She's right you know? Fuck Nintendo
She's right you know? Fuck Nintendo
plenty of bing bing wahoos are real games. if she means people that just play the latest 3D game or mario kart i'd get that.
>lists everything she thinks isn’t a “real game”
>right after saying “when you pick up a PS4 controller”
Oh, honey. No no, honey. Movies aren’t games either. Please stop huffing the fumes of the food you’re burning in the kitchen.
This chick probably shitposts with Sony wojaks
>mobile posting
>past midnight
Fuck off.
I sure am ready to see all the retards think she was serious because they have a complex about women.
She's unironically based, Nintendo soibois rekt
Me gusta
Wait so that means that all Sonybros are mobilr facebook normies who don't even play games?! THE SONYBROS ARE LITERAL S(N)OYBOYS
Fucking cringe.
First audible kek from a Wojak meme in my life
are you in the spectrum, OP?
>>>me gusta
back to r*ddit
This is embarrassing
Fixed :)
You will never get pussy if you have a nintendo past the age of 12
Whats so good about Pussy that I have to put aside things I like for it?
There’s no reason my dude, they think it controls you, it’s not worth it in the end
>"woman" "gamer"
>cringy name is a mix between Naruto and LotR
>no real scotsman
>social media
>literally who
>this is what incels and wannabe chads actually believe
Hey man, just because you MIGHT have gotten laid twice doesn't mean you know how this works yet
Don't bother, these desperate cunts are the type to go for the bottom of the barrel if it gets their dick wet. Have standards.
Stop trying to start shit.
opinion immediately discarded
my friend has a switch and fugged a girl last night though (he has ed)
movies aren’t games sweetie, now go back to the kitchen and make daddy a sandwich ok?
opinion immediately discarded
>300 hours
We can't all be autistic teenagers with the time to do this.
>Facebook post
why don’t you post your own opinion instead of someone else’s?
You could’ve even copied and pasted her post and started a thread that way.
You fags and your screenshots. And on mobile.
Bait? Well, then I guess you got me. But this type of shit is the most mundane and uninspired way to start a thread, even with all the other retards shitposting
Time flies. I have 1600 hours on one of my OSRS accounts but I would've guessed closer to 500 hours.
>You're not a real gamer until you pick up a PS4 controller and watch movies
>the zenith of sony gaming is movies and "artistic" games
>the epitome of Xbox games are shooters and realistic trash
>the height of Nintendo ghames are walking simulators with zero challenge
>PC gaming is the only one that's actually getting the games, and they're mostly the best versions of multiplats
To be honest, I'd rather play Hollow Knight or Terraria or FTL, than touch Mario or Zelda or Halo or Uncharted.
You sound like a 2D fag in denial
why in the world would you want to be a gamer?
how can you take pride in the fact you play video games a lot?
That's my girlfriend (bad bitch). We have sex and then we smoke weed and play PS4 exclusives.
>2d fag
Hey, I'll don that name in pride. Better than being a child who needs his realistic graphix and mature gaming subjects with blood and sex and "storytelling".
my ps4 is fucking dusty what is actually worth playing on this piece of shit? last thing i played was rdr 2
let's go bitch
Might be a hot take here, but if you ask me, a question that should be asked when considering who the "core gaming audience" is not "what games do you play", but rather, "why, to what end, do you play games".
Playing every now and then as a time-waster, or when you're at a friend's house who has Mario Party. This is not indicative of a member of the "core gaming audience", though it does make up the largest market available.
Rather, I'd imagine those who play for mastery, expertise, or as a primary hobby, from which all other hobbies are secondary, could be considered members of said "core gaming audience". To further differentiate, I'd posit that said member would also spend a majority share of their entertainment expenditures on games, or gaming paraphernalia.
Have sex
Wow. What a raging incel she is. Very toxic.
Yeah but there are people who put in many many hours because they just want to do something they can turn their brain off and look at pretty lights. That's why if you play any online game now days with pubs only 1/100 players you meet (at best) will act like they have an IQ above room temp. These people are what gets games like fortnite and Overwatch so popular. They are attracted to games where no thinking is required, but gaming is their primary hobby if you can call it that. They're basically equivalent to boomers who come home from work and sit down in front of the TV for the whole night, staring blankly with their mouth hanging open. Fact is most people can't handle thinking more than a couple hours a day.
As a person who owns only Nintendo Switch, and a PC, I will say just one thing: I want to see her penis
Being a member of the aforementioned "core gaming audience" doesn't imply intelligence. Quite the opposite, in fact.
So I don't believe that group that you've mentioned shouldn't necessarily be disqualified.
The best games are around 10 hours long.
Some of the most "hardcore" games are 45 minutes. Metal Slug and Ketsui come to mind. 1cc only of course.
Contentcucks are a plague, and the reason everything is an open world or a never ending grind "live service".
Hang yourself tranny
all soulsborne games are easier than any mario game
even that one mario game where you get invincibility once you die enough
Problem of wannabe gamers exists but she is wrong.
>animal crossing is not real game
she should kill herself
One of the best games of all time is pretty slim on raw content, but it has so much replayability and such a high skill ceiling that it never stops being fun, and it intrinsically rewards that growing skill.
I am, of course, talking about Nuclear Throne.
You're gatekeeping who gets to identify as a gamer similarly to people who say you arent an AC/DC/rock/music fan if you can't name the drummers birthday, you can do that if you want to but everyone who isnt involved and just say that they're gamers or AC/DC fans wont care.
And other sycophants will just laugh at you because you're being stupid, you could've spent the time and emotion invested into playing a game that you like.
>Toddlers itt seething
Sorry OP but your thread is just kinda shit
Bend over.
Fucking this. I've dropped more games for tedium than for any other reason.
>posts a list of titles that don't count as games
>doesn't list anything that is considered a game
What a compelling argument.
How poor are you that you cannot enjoy both of those things keep coping
> Sims is not real game
me gusta
unironically based
How few games do you have to play to actually manage 300 hours in every single one.
>Calls out Pokemon, a series Game Freak literally has no idea what to do with so they just keep rehashing the same thing
>Calls out simulator games like The Sims that has no real goal
Why should I be upset about this again?
Because she insulted God Emperor Nintendo?
>Calls out simulator games
Games are toys faggot, not experiences or art. Games who pretend to be otherwise are pretentious shit.
>Assume I'm talking about art games and not games with literally any win/lose condition at all
I don't consider indie walking sims games either.
>Games who pretend to be otherwise are pretentious shit.
Translated: everything made by H. Kojima. And I agree with you.
cute edit. definitely snagged some quality replies with this one, OP.
Cringe cringe
>Stardew Valley isn't a real game
Never played it, but I know that statement is bullshit because I poured countless hours into the N64 version of Harvest Moon
I don't know man--games are games. I'm not really sure what constitutes being a 'gamer' anymore beyond a pretentious obsession.
I wonder what people going on about the real games would think of 90s text based adventures .
>Unironically using the word 'gamer'
You're a retard. How many hours do you think you put into Metal Slug to 1cc? Certainly not 45 fucking minutes you dumb fuck. Maybe use some of spare time from not having to learn a game before beating it in the optimal time to pick up on some fucking reading comprehension you inbred mongoloid retard.
>you are not a gamer
>girl "gamer"
10/10 cringe