How will he criticise Sekiro?

How will he criticise Sekiro?

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i dont know but i bet he has the integrity to not use the phrase "easy mode" at any point during his review

The guy behind the PC master race meme which has been replaced by fat wojak because funneh reddit meme lol

>This is how low the bar is set for passable game criticism.

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I thought this nigga died from ass cancer?

well if he cant do just that he's lost credibility hasnt he because it means he's sided with the rest of the false flagging le games journalists screaming "inclusivity" as their war cry

By not actually talking about the mechanics and nitpicking some minor issue he has with the story.

He'll commend the games design and desire to remove itself from the soul series, lament on how it isn't enough of a tenchu spiritual successor and make a claim on how the difficulty feels arbitrarily high in certain segments but overall will say he's had fun with it, then end on a quip about getting his bollocks sliced off

People conflate difficulty with depth. It's like for example DMC even at DMD is not a hard game its honestly not you can cheese the game or even just do the most basic ass "I've literally not trained a single second" combos and still beat it with a bit of patience and understanding. Hell the hardest thing to do might just be kill Urizen at the start with Nero without any NG+ upgrades, but there's no depth in that. Similarly even an easy fighting game would be hard as shit if you could only fight let's say Sonic Fox at it you could be playing fantasy strike and he'd still rape more than the other Furrys rape him. You and your friends could all play forest + big creature in mtg and have fun or even beat each other without ever knowing the other mechanics or colors but that experience would in no way impact the depth of MTG itself.

That said the entire tl;dr I put before while completely is actually NOT an argument for an easy mode. The issue despite any time spent, and the chance of affecting future game developments is that if it is developer intention that you must learn to use the mechanics to progress and that they want you to get better it really goes against the game itself to ask for things to be easier. It's like asking that super moves take 1 or no bars to execute in fighting games just because you personally only care about looking cool and not about balance.

Sekiro is difficult?

No, but it is deep. Difficulty is highly removed from depth.

Are you his ghost writer?


Have sex.

he won't, because his last review was in september of last year.

Make me

Weak b8

Why are you gatekeeping the sex, where's the sex easy mode?

they're called sex robots but for some reason libtards don't want people to have them


Damn that is accurate

have you seen the rest of game journos? Yes, the bar is that fucking low. In fact, the average Yea Forums shitpost is probably superior to the average review.
Yes, those guys screaming about how game X is onions who has never played that game are probably better reviewers than most.

in a manner that is most super cas

>waits until he knows how everyone else feels about the game before he comments
So sensitive, so vain, that yahtzee cuckshaw

Any cheese strats for beating the Have Sex boss, Yea Forums?

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He'll probably use it but only in the sense to denigrate those that use it

Lower your standards

pay to win

He either won't at all or will bust off into some random digression tirade about something only vaguely related that only he cares about.

Its too hard. You know, just like how he criticized DeS before the series became popular.

Did he? Wasnt aware.
Implying he caters to the popular is incorrect tho

He caters to what is safely contrarian
Definitive fedora taste

Ah, fair.
He loves RE4 and prince of persia sands of time tho
Those are my favorite games

ZP is absolute garbage

I'm reading this whole thread in his voice.

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He funny tho

He used to be for sure, but not anymore

gimme a writeup for his bordermemes 3 review lads

yeah, he ran out of material and steam a long time ago.

People still watch his videos? I thought he stopped being relevant over 5 years ago.

His analogies are still top notch. Its just the same formula

It's not like he's changed at all, we all just got tired of him. It certainly didn't help that the more time passes, the more apparent he makes it that he's a filthy casual with subpar taste.

This, but the biggest indication is Let's Drown Out. He's absolutely horrendous at games yet pretends he's some amazing player

Steps 1-3
1. Be attractive
2. Don't be ugly
3. See step 1 and 2

>Its just the same formula
It is pretty obvious how samey his videos all are.

Yahtzee Crotchshave

Go watch his Demons Souls review right now.

I mean, it's fair that opinions can change over time, but he still comes off like a real cunt every time he acts like a hot shit dark souls fan. Yeah you like games later on when you GET them but maybe don't act like such a shit about it.

This dude was too much of a bitch casual to pass through an introductory level on Demon Souls and is now one of the biggest Souls games dickriders on planet earth after being forced to actually play the game.
This is why I can't trust his joke meme reviews because he's always in that "huge bitch casual" phase because he needs to make the video by next week

The man literally could not beat 1-2. I'm never considering him a Souls anything unless that second word is chump.

Never forget how he couldn't even get past the fucking tutorial monster in MH Tri, and he spent a sizable chunk of his MHW review talking about "story" like it fucking matters in any way.

was it Great Jaggi that walled him?

Still, his Demon Souls review gave us a great phrase
"A game that takes away half your health bar and tells you that you can have it back after you've proved you don't need it is a game that isn't fucking around"

>phase because he needs to make the video by next week

And I don't buy the excuse that it's hard to put this shit out quickly. He has a full week to play a game. That's maybe two or three days of real play time and then what can only be a half hour of actual work to make his 5 minute windows movie maker slide show. He doesn't even write his fucking column anymore.

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>Be game journalist.
>Spend 8 hours of your day, when you're not doing reviews NOT playing videogames.
>So guys the game is bad, no easy mode, how am I a professional game reviewer supposed to finish it without an easy mode? What do you mean I should be playing games on hard before reviewing!
>0/10 too hard.

