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I expect the PS5 announcement to be exactly like that but with VR.
>seething sonnygger still seething from 599 US Dollar thread
The xbone reveal was more downright embarrassing than funny. Nothing can top 599 US dollars, ridge racer, and giant enemy crab for hilarity.
seething gay boi
Oh boy I can't wait for next year to see who's gonna shit themselves more: Xbox or PS
Sony is now in a position to be as arrogant as they were after PS2 so i wouldn't be surprised to see another 599 usd situation or something worse than that
Xbox is still run by americans so another mandatory drm, license for used games etc could still happen
So how likely is it that Microsoft tries to pull this shit again next gen? The fact they were misguided enough to attempt it in the first place gives me reason to believe that the people making the decisions haven’t learned their lesson yet and will try it again, not realising that 90% of their customers lack the internet infrastructure to use the device properly.
I got a kinect from a thrift store for dirt cheap, what can I do with this shit?
Sony isn't in their 2013 position anymore. Everyone realized all of their games are third person dad simulators and they backed out of E3 2019 because they have nothing to show at all.
Based Phil is the savior of Xbox and is gonna release the best console with the best hardware on the market and top tier first party exclusives with the most consumer friendly practices imaginable
Its a bit surreal how big of a hit Microsoft took from this reveal
everything went wrong and they were faced worst possible reaction from potential customers
how did they fuck up so badly?
Give it away to a charity shop
They did it at a critical point, during an E3 presentation for a new console. Remember that Mattrick was the one who took the blame, but they have market research teams and such that would warn them about the reception this would get.
They backed down from this year's E3 because they have nothing to show for this gen. And they are still dominating the market right now so as I said another 599 usd wouldn't surprise me at all
It was before E3. The E3 show wasn't nearly as bad as Xbone reveal
Microsoft E3 2019
>Xbox Scarlet, two new consoles in same style of Xbox One S and Xbox One X.
>Xbox Scarlet games playing natively on PC
>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox, expected to launch October 2019
>Xbox Scarlet game development will allow games to be sold on Xbox One/PC at discretion of publishers
>Xbox Game Pass expanded - day 1 first party/second party games, third party AAA games a couple months after launch, indie games all the time
>More studios acquired, expect at least 3 announcements
>Xcloud detailed, stream from your xbox console to your Windows/iOS/Android device. Microsoft will offer streaming from Microsoft Azure by end of year 2019.
>Play Anywhere now applies to everything. If you own it digitally, download it to your Xbox or PC, or stream it to your Windows, iOS, or Android device.
>Xbox Live Gold will continue to offer the best complimentary games for subscribers each month
>New Xbox controller variations. Standard, Elite, and Hybrid
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Fable RPG
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Rocksteady DC game
>Harry Potter RPG
>Killer Instinct
>More than 30 games shown off
Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019
Project Milo
Both Snoy and Micropenis will hack together some Vidya streaming platform to compete with Google. It doesn't matter that Stadia is a stillborn. This is the trend of the industry now and Google did the first big steps. So the other need to trail them.
Regardless, they were unveiling their new platform and they had to know beforehand that this wouldn't sit well with customers, they have people for that. At some point, someone up the food chain said "fuck it, we online nao" and this is the result. My guess is either Donnie here or stockholders.
The good 'ol days. Never ever forget.
>Xcucks still seething
The worst part was how anti consumer it was.
Didn't Sony get an applause when they announced a day later you could share games or something or was that just price?
They did when they announced the no physical DRM stuff and then again when they announced the price.
>spencer's fw
>no internet?
>just use the 360 LOOOOOOOOOL
Mattrick is a leader Xcucks deserve
>mfw he left the company shortly after he said this
you think he knew they were gonna shitcan him?
I'm sure he was well taken care of to be the fall guy.
-Linux that we will take away from you without notice lol
-Talladega Nights
-no games for the first 2 years
-39% failure rate from over heating
-sonic 06 as launch title
Jesus Christ what were they thinking? My sides are still in orbit.
Xbox doubled went hard with always online and drm because the 360 got so absolutely raped by piracy . No one I knew with a 360 bought games. A used 360 cost about as much as 3 or 4 games. Why not buy a used box whenever you got banned? The fucking things were probably going to rrod anyway.
Man that reveal fuckin' sent me straight to the PS4. I did get an Xbone much later after they calmed down and cleaned up their mess, but holy fuck, I can remember that reveal like it was yesterday. That was a calamity.
Mattrick was such an out of touch dipshit.
That was basically when I resolved to build my first real gaming PC. Didn't get an Xbone until about a year later for MCC, which turned out to be a mistake.
Naw, they went super aggressive to try and get that Wii money. They needed the ROI on Kinect R&D and TV integration for Mom and Dad's wallet.
