What is the best version of this game? I want to play it for the first time but don't want to ruin my first playthrough with a bad version of the game. I bought the ps4 version in a sale years ago but have heard that the translation was bad. Also the hi res character models on low res backgrounds looks ugly as hell.
What is the best version of this game...
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PC. There are mods that enhance the background resolution and models.
PC for mods but the PS4 isn't bad at all.
PS1 discs on ps2
>but the PS4 isn't bad at all
Fuck off, Pony.
Always play the original version of any old game.
You can't enhance the background resolution.
Using different models is just outright stupid and ruins the feel of the game
Get a free playstation 1 emulator and download a rom that's the only answer unless you have a functioning ps1
Vaseline filter.
Play original games as they were originally wrought. None of this was the artistic intent
Still pretty impressive
why would you do this
they're all fine honestly pick whatever and enjoy
Emulating the PS1 version is the best option. If you're unfamiliar with emulating here's the idiot proof method
>1. Download "Retroarch"
>2. Launch Retroarch, navigate to the "Core Updater" and download "Beetle PSX"
>3. Pirate all three discs of FF7
>4. Load Disc 1 via Retroarch using the Beetle PSX core
If you play on PC or any of the modern console ports your game will look like shit, pic related. Notice how the characters are far crisper than the background, creating a jarring and immersion-harming contrast.
Here's a comparison of a PC version: (hideous, looks like they're photoshopped in)...
...to emulation. The scanline shader is optional, of course, but see how the characters mesh with the background.
Besides, it's not like you'd want to see the lego ass models in high res anyway.
You ruin the point you were trying to make by using a scanline shader.
Game never looked like that. TVs never looked like that
Mine did.
Bullshit it did scanlines were not a thing on consumer tvs
You can find a shader that fits your nostalgia needs perfectly well, user. No need to get upset.
I piss on crt fetishists my ff7 was played on an RGB monitor just like everyone else who was actually a bit video game nerd in the 90s
Looked more like LCD than anything else
>I bought the ps4 version in a sale years ago but have heard that the translation was bad.
you are retarded
the original PS1 version had a notoriously bad translation. PC version corrected some errors, but left many in.
the PS4 port has the best translation so far, fixing many typos and word salads left in the game for decades
"Best version"? That's debatable.
"Version you should play first"? The original PlayStation without any emulation filters.
The reason for this is that video games are products of their time and a lot of the "feel" of what they convey comes through the technology of their time. FFVII has really simple field models and low resolution pre-rendered environments. These things were known back then by the developers and so a lot of techniques were used to convey what they wanted to convey through these limitations. The use of high contrast colors, exaggerated animations, the notes of the midi music, etc. Before exploring all the "improvements" a game affords in future releases or custom mods, put yourself in the position of an audience member from the time that game was new. You'll appreciate both the game AND the later improvements more that way.
"Scanlines" were more a function of the TV's native shadow mask or aperture grille. So it's sort of a thing in that there was some visual element that's lost when played on other screens. Unfortunately no filter that I know of properly imitates the look right.
FF7 remake will never come out
let's be honest, it should have taken two years to make. Grab unreal engine, grab fucking unity even, slap four hundred artists on it, and that's basically it.
Japs can't get anything done. I'm thinking FF7 remake MIGHT come out 7-8 years from this point.
My guess? They'll release a reskinned but otherwise unchanged port of the game so they can say they technically kept their promise and remade FFVII and quietly shift all the work they've done with the big budget remake into a different game like they did with Versus XIII > XV.
I don't even want it
PS1 for the authentic experience.
My nostalgic gaming rig would be a tiny CRT stacked on top of a couple milk crates full of gay Knuckles the Echidna comic books.
Emulate the original at native res with your post-processing of choice (or without). Partially "upgrading" backgrounds or increasing the res of only the character models will make the game look like some shitty student project.
its just kind of midn blowing that theres clearly no progress being made, what is hard about remaking ff7?
the game has logic that could be programmed into a ti-83 calculator, unity is literally overwhelmingly powerful for the purpose of a game like this
its remaking a fucking simple ass game, just assign artists, do the art...knowing japs though, theyre having 8 month delays about how shiny clouds boots are
>he doesn't already have a crt stacked on top of gay sonic and knuckles pornography
what a faggot.
It's a banana, Michael, how long could it take to grow? 10 days?
This is actually the correct answer.
The PS4 version is nearly identical to PS1 except without "this guy are sick"
Even just remake all pre-rendered backgrounds from scratch and leave gameplay as it is. Here's a game with a total budget of 4 million, don't fucking tell me prerendered is hard.
Same. By the looks of it the game will be damn near unrecognizable in tone and atmosphere. The new guard at Square Enix doesn't even know what FFVII is about and has only a superficial understanding of it, evidenced by their constant assumption that Aeris was some kind of purity angel and not a street wise trickster. Add in the planned episodic nature of the remake and the apparent lack of a world map and you've got a game that can't possibly be a remotely faithful adaptation. It'll be the Godzilla 1998 of the Final Fantasy series.
>best version
"prettiest" version: PC w/ mods
"most authentic" version: PS1 w/ CRT
"most portable": Switch
From what I understand, they restarted development from scratch at least once. My guess is that the bean counters did the math and realized the cost will outpace the expected revenue or at least fear that enough to disrupt development, which can only make the project harder to complete in the long run.
Anonymous, you have no idea what making a game in the modern day even entails, do you?
