Why aren't you playing this game Yea Forums?
I've had enough of open world survival games.
Outward is an rpg though.
I am though, i just joined the holy bros expecting to be able to infuse lightning since thats what a different user said and im going spellsword, sword and board but i didn't get the boon spell just the infuse spell which is useless without it after joining. wat do?
Random dude can give you the skill. The one warden at the leyline gives you cool boon. The one selling clothing in levant gives you warm boon
I need the blessed boon and there's not really any wiki information, i already have the cold and decay boon now i need blessed to be a lightning bro and larp as a dark souls paladin.
Bless is in monsoon i think
Bless is from the old guy in the staw hat in Monsoon.
How to earn money quickly?
Those last skills cost way too much.
Farm dungeons. Sell shit. Rince and repeat and once you make your dirst big investment you'll soon have 34 gold bars and about 6 legendary weapons.
Not enough sex appeal.
Does this have online co-op?
mofat in monsoon hes by the player house
Nah, I've played a lot of hentai games for a while now and they have spoiled me. I can't play a game now if it doesn't have the ability to sale your body or rape.
This is an important question.
why do you faggots even come here?, go jerk off to more cartoon nonsense. alot of people play games for fun or a challenge.
believe it or not after your 20s you stop thinking with your dick so much and you'll look back on all the stupid degenerate shit your've done in your youth and be disgusted. atleast you'll never procreate. because the only thing that will ever fuck you is a faggy jap same face body pillow
Yes it does.
That’s the entire appeal of the game, also couch coop on console.
Apparently this game is penned for modding now.
On an interesting note, a person looking at the female textures noticed that they are fully rendered and anatomically correct under their clothing.
I actually do have a kid on the way. I got my wife from central America and I had to rape her to get married. Over there they make a woman get married to a guy that rapes her and impregnates here. Listen, I'm an asshole, but not a loser. When you're in a corner and don't know what to do, you either give up, or force your path, and that's what I did.
I was going to but what I've seen since release has put me off
I might pick it up for a tenner somewhere down the line but for now I've got better stuff to play
I bought it but havnt had the energy i feel like this game needs
also, no friends
its not for me.
So I've done two playthoughs solo and really wanna actually play with someone.
Boring and sucks
Cool. I guess I'll wait for mods and price drop.
It's janky trash
Why are the female models good while the male ones look like early ps2 graphical shit?
Your mother is janky trash but that didn't stop your father from paper bagging her and plowing her hairy gooch. Sometimes jank is acceptable.
I will buy it when it goes on sale.
It's not for you because it gave you an optional multiplayer mode? Retard.
And then you wonder why there aren't more "true RPGs" out there when the niche audience for it is only willing to spend $2.99 on it on a steam sale
The old crazy guy (Mosfet?) gives it for like 50 gold. Thats the same city you got light infuse in.
making spear user
hunter mercenary rogue
What are you guys doing right now in the game? Iv'e pretty much gave up on my single player character as it's more fun with friends and i have other games on my backlog but when my coop partner is available we just finished clearing half of the swamp and we're about 80% done clearing the first area. I'm rolling with scale armor, a dagger for backstab and a bow that debuffs physical resistance with a sexual tyranasaurus axe that can cheese with bleed. While my ADHD friend is going jack of all trades who gives a fuck it's just a game bro build and tanks shit while i do my dps. It's surprising the kind of reactions you get out of normies who don't play real rpgs when you introduce them to something that requires more patience and has more depth.
Fine, I'll pirate it then.
>alot of people play games for fun or a challenge
This game have neither.
what's with this ironic shilling going on
Enjoy being a spiteful faggot without more games like this getting made then
I'm a dev and this is why I don't make games for you anymore. When I do, you don't support it and even when you do, I'm getting pennies on the dollar.
Some people like to talk about vidya other than sekiro, dmc or smash. Also the eric tier anti shill posters are obnoxious autistic cunts, i'm seriously waiting for a webm to be made by he who shall not be named twice cherry picking a bug or glitch that gets reposted for 6 months.
Agreed. You can go fuck yourself if you think I'm gonna lose my house trying to make a niche game that people won't even support.
>Why aren't you playing this game Yea Forums?
Because the combat fucking sucks.
Shields are useless. Weapons swing too slow. And unless you have a hundred stamina potions you can at most fight two things before running out.
