Classic Vanilla WoW is coming

Classic Vanilla WoW is coming

We're going home

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Will it be good or will it be grindy cancer?

It will be dated by 15 years.

Any recommended MMO's I should mindlessly spend hours on to prep for classic?

poe isn't an mmo, retard

Thank god, someone downloaded my pic because I'd deleted it.

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It's not but it's incredibly close and captures many MMO players.

There hasn't been a good MMO since then so that sounds like a good thing

Both Elder Scrolls and FFXIV are far from dead, I'm really not sure about GW2, lineage 3 isn't even out in Korea, BDO and Tera just got a console release like a few months ago, Poe isn't even an mmo. If you're trying to portray dead mmos you might as well show crap like Tabula Rasa, Age of Connan, WAR, EQ2, Age of Wushu, etc.

I found a ring in there last night.

>ESO on the floor
you wish

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now that's a logo I never thought I'd see again
fucking dumbasses and their horrible exp distribution

what ps2 game is that

you dont remember how ps2 games look isnt?

GW2 is dead given that Arenanet just laid off an assload of employees.

third most played mmo in the market is dead
sure user

Let me illuminate what this dishonest screenshot is really showing. This is not a vibrant community.
This is a Dark Anchor farming group. It's a large group of random players that run in circles (from teleporter to teleporter, between dark anchors in the same zone). The "x" in chat is to get an invite to the swarm. They are swarming monsters that slowly spawn at them, literally just trying to be in attendance to get credit for killing the boss that goes down in a few seconds. Then they get to loot a chest which has some low-tier drops with some chances for a few good things. It's not outstanding, it's just steady income.
It is utterly unchallengeing, and extremely repetitive.

Funny enough this is exactly how "World" PvP is done. Players run in a huge ball from point to point on a circle and hope to overwhelm the other side. "World" PvP obviously has a little bit of challenge inherent to it, but it's still extremely dull and repetitive.
What they CALL Battlegrounds are a trash blend of the atrocity that is Guild Wars structured PvP and WoW Arena, but in a TvTvT format with extremely poorly designed maps. These """"""battlegrounds""""""" are absolutely nothing like the glorious WoW battlegrounds with just the right amount of players and map space, and actual objectives that require splitting and teamwork.

Elder Scrolls Online is pathetic. I regret having stuck it out hoping that it would redeem itself. What squandered potential.

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How many more months I need it fucking NOW

People don't really "play" Guild Wars, they more log into it. The game has nothing going on. Everything is easy and you quickly hit the very endgame where you just farm materials to make "legendary" items.
The most content in the game is in leveling and zone exploration.
PvP is formatted like trash and has very bad balance. Compensated only in that you can reroll a character and instantly compete with identical gear. But that doesn't help because it's just a bunch of meta hopping.

I guess it's like a literal theme park. But it's Disney World-tier. The whole artistic direction of the game is in Uncanny Valley, especially the races. They made some unique fantasy races but they have such weird proportions and armor modeling the "fashion endgame" ends up being mostly humans because everyone else has stretched textures. It's strange, the whole game feels off.

still is the third most played mmo.
not because you dont like something is means is dead

I liked Lineage II

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Is a zombie alive?

god damn

>dragon nest
fuck don't remind me

Ff14 is doing well tho

And hopefully you normies stay there.

>This is a Dark Anchor farming group
This looks exactly like RIFT and FFXIV's open world 'content'.

You do realize that you can never go home again?

>Asheron's Call, DAoC, and Everquest didn't even make the picture

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>This looks exactly like RIFT and FFXIV's open world 'content'.
To be fair rift had really good openworld content for its time but devs went full retard and tried to become a generic wow clone instead of expanding on the openworld.

Booo! Get new material!

I mean at least RIFT had cross faction conflict. I fucking despise how FFXIV completely lacks PVP outside of shitty, dumbed down arenas.

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RIFT's problem is that it went F2P, didn't bring out new content and instead opted to design new overpowered talent trees and lock them behind pay walls. Only so many people are gonna chow down on that dick.

MGS3 looked a generation ahead of whatever that is

fftrannies seething

It's true, though. You'll never get that sensation you got from your first time. You know everything and everyone. All it will be is your new comfort zone where you can be safe and secure from everything that might frighten you.

anybody else forming worldpvp guilds? me and my old wow friends are all coming back just for some glorious world pvp. Starting right away too, we'll be ganking the piss out of people the moment we get to contested zones

That was when trion just gave up and turned all their games into p2w garbage, they killed archeage too which was one of my favorite MMOs in alpha/beta.