It's a remake, not a rebuild. They are not making FFVII 1.1 the really shinier version. They are making a new experience entirely using the characters and story of the original.
That will never happen.
>By the looks of it
anything shown thus far was experimentation/concept.
>evidenced by their constant assumption that Aeris was some kind of purity angel and not a street wise trickster.
I dislike this interpretation, there is very little that points to this in the game
>They are making a new experience entirely using the characters and story of the original.
nobody wants this though. nobody whatsoever. just make fucking ff7 again with more graphics, niggers
Too fucking bad. Way too late for that, and they never cared what people want to begin with. Square Enix does what they want, and whether the result is good or bad is irrelevant. Do you think anyone actually asked for Just Cause 4?
>Do you think anyone actually asked for Just Cause 4?
dude, what is actually going on with that company
do japs just go into a room and do like 400 lines of coke all at once
I didn't even want the remake, I'm trying to remember if there were even multiple people clamoring for it, I've only seen that for FF8 which I kinda want considering it's rushed development cycle that lead to them losing the source code
Also I don't want Nomura involved with either but sadly he's directing it so I fully expect Advent Children tier writing with Emo Cloud and shit
You would not fucking believe some corporate cultures.
>do japs just go into a room and do like 400 lines of coke all at once
naw, they don't even do drugs, they are this fucking retarded without cocaine.
>I dislike this interpretation, there is very little that points to this in the game
Dislike it all you want but everything she does in Midgar suggests she's a manipulative and clever conniver who knows she's disarmingly cute and uses that to her advantage. Remember that she got a guy to buy a flower for 1000 gil, essentially tricked Cloud into taking her anywhere she wanted to go, and threatened to rip a dude's balls off.
>there is very little that points to this in the game
"Let's seduce this rich greaseball for info. By the way mister you're dressing as a girl and that's final"
Nomura specifically announced that Cloud is going to be most like his original "dorky" self at his core. He's not going to be depressed nor super edgy.
(His depression was justified in AC anyway.)
>nobody wants this though
There's more people to sell the game to who didn't play it back in 97. The FF7 remake is just a new FF game but they get to reuse characters and story to boost performance since everyone already knows about Tifa, Cloud, and Sephiroth even though they've never touched FF7.
she also raises flowers in a church and lives among the poor like a saint. I do not known where you got the "manipulating conniver" impression from to be honest
In Japan it's arguably even worse. Remember that one of the major reasons Sega failed out of the console business is that the Japanese branch was essentially at war with it's own American subsidiary and refused not only to share technology but even to talk about what they were doing. There were literally two entirely different Dreamcasts being engineered at the same time because both sides refused to cooperate.
She's more like a street-wise big sis. You've met one of those, haven't you?
I really wnat a remake. My gf is very into games and she has good tastes but owing to her age the only FF she ever played was part of FFX. I can't let the person I love think FF is defined by FFX. These games were important to me in my childhood
She's a busy corporate working person with long days and I don't think she wants to sit through like 50 hours of 320x240 or whatever resolution PS1 graphics...
I don't respond to anime posters, sorry
and yet here you are
>There's more people to sell the game to who didn't play it back in 97.
By that logic every remake should be wildly successful since there's more gamers today than there have ever been. That's not how it works though. A lot of things that FFVII did were groundbreaking in 1997 but to a modern audience that doesn't have the nostalgia boner for it the story and characters will feel incredibly passe.
She convinces Cloud to dress up as a girl pretty quickly
That's why they're remaking it and not just rereleasing it.
Thank God, I was mostly worried of Nomura attempting to make him like that, or edgy Versus Noctis or some shit. They better not mention Genesis either
She was manipulating Cloud from the start. Remember that date she promised in exchange for being her bodyguard? That wasn't because she was attracted to him. She was teasing him to make him uncomfortable like a big sis flashing her younger brother. The player realizes that later on because everything on the first disc was clever misdirection that was going to be revealed later on. This includes the Cloud/Aeris relationship.
That doesn't really work though. FFIII on the DS didn't light the world on fire and in fact felt really weird compared to just playing the original NES game.
It's unlikely Genesis will make any appearances because Gackt is old news and they probably don't want to keep paying for his likeness, but Project G and Deepground SOLDIER will probably get some mentions and nods and eyebrow waggles, but little else. Definitely don't expect (dread?) a Genesis superboss.
FFIIIDS was one of the big hits of the early DS days. It sold millions. How can it be viewed as anything less than a smashing success?
those characters will not be in ff7 remake at all
none of that shit is canon
Japanese have a very different consideration of canon than americans do. I'm sorry you have to learn like this, but there's no doubt that Zack's flashback is going to be a word for word recreation of Crisis Core's ending.
I'm more concerned with how they'll deal with the dramatic engine changes as they relate to the game's events. The original game was structured on the assumption that there was a world map and not-to-scale isometric fields with clearly marked screen transitions. If you switch to a third person fully 3D game the pacing gets thrown all out of whack and a good dozen or so sidequests are left in no man's land.
And with the hyper realistic graphics, what does THIS scene look like?
fuck that was a good scene
dude there's no way those characters like genesis ect will be in. western sales will account for like 3x japanese sales of this product. nobody knows those characters and beside from that theyre gay as fuck fanfic jpop gackt garbage.
i am now manually remembering that theres a part in the game where my character became so depressed that he turned into a wheelchair retard
just suck the titties cloud theyre right there, you will feel better i promise
There's no way for us to predict. They could do it like Dragon Quest VIII and have no real World Map until you unlock vehicles, and then have the Highwind be a pickup and land anywhere.