Not to mention all the fucking walking there is in the game. And only being able to run 5 meters before your stamina is drained doesn't help.
Time for a different job, faggot. I want the people who make my games to want to make the game whether I play it or not. Make a game you’d want to play or shut the fuck up.
i like the game
but why is the image used always the same and OP always so similar to the last
>And only being able to run 5 meters before your stamina is drained doesn't help.
lol, i bet you dont manage your pack weight
Cos its dev making threads and they don't have copyright to other images.
Because it’s easy to grab off google images it’s probably the first option, unless it really is one guy in which I don’t care I just want to talk about the game.
Or I could make a game made for casual shitters that'll at least pay my mortage
Eat shit.
Found the zoomer
>Shields are useless
They're excellent with high stamina, the skills that iv'e found for it suck ass but combined with a great one handed weapon they're great, if you want to cheese just get a bleed or poison weapon then shield turtle.
>Weapons swing too slow
Maces are slow, 2h weapons are slow, swords and axes are fast
>And unless you have a hundred stamina potions you can at most fight two things before running out
Food, skills, drinking water can all make it so you never run out of stamina
>Not to mention all the fucking walking there is in the game
This is the only honest thing here
You played the game for an hour, didn't do any preparation and walked through the game like it was a mix of skyrim and dark souls and got rekt. refused to learn the game properly and decided to shitpost, i'm fucking psychic i know it.
>$60 for open world survival trash
Because Sekiro is like 9001% times better game. Even in "survival" aspect.
>wants an immersive role playing game
>sleeping,eating and drinking at least once every 72 in game hours is too much for an adventurer
Please neck yourself.
Forza is better than Halo and that's relevant because they both have vehicles in them.
It's barely a survival game and it's $40
>Found the zoomer
Oh, you're one of those people. Please kill yourself.
>They're excellent with high stamina
Ah, so they're just useless for at least the first four hours of the game, then?
>Maces are slow, 2h weapons are slow, swords and axes are fast
I don't know how you came to that conclusion. From the weapons I found, the mace was actually the fastest one.
>Food, skills, drinking water can all make it so you never run out of stamina
I didn't see food regenerating my stamina and water is limited, especially if you're considering traveling far away.
>This is the only honest thing here
The game would be a lot better if you had carts you could hire to move around towns and places.
>You played the game for an hour, didn't do any preparation and walked through the game like it was a mix of skyrim and dark souls and got rekt. refused to learn the game properly and decided to shitpost, i'm fucking psychic i know it.
I played the game for a bit more than four hours. The combat is shit, because it's static as hell. You can't attack and move at the same time, so you're forced to receive damage.
Traps are OP as fuck, though. They do a shitton of damage if you use them correctly. But setting them up is a pain in the ass.
How to even play with 2hander? When I make enemy WHIFF an attack and immediately counterattack with my fastest swing, my recovery is still longer than their next attack (so they hit me before I can block). And they don't stagger like in souls (I know about the bar thing, but how one is supposed to fill it when I cant attack?).
Tbh right now i'm not even being mean or facetious but why post bullshit when you don't know? Shield skills range from bad to ok, the act of blocking is really good because it blocks ALL damage except for magic aoe explosions making fighting multiple enemies without coop possible early game. Literally go pick the first berries from the first bush you see even inside the city, they give you a stamina regen buff ( literally look in your buff menu to see active buffs and maybe read descriptions on items) so good you won't notice your stamina gauge for awhile. Swords are the fastest this is a thing and they're good in that regard because if you get them below 50% poise (impace resistance) they stagger and you can stun lock them while maces do the most stagger that's not always the best option. You're getting hit because you're not learning or being patient, running backwards and around people is better than rolling and takes less stamina, learn their movesets and attack. The traveling in this game does suck but there are items later on that increase your move speed by up to like 30% i think which is a huge difference. Don't @ me again unless you have something else retarded to add.
The time it takes to attack and to block takes too goddamn long. It makes you vulnerable to enemy attacks and therefore pretty much useless.
I guess I didn't really pay much attention to magic, you got me there.
Who the fuck eats berries raw? I always made jam of them and sold them to buy actual food.
And you're not refuting any of my points regarding combat. It's shit. You can ignore all the shittiness and keep fighting low-tier enemies so you think it's actually fun, but hey, you do you.
Rolling is indeed the best thing about the combat. Much better than shields.
