Do it faggot.
Do it faggot
Other urls found in this thread:
It was made in 2004.
It's easy.
The side quests can be a little boring.
The interior levels are worse than the outdoor ones
Some of the weapons are really unsatisfying
What it did well is totally irrelevant now, AI and graphics have evolved way past 1998
It's unbalanced
Community is a bunch of dicksuckers & elitists that have made it almost as difficult to discuss the game on here as something like Pokémon XD or Donkey Kong 64
It's Adventure Mode goes from well crafted homages to franchises by traveling the most iconic places of said franchise to " Lol just fight this character on their respective stage "
Puzzle solving is brainlet nonsense
Higher difficulties limit tend to limit combat options
It's still not on fucking PC
its a storygame
its really dumb
itoi is a retard who cant expand upon his own universe properly cause of his weird flavor of autism
Dragon Quest VIII
Random encounters are very annoying
Grinding is required or else the mid boss will be extremely difficult
Final story boss is a push over
The story is pretty meh.
MC is really boring, even for its series.
The classes are pretty unbalanced
every 3d open world game ever?
Input lag is high
Online implementation is bad
World of Light is bad
The first playthrough is essentially just an extended tutorial with a full story attached because of how many fucking mechanics you eventually get.
There's a huge discrepancy between the characters that get very good character development and characters that are just a single personality trait as a joke with very little in-between.
Most of the platforming sections are really wonky.
The block puzzle minigame is annoying
Dante is an useless party member
The in-game OST sounds compressed
Plot is very predictable
Terrible side quests
Win fight/lose in cutscene
Graphics haven’t aged well because all early 3D game look like poop
The controls are stiff and weird because early 3D
It doesn’t emulate well at all
Online lag sucks
Link is not strong enough
Pichu is too small to hit
Not long enough
Bosses are too easy
Music could be better
Pathetically small amount of characters/tribes for how much diversity is found within them
Tutorial explains almost nothing advanced, and there's no adequate training mode
For a game which is one of the extremely rare actual Action RTS in existence, it's so much better than its MOBA counterparts that it's impenetrable for the average MOBA fan.
>Laggy online
>Too many emos
>It's over :c
>Implying I have a favorite
>Implying I play games
>all these Smashfags in here
>having smash as your favourite game
>Music isn't as good as original most of the time
>Level curve for the final boss is absolute shit
>Can't encounter most of the new things until post game
Music gets old
Can't swim
Vaporwave exploited it
>>Can't encounter most of the new things until post game
Sounds like a plus to me.
>having smash as your favorite game but also probably being those fags that justify being bad at it because it's a party game
Those have to be the most self loathing motherfuckers ever. Wouldn't you want a favorite game you're good at?
>Sly Cooper 2
1. The Countessa part of the game drags on a little long.
2. Arpeggio feels like kind of a waste of a character.
3. Boss fights are a little weak, except Jean-Bison.
Matchmaking is garbage
Valve stopped caring about it a few years ago
It went f2p
Tiered cosmetics
Basically responsible for creating shitty hero shooters.
The explosions are too slow graphically and in their effect
It's source is closed or lost so it's very hard to add/get new content
No multi bots
The NPCs are lifeless with copy pasted dialog.
Character models look like ass.
The combat isn't great.
>it's very old graphically
>replay value could be better
>the horse was a waste of time and resources
What game?
>Camera controls are a bit bad
>Momentum when jumping is stiff
>Getting hit by cars really breaks up the momentum
Who am I
i never would've guessed this. good choice, better than WoW lol.
Some of the level design is confusing
Gets repetitive trying to chase the many endings
NG+ trivializes the the game
>Bad Crafting
>Competitive Matchmaking
can you guess my favorite game?
Balance is pretty bad.
Tons of dead contents just laying around.
Everything is too bright so you can't tell what's happening most of the time.
kys and ill tell you
The framerate isn't great
The chalice dungeons get old quick
The PvP isn't balanced very well
The engine is shit
The community is small
It's niche so its the only option I and other autists have
F2P was the best thing that happened to tf2
>Starting a new file or picking a new character can be boring. Characters begin the file with zero points in all stats and this makes playing the game really rough. The game is amazing once all characters have perfect stats which can take quite a lot of time to accomplish.
>The sequel adds so much new content and gameplay elements that its occasionally hard to go back to this installment. It just feels so empty at times.
