Is Anthem worse than Fallout 76?

is Anthem worse than Fallout 76?

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> KOTOR 3 was planned in 2011 & 2014
> EA Cancelled it both times, and we got TORtanic instead
> Mass Effect 3 originally had 14 endings, with the best one having a cliche happy ending where everyone lives
> Battlefield is now dead due to EA's forced Tranny bullshit
> Sports games are dead forever due to Fifa
Fuck EA


I'd actually buy FO76 if it's on sale for $5-$10, just to fuck around in.
I wouldn't even play anthem for free.

76 is so bad it's hilarious
Anthem is a game where the gameplay is boring, the missions are boring, and the loot is boring, and all the glitches do is make you have to do even more of that boring stuff by killing your progress. It's a black hole of joy from which no ounce of entertainment can be gained

This man worked his ASS off to bring you this game. THIS is how you repay him? Fuck you!

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76 doesnt pretend to be a good game
its shit but it knows its shit

anthem is a lie on the level of No Mans Sky and even the latter is somewhat excused because its an indie studio with like 15 people

Anthem is the least fun game of the two, and had a pretty buggy fucking launch (still is buggy) but at least it didn't have a garbage bag fiasco and a bug that let you log into other peoples accounts or let you access console commands in a public server

Does anyone ever hope AAA games do good? I know cynicism is cool, but sometimes I just wish big companies (even EA with their shitty practices) would be successful. Like there's still individual people behind these games, who each individually put their heart into it. The end result is pretty amateurish, ironically enough, but you can't make something as complex as a video game if no one on the team cares, despite what Yea Forums believes. But too many cooks (and too much money) spoils the stew. I felt glad for Apex Legends, I'm happy The Division 2 has had a good launch even though I never touched the series. I just wonder if other people are the opposite and gain this kind of enjoyment from watching things crash and burn. It's strange.

Fallout 76 is garbage, but Anthem is Expensive garbage.

>6.5 years of pre-production
>8 months of actual production

Quite literally what the fuck were they thinking?

At least Fallout 76 had a bunch of youtubers making dramatic "FALLOUT 76 SUCKS" videos. Anthem couldn't even achieve that.

Is it true that weapon stats can roll 0's and equipping no gear at all is better than the highest gear in the game?

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Yes because Bioware actually had a track record of having actually done multiplayer shit.
People were kinda anticipating 76 to be shit after Fallout 4 and it being Bethesda first multiplayer game.

/our boi/ Angry Joe made a couple of based Anthem exposed videos...

But didn't Bethesda do ESO?

yah and it's god tier
that user on some more shit

>no romances
>male virgin protagonist
What the FUCK was BioWare thinking?

They just published it.
76 was all Bethesda Game Studios, the development side.

When you consider the game was made in like 6 months it’s kind of impressive

I played 76 for like 20-30 hours before quitting from all the bugs, broken/boring systems, etc. Will probably return to it later this year when it has private servers and mod support.

I couldn't even be bothered to play Anthem for one single hour. In fact I stopped playing games entirely for a couple weeks after launching the free trial of Anthem. It literally drained me of my will to play games at all for a while.

Bingo. That's it for me. If I catch 76 on sale or if it gets gifted to me I might pop on to dick around on. You would have to pay me to play Anthem. Even Anthem videos edited to seem exciting bore me. I can't imagine actually playing it.

play a VN you worthless piece of monkey fuck

Zenimax Online Studios developed ESO.

How is the game now? Saw the game for like $20 and thought about picking it up to play with friends. Not expecting it to be completely fixed, but has some of this shit been polished?

They fixed most. I still sometimes get weapon with 2% damage dead rolls which still better than 20% more ammo and other shit useless roll you get most of time.

>worse than Fallout 76

zenimax = bethesda you stupid retard

yes but that was fixed IIRC

but theres also other things like:

- gear that by design do no damage can still roll with + % dmg stats. (literally useless rolls)

- % that are not listed so nobody even knows they are working or not

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The story goes that Fallout 76 was an internal project done by one of the lead engineers and some others inside Bethesda. When the higher ups caught wind of it they forced them to turn it into a full release with an aggressive development schedule, leading to what we have now.

end game is still broken, progression is a joke with nothing but RNG and you just run the same shit over and over hoping to get that 0.005% lottery that you will get a legendary with god rolls

theres no player agency in this game, the only way you can tweak your build is with drops and the game is -extremely- stingy with that and crafting is still useless

Oh my fuck how does that even happen. That's not just the engine loading a stat from 0-100 that's completely null

I wonder if those 254 viewers are okay.