And holy crackers! A whole 30%?! That makes it so much better!
Stop defending the shittiest part of a game by ignoring arguments, lad.
>food doesn't give buffs
they do
>i always get hit it's impossible to not trade blows
You can just run around them or block
>maces are actually the fastest lol
they're not
>shields are useless early game
They're good
I literally explained all of that in my previous post, how are you functional as a human being?
can you dual wieldan? is it good?
>Who the fuck eats berries raw?
People who know what they are doing.
You can off hand a chakram for magic or a dagger but can't attack with them, you use skills with them. For example i can have a sword and dagger but i can only use my backstab skill to do 3x damage from behind them and then i can only manually attack with my sword.
>Watch stream
>Melee looks incredibly fucking excruciating
>Don't know if the game is bad or streamers are just stupid as hell
I'm considering picking this up but I'm not sure what the fun way to play would even be.
thanks user
The game is bad. It feels like souls if all enemies were dogs and had poise of Havel.
You are garbage.Spaz
there's couch co-op on pc as well
literally casual filtered. all of those things you complain about are intentional and mitigated by knowing what you're doing.
>fucking walking there
use movement speed gear. you can stack an insane amount of movespeed. the roving merchant outside sells Master Trader gear. also kill pearlbirds because they have a small chance to drop a 20% inc movespeed helm
I was having some issues succeeding with 2H combat, but I found the main culprit was me using a 0.9 speed weapon. Found a 1.1 speed and it made a world of difference.
On top of that, having high impact damage will drain the enemy's stability more. Ideally, you want to drop them below half, to stagger them, and let it regen a bit before hitting them again. You can keep staggering them as long as it regens above half, but if it drains fully they'll get the whole bar back after the knockdown.
Degenerate pilled
>Going to magic mountain to be like a wizzad n' shiet
>Take a wrong turn, end up at summit and barely kill this rock mantis living there
>Find Heroic kingdom entrance
>Start to walk to guy there to start learning
>See a better lantern laying in a literal pile of garbage on the floor
>Pick it up
>Now the guy is trying to murder me with ice
Dammit. did I fuck up? I ran out of there but the dude is still hostile. Would rather go with the heroic kingdom over the other faction, if that matters.
>tfw got pwnd by hyenas
>wake in a cave
>run away
>manage to get lost and run into a huge cave system full of troglodytes
>get lost
>run out of bandages
>somehow find the exit
>manage to limp back to town overencumbered to shit
>lol, guards took your house that you had 100 silver and a fuckload of leather in
can anyone verify if steady arm works with out a shield
Pretty sure that was just some bandit, I just cleared that place out. Left it for later because it seemed like a place you need to come back to later for a specific quest or function like an user warned me about before.
Its ugly as sin
I'm playing Legend of Grimrock 1 and 2
I haven't verified it, but I'm almost positive it applies the bonus whenever you're blocking, no matter what you're blocking with.
I wold only play this game if alternative was soggy biscuit.
I do user, it's comfy jank
No one cares, tripfag. Kill yourself.
Blocking is instant, even if the animation takes a while, as long as you are pressing the block button, it will work.
If you do end up going there, just know there is a puzzle that is a little wonky. If you figure it out and it doesn't work, just spam the lever a few times and I got it to work.
>pirate it
>try it out
>can't even jump in the game
But WHY though
You can buy it back for 300 i believe.
All the paths lead to the same place. You don't have to choose it based on faction
>He has to brute force a simple puzzle
how low iq are you?
Why do you need to spam jump as you run around?
Just swtich from dagger sword to 2h axe. Feels good
>Special attack is a foward 2 hit combo instead of a left or right swing like sword. Good to beat shit up after they stagger
>weapon skill is a big attack that does 2x down on downed enemies
>got an axe with super high blow power and extreme bleeding
>a single monk counter will blow away their entire stability
Because this game is raw trash, not comfy at all. Its 2019, literally not excuse.
Why would you assume that?
I can't see how someone would defend such a decision. Did you like games such as Thiaf and Kingoms of Amalur as well?
I am. Its fun. Just got off because I finished the main questline. Still plenty to do though. I'm debating on whether or not I should start a new playthrough or complete everything possible on one character.