>Controls can be funky at times, especially in the beginning where the characters have no skill points yet. The controls basically intentionally suck at the beginning of the game but the controls can better after time once you level up your characters.
what game, Yea Forums?
no much content after beating it
late game is pretty boring
basically ocarina of time on drugs
200 weapons. Only 10 are even remotely useful
Bosses in the second half are mostly a joke
Censored tits
Runs like hot garbage.
DLCs are considerably weaker in quality than main game, either lacking in writing or gameplay.
One faction is criminally underdeveloped.
>split community with both sides at each other's throats
>wastes resources on pumping microtransactions
>Can't be bothered to to finish what they've started nowadays, resulting in gamebreaking bugs, controversial "QoL fixes", and delaying/ignoring content begged by the community
Same damn skillsets for every summon
Not random enough
Very few fusion spells available at will
It's too easy
It pads out things by repeating bosses
There is no reason to play it twice
I'm counting Doom 1 and 2 together since they're virtually the same game, 1 is the better game but 2 is the better modding base.
>Doom 1
The graphics are dated.
Demon variety is lacking and the only high-tier enemy is a walking door (baron).
Thy Flesh Consumed has some crappy levels.
>Doom 2
SSG is a crutch.
The new demons were balanced around the SSG's damage output.
Half of the game is crappy levels because Sandy got designer fatigue and wasn't finishing levels that Tom Hall started.
>For fun, Final Doom (TNT/Plutonia)
2/3rds of TNT is great and the last third is dog shit.
Plutonia loves to spam chain-gunners, revenants, and archviles.
Map 13: Hunted.
>AI simply cannot compete militarily
>difficulty is just how much the AI cheats
>music is lackluster
I'll give you the others but Dante is a god in Nocturne, what are you talking about
Really annoying underwater section
Would have been even more perfect if some of the cut content was put back in, just to expand on one or two characters or events
No one will ever actually play it, everyone just praises it and faps to the girl
Has to be Melee.
The World Ends With You? I forgot if the game has difficulties.
Final Fantasy V?
I thought it was one game, but the platforming section threw me off. What game?
Most JRPGs?
Fallout New Vegas has so many fucking issues but still manages to be like a 9/10 game. It's insane.
I'd say Bloodborne, but most Souls games fits this description.
Don't forget:
>AI can't into economy
>Especially if they're friendly to you
>I wish there were more civilized hub zones to fully explore the culture of Dunwall
>Typical one: More lethal tools than non-lethal.
>I can't even think of a third one this game is just too good for me.
Tranq too OP
Finicky crawling mechanics
Cumbersome menu
Terrible Romance plot
Graphically broken mandatory dungeon
combat is too easy.
1. Most older items are way entirely outclassed by newer items. Items that are a 1/4,000 drop chance in a specific biome with no easy way to farm them are completely outclassed by items you can get 1 boss earlier, that are rather easy to get, and have much more supportive gear.
2. Ridiculous drop chances for some items. A teleport item has a 1/500 chance from an exceptionally rare enemy that only appears in the underground version of 1 biome that doesn't even appear until halfway through the game. Not to mention that even if you're playing in the higher difficulties, said item doesn't even get lower drop chance.
3. The higher difficulties are pure tedium. Increasing boss health by ~20% and damage by a metric assload doesn't make them harder. The new patterns are great, and I like that if you're playing co-op, they drop items for players individually instead of making you fight for scraps, but the insane extra enemy health makes playing the classes with finite resources much worse than the class that only uses health as a resource.
It's still the greatest game of all time, bar none. Nothing even comes close.
No pierce
Xenoblade 2
It ruined my life.
I'm not good at it.
It's fucking terrible.
u must b pretty fucked in the head if you decided that was your faVORITE game of all time
My guess is League of Legends. I've met too people with this exact, unironic opinion.
G/S/C. Shit games saved by great remakes. Sadly, the remakes never fixed the absolutely abysmal Pokemon diversity. As someone who only likes using new Pokemon, I can't even play the games anymore because I can't even pick up a "new" team member until I've beaten the 7th gym leader now. Not to mention the trainers are just fodder with terrible exp yields, the story is more boring than the usual Pokemon tripe, the region is even more boring than Kanto, the main campaign is too short, there are tons of annoying HM's, like Whirlpool, that are completely useless in battle, and the non-battle music is utter shit.
Romance plot is not for everyone.
Only two party members are relevant to the plot.
Great game mechanics are overshadowed by 2 spells being incredibly overpowered.