It's like they had this crazy revenue number in mind and them backed their way into how they could achieve it.
You really think dude bros were pirating cod and Madden every year?
If they would have released the Xbox one x how it is today they could have kept the 360 momentum.
Is this the euro hours Sony dick sucking thread? How about you take your little friends back to your Resetera safe space tranny faggot
>when TV was already on its deathbed
I think more just Xbashing.
>This Xnigger screeching
Top fucking kek, kill yourself already.
Makeshift dildo
Defuse bombs.
Mocap in SFM
You can go LARGE
almost all of that was reverted when they pulled back on everything a week later. The initial sales were almost as strong as the ps4's. Problem is game quality from microsoft has been largely lacking for this generation so they dropped like a rock soon after.
>and i thought us nintendo fans sucked cock
>Xbox is still run by americans
user... sony is too.
Why does this composer look like ikemen guys from NTR doujins?
I hope microsoft go all out at e3 and actually present something worth buying, because i sure as hell don't want to give my money to sony anymore.
That just shows you that being THAT consumer friendly isnt always a good thing for business. Otherwise Sony would have done the same.
This. They look like massive cucks. It makes them look weak. MS has to realize at some point that consumers LIKE having their arm twisted a little bit.
post nudes with it
Nah, based Phil has the right idea. Fuck consoles and fuck your exclusives bullshit.
this is entirely why the xbox failed so hard this gen, fuck man, you only had to release a simple console, how hard can you fuck that up.
So what´s the big thing to look forward in the next Xbox for a PC gamer?
Surely they want to compete with Sony right? Or you mean that the console sales dont matter to Microsoft anymore?
Can't you nigger-rig vr body motion with it?
Pretty sure i've seen that before somewhere.
Nothing because all of Xbox's games aside from literal shovelware like Forza is going to come to PC. You don't need to "compete" with anyone if you move out of the narrow mindset of the consolewars, Phil gets this.
>Remove Censorship but readjust the ESRB to cater to those that are seeking AO+ games which themes that are controversal to people but low key make it so that interested parties that aren't objective to it can see the offers.
>Make it so that the games are and will always be carried over to the following generation.
>Have a way to keep it all in a nice package that isn't retrictive in any ways.
>Create a market that caters to everyone and their taste. From the perversions such as trannies, animeweebs, fanservices, rompy sex sim and grotesque violence to kiddy stuff. This way people can have their cake and eat it too.
>Devise a way where the consumer can put their likes and dislikes so that any content that offends them will not be suggested or shown. Unless the person deliberately says its ok to view. That way its on the person themselves that they subjectgated to the view of game itself.
Man I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during that first meeting at Microsoft HQ after that E3. The air must have been thick as fuck.
Forza is on PC now, too.
As somebody that actually dislikes shitty business products, I'd be more inclined to purchase from Microsoft. They also have a PC market, which Sony has zero of. I think you're overestimating the necessity of exclusivity in platform competition.
only took em an entire generation to see they have the entire PC space available to em
good on you phil for crawling back you little bitch
Haha, "This isn't just for games, it's your entertainment center!"
Even Nintendo thought they should try that shit out.
And fuck always online.
But I do feel like putting a Kinect in every single box was their ONE (haha) chance of making this system stand out.
And they backed out on that, so now it's just another PC-in-a-box that never mattered.
Despite being the best selling commercially available VR HMD, the PSVR still isn't economically a big enough success to warrant a re-issue right away.
It'll return in som other form later on.
If it's a kinect 2, you can do some pretty fun stuff with it. Lots of videos on Youtube.
God its so weird encountering Xbox fanboys on Yea Forums. They're so quiet you forget they're hear and the moment something happens they all crawl out of the woodwork saying BASED OMG MS IS SO BASED WOW THIS IS AMAZING
I guess when you don't have games to play Yea Forums becomes a much cooler place to hang out.
Kinect literally killed the brand. This is not an exaggeration. They lost all their momentum and spiraled out of control.
The kinect reveal is going to go down in history as one of the biggest business blunders to ever grace E3.
If they'd let it die, nobody would have blamed them, but they held on to it for years and years until it became too unpleasant for anyone to watch.
He "left" because firing someone like that looks bad for the company. It was a mutual thing.
Nobody will believe me but I have a friend who has a cousin who works at MS, and NOBODY talked about the "always online" retard who got his ass fired. It was a company no-no. Believe it or not.
We laugh this up now, but morons around here genuinely think Nintendo ought to tell their Switch audience
>Want to play Dongfreeze, Captain Toad, MK8, NSMBU, Splatoon, MarioMaker, Pokkén, Breath of the Wild, Smash Bros., or Bayonetta 2? Just get a Wii U lol