I just chose the one eyed chinese man because all the males look gross and he at least looked like he was supposed to be gross. Some of the women look okay though. Disappointed no beards in creation. But I wear helmets in every game, all the time. So its not a big deal for me. All about that Pathfinder set. Looks great.
If you follow up an A attack with an X attack it doubles as a dodge for a lot of weapons. Allowing for some pretty good combos.
i tried it for a few hours despite laughing at how cheaply sounds were recorded, pretty sure i couldve done better with my 3$ mic, but starting village and surrounding grounds have design worse than some oblivion mode, literally some random houses here and there with thin elevated platform with little support and fucking houses on it that makes zero sense, and empty plains with some paths and rocks straight from early 00s, quests are rare and stupid, first cave is a labyrinth of the same rooms and thus about as fun to navigate as d2 without map (though d2 actually has a fixed camera so scratch that), so i really see no point, it cant even lick the boots of elex let alone gothics, its just a very cheap, very bland game, i have a decent number of decent games at the moment, id only ever consider this in a total draught. pretty much the only thing i liked about the game is that gradient effect on grass near mana mountain and that was cool for about 10 seconds. reminded me of my acid youth.
Are you german?
Not sure what Thiaf is, but I did enjoy Kingdoms of Amalur. Jumping isn't needed and you're a faggot for crying about something like that.
I got robbed and sent to a coal mine, died during my escape from said coal mine. Now I'm stranded on some beach in the middle of no where, naked, with no backpack, no armor, no weapons, no money. What the fuck do I do, am I screwed?
I forced my kids to play this game and they begged me to let them do homework or chores, cos they are more fun than this game.
So you're not only an idiot but also very new, got it.
Can you not actually tell the slaves at vendavel fortress that you killed everyone and they can leave? Dumb bitch thinks I'm a slave when I'm standing there in full armor with corpses behind me.
Because this is another Indie-tier mediocre game with full of kraut shill.
>faggot crying because someone else doesn't spam jump
Shut the fuck up retard and if you're going to talk about games at least spell them correctly so you don't come off as a dumb fuck EU moron mudslime rape victim.
>all this butthurt in one post
>still assuming shit
>going full autismo mode
>not even trying to hide that he's new
Keep this going. You're only making yourself look more retarded.
>if game have jump then he spams jump
What are you, 12? Or its some kind of new obsessive compulsive disorder?
>gets upset over jumping in a game that doesn't need it
>gets upset over someone not caring about jumping in a game that doesn't need it
Retards. Talk about the game or fuck off back to your chink parry garbage.
>can't "sheathe" lexicons
>just running around with an open book at all times
My only complaint so far desu. I'm heading into the marsh. I assume there will be poison. Wish me luck.
>Talk about the game
What do you think we're doing? Or do you mean that people should only praise your shit game and keep any criticism to themselves? Fucking shills.
OP asked why I'm not playing it friend
no im russian why?
gothics are (were) very popular across all of eastern europe
pretty much almost essential boomer core in at least russia and poland.
>Learned all the skills I can
>Full set of the best armor for my character
>Good enough weapon that I don't have trouble killing anything
>30 gold bars rotting in my bag, nothing to spend them on
>no motivation to keep playing this character
>just trudging through the final legs of the main story for lore and so I can use the legacy shit
>one crybaby post about not being able to jump while wearing 200lbs of equipment in a game where jumping doesn't do anything is talking about the game
Wrong, faggot.
Stop posting with a name and trip, newfag.
Anyone know where to get a good weapon, preferably a 2H Axe? I'm still walking around with the Fang Greataxe, which is fine for Chersonese, but I barely damage enemies in the swamp and shit.
I think the magic system is phenomenal even if it's pretty limited. More games need to explore combo systems for magic rather than just "Fireball". I really feel like a mage when I have to prep a wind rune and fire rune in order to amplify the piddly Spark spell into a fiery anus reemer or use the same piddly Spark on the souls of my dead enemies, which I revealed with another spell, to recover mana. I like the rune magic especially despite it only being like 6 combinations, fast casting low cost spells that do nothing on their own but combine for a variety of effects is something I never realized I wanted so much.
Did you kill the black manticore in the forest?
Yeah, kill the black manticore that only appears at night in the west side of the forest. Bring 50 traps if you can barely damage swamp trash and don't get one shot.
Two-handers are proactive weapons. You don't do the block/dodge and retaliate dance that one-handers can do. Run up to them and use Kick. If your weapon speed is 1.1, slap their shit. If it's 1 or slower, dodge and then slap their shit.