>at war
>finally get some momentum going and make progress
>AI on your team negotiates a peace treaty for 3 oil that he won't share with you
Xenoblade 1 but i guess it also applies
Also applies to Total War: Warhammer
It's extremely hard to get into because it requires social interaction.
Everyone plays it differently, one person's game can be completely different in style and setting from another which can be a pro and a con, but it sucks if you're looking to play something familiar and you can't find a game to do that.
The developers don't touch it except for maybe once a decade.
Close, it's Dota 2.
Snack Eater
Same garbage.
god fuck civ 5
It's so attractive, satisfying, and invites you to keep trying something new.
But almost everything about it is fucking retarded.
1. Fun social game that I got my entire school to play.
2. Company that owns it are greedy fucks
3. The sequel is dogshit.
Kotor 2
>It's too easy
>The difficulty fix is locked behind fucking Amiibo
>The first third is a bit slow
Any MMO but I'll guess runescape
Outdated graphics
It's community is full of shitty elitists
I wouldn't consider the side quests in 1 terrible, but they were very boring and mundane. There were still some absolutely fantastic ones, like the Bana chain, the post-Telethiafacation of Alcamoth quests, and the giant/spider war quests. Nothing in 2 came close to those in quality.
Still vastly prefer the sidequests in X, which is my favorite game.
I don't believe this is your favorite game.
Half life
Please start posting which game it is so others don't have to guess
then wtf is the point of this thread?
Pretty preachy.
Lame designs for town NPCs for an series with good alien designs
Really short
>the gamebis made with unity
>the interior levels look really good,but the exterior parts look litterally like slenderman
>the game is made by putin like russian devs that censore people that say bad stuff about the game
The almost nonexistent story is a big drag despite the insanely good gameplay. Also wish there were mounts.
>Go to war with on civ
>Doing good and kicking their ass, not going to settle for peace until they accept me taking everything they have
>Other civ declares war on me and I'm suddenly splitting my forces up
Happened once when I fought Ethiopia across the sea and Egypt right across my borders. I've never fought such a long and tedious war before.
>Defend myself from Egypt with ranged units on forts and mountain chokepoints
>Attack Ethiopia from sea and clusters of ranged units
>Constant flow of ship from my capital and soldiers popping from every city just to attack Ethiopia
Too short
Will never be remastered due to poor sales even when critics loved it
Company died after releasing sequel Which is inferior in every way. Also, fuck ton of memes from it thanks to a certain Caveman
The TFT campaigns were a bit weak and felt especially hamfisted in the way they were setting up WoW. WoW and even RoC were developed at the same time, but it wasn't as apparent there.
The ghost hosting ruined bnet, but I think that might be gone now, during ghost hosting you started joining games that were empty more than half of the time, while before ghost hosting if a game was up, someone else was definitely in it meaning it was faster finding games, since people wouldn't be joining dead lobbies all the time, and if a game wasn't gonna happen, that host would stop hosting and those players would give another lobby a chance.
No elemental defenses & damage types is a shame since there are so many different physical attack and defense types.
The scene has a lot of gays
The scene has a lot of POC
The scene has a lot of trannies
There were some good ones but 97% of them were: collect x /kill x. Doesn't help that colllectibles are basically lootboxes, there was this one playthrough where it took me a week to get a fossil monkey. Some of the worst rng i had in a game.
A previous game in the series over shadows it
Has an item that breaks most of the game
It was the last good game of its genre
Feature bloated
Doesn't do a good job of explaining the mechanics
DLC policy is absolute aids
It becomes a grind during the middle-to-late game
Sequel or next installment never
Fuck Meduna
its confusing as fuck for new people
theres clearly a worst town and best town
cloak of the undead king exists
Any Paradox grand strategy game?
Has been since its release. I know it's a very hit or miss game but I've long adored TP.
Most of Paradox games?
Pretty much, but I was talking about EU4, which is the only one I would consider super feature bloated, HOI4 and Vicky 2 seem more coherent to me.
badly written
worse than new vegas
>final mission goes on for too long
>previous games had better pacing
>some bosses are pretty bullshit
What about CK2? Haven't played it in a while, but that seemed the direction that they were going in
>publisher fucked devs in the all way it's possible
>weak 3rd act
Still love it
Very very short
Pretty bad FPS
Chalice Dungeons are really fuckin lackluster
it's old
it's a remaster
it had "dlc"
>HOI4 and Vicky 2 seem more coherent to me.
Yeah that seems fair.
Weird ass ending
Shitty escort segments
Lots of shit
The first couple of hours are a bit of a slog.
The combat did not age well.