They might be depressed and need help.

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>> Mass Effect 3 originally had 14 endings, with the best one having a cliche happy ending where everyone lives
Sauce or gtfo.

People like a good schadenfreude. There isn't much else to understand.

Looks like mechagamezilla.

I'd spend $15 on 76 in order to dick around for a few hours with a friend or two while laughing at the state of the game.

Anthem, on top of all it's development issues just looks like a boring, grindy game.

I already have Warthunder and Warframe for that grinding itch.
And while they both have issues they are at least functional, interesting, and to me at least, fun.

I don't think the FO76 people have major complaints about the loot levels so they seem satisfied on the I want the numbers to go up front at least.

>the SJW devs at BW are so incompetent the motherfucking Vice President of EA had to tell them to put flying back into the game after he played an early build

when a business man in a suit has more feel for gaming than you do maybe its time to quit the industry lmfao

Yeah there are a lot of retarded SJW devs in the industry that seem to only be there to push their agenda. Kinda sad to see a bunch of people that hate games developing them.

yea and warframe while being grindy has total player agency, you choose what to grind and how to mod and they release new shit all the time

a AA studio with far less resources is outperforming an AAA studio and its very telling on the state of mismanagement over at BW

I agree that the constant cynicism is tiresome but since this is EA I couldn't give a fuck. EA have destroyed so much good shit in this industry that I'm more than willing to indulge in a bit of overblown cynicism for their sake.

If your going to play the 'think of the developers' tune as well then I don't know why you want EA's shitty practices to be successful as that would just reinforce all of the shit EA pulls on it's developers, especially the fuck awful crunch.

stop hating on my boy

Internally at EA, the crunch isn't that bad. I wonder if they put a lot of pressure on external companies/outsourcers and that's where the whole 'EA works their employees to death' thing came from.

how much does destiny 2 has?

They implemented in game "AI" that gives you legos if it feel you about to drop the game, means that it gives less drop to players who actually play their game. Such fucking horrid practices.

Mecha is a saint

Get out bloomer

No and people that say it is are retarded

this isnt EA's fault. EA gave BW 6 years to come up with a working game. Internally they dicked around for 5 years.

I think people cared more about 76 sucking it was bad even by Bethesda standards without the ability to fix it with mods

No, Anthem is the embodiment of mediocrity.
It's the prime example of AAA game made to appeal to everyone, with no strong identity or personality, rushed and released half-done to be "completed" later because "it's a game as a service, duh".

It's the type of game that doesn't really bring you fun, create memorable moments, nor utterly annoy you, it only gives you enough to make you say "Eh, it's fine I guess, there's worse, maybe I'll do the dailies and log out".

3.3 k.

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Fuck casey hudson he was literally the turning point of bioware going to shit and was called out for ruining mass effect 3. I don't think I ever garnered so much hate for one person I haven't met in my life

It’s better because it looks prettier and has more interesting movement, but criticizing it feels like beating a dead horse because everyone already knew it was going to be an abomination from the start after Bioware’s dogshit track record. FO76 was the same for anyone with a functioning brain but it felt like some sort of reckoning to see even normalfags tired of eating Bethesda’s shit. I will never get sick of seeing the dude shove a display shelf over because GameStop wouldn’t refund him.

wasnt that mac walters

based drifter chad carrying the franchise

Mediocrity is giving it way too much credit

It's more like the embodiment of ineptitude

Yeah, when the AAA game is a quality product and isn’t a cynical scam to shake you down for all you’re worth by boring you with arbitrary grind walls.


funny you mentioned mediocrity.

this is what their fanbase looks like.

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Yeah, that works too. The basic idea is the same.

Tbh I don't really like that mindset too.
But yeah, if the final product is very good, at least you can say it's kinda justified. Plus the employee who worked like crazy on the project have a very valuable experience on their curriculum.

If the final product it's shit, the employees suffered and it was all for nothing.

If ESO is anything to go by when it comes to Bethesda(I KNOW IT'S ZENIMAX but still they can land a hand i guess) and MMO's,Fallout 76 can be redeemed.

Anthem...not so much,it's trash at it's core.

>Anthem is the embodiment of mediocrity
It's a crowning example of shitty corporate management and leadership.
If you spend 5 years fucking around, forcing EA to send someone to crack the whip, you know how promotions looked like