If you're using a greatsword, your heavy attack is a fairly quick probing attack that retreats afterward. Use it often, it's a very safe move. It can also knock an enemy's stability below half just by itself a lot of the time. Especially with the rage boon.
If you're using a spear or halberd, the name of the game is outranging and counterpoking.
If you're using a greataxe, combo two heavy attacks together. You'll be doing that the entirety of the game.
>limiting the player's movement options is a good thing
Stop pretending you know what's good for the game. You're literally one faggot who's trying to police this thread into saying only nice things about your shitty game.
I have no idea where to go. The old bitch fucked off to wherever and now I am wondering around getting killed but groups of bandits or other shit. No idea how to advance my character to become stronger so I can take enemies easier.
>press 3 buttons instead of 1
Try harder, shill.
The idea of sacrificing your physical strength and vitality as a trade for ability to cast magic is nice tho.
The most reasonable npcs in this game are either abominations or undead.
>Your ancestor turned away some priests long ago so now you have to pay tens of thousands of gold pieces. Hey, why don't you join us back in jew central?
Literally every monster that's not hostile
>Hey buddy, i've been trying to keep my friends memories here so they won't forget their lives but they scattered me around, if you get them back i'll open that door for ya!
A demon saves you from death and offers you help in your journey, even the fucking liches give you less shit then humans.
Jade Lich offers you a friendly spar.
>Why's the corruption in the pipes? i recycle it so it won't go out of control, the corruption is a natural part in the world. If you bring me god stones i'll make you kickass weapons bro. Here's one of the best mage armors in the game.
Gold lich wants to destroy humanity but he get's a pass
>Dear god don't come here and kill me every week just take some fucking shiny things i'll be good
The game is janky and the combat is shit but I've been having a shitload of fun with it.
The real fun starts when you realize you can stack sigils. Sigil of Air + Ice, lure an enemy into your sigil. Mana ward makes you briefly invincible and triggers a strong icy AoE. Use the invincibility to safely cast conjure which calls down yet another strong lightning AoE. Spark to finish if it's somehow still breathing.
I want people to talk about the game, not make one crybaby post about trivial shit.
>limiting movement
You have yet to actually explain why you need to jump. There is nothing to jump to, jumping doesn't help in combat and the game is built without jumping. You're a literal retard for caring about jumping.
Good setup for dedicated coop? Both going 2h axe and murdering everything in seconds?
Looks like yuropoor jank
M8 I'm making a pastebin just so I can save this
>run away from bandit lieutenant
>mantis shrimp attacks the bandit
>dark turkey joins in and kills both
>turkey is left with a bit of health so decide to take it out
that was cheesy and the loot was pretty good
How's the performance? Looks like a potato game, but you never know with mid-budget stuff.
>trivial shit
More proof that you're just shilling.
>why you need to jump
If you need explanation on that then you're truly braindead and no explanation can change your shit opinion.
Also I'd like to remind you that you were the one who started going apeshit and "crying" when I was just asking calmly why you made false assumptions. Maybe take your medication next time you decide to make your next Outward shill thread.
Fucking patrician right here, these faggots haven't played a game by a true gamer if they disagree.
I had some kind of Jabberwocky monster kill a knight who dropped shield that sells for 60g, lol. Literally vulturing is the best way to play.
How do i free her?
Are you retarded? You can jump IRL don't you? I mean, I understand why white characters can't jump, but why others can't??
It's boring and pointless.
I would rather play actual RPG.
well in souls/nioh there was no real jumping either, why dont you go in one of 10 souls threads up and be a sperg there dude
Based and redpilled.
Oh, thank you, guru, for enlightening me on what is "real" and what is not "real" jumping.
You can fucking jump in dark souls, not in this shit of a game tho.
Still less retarded ideals than "blood tithe".
So I made it to the second are. If I talk with Rissa will it continues main quest and stop me from joining other factions?
Also, why is it that 2h Axe and Polearm are superior melee weapons and the rest is trash?
Absolutely based.
Also reminded me of a greentext story of an user who went to south america and he was able to buy the daughter of the people who owned the bed & breakfast he was staying at he couldn't take her back with him tho :(
Holy Church or whatever its called had a clear indication like "It looks like a very important decision, a turning point" before it fixed my choice (you will prob have to do quest for her before, even). If you are worried, back up your saves.