That's the difference between classic and retail, catakid. Nuwow isn't fun even when it's your first time playing it, classic was awesome even though you literally spent all your free time in a week looking for boar ass. The game should have ended after Lich King and it would have been almost perfect as a 3 act arc progression from absolute nobody to legend

Played WoW from Vanilla too, dumbshit. Tried going back to it with the old private servers and realized just how much of the old material was mindless grinding, struggling to reach the end content, and how unviable most of the classes and specs were.

>end game
the problem is your mentality

Sorry, Charlie, for the most part the journey wasn't very fun.

>struggling to reach the end content
Yeah that's where you fucked up catakid. The endgame was reserved for nolife autists, and that was a good thing. He got to be proud of unironically devoting his real world life to doing shit you could not do because he earned it, meanwhile shitters like you bitched until they ruined the game entirely

Reminder that her life was ruined because of this image. The Twitter mob was not kind to her.

where's Planetside II?
Also what's the story of this pic?

>why are you trying to get to the end of this video game, you retarded goobafooba?! everyone knows that only loser dosers get to the end of games1 ha ha you silly billy willy!
>and you're still a catakind because I love saying that word, tee hee hee!
So all the cool kids hung around Goldshire ERPing while all those square actually played the game, got it.

BLM protest that a white women walked through while laughing. She was then doxxed and harassed relentlessly by twitter activists.

I'm going to guess it was a black lives matter protest or something and ugly feminist types decided the pretty white girl wasn't displaying adequate enough penance.

What exactly is happening in that picture? Source?

>>why are you trying to get to the end of this video game, you retarded goobafooba?
This but unironically.
>everyone knows that only loser dosers get to the end of games
And I'll double down on that considering it's WoW.
>So all the cool kids hung around RPing while actually played the game
Fixed it for you, yes that is 100% correct. WoW was a game of community, sorry you didn't have any friends, faggot

the whole point of multiplayer originally was that you interacted with other people
nowadays that's esrb rated and frowned upon though

Me to, it has lolis the hottest dark elves ever and the cutest white elves

classic wow will be great, but we can never go home again.

A bunch of self important niggers thought that by ruining everyone's day, normal people might give a shit about whatever they're bitching about. Normal people proceed to gleefully skip through them unabated, inspired in fact by the fact they've got better shit to do. One is photgraphed doing this, and receives the full impotent rage of everyone who's ever taken it personally when someone ignored them

OF course it will be grindy cancer. Horrible drop rates. From questing to gold to rep grind it's all one very massive time sink. A few guides and addons will speed things up but you'll spend 80% of your time walking without a mount.

You sound very white. And no, that isn't a compliment.

Be thankful that you'll never have to worry about your literal children being killed by white police officers because "they looked dangerous" aka they were black and then the murderer receives no punishment.

my dad has never committed a crime, I have never committed a crime, and my children will have the natural sense to not commit a crime

Neither did Trayvon Martin or Philando Castile. That didn't matter, they were still murdered.

wow classic private server

Trayvon literally attacked someone in a preemptive strike, that was breaking a law. He proceeded pummel this innocent nearly to death before he was put down like the feral ape he was. That's another crime he was committing. Do you niggers think that it's not breaking the law if it doesn't happen to you or something? Castille was breaking laws, too, then he resisted arrest like an idiot.

When I log in FFXIV my server is always full and I have to queu. It's far from dead.

>Actually seriously responding to such obvious bait
What a fucking retard lmao

Trayvon defended himself against an armed nutjob murderer who was stalking him at night. Any reasonable person would have done the same thing, and a white person would not have been shot and killed for doing so.

As for Castile, you really think he deserves to die for "resisting arrest"? Do you think the same thing for whites who resist arrest? I doubt it.

>An Easy Mode Has Never Ruined A Game
>look at current WoW
Fuck casuals and fuck journies

Aren't current raids notoriously harder than anything that has come before?

How the fuck is this the player's fault you deluded fuck? Blizzard screwed the game up all by themselves because Blizzard knows fuckall about balancing.

Nah, I can just enjoy their castrated version on lfr LOL

I refuse to let such niggatry stand. Break the fucking law and you will be punished for it, either by your fellow civilians if you force their hand, or the police if you're dedicated but not dangerous. I don't give a fuck if it's futile. The day I see such blatant lies go by without anyone calling them I'll know it's time to head to 8ch
Literally just don't resist arrest, dumb fuck. You want to know why you've never heard about someone white having all the air forced out of their lungs during a pin? It's because white people don't have to be pinned to the ground like dogs during an arrest

Literally impossible considering there were several raids that were also literally impossible to finish, no matter how good you were

There are fights in Dazar'alor LFR with more mechanics and skill checks than 90% of vanilla WoW's "hard" bosses.

The endless whine to make the game more accessible and blizzard slowed carved in at every request, if you want a recent example there's that moment when they pulled a 180° in WoD after they said there would never be flying in draenor, then after a few hundreds forums posts from players they added it like 3 months later.