I doubt that since they'll want to implement chocobo breeding again but who knows.
A big problem is that a lot of these guys in the game industry are prima donnas. They all want to put over "their version" of things while erasing any contributions from other people who've since left the company. If the choice comes down to recreating a scene from FFVII or it's Crisis Core counterpart, then they're going to pick Crisis Core.
The translation/questionable graphics will be the least of your problems. The music plays incorrectly compared to the original. Especially at key points in the plot later on that completely ruined it for me multiple times.
I heard the Anxious Heart mod fixes the music issue for the PC/Steam version but I'm not entirely sure since I haven't tried it myself.
Emulate it in the mean time until SE gets off their lazy butts to fix the music errors for a 20 year old port. I heard FF9 also has similar music issues but hey at least you don't have HUGE battle menu screens taking up 70% of the screen.
The most likely solution is that they'll do an FFX-like "map" that's not really a map.
>dude there's no way those characters like genesis ect will be in. western sales will account for like 3x japanese sales of this product. nobody knows those characters and beside from that theyre gay as fuck fanfic jpop gackt garbage.
You can say this, but you're still gonna be wrong. As stated I doubt Genesis will personally appear, but likewise I highly doubt they're going to retcon him out of existence. Whether "nobody knows him" or not, the japanese don't handle things that way. Square Enix doesn't even produce for overseas audiences to begin with, sales be damned.
The lifestream did that not depression
He didn't just become depressed, he was literally poisoned.
What I do insist on is that the remake have him only be able to say his own name over and over like Timmy.
pc version, because you can mod in the AI textures. ps1 is fine too if you have a PVM or framemiester.
I mean, you can say that, but Kitase never left. He was the director for VII, the producer for Crisis Core, and he's the producer for the remake.
Rather than putting "his version" anywhere he just approves of updating it.
oh yeah. I guess.
what was even the point of those characters i never played that stuff....they were failed sephiroths or something?
>what was even the point of those characters i never played that stuff....they were failed sephiroths or something?
Project G was a sister project to S. Project S was presenting a large quantity of Jenova cells to a child in utero. Project G was introducing a human to Jenova cells, then introducing that human's cells to another, essentially Jenova exposure with a buffer, because direct Jenova exposure tends to result in insanity (as it did for Gillian [subject G]). Genesis and Angeal are members of Project G, which showed some promise, but had a consequence of cellular degradation as they matured, resulting in a failure to heal wounds and rapid aging followed by mutation. As a result Project G was deemed a failure while Project S was a shining success, as Sephiroth was stronger still with no downsides.
The "point" of them was to give Sephiroth peers and comrades to later be betrayed by, letting him feel human (so long as Genesis and Angeal were around to be his not-quite-equals) and then lose that feeling (when they degraded and betrayed Shinra/died), the isolation of which helped him on the path to insanity.
>what was even the point of those characters
Square tried to pander to fujos.
I mean they still do, but they used to too.
Right. I'm not saying I know what they'll do, just that they can't do a 1:1 adaptation with such a major paradigm shift in how the game functions. They will have to make dramatic changes for it to work. Even things as simple as the sizes of towns and other fields. The Mako reactors felt huge in the original game thanks to scale and perspective tricks but in reality they're only a few screens long. They're going to have to be greatly expanded to work in a Kingdom Hearts style action game. But then you run into a pacing problem. The original game was designed so that you could get through these areas at a comfortable pace before the next story sequence. I'm not saying it can't work just that it can't be the FFVII that we know.
That's why it can't be stated enough that it's a remake, not a rebuild. Totally different from the ground up, just same characters, setting, and story.
i see, at least there is sort of a logical reason for their insertion, but i was always fine with sephiroth just being crazy and not needing some complex backstory for it. he's half alien eldricht nightmare that should be enough
Right but that means it's likely going to be unsatisfying to fans of the original because it's too different but not particularly attractive to zoomers because it'll still feel vaguely "old" since it'll still be the now passe FFVII. It risks not being anyone's favorite, which for what it's going to cost to make is probably terrifying for Square Enix. Remember that they were disappointed that Tomb Raider failed to sell 10 million copies. 10 fucking million! That was the bar!
I have 3 functions ps1s
and a ps2
and a ps3
and a vita
Sephiroth's motivation would have made a lot more sense had they gone with the original plan during development to make him Aeris's brother. It would have given him a more concrete reason to conclude that he was the rightful heir to the planet instead of just being flat out wrong about his origins.
Ridiculous sales expectations like this aren't actually profit margins. TR made its dev budget back many times over.
Shit like that 10 million expected sales comes from completely irresponsible and outright insane promises the management makes to the company's shareholders.
FF7 remake coming out will cause a fan generated hype machine unlike anything you have ever seen
20 million all platforms would be pretty easy
You can say it wasn't necessary but Sephiroth having friends and rivals helped deepen him and make him a bit more than captain megalomania. Humanizing him was hardly bad.
At one point the same was said for The Last Guardian.
The original with the og english translation.
It's not worth it to try to make the game look better.