What is it even about? The trailer doesn't really tell you jack shit.
Its about running in almost empty world for hours. Kind of like DayZ, but dayz is fun, full PVP, keeps you on your toes, and overall good mod. Just as janky and broken tho.
Generic garbage open world game with generic garbage lore and some interesting gameplay mechanics.
Hey I started playing but melee feels really unresponsive any tips, what am i doing wrong?
Stop using melee :^)
Yeah this game is great
Melee is shit
What, melee is shit? I tought this was supposed to be open the world Dark Souls!
What else could I use? I don't have a bow or any arrows and I don't think i could be a ranger class in small caves
Don't listen to them they can't git gud, just get used to the jank, the animation times and learn things movesets. Also learn to abuse impact resistance. Melee is fine.
>just get used to the jank,
I didn't know the devs lurked in this thread;
How about you fix your fucking game
Best axe in the game is found on a demi-boss in Enmerkar Forest, it’s in the two collossal hives to the south east on a green hive lord, it does mostly decay damage, so keep that in mind
Why are you in a thread about a game you clearly don't like telling people lies about melee balance? Fix your fucking self.
>be open the world Dark Souls!
There's a loads of reasons why that isn't true and the devs were retarded to ever say souls like, but to save time I'll just say this, which dark souls did you'd think it'd be like because it does take a lot of design influence from one of them.
Why are people so obsessed with making sure they can get a hard on for whatever medium it is they're getting into. Just go fap to porn. God damn. You are boring and repetitive.
You said it yourself it's jank and instead to just get used to it.
Fuck off you apologist.
>tfw you see "amazing in depth magic system" shilled but its more simple than magic system of 1 character in MOBA game
>following a conversation
>reading comprehension
All this boon faggotry and shitty melee make it hard to enjoy this game, even if you get use to them.
Rune magic look fun, is it better than the spell one?
I got flamethrower and it's kinda shit.
You could add a few heat/cold and food/drink mods to Skyrim and have a better game.
Different user, the melee system is fine, the janky nature of the games melee combat is no different from something like monster hunter, when you input a command you do the full command and there’s no turning back, other than that jam on toast with some water carries you through the early game, other than that krimp nuts + chicken eggs make stamina potions, both are somewhat easy to come across
I don’t understand why fans of the game are pretending the controls aren’t clunky. It’s not like these are the worst controls I’ve ever come across. It’s okay for you fans to admit the controls should be better and still love the game. I don’t know why you WOULDN’T want better controls.
I’m ready to hunt bad ass monsters, craft awesome gear, and team up with friends to do some amazing shit. You don’t need to “defend” the controls of the game. It’s pretty simple to go “eh, yeah they aren’t great but I’ve played much worse and damn if I’m not excited to play this game anyway.”
The mindless defense of these controls is definitely hurting the game here.
These are controls to get used to, and apparently eventually enjoy. But they aren’t intuitive, they aren’t smooth, and they don’t meet modern standards. I don’t want this to be an easy game. But I do think they need to hire somebody for the next game with experience developing smooth control schemes. And no, I’m not wanting this to be a DMC, that’s a different franchise. Nor do I want it to be a Dragons Dogma, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Nioh, Neir, Horizon, Uncharted etc. I just want the controls to make sense.
I feel that's a poor comparison monster hunter isn't the only game where you have to commit to an attack, but in monster hunter if a enemy doesn't get hitstun or move or flinch or show any indication he's been hit, it's because it's a 20ft tall Trex you are fighting, so you don't expect it to give a shit. No to mention the combo variety in monster hunter and the different types of weapons. I'd say this game was more in the vein of dark souls than monster hunter.
no jump button
Calm down you need a certain autism to enjoy this and if you're patient enough to learn the game and specifically git gud at this then it's rewarding, that's it mystery solved.
let it die is the best combat comparison.
>git gud at this
There is very little to gid gud at basic melee. After a few fights with Hyenas they can't even hit me anymore. Their AI is so incredibly basic.
Every enemy in the game is like this.
Just bully the light lich into giving you lunch money every week
why are you obsessed over people wanting a hard on for whatever medium it is they're getting into? Why do you care?
