menu navigation.
feels fine to me and it's in the right place for playing retro games, don't see the problem desu.
Stick with an xbone controller. Trust me. Shoulder and trigger buttons feel better and ergonomic shape and stick placement. I'd use a DS4 on a fighting game or platformer but fighting games already have arcade sticks.
It usable but Its segmented above the controller's case, not ideal
yeah it started getting stuck sometimes and then realized i can just pull the entire button up and see the internals, very silly design. I’ll take it to a shop and see if it can be fixed cheap because i’m too careless to do stuff myself.
On regards to your question, I own a ps4 and the ds4 is no better, the shoulder buttons are ok but the sticks get stuck mysteriously and fuck the touchpad. Also, no native PC game support
>I'd use a DS4 on a fighting game or platformer
But the d-pad on Xbone is better, why would you do this to yourself
so you can show ingame which stick to use without putting L or R on the stick. Also they probably thought the right stick to be used less
>bought a steel series (stratus xl) pad for VR and nip ports
>been nothing but a headache when trying to make it pair up, works like 1 out of 20 attempts, repeat any time I turn it off
Never gonna buy from them again holy fuck
Dpads are used for things other than movement too
I can't count how many times I've swapped weapons or items in a Souls game during an encounter only to have the 360 Dpad fuck it up and register the wrong input
The D-Pad is shit, trigger buttons & analog is superb though.
The 360's dpad is an axis with a dpad-shaped face. You get a trade-off of it being more suitable for use with 3d games while being absolutely horrible for anything that requires precision movement. People that play fighting games will also tell you that the dpad is hot nasty donkey shit.
>nobody posted the xb1 controller
literally what the fuck?
best controller
oh nice another smart person, i thought i was the only one in this thread without downs
>Good dpad
>Doesn't require the weird adapter to use
>Good for 3d, okay for 2d
It really is a contender for one of the best controllers on the market
The "triggers" are shit
if you believe this you might be retarded, pick up a 360 pad and tell me those springy triggers arent HIDEOUS
you mean the bumpers? the triggers are great.
honestly even the bumpers are pretty based on the xb1 pad. they're different from the 360 but an objective improvement
>mushy, imprecise dpad
>terrible button layout
too small
build quality feels shit
dpad is shit
>That D-Pad
>That wrong analog stick placement
But niggers are the ones who prefer the Xbox layout.
Xbox 360 is the GOAT Nigger console.
t. born in 3d zoomer
>Saturn D-pad
Get the fuck out
I swear to god DS2's Dpad was good.
I don't know what happened with DS3-onwards.
>shit d-pad
>fragile analogue sticks
>battery pack that comes loose
>needs shitty adapter to use wirelessly
360 pad-lets unironically kill yourselves