Some things will look bad initially maybe, but your eyes will get used to it while playing. If you do try to enhance the graphics, some things will be much clearer than others, and make you focus on them too much, which will cause them to look even worse than if you hadn't tampered with it.
nah i don't like that at all. i'm fine with the story.
it ruins the feel of things to try to connect or explain them too much. sometimes things just are.
they could add your element though, and they could reshape project G in the same breath:
>There were others like him, but one by one, his friends disappeared. Without the Cetra cells to temper Jenova's madness, their bodies failed.
yeah by someone who was wrong? I'm right. that would've been a pointless thing to say. FF7 was a cultural phenomenon and a huge turning point for video games. Average people do not have any idea what ico or even SOTC are.
He was already pretty humanized in the original. During the flashback he was aloof but otherwise friendly. That's what made his breakdown so terrifying.
except if the game is utter crap and shits all over the original game's legacy, a possibility I wouldn't dismiss
I'm just saying what was planned. It's not my element. He was actually originally planned to be Aeris's brother. Hell, they even kept the hair similarity after dropping that plot point. But I guess the story was already too established so they had to just force it to work by having him assume he was an Ancient rather than him just being one.
Sephiroth actually being a cetra damages the game's tone of the cetra being a race of wise people who are not given to any form of dominance over the planet. Nothing about his actions would be in harmony with the planet and it would be screaming in his head for him to stop at all hours.
I don't know which story elements were introduced when during the development cycle. Maybe they dropped it specifically for that reason. What IS weird is that Jenova is assumed to be something important by everyone but turns out to be just some random creature that fell out of the sky. I guess something similar was done in Chrono Trigger but even that had the K-T Extinction connection.
What I do think is clever though is how the misunderstanding came to be. Shinra thinks Jenova is an Ancient because their research uncovered all this shit about Jenova and the Ancients. But it turns out that Jenova is the thing that killed the Ancients and was only beaten when they had no choice but to summon Meteor. This falls right in line with everything else in the game; every time the game establishes a traditional RPG cliche it then pulls the rug out from under you and flips it on its head.
>The FF7 remake is just a new FF game
Interesting. In light of XV's botched development, you're right. This is really their attempt at FF XVI with the safety net of VII's assets and name recognition.
>This is really their attempt at FF XVI with the safety net of VII's assets and name recognition.
Does it have a more detailed chibi models or is it one of those mods that replaced the chibi models with the normally proportioned character models?
I mean, if by 'random creature who fell from the sky' you mean a monster that managed to nearly kill the planet by itself
Jenova isn't A creature that fell from the sky, its THE creature. It's the meteor that killed the dinosaurs, only it's also the monster from The Thing, and it took the entire ancient race committing mass suicide to stop it.
The entire actual plot basically hinges on Sephiroth discovering that he can hijack the ancient space demon to use it to become a magical space god and live forever.
someone should make FF7 bad end version
Right but it's such a strange thing narratively speaking. I can't think of many stories that hinge on a macguffin being assumed to have special origins only for the truth to be "it just fell from space one day." The game invests a lot of setup to Jenova being directly related to some story element, be it the Ancients, the planet, something. Then it turns that on it's head and not only is it not related to any of those things, it's an alien of unknown origins that showed up one day and nearly eradicated all those things and now it's been unleashed again.
I actually like that. But it is weird. It's a very rare thing to see in fiction. I guess something not exactly similar but comparable in weirdness is Until Dawn. Where the game leads you to believe there's one kind of danger happening when in reality that was total bunk and the actual danger comes completely out of left field.
Jenova wins and tentacle rapes Tifa and Yuffie?
more like he subjects their soul to infinite sustained tentacle rape as he goes around the galaxy mindfucking and then eating entire civilizations and planets
only to eventually be stopped by the power of Teedus
The event that Sephiroth wins is hard to depict, though. He consumes the whole Lifestream, everyone dies, he ascends to godhood, then makes a new world. What it's like is unimaginable to anyone but the guy who wrote Sephiroth.
You have to mod the PC version to be decent.
PS1 is most comfy since it retains the original shadows, PC version makes them ugly and you can't fix it.
why would he make a new world? I prefer to think of him becoming a world eating horror
If we discount any post-FFVII products then the original game could have been interpreted as a "bad end" if you think the ending means humanity went extinct.
I tend to think of humanity going extinct as a good end
that's how I saw FF7's ending honestly.
That was his stated goal. He wanted to make a new world because he thought he could do better. This world is inadequate for his standards, so he's gonna become a god and make a new one.
Sephiroth's sin is his monumental arrogance, y'know. He's crazy but he's not a loon.
yeah i remember now...he literally says like "i'll make a new world"
oh god it's another game where we're the bad guy and don't realize it until 20+ years later
None, go watch a shonen anime and you get the same results. Pure edgelord drama with the worst cgi ever, it makes The Real Adventure of Jonny Quest look incredible.
people say PC/PS4 for HD or PS1 if you really need the authentic no mouths edition. Xbone and switch have some minor issues.
He's right though, the PS4 version is the best console version you can buy.
this is actually the worst version after the mobile one though.
Why Beetle?
I never really understood the mechanics of his plan. It all hinges on him absorbing the planet's energy and becoming a god but it's never explained how any of that works or what kind of power it would confer. Does he become like a genie and can will stuff into existence? Does he become like the Weapons? Are the Weapons former Sephiroth-like people who actually succeeded in their goal and became "gods"?
Why wouldn't you? RE2 and RE3 offer the same texture mods and look fantastic. As a console pleb im jelly.