That's called being broken. If it's literally mathematically impossible to win then it's not a matter of difficulty, it's a matter of functionality.

>muh more mechanics and skill checks
user, did you even read my post? Casuals ruined the game so fucking hard, there is no reason to socialize nor give a fuck about WoW's endgame anymore. There is no reason to be in a fucking guild anymore.

You find me a more notoriously difficult enemy than an unkillable eyeball that calls you a huge piece of shit the whole time you're fighting him

Well, there were some fights that were impossible because they were tuned incorrectly like prenerf C'Thun and Ouro. The real difficulty in Vanilla came with the fact that people had terrible connections, bad graphics cards, and many of the top end fights required split second timing and near perfect execution.
Kel'Thuzad would be a 5th boss (out of 8 or 9) at best in current WoW with his mechanics. It's just that if you didn't have THE BEST gear in the game the math didn't work out. Patchwerk and Loatheb were tuned with a spreadsheet. Thaddius was a nightmare because if a single person (out of 40) lagged, it was a wipe.
And I'm not sure there has been or ever will be another fight that requires more coordination than the Four Horsemen. The 40 person intricate dance that had to be flawless was nuts. My vanilla guild only downed them a few times before our guild leader /gdisbanded over his e-whore girlfriend. We never got the math right on Sapphiron with frost resist gear vs regular gear.

XIVfag here, I hope you lads enjoy classic a ton. I've spoken to lots of wowfugees who have told me about the absolute state of WoW, so I'm happy you finally get to go home.

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How do women manage to ruin everything? Seriously it's like a reverse midas touch, they actually manage to destroy everything that is good.

It's not just boss mechanics, class mechanics were easy to play but hard to master, the difference between an hunter that lands almost all of his auto shots vs one that doesn't give a shit about it by shoot-stepping is insane in the overall DPS, the spell de-ranking when necessary, focusing on a support role rather than damage (mage decursing in MC for example), preparing for the raids with all the possible consumables and much more, there's a large skill difference between a random casual and hardcore raiders in vanilla and there's many shades of grey in between them too.

Thanks FFriendo, good luck with your future content too.

Kel'thuzad was less difficult than heroic Conclave in Antorus. They both even have the same gimmick of only wiping you with RNG.

That's an issue with nu-wow, they made raids harder and harder because people got used to the general mechanics of raiding while simultaneously dumbing the FUCK out of everything else and releasing a nobrain version of every single encounter, making 90% of the game boring as shit in the process and killing all sense of discovery and adventure. It's as if they tried catering to everyone, but that's impossible and a recipe for failure.

I can't wait for classic to fucking tank and you cringey "going home" cunts get taught "you thought you did but you didn't".

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And I can't wait to get my hands on it to finally get at least a few months of adventure kino.

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Best race for Warlock? Not playing a Gnome btw

I can't wait til you see people having fun with wow and you finally kill yourself.

Thanks lad but your game sucks cats balls. Cheers!

Undead for animations, orc for stun resist.

I don't even know how you come to this conclusion given the state of live right now. It's already more popular than bfa

I mean, lets be real, even if you don't want it to be a compliment it kind of is.

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>Implying it won't just fix the rose colored nostalgia goggles people are wearing
>old good, back in my day


Thanks bro. Hope Chadowbringers will be enjoyable for (you).

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I wish this would come out already so the Vladimirs and Pajeets would get some time off from the 24/7 shilling.

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I'm looking forward to playing classic between FFXIV patches

Rank 4 Healing Touch was my bread and butter for so long. I could spam it nonstop. Patchwerk was so boring but I drilled that Rank4HT button on the tanks nonstop.

Ultima Online just keeps on trucking.

>tfw lag fucks with the timing of your pre-pull heal cast
I'm glad we'll get to play on real servers again.

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This is the real reason why WoW classic was fun. It felt a little like DnD. In classic, you take a 20 minute break while the mage gets everyone fed, someone lights a fire while the paladin finds a cozy spot to watch the door and the shaman [s]does nothing just like fucking always goddamnit[/s], you spend some time going over the tactics of it all and get to bond with your party some because that one dude accidentally the fight too early and everyone fucking died so you have to redo it all over ago. The game just isn't like that any more.

>implying I've got 8 hours a day to waste

>look mommy I've got REAL friends here

WoW is, mechanically, almost the same game it was back then
The difference is the playerbase and exposure
the thing that made it great was that it was new and that people were having fun

>WoW is, mechanically, almost the same game it was back then
That's the best b8 I've seen in a long time, I can't wait to use it tomorrow

i do and need dqx asap

What happened to her?

literally who:
reddit: omigawdhowdareshe

reminder that FF is not only the most popular MMO, it requires the highest amount of skill out of the big 3. plus, we don't have trannies like ESO and WoW do.

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