Haven't played WoW in almost 10 years

>Haven't played WoW in almost 10 years
>Visit Goldshire
>Jack off furiously to being a public Draenei titfuck slut and friend over 30 people

What the FUCK did Blizzard do?!

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God I wish I could titfuck a Draenei

Based and redpilled

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could you share a chatlog? I really don't understand how people can spend so much time "text fucking"

You suck one guy, you fuck another, you get spitroasted, someone farts on your face and makes you lick their cum from the floor, you masturbate, repeat again?


Wow those tits are almost as big as my mom's.

they ran out of gameplay years ago so thats all that is left

it's the unique thrill of another living breathing degenerate reciprocating your own lewdness that no porn can replicate
I assume, I actually don't ERP

can i titfuck your mom please?

post more pics like that in higer res pleaseee

Sure, as long as she sucks me off while she does you

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I do this, but on Second Life, so guys can actually fuck my tits and cum on them and my face.

I want to cuddle with draenei girl.

I legit want to titfuck anons between my Lightforged tits

I do it on tera because
>no sub needed
>independent of my battle.net
>can be a loli cat girl
>decent graphics
>HUGE erp scene
>cuter outfits
WoW's rp addons are pretty good though.
Also, tera erp community is into some weird shit at it's most basic level.

They gave you a quality RP experience the likes of which you've never seen. If it twitched, Blizzard deserves your thanks.

A lot of the people that actually enjoy doing it see it as equal parts creative and erotic
That's the tiny minority of people that actually plan shit out to some extent and write proper paragraphs instead of just *puts it in u*

I-If what twitched, user?/spoiler]

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*Puts it in*

I've never met a lazy, uncreative ERPer. Anecdotal, but truth.

see this is what turns me off of ERP. no matter how hot the situation you've managed to construct is, at the end of the day you're still just typing to some fat dude on the other end. is there some secret to suspending disbelief to achieve that enlightened state of RP immersion to the point where this doesn't bother you? because this is a complete brick wall for me, and i'm as degenerate as they get.

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Well, user, the fact of the matter is that the fat overweight neckbeard ERPer stereotype is highly exaggerated. Most ERPers are non-passable/closeted trapfags. People in /trash/'s ERP threads for example had pictures leaked of each other, and the majority were faggy looking teens.

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i wanna titfuck a slut!!!!!!!!!!

then go to goldshire dumdum


i was in a guild with a bunch of women and some traps. The women were usually male BE so it seemed weird. I think I was the only straight guy in that guild and I honestly didnt know how to feel about it

did you titfuck any of them?

Post her.

>Draenei females will never be real
>Night Elf females will never be real
>Human females will never be real
>Gnome females will never be real

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No, i cant really get hard for erp despite my love for orc x elf

>Orc x Elf
Have you renewed your BLACKED subscription user?

>>Human females will never be real

This one hurts the most.

>tfw no draenei mommy gf

>>HUGE erp scene

...go on.

What turns me away from ERP in WoW is a lot of people are just really fucking bad at it. Like yeah I get it you’re a horny motherfucker but you need to at least ATTEMPT to look like you give a shit about what you’re writing

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>good in the act
>decent at ending
>have no idea how to approach most characters
how do i do it, bros?

Why don't you just write fapfics in that case?

shut up belf boi

He's probably talking about a few years ago. TERA's ERP scene is pretty dead these days, sadly.

ERP is just two people writing a fapfic together though

Usually 5-10 minutes to write up a few paragraphs, give or take depending on what I'm working with, toss in people being inattentive/other shit coming up, a small, dedicated session with lots of small little details can take 5-6 hours. Though there's plenty of dry spots inbetween, Goblins don't seem very popular.

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