Bro, just take the holy mission path, there will be a paladin who literally holds your hand throughout the level
Gather up a fuck ton of Iron scraps, bandages and life potions, go to Vendavel Fortress, talk to Crook and get yourself captured. Then pick up your shit (it's really easy to get to and they don't care that you walk around fully armored) and sell all that shit to the medic and the slave. Life potions sell for 15 silver each in there and bandages and iron scraps for 5 silver.
Just wait like the mayor asked dummy
Great you killed literally the first enemy you fight in the game and now you're an expert. There's enough variety, movesets and challenge to keep it interesting throughout the game if you're not an adhd gotta go fast action tard.
And in real life if you take a long sword to a dude in gambison with more experience than you he will shrug it off and just stab you with his knife where you equally don’t flinch, the solution is one or both parties brining a club or mace and knocking the other guy off his feet, which the game reflects through gameplay, in monster hunter you can swing a gargantuan axe at a smaller herbivore and still not flinch it at all, the comparison is on point with one being hardcore fantasy and the other one being more in the vein of “realistic”
Of course the drawback of a high impact mace is clumsiness at first, but learn the combos and you can be beating the shit out of people wholesale.
What's the max capacity for a bag?
combat sucks balls.
it's boring as shit to fight things I didn't even die before I refunded.
And white birds, trolodytes, lightning shrimp, some wendigo looking motherfucker. They all have the same basic routine. The only thing that behaved somewhat differently were human enemies (rolling away).
>b-but it gets better later I promise
you don't have what the fuck you are talking about if someone stabs you a sharp sword its likely going through your gambison, but let's say your autism is accurate, the game doesn't record player skill because it has no personal progression, so the enemies don't flinch because the player is inexperienced and he'll be in experienced for the entire game because he literally can't progress thats retarded, also the game doesn't let you aim for weak points in armor like the neck or the joints because it's literally not that complex.
> the solution is one or both parties brining a club or mace and knocking the other guy off his feet, which the game reflects through gameplay,
or you could just thrust through the gambison or aim in the gaps of protection like literally everyone else did,
>which the game reflects through gameplay
People weren't taking spear stabs in real life and still being able to swing their weapon, if you get fatally stabbed you aren't going to be able to get a hit trade off, real life doesn't have a life meter or a posture bar.
>in monster hunter you can swing a gargantuan axe at a smaller herbivore and still not flinch it at all
and this is where I can tell you've never played a monster hunter game
>hardcore fantasy
The only hardcore fantasy here is that outward has an even comparable combat system to how good monster hunter is or that outward isn't a clumsy mess that needs a lot more develop time. Next you'l say how sekiro is a bad game and how outward totally got posture right.
So the best bag is still the one from the bandit camp then? That's disappointing.
>Why aren't you playing this game Yea Forums?
Because I'm bad it
What's wrong with the combat?
>in monster hunter you can swing a gargantuan axe at a smaller herbivore and still not flinch it at all
That's a straight up lie mate, the problem with the combat is this game is monsters ignore your hits unless you wail them down, that goes for the player too, sometime i didn't even realized i got hit.
You do progress and get more damage through skills you learn, you likewise get tankier with hp buffs if you take them, and eventually, get this, you roll lower level mobs in one hit if you’re not fucking terrible at the game, you can do this all without using any skills and without using any magic or anything else related to ranged or traps, you thrust at someone in gambison the damage will be fatal, later not in that moment where he can still attack back inspite of having a sword in his guts, but if you clobber them off their feet with a mace you get better results, eh? Also hitting a herbivore in 4 ultimate in the leg with a fully charged axe hit and it standing up and running away unimpeded is the exact same shit here, except you like one game and not the other.
How do i get to the desert through the swamp? I cleared out the spire of light
2 players only
Splitscreen or online.
You talked about someone with less experience using a sword swing on someone with more experience and how it would be ineffectual so I pointed out, outward has no progression points, how you swing the sword when you leave the village is the same way you swing the sword when you killed 1000 monsters, it's not like gothic where your form changes with the skill because outward hasn't go personal progression markers. It's got higher quality weapons and potion buffs, you don't become better at swinging swords your damage numbers go up. tldr I was calling your metaphor shit because it can't apply to how outward works.