Only acceptable mod is New Threat mod which has added features, different AI behavior on normal enemies and bosses, some added story, skipping the boring shit Kalm flashback for instance, materia revamp including ap required, money is an issue now since you wont get your hands on enough stuff ever, stealing is actually useful, status effects are actually needed, Aeris will survive the stabbing
Its like 2 or 3 times harder then normal ff7 but its really rewarding. Those arent all the changes i mentioned btw
hes a being that has amorphous cells that can be configured to do anything, and is absorbing the literal life energy and biomass of an entire planet
you can pretty easily envision that he could turn into a psionic entity capable of god-level telepathy, telekinesis, etc
i dunno what the weapons have to do with it, the fact that they exist at the same time as the lifestream should pretty clearly indicate that they are far lesser beings than what we're talking about
and, you know, all the mouths.
With the energy of the Lifestream he would presumably be able to spawn matter and life into being in accordance with his will. Materia is basically a tiny chunk of solid Lifestream and Magic is channeled through it, so with the whole Lifestream within him and powering him, he basically gets to cast massive super Magic. Creating a planet would probably not be that difficult, and then spawning a population to fill that planet would be similar to what the Lifestream does naturally, just he would do that in accordance with his desires instead of the Planet doing it automatically.
The weapons are just the Planet's defense system, more like giant robots than living creatures.
>most portable: switch
You mean ioS
weapons are just the planet's defense system.
>the ending means humanity went extinct.
Literally how?
Fuck what everyone says about it, play it with the ORIGINAL dub and the Faulconer OST. It's a meme that the Japanese music is better. None of that Kai shit either.
Hojo wins
It hurts how THIS is the best FF in at least 12 years.
christ I'm kekking
I hate that I love PS1 aesthetics as is but I can't not crank up the res and opt for better graphics if given the choice.
with III being a close 2nd
Embrace it
Original on CRT.
There is nothing like the feeling of physically changing the disks
Tifa was the actual love interest in the game.
Anyone what thinks it was Aeris is a brainlet and doesn't understand the plot beyond the surface level.
Aerith is a literal prostitute. I hope you understand what "flower girl" really means.
FFXII was better.
Oh wait that came out 13 years ago.
Sephiroth himself is essentially just dead after cloud fucked him up in nibelheim - he's just frozen in the crystal where you give him black materia. The person you encounter all game is Sephiroth-Jenova hybrid where the consciousness of the body in the crystal merged with jenova. Yes really. Neither purely sephiroth nor purely jenova. One doesn't really control the other, they're a symbiosis. Literally every physical being you fight until safer is just Jenova taking sephiroth's form to fuck with you. To that end, the driving force is that the jenova part of him saying "hey I always just jump from planet to planet after eating life forces lets just do that again." That's it. Simple
>Aerith is a literal prostitute. I hope you understand what "flower girl" really means
Bull shit rumor. There is no evidence it does other than from people talking about FFVII saying that Flower Girl means prostitute.
It's purely Sephiroth though. His will is in absolute command of Jenova.
Jenova doesn't really have a will.
>just Jenova taking sephiroth's form to fuck with you
It's taking Sephiroth's form because that is what Sephiroth commands it to do. Being shaped like Sephiroth lets it
1. stab the fuck out of people (like President Shinra and Aerith)
2. attract Cloud's attention so that he can do Sephiroth's bidding by luring him around to useful locations (like the Temple of the Ancients)
>To that end, the driving force is that the jenova part of him saying "hey I always just jump from planet to planet after eating life forces lets just do that again."
No. He wants to become a god so he can remake the world.
That "move from planet to planet destroying them" motivation only comes in Advent Children, after Sephiroth drives himself insane so he can retain his will and not dissolve into the lifestream.
Sephiroth is dead full stop.
Jenova just took his form and memories. everything you see or fight that looks like Sephiroth is completely Jenova in every circumstance other than the flashbacks.
>Thinking Advent Children or the prequels/sequels are canon
You kids are getting fucked by the translation. Spend a few years learning nip and play the original game.
You're as wrong as it gets, conversely. Sephiroth is the one doing it all.
Why would Jenova even use Sephiroth's form or memories?
Why would Jenova want to become a god or remake the planet? It just wants to spread more Jenova.
Whether they are or aren't is irrelevant, if they aren't then that would just mean "moving from planet to planet" was never a motivation for Sephiroth at all.
>butchers the fucking ost with midi
Nigger I have the japanese script right here, what confusion would you like me to clear up?
PS4 has always on cheats that are a button press away, destroys the game for everyone who isnt "Now that I have two kids I have to spend my time wisely blah blah blah"
I legit had a dude tell me he watched youtube videos at 2x the speed so he could watch more before his kids woke up.
Original PS1 version, with a translation patch if you want. No official English version has a good translation. Use the default PS1 RetroArch emulator for authenticity.
Also every single port based on the PC version is garbage, this includes the PS4 and Switch versions. They are all based on Direct3D rendering from the 90s, which means all the visual effects are broken.
Jenova takes the form of Sephiroth when Cloud and the party and Shinra/Rufus and cronies are around because it's the best way to fuck with them all.
Why would you take anything Jenova says at face value. It's an alien with an alien way of thinking. You think it'd really stand there and explain it's motivations to you, it's just using bits of Sephiroth's memory to fuck with the heads of people.