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Yeah and it also let me know how shit a professional game reviewer on the other end of the spectrum can still be. This dude has the gall to complain about games in his modern reviews that treat you like an idiot

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>Doesn't do column
>Doesn't work at mana bar
>Literally nothing but play games and make the same video
>Wahh I have no time

Just watched it. Whats your point?
I feel he grew into the series and difficulty, but i didnt follow him very much back then.
He didnt hate it, but didnt like it. Seems like most of his "reviews"

>Just watched it. Whats your point?
The point is that he's bad at the game and blames the game for his lack of skill. He absolutely hated DeS, you are fucking nuts.

Look, it's fine he came around. But now he acts like he's King Big Dick for being a Dark Soul's fan and that every game needs to be Dark Souls. He's a casual come lately acting like cock of walk.

He's a PS fanboy, it'll be a favourable review

An Australian hack that hated Demon's Souls and did a complete 180 when Dark Souls got popular and claims "I love Demon Souls now i swear guys".

I think he'll like it but he may complain about it not being "soulsy" enough, either way im hoping his review will come soon

That was the other one

Jim Sterlin?

Am I wrong in saying most people thought Des was shit while liking the other games?
I agree the 180 is odd, but idk if its because hes a hack or he just started to like it

No? Where the fuck did you pull that one out of? DeS was a hit.

Also Dark Souls wasn't a fucking thing when he reviewed Demons Souls.

They wouldn't have even made Dark if people didn't like Des.

So if it was a hit already then he didnt jump on the bandwagon?

He's writing actual books too.

I enjoyed his AssCreed Odyssey review
It's the first time I actually felt he fucking hated everything about a game.

Because he sucked at the game and therefore the game was bad.

I sat through his "review" that mostly consisted of him bitching about the gathering quests that take up about 6% of the entire game's experience before remembering he revealed that piece of info in one his dumb columns. I looked that up and he goes on to bitch about how slow all the weapons except SnS are and that Great Jaggi took forever to die. Somehow doing a few gathering quests took him 10 hours, too. The guy's a damn joke and I'm amazed he had the patience to sit through MHW.

>Am I wrong in saying most people thought Des was shit while liking the other games?
Jesus fuck, Demon's Souls wasn't even that long ago. How do you have to be?

Yeah so am I. I guess that means I don't have to do my real job. Fuck you.

>why I can't trust his joke meme reviews
What's there to trust?
He takes the piss and talks shit about a game almost no matter what it is.
If anything, the biggest problem is that his reviews are ALMOST actually becoming more serious. It's less "let's take the flaws and blow them way out of proportion with absurd analogies" now.

He never get to great jaggi
He only did the boring as fuck gathering quests
And for an outsider coming into world, its reasonable that he might think the story is in any way relevant

what the fuck now I have to rewrite it

>he's not a real reviewer he's a comedian!
The last defense of the faggot

I'm not defending his time management abilities. I'm just saying that the comment I replied to was not entirely accurate.

Even though a fag wrote this, i have to agree with him, i really dont miss the no pause in sekiro

People still watch him? I haven't seen a video of his in 5 years

His DeS review sealed the deal on him. Never took him seriously after that and got bored of him not much later.

He's also a cuck IRL because he kept working for a literal who site like Escapist when nobody gave a shit about their content other than his

He's a critic. He points out flaws in humerous ways for entertainment value. The best example being the Aliens: Colonial Marines which starts with him calling out people who get annoyed at his videos by saying "the moment a game comes out that offends what few quality control sensibilities you have you treat me like your personal attack dog".

Speaking of his books, is he even a good writer? has anyone ready any of novels? I feel like I might have a hard time separating his personality from his work.

He didnt say,that about DS tho and he sucked at that

Are you asking how old i am?
I didnt follow his shit thru the ps3 era

Not to digress but the PS3 era really feels like where a lot of online "comedy" sort of went to shit. This isn't specifically targeted at PS3 either. But even sites like Penny Arcade kind of started going to hell around 2010

He absolutely said that about DeS

Just p2w

He didnt say it about darksouls tho. Why would you think its the difficulty that made him not like demons souls?
As i said i didnt follow him at the time, but i dont get where this hate is coming from

Because it was the difficulty of Demons Souls that was the centerpoint of the review? He's not exactly subtle about this.

I fucked a boy, was easier and I didn't have to talk to any girls to do it.

the OTHER one

Seemed more about the bullshit or weirdness of the difficulty that upset him. Random one shots, odd progression, etc.
All im trying to say is i think you're assuming a little bit
I definiteley get your point tho. But even if true, his shit is still entertaining

Look, at this point when he first started he was not so much of an asshat. I mean shit he made his own point and click games. Which I'm surprised many people haven't played they're damn good. Yes, he may have a lost a lot of vigor over the years and it's quite obvious he's getting tired of the shit video formula. He seems more like he's ready to just retire from the industry as a whole and be some content asshole who doesn't have to work like some of us wish we could be. And, this coming from an outsiders perspective who hasn't seen his stuff since 2013.

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I honestly gave up on him when he said MGS4 was too easy because it gave you the infinite tranq gun (which is what you get for playing on easy mode). His reviews aren't made for me, clearly.

I get that. But he says in his new dmc5 vid that he plays at a difficulty reasonable to get a vid out sooner. Didnt know about the mgs4 thing. That's shitty