Easiest to trigger and bait; POWER RANKING

Easiest to trigger and bait; POWER RANKING

1. Steam Users
2. Nintendo Fanboys
3. Sony Ponies
4. Microsoft Skeletons

Not enough users for EGL and Stadia for them to be applicable to this list.

Attached: 1539127981684.jpg (973x973, 119K)

FUCK I fapped four times today

look at the size of those WILSONS

Microsoft fans actually don't exist
Prove me wrong, post your Xbox One.


1. Weebs

They'd be second.

They don't exist because Xbox owners on Yea Forums are all idorts who long since transcended the console wars faggotry before it even began.

Oh, almost correct. Let me fixed that for you.

>1. Steam Users
>2. Nintendo Fanboys and Sony Ponies
>3. Microsoft Skeletons

Seeing the shit on this board, Nintendo fanboys and Sony Ponies are equal in terms of triggering and baiting.

Attached: MV5BNDlmM2FjOTMtZGQ3My00Njg3LWFiYTUtZTgxOGNiZWUwOTRmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,17 (1777x962, 97K)

That's a fair point.

fuck that's spot on

when you call someone a weeb, at least use it right, it doesn't just mean "a fan of Japanese media".

Some right leaning lookin sloth to me.

>got those bags under her eyes fixed

Attached: 67834345.png (326x311, 175K)

got em

1. Right-wingers

yes it does, weeb ass nigga

get a load of this weeb

Attached: 1550559345856.png (225x225, 6K)

Attached: I see you are a man of culture as well..png (275x275, 35K)

But user, how can he shit on people he doesn't like if he has to use more than one word to refer to them?

Left-wingers. Literally all you have to do is accidentally call them by the wrong pronoun.

1. white posters

Attached: Hand of God.png (553x1063, 563K)

>bpt reddit closed off white people for 48 hours
>crackas rioted

Those nails are icky

icky from fingering cute white girls

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Jesus that was easy.

Attached: ben.jpg (786x600, 37K)


Attached: 1553494006007.png (225x225, 47K)

I would in all honesty.

Attached: 1539056758726.png (429x410, 7K)

who fucking wouldn't?
you'd have to be gay to make a post like yours.

tibbies num

Attached: WILSON.jpg (767x431, 47K)

Discord trannies and roasties.

I want to impregnate Britney

Attached: PUfNazC.jpg (1080x1350, 123K)

So basically losers who play videogames on Yea Forums? No need to separate them out.

God I wish that were me (the lamp)

No fucking shit