>you thrust at someone in gambison the damage will be fatal, later not in that moment where he can still attack back in spite of having a sword in his guts
No you compared it to real life, so i was telling you in real life if someone stabs you in the chest with a spear you'll have a very hard time finishing swinging a sword or axe. hit trades happen so often in outward because enemies can't feel pain and don't flinch like normal people would no because of their gear like if someone's wearing heavy armor he can shrug off sword attacks that makes sense or weight, but chumps in light armor and robes can also shrug off attacks because it's dictated by posture.
>the leg with a fully charged axe hit and it standing up and running away unimpeded is the exact same shit here,
several games you can knock down enemies and they won't be crippled for life, you ever think that maybe because it's a dinosaur and not some bandit wearing light armor you didn't cleave it into. Monster hunters stagger system is 1000x better than outwards and makes sense due to the monsters sizes, it also doesn't punish you for knocking down a monster because that's the point, because you can't hitstun the big creatures you are meant to knock them down into vulnerable states and capitalize unlike outward. Yeah I like a good combat system, dislike the bad ones.
Running around while reading is aesthetic as fuck.
Enemies have attacks faster than your swing, even if you bait them to whiff they will get you in the middle of the attack with their second attack, cos they are not histunned.
I meant the forest
OMG dev shill is real. They can't take it their game is janky broken mess.
Who do you think keeps creating these threads
>the door system is too well made to be a glitch
holy shit lmao
>hitting someone with a dulled sword and likely chipped or blunted tip means they should immediately flinch and get knocked out of their stance, hitting someone with a spear jab from a troglodyte or fishing spear ought to break their swing when they’re using better padded armor
>hitting a tyronasaurus for 15-20 minutes with a super janky and unintuitive combat system that features potion buffs and cooking is okay, but a combat system wherein you fight a manticore for a slightly less lengthy amount of time is okay
>I only played 1/6th of the game hurrr look at me morty!
if the first 1/6th of your game is shit why should I keep playing
You should at least know what you're shitting on before you shit on it.
>It's all shit
>not this part
>w-well i didn't get that far so it doesn't count
>t. developer of shitward
I know nothing about this game but am slightly interested. Sell it to me bros what's the pitch
Do you shit on your toilet or you climb inside the pipe whole way to the sewers to make sure you know "what you are shitting on"?
Im playing the Division 2 instead, its not a great game but it passes time plus the gunplay is alright. I was interested in Outward but launch day unity games are disgustingly awful nothanks.
Same I've seen these threads quit a bit on Yea Forums, someone shill me the game.
eurojank, discount dark souls type combat with minor survival and crafting elements
some think it's extremely comfy, some just think it's extremely infuriating
Outward players confirmed for alpha sociopaths
Playing Divinity 2 with the gf. Will play Outward with the gf afterwards. Hopefully by then it' will be superpatched and run smooth.
It runs just fine. It's the animations, sound effects and responsiveness that are way too barebones for the type of combat this game attempts to do.
>survival indieshit with le dark souls xDD combat
I don't know, it's expensive. I pirated it and played a bit, seems equal parts asset flip and genius RPG. It's inconsistent and I'm not willing, at this point, to shell out 40$ for inconsistency.
>thinking user is bullshiting
>google it
>find the "Marry-your-rapist law"
how much would you pay for it
>pay for it
They should pay people to alphatest their mess instead
Wtf, not even 50 shekels as God told us in Deuteronomy 22:23-29? Damn heretics.
maybe if it didnt stutter every second, ill wait
get a computer thats not from 2004
Anyone have screenshot of refrigerator backpack? Or the reinforced backpack?
>tfw still don't know which faction to join
God damn it, I fucking hate that they basically tell you fucking nothing about the factions until you join them. Can someone tell me what benefits each faction has? Aside from the Blue Chamber faggots, I won't join those no matter what.
The best part is dying and spawning in the middle of fucking nowhere with even harder enemies. I am not even joking.
Why do you care that he cares?
Can you team up with randoms?
>run to berg
>go from enmerforset to swamp to get to Monsoon
>that road is blocked by huge power field
>tries to kill fire-elemental-robot things with lazer guns and dies
>teleported to Monsoon
Like a boss.
yes but they can loot all your shit
I'm trying my hardest to enjoy this game, but boy does it have arduous mechanics.
>Have to do a long-winded quest line to unlock your stash
>Said stash isn't even interconnected
>Currency has weight
>Enemies have an almost instant guard recovery
>Currency has weight
Buy gold ingots. Those weigh much much less.