FF7 is braindead easy, having a cheats button doesnt make much of a difference. the fast foward fuction is pretty good
Well now after reading this im let down after installing it for a simple fucking reason
new threat overwrites any other script mods including the fucking controller fix so your controls dont read as [ASSIST] [SWITCH] [PG UP] ]PG DOWN] [DIRECTION BUTTON]
I bet you want an easy mode in FromSoftware games too you fucking pussy.
Fast forward is good, the "Instantly deal 9999" damage button isnt. I get FF7 isnt that hard, but shit, I at least want to be engaged. Im not playing a visual novel here.
>Jenova takes the form of Sephiroth when Cloud and the party and Shinra/Rufus and cronies are around because it's the best way to fuck with them all.
Why would Jenova want to fuck with them? Now you're making no sense whatsoever.
Sephiroth specifically wants to fuck with Cloud because it's revenge for getting stabbed 5 years prior. But Jenova? No.
>Why would you take anything Jenova says at face value
Jenova never says anything of her own volition in FFVII.. I doubt she even really speaks english or even understands human communications in any meaningful way. Sephiroth makes her speak a single line, "Because you are a puppet", so Cloud hears it in his brain and destabilizes him.
>You think it'd really stand there and explain it's motivations to you, it's just using bits of Sephiroth's memory to fuck with the heads of people.
It has no reason to talk to anyone, much less make up lies about its intentions.
Also, the person I'm "taking at face value" is Dr. Hojo. You know, the guy who says "oh shit it's Sephiroth controlling everything, I didn't even realize until now"?
>Sephiroth specifically wants to fuck with Cloud because it's revenge for getting stabbed 5 years prior.
Sephiroth doesn't even know who Cloud is on the ship from Junon.
>Jenova never says anything of her own volition in FFVII
Yes it does. However all the text boxes are titled Sephiroth because that's the form Jenova is taking.
>It has no reason to talk to anyone, much less make up lies about its intentions.
Except it's specifically stated Jenova does exactly that to the Cetra in the Prof. Gast flashback, odd how it would suddenly change it's behaviour or was Sephiroth controlling it through time too?
>These recurring arguments over where Sephiroth ends and Jenova begins
Isn't it on of FFVIII's charms that this is left a little ambiguous? It's clear to anybody who has played the game that Sephiroth's will/hatred is dominant, but after the revelation of his real identity his goals/personality became defined by Jenova anyway.
I think it's nice that FFVIII left things uncertain enough - through shitty translation or clever/poor storytelling - that we can still nitpick and bicker over it 20+ years later.
>Sephiroth doesn't even know who Cloud is on the ship from Junon.
That's him fucking with Cloud. That is, in fact, the point. Making Cloud doubt his own existence is like.. literally Sephiroth's primary goal in all his interactions with Cloud, except for the ones Black Materia related.
>Yes it does. However all the text boxes are titled Sephiroth because that's the form Jenova is taking.
>Except it's specifically stated Jenova does exactly that to the Cetra in the Prof. Gast flashback, odd how it would suddenly change it's behaviour or was Sephiroth controlling it through time too?
Jenova's mimicry abilities are automated, they're not deliberate or intentional. It's a psychic virus. Whenever Jenova gets near something with a brain, it scans that brain and morphs into something from their past. It isn't deliberately choosing something to morph into.
The morphed Jenova can then converse like a human does, but it's a chinese room/philosophical zombie thing. It's just going through the behaviors it "should" (from the psychic analysis) without internally experiencing them.
I understand not getting this part, FFVII covered it really fucking lightning fast about how Jenova actually behaves when Sephiroth is not manipulating it.
Which one is it then, according to the original nip script?
Is sephirot in control or jenova?
No, there's no ambiguity whatsoever. There's just people who forgot several scenes and never read the Ultimania guide.
Same. I'd honestly rather see Final Fantasy VI get remade in 3D. But, even then... It wouldn't be the same without Sakaguchi, Uematsu etc. on board.
The remake seems like SE is just playing its trump card.
Sephiroth is 100% in control. Jenova was never in control. Jenova is a borderline mindless virus. It has some degree of base, animalistic cunning, but no higher intellect whatsoever. Its only goal is to infect biomatter into more Jenova beings, then Reunite into a greater Jenova amalgam, before wandering off to find more things to infect.
It's better to think of Jenova as a plague than an entity. It's psychic, but not sapient.
>Grab unreal engine, grab fucking unity even, slap four hundred artists on it, and that's basically it.
Retarded and bluepilled
Using the engine /= using the engine's stock assets and effects like some bay area indie freshman.
>Outright stupid
No it isn't you fucking moron. It enhances the experience massively. The original character models are bloody awful.
They certainly are, but a lot of goofy exaggerated animations in the game were designed with them in mind. Replace them with actual people and you have a one-way ticket to the uncanny valley.
Read the Ultimania guide faggot it's 15 years old. Jenova is described as "Vicious, extremely aggressive and cunning. Having no thoughts of creating anything following bringing destruction, it only follows its instincts to incite ruin, utilizing its mimic ability to infect other living organisms with its virus."
Its cunning is that of a wolf, a devious predator, not a reasoned threat.
If you think this looks better of stylized low poly models you should remove your eyes and give them to someone who will use them better
That's not a vaseline filter you tech illiterate dumbass.
That's AI upscaling, something that has proven itself to do a much better job at upscaling textures than any other algorithm.