Needs patches and mods to make it playable in the modern age.
magic is op
real time game but menu pauses the action
nobody had a 4 player snes adapter so when playing with brother always had to be stuck with a retarded ai as 3rd character
To see what things people come up with that they dislike about their favorite game. It's interesting
Secret of Mana?
Yeah, there were a bunch of generic quests. It helps that X stuffed all of said quests onto the quest board and then left the good ones out and about. You're pretty much guaranteed to go and find a sidequest with a better plot than the actual game on every street corner.
Hell, some of those sidequests had better stories than 1/2.
Honestly I haven't played CK2 for more than 10 hours so I didn't feel confident in saying anything about it, would you say CK2 is on the same level as EU4 when it comes to that?
it's more fun this way, plus most people blatantly spoil it in one of the 3 bad things
It's aged well in very few ways.
The remake was terrible.
The protagonist repeating what everyone says as a way of educating the player gets tired quickly.
>Music is lackluster
Fuck you. Civ music is always fantastic. Especially 5/6.
>0 replayability
>made by sjws
can't think of a 3rd
It's short
You kind of need to play it with friends.
Each play costed money, and with infinite continunes on the emulator is not the same.
nailed it. it's too bad the switch collection is stuck in moon runes and the remake is cancer
there will never be a sequel
there will never be spiritual succesor
the genre is dead
For some. But I wouldn't recognize 90%+ of the games, so I prefer to read the ones where I know the game and can see what they come up with.
star fox 64/3ds
then i suggest you to play some more games instead of shitposting about them
most servers are real life role play.
vehicle physics is wonky
bad performance
No replay value
Sound options don't make sense
Deeper mechanics are poorly, if at all, explained
>randy pitchford
>anthony burch
>see reasons 1 and 2
Graphics are an ass, early game can get a bit boring and end game grinds to a halt too
You have a good point
Online multiplayer is dead
Puzzle mode is a little unreliable
Some remixes are a bit annoying
Arma 3
I no longer own a copy.
It's been a decade since I last played.
If I get it and install it I will lose everything.
Lame final boss
Worse maps than the last game
Worse writing than the last game
>The story is pretty bad, even compared to others in the same series. One character in particular has extremely inconsistent motivations and backstabs you for literally no reason
>There is a point halfway through the game where it becomes extremely unclear what you are supposed to do to progress the main story.
>Game is locked at 30FPS and removing the framelimit breaks the physics and makes the game unplayable.
You mean Quakeworld Team Fortress had nothing to do with the concept of hero/class shooters?
too easy
was supposed to have a sequel
It's extremely linear
The story is very rushed at the end
All but the highest difficulty modes are too easy, with the hardest difficulty being relatively well balanced besides 4 extremely buffed up enemy types that essentially drag any fight they're in to a snail's pace until you eliminate them.
>Graphics are weak for a late N64 game
>Drivers look cool but get no characterization
>Practice Mode should make you unkillable like GX does
Maxing out your weapons is a huge pain in the ass
100% requires you to do a bullshit randomized dungeon with instant death traps multiple times
You have to go outside in real life to play the game
no slut armors
reverse difficulty curve
tech-tree could be better
The story is basically the same as the first game
There's a handful of skills/characters that outclass everything else
Camera can move around unpredictably while demanding directional inputs
>Canary Mary in Cloud Cuckoo Land
>The Dino kids jiggy
>The weird honeycombs that maleness you time your health. Seriously just give me one health and move on it’s that simple
1. Doesn't come with a slut that sucks me off while playing.
2. It doesn't give me a bigger dick.
3. Camera is kinda wonky.
Call of Duty: Enhanced War Participant 6
>I don't remember them being bad.
>I get what you mean but what word was that supposed to be?
The jiggy with the Dino kids in TDL is just super long and spans Two worlds and the Hub world also I fucked up. I was just bitching about the switch stop honeycombs that let you “choose” your max health cause I couldn’t really think of a third thing. Everything else I genuinely enjoy. Even Grunty Industries
It's fixed camera angle.
Cowboy strategy game.
Yea Forums probably likes it
It doesn't have more level variety
Combat can be really fast, but for the AI to shine you need to go a bit slower.
Could have had more weapon and enemy variety
Ah. Yeah, Terrydactlyland can be big at times. And those are annoying, but think of them as something to avoid if your health is high, so it makes it more challenging.
I like Grunty Industries too, but THAT level was confusing.
But what word or phrase was supposed to be instead of "honeycombs that maleness you time your health."?