Play a version that doesnt have those features then? Theres plenty of those around
I'm one of the original weebs who immersed themselves in all available scraps of FFVII lore, and currently playing through the game now.
I say it's ambiguous because while it's Sephiroth who is behind the wheel for the narrative, the person he became was shaped by the realisation of his origins, and his goals from that point on aligned with the instincts of his parasitic virus 'mother.'
As to whether Jenova is a totally mindless blob, Sepheiroth's own attitudes towards her and the Icicle Inn tapes leave that open as far as I'm concerned. Sephiroth expresses a certain reverence and affection for her. She's too 'alien' to neatly describe as a dumb virus monster.
So this basically confirms Jenova = The Thing
Indeed. But watch The Thing and it's apparent that the Thing itself has more than just a predator's cunning. It pilots a spaceship, for one thing, and deceives human beings with relative ease. It has a higher intelligence. So is the same true of Jenova?
That got patched/fixed ages ago
>I say it's ambiguous because while it's Sephiroth who is behind the wheel for the narrative, the person he became was shaped by the realisation of his origins, and his goals from that point on aligned with the instincts of his parasitic virus 'mother.'
They don't. Jenova doesn't want to become a god. If Jenova wanted to consume the Lifestream and remake the planet, why did Jenova ever leave the northern crater where it first touched down? It made a massive wound and the Lifestream gathered there. Why didn't it consume it all and rule the world right fucking then if that was its own idea?
Simple: that was Sephiroth's idea. He came up with it after absorbing the wisdom of the ancients in the Lifestream. Jenova isn't smart enough to do that.
Meanwhile, Jenova's actual goal: spreading more Jenova. It approaches things, infects them, and then Reunites when nothing is left to infect. Why doesn't Sephiroth do this? Sephiroth does absolutely nothing like this throughout the entirety of FFVII, despite how easy it would be to start infecting at total random. Instead, all he does with Jenova fragments is
1. further the "become a god" plan and
2. Reunite into one really big Jenova chunk (Jenova SYNTHESIS), which he flings at the party before they get close enough to actually threaten him. Which honestly seemed like a last resort to me.
Nothing about Sephiroth's and Jenova's goals line up whatsoever until Advent Children, when Sephiroth goes fucking berserk and says "WELL I'M JUST GONNA KILL EVERYTHING BECAUSE I HATE THAT CLOUD GUY".
>to have special origins only for the truth to be "it just fell from space one day."
It is explained that Jenova has done this to countless worlds. What question it leaves is that, is Jenova the only one of it's race.
If you want to see something wired about FF7s story. Check out the connection to 10. And the retarded mess that is.
Why do zoomers want FFVII to become an action game?
No, the original JP release is missing tons of content, superbosses, cutscenes, etc. that were added later.
Post yuffie.
>Nothing about Sephiroth's and Jenova's goals line up whatsoever until Advent Children, when Sephiroth goes fucking berserk and says "WELL I'M JUST GONNA KILL EVERYTHING BECAUSE I HATE THAT CLOUD GUY".
The book says that he kept himself in existance inside the lifestream after Cloud destroyed him by focusing on how much he hates Cloud himself. That how the faggots for AC were born.
To add to this, I'd like to request Yuffie being gang raped since she's a bitch and I hate her for stealing my materia.
Their is that old 3d movie of her being punished for trying to steal Materia.
Yes, I'm aware. FFVII's lore is a rich thing for me, which is why I'm so vehement about it on a cambodian fishing board.
I actually consider it a really nice revelation, to explain why he's so very different in AC. He's the same guy, just gone completely insane from reducing his incredible intellect and will into a single sentence ("HOLY FUCK, I HATE YOU CLOUD") because anything less would have resulted in the usual psychological disintegration.
Do you think he was the first?
>Man to angry to die
Correct answer this early into the thread. Good work user
Literally released a week ago:
That being said, the latest PC version is the most legit way to play, and gives you the most options. Just don't go using those faggy cheats they slapped on the HD version.
I don't usually say this but
The low poly models are really charming.
Why the hell couldn't FFVII remake just adopt FFX combat system but with materia in place of that sphere grid? God it pisses me off so much.
Because Final Fantasy never, ever releases Game 2: the Game again. (Visual updates don't count.)
Final Fantasy ALWAYS changes. FF is a series of continuous, fundamental changes. Each iteration will alter itself.
The ending showed Midgar in ruins, sure, but how does that mean humanity is extinct?
>Why the hell couldn't FFVII remake just adopt FFX combat system but with materia in place of that sphere grid?
Because Square-Enix's execs LITERALLY said it out loud during a recent Q&A session:
Main-line FF will NEVER EVER be turn-based any more.
And ATB so it doesn't put people to sleep.
Although honestly the actual "game" part of the remake (or any FF really) is the least important part.
But Switch version is similar to the ps4 version not mobile.
>Because Square-Enix's execs LITERALLY said it out loud during a recent Q&A session:
got a source?
>Main-line FF will NEVER EVER be turn-based any more.
this bodes bad, hope they get someone competent for the action gameplay for FFXVI
>got a source?
...and many others.
In short, he considers turn-based "obsolete relic" that would not appeal to modern audiences. Even after Persona 5 sold like hotcakes and was one of the best games of 2017, or the fact that their own Bravely Default games were damn well received.
>Final Fantasy ALWAYS changes.
So having the same shit from 15 for this remake counts as change? This series was born being turn based combat. It could easily just be turn based again with materia like how it worked in the original. This is fucking stupid. They are ruining the game making it action.
It's not even using the same engine as XV, dude. Much less is it going to have hotswapping weapons or warp strikes.
>This series was born being turn based combat.
The first three games were turn based, but you seemed to have missed the memo about how every single game changed after that.
the ps1 version with discs/emulator is great
man the ps4 version is shit look at this. accidentally hit r3? lol full hp and limit break. L3? 3x move speed
>Although honestly the actual "game" part of the remake (or any FF really) is the least important part.
This isn't true man. Too many of you guys sleep on how gameplay can be so important that it even effects everything from how the stories of these games function to pacing, world building and everything in between. FFVII wouldn't have even been the game it was if it had action combat like it was Musashi or whatever other games at the time. The game part is equally as important as the story. Just because you don't engage in a turn based or atb game the same way you do an action game is nothing to just sleep on.
Just think of the MGS games and how so much of their wackiness comes from the game mmechanics itself. The same actually does apply to FFVII.
>you're retarded for repeating something you only heard about
FF 1-12 all were either turn based or atb. Only in 12 did they start the whole your characters do not line up to attack deal and even then 12 at least was still atb.
>FF 1-12 all were either turn based or atb.
I imagine you're the type of player to pretend XI doesn't even exist, especially since it intrinsically gets included in "1-12".
>Only in 12 did they start the whole your characters do not line up to attack deal and even then 12 at least was still atb.
By that measure, XIII is an ATB system too, as is X-2 and XIII-2. In this case, XV is the only realtime mainline game so far.
And FF changes itself, so changing to realtime systems is just another change.
Just finished it Tuesday. Easily 8.5/10. Absolutely fantastic. Psst. Pick up your ribbons. I had to get them the hard way.
11 was an MMO though so it actually doesn't technically count.
Doesn't matter. This resistance to change is not something FF has ever respected. You want to buy the same game every time, go play Call of Duty or something.
This and pretty much every motion would look weird in the game. I mean I've played it probably 6-7 times so I might try it one day but I seriously doubt I'd prefer the new models.
>tfw it's pushed tentatively to 2022 in time for the 25th anniversary
PS1/PSP is the way to go for the first time. All the HD versions are the same although you can put some AI filter on bgs on PC that some people think looks good.
>It enhances the experience massively.
You are not "enhancing" shit, you're changing it to some arbitrary measure of quality. At least with the AI filter you're basing yourself off the original backgrounds, of which results may vary. The models just outright change what was a pretty concious aesthetical decision on part of the devs.
>you can put some AI filter on bgs on PC that some people think looks good.
for the millionth time, they are NOT filters.
They are brand new BGs, recreated by AI algorithms. It's like fucking magic, and so far the best way to "remaster" oldass games' 2D art
>The original character models are bloody awful.
Oh, sorry, didn't know. It still bases itself off the original, though; unlike the new "upgraded" models. My opinion on their look is still somewhat the same, it looks pretty nice but some "decisions" made on specific textures are usually a bit iffy. I prefer the pixels.
What are the issues on xbone? I was thinking of getting it.
The same as on the Switch, the cutscenes that bridge into gameplay have a slight "blink" in which the characters just dissapear for a fraction of a second to come back again. It's very very minor.
it literally looks like a hi-res render of 1990's pre-rendered backgrounds and promoshots. WTF are you on?
>PC/PS4 and later have a somewhat "fixed" translation into english
>absolutely no changes made to the arguably worse spanish translation
Never have I cherised S-E's lazyness more. That shit's a treasure.
Eh I can live with that. Thanks anons.
imagine thinking this soulless rendition is better than the soulful original
>just use the PC version of FFVII to port it to every other machine
>don't do so with FFVIII, which already is on Steam
Why? It can't be because they're ashamed of the popular consensus of VIII.
>he kept himself in existance inside the lifestream after Cloud destroyed him by focusing on how much he hates Cloud himself.
"Man literally too angry to die"
No, the PS4/Xbox One version uses the same script as the Steam version, which is a retouched version of the original. A lot of grammar mistakes are corrected and some lines are changed.
For example, "off course!" in the battle arena is fixed, and Cait Sith getting a completely new accent when the second doll shows up is dropped. "Tough Ring" is fixed, etc.
>She was teasing him to make him uncomfortable like a big sis flashing her younger brother
This doesn't happen outside of your little chinese girl cartoons, kiddo.
>Holy deems humanity unworthy and wipes them from existence
I'd say that's a bad end already.
excuse me wtf r u doin
>Jenova doesn't really have a will.
The original Jenova disguised herself as the dead loved ones of the Cetra and convinced them to take her in. Doesn't sound like a mindless creature to me.
It's an automatic thing. Jenova just does that. It doesn't think about it, it doesn't select a disguise, it just passively scans all the brains in its immediate vicinity and shapeshifts according to whatever it picks up.
You can see this in FFVII itself when the Jenova within Cloud is an autopilot and trying to mimic people (and failing).
I thought the sound of children laughing in the end meant that we survived. Midgar’s ruins meant that we decided to leave luxurious, mako gulping life behind to be one with the planet.
Either that, or Holy did wipe us and we live on in the lifestream. Neither one is a bad end really.
Jenova was just mimicking the Cetra behaviour.
>the sound of children laughing
Could be little Nanaki children, he does speak in a